Park Ki Joon

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 4

 Park Ki Joon


The day of meeting Ki Joon, and bringing him home finally came. You woke up the next morning, and you felt really tired, and sleepy. You didn’t get enough sleep last night, and you remembered what had happened.

You went down to get something to eat, and got scared, when you saw a light flash through the window in the living room. You groaned embarrassed, because you even clung onto Yongguk.

Oh, my dear God, I can’t face that man now. You groaned, and fell back into your bed, writhed like a dying fish.

Your phone suddenly buzzed, because you received a text message. You quickly reached out for your phone, and opened the message.

Tae: Good morning, beauty. Tell me how is goes today with the little boy (:

You read the message, and grinned as you replied back.

I will let you know everything, work hard today!

Your phone buzzed quicker, as the reply came back faster, and you opened the message.

Taec: I will!

You laughed, and finally slid out of your bed, and yawned. You slowly opened your door, and looked out into the hallway, inspecting the place, to see if Yongguk was there or not.

But you couldn’t hear anything, and you slowly walked out. You stood still in the middle of the hallway for a moment. You tried to listen for any sounds, but the place was quiet, and free.

Where is Yongguk?

You were getting ready, when your phone suddenly rang, and you read the name of the caller-id on your phone.

‘Arrogant Jerk’

You had saved Yongguk’s name as ‘Arrogant Jerk’ in your contact list, because that’s how he’s been treating you ever since you first met him.

He only cared about himself or that’s how you saw it, because he hadn’t really been kind to you at all.

You snickered, when you saw the caller’s name pop up on your touch screen. “Why is the jerk calling me?”

You wondered why he was calling you, he usually sends a text message, when he has something to say.

It was probably something related to Ki Joon, because he wouldn’t call just to talk, and you finally picked up the phone.

“I’ll meet you at the firm. I’m at work right now, and I called a driver to pick you up.” He said, nonchalantly.

You were silent for a while as you processed his words. Yongguk had actually called for a driver to pick you up.

This was not like him. Maybe he only did it, because he had to make sure you would be there on time. You made a face at the latter thought.

“Alright.. Thank you.” You said, and waited for him to speak.

“Good bye, Kwon.” He said coldly, and he hung up the call before you could reply. You stared off, and blinked your eyes a few times.

Was that all?

You made faces at your screen after he hung up, he was probably moody, because of what that happened last night.

Why does he always have to be so curt, cold, and short in his sentences?

You tossed your phone on your bed, groaned, and quickly did the last retouch. The black knee-length dress really showed off your slim waist and figure.

You wondered if you should wear this dress or not, whether it was too fancy. You decided to, because you didn’t have time to pick out another outfit, and besides it was a big day today. You could dress up a bit.

You were back to the office room, where you first met Yongguk, and when you discovered the error in the adoption files.

A shudder ran down your spine, when you remembered how your gazes locked with the cold stranger, how he tried to persuade you into giving up on the adoption. It had been more than a week ago.

The error that made you and Yongguk the parents, guardian of Ki Joon, and you shuddered at the thought.

It was finally happening, you had mixed feelings- excitement, nervousness, and you felt really emotional, but overall so happy. You couldn’t wait.


A few minutes later, Yongguk arrived. You glanced at him, and quickly looked away. None of you greeted each other, and he just sat down on the seat beside you silently, like a stranger, like the first time you met.

Somehow you had the urge to ask him if he was just as nervous as you were. You really wanted to talk with someone about it right now, someone who knew how you felt. But you couldn’t, and you pushed the thoughts away.

Yongguk probably didn’t even think about how you felt. He was probably calm, and cool too. He definitely looked calm, and collected. He sat still, and his eyes were dark, like always.

Moments went by with awkward silence, and you just wanted to say something, wanted to break the silence, but refrained.

Even though, you were both silent, you could sense the tension. Yongguk was looking at his phone, you played with your bag’s strap, and suddenly yawned out loud. It made him instantly look at you.

“Don’t fall asleep Kwon.” He ordered with his deep, and powerful voice.

You tilted your face towards him, and looked into his sharp, and dark eyes. You shot him daggers with your hard gaze, but he was immovable, and stiff like a brick. He surely looked hard like bricks too.

“I’m fully awake.” You said sternly.

Suddenly, a low chuckled came from him, and you rolled your eyes at him.

“As I remember, you didn’t sleep well last night.” He said, suddenly, and your eyes widened slightly involuntarily.

You really didn’t want to be reminded of what had happened last night, because it was so embarrassing to you. Now he was mocking you with it. You wanted to strangle him.

“I got the sleep I needed.” You said in a calm, and collected tone, clearly lying to him.

The whole night was bad. You woke up multiple times, thinking that you had overslept and missed the meeting. You even feared that Yongguk would just leave without you.

You didn’t really know him after all. He could just take Ki Joon and leave. The latter part was a bit extreme.

“You should think before talking, your light was on during late night.” You added, and you noticed how he froze in his seat.

He clenched his jaw, breathed sharply through his nose, his eyes looked deeper, and darker. He had such pulling eyes, and you narrowed your eyes, meeting in intense gaze.

He couldn’t be taking this whole adoption as easily as he made it seem. He also couldn’t sleep well last night as you remembered.

He even made tea to drink last night. It must have been because he couldn’t sleep. Yongguk rolled his eyes, when he saw the hard glare you gave him.

“Keep quiet, Kwon, you are already annoying me.” He groaned, and you gasped.

I’m annoying him! what he hell, he’s the one who’s being annoying.

“Right back, and stop calling me Kwon already.” You said sternly.

He snickered, but before he could reply you, the door opened, and Mrs. Kim entered the office. This woman, who made this whole adoption ‘easy’ for you, and brought his pain of a man into your life. This arrogant rich man.

The both of you instantly got up from your seats, and stood there, eager, nervous, and excited to meet little Ki Joon, finally.

“You can come in Ki Joon- ah.” The older woman cooed out, and called out the little boy’s name.

Your heart was beating fast now, and you waited to see him appear. You felt the butterflies in your stomach come to live.

This was the moment you had been waiting for, for more than a week, actually years. The both of you saw a little hand hold the door frame, the foot was slowly coming into view, and he hesitantly stepped in front of the door.

A smile crept on your face upon seeing the little boy, who was your son. Yongguk’s son. He was the both yours kid. It was just so weird thinking about it.

The child had black hair at the length to his neck, he had big eyes, and adorable pink apple cheeks. He was short, and little, but a bit round. You tried hard to not squeal at the sight of the little cute boy.

“Ahju- ahjumma.” He said quietly as he hid behind the older lady, and she giggled at the little boy’s reaction.

You noticed his voice was a bit high- pitched, and cute. You looked at him in awe. His eyes beamed, and he fluttered his eyelashes a couple of times, looking innocent.

Yongguk gazed at the boy, and he too couldn’t stop smiling. He felt the excitement grow more, and more.

“Ki Joon is very shy around new people.” Mrs. Kim told as she patted his head, and he hid behind her.

You couldn’t help but to quickly steal a glance at Yongguk, to see his reaction. Yongguk was smiling so widely, you had never seen him smile so brightly before, and he looked happy as well.

“Ki Joon- ah, these two people are going to take really good care of you from now on.” The older women told the little boy in a soothing, and assuring tone. He seemed to be listening to her clearly.

“As I told you, they are really sweet, and kind people.” She said sweetly to the boy.

The women continued. However, Ki Joon kept hiding behind the women, shyly, and you started to feel anxious.

Yongguk saw your smile disappear as wariness took over. He knew somehow what you were thinking, because he was thinking about the same thing.

You were both afraid that Ki Joon would have a really hard time adapting to his new life, and get along with the two of you.

Yongguk reached his hand out, and grabbed your arm. You flinched at the movement. He instinctively squeezed your arm lightly. It wasn’t a hard squeeze, but a quick, and tender one.

You tensed up, and your eyes flickered down to your arm. He wasn’t looking at you, and somehow his little gesture made you at ease up, surprisingly. He was still holding your arm, but then he pulled his hand away.

Yongguk suddenly bent down on his knees, and called out Ki Joon’s name. You looked at Yongguk, confused, and didn’t know what he was planning on doing. This man was full of mystery.

“Hey kiddo, come here.” He said, and you looked at him, feeling confused.

Yongguk was the first one to take action, and ask for Ki Joon to come out front, and not hide from the both of you.

Ki Joon gazed at Yongguk, and then you could hear your heart beat of anticipation. Slowly, and hesitantly, the little boy started to walk towards Yongguk.

You were surprised to see him do as Yongguk said. The boy stopped in front of Yongguk. He stood still with pursed lips, and he looked so shy.

“Hello, I’m Yongguk.” Yongguk greeted the boy, smiling, and with a tone that was a bit different than his usual deep voice that could maybe scare off people.

“I got something for you.” He said, making you look at him surprised.

Yongguk pulled a stuffed animal out of a bag. You frowned, when you saw what it was. It was Tigger from Winnie The Pooh, and you shook your head.

You saw Tigger in his room the day you saw his room the first time. He must really like this character you thought.

He must want Ki Joon to like it too, or he was brining Ki Joon into liking him. Yongguk was quite sneaky. He did try to bribe you after all. You didn’t know what he was up to.

“Do you want this?” He asked the little boy while, reaching out the stuffed Tigger for him.

The little boy Ki Joon nodded, slowly, and shyly. His big eyes seemed to beam a bit. Yongguk gestured for him to take it with a small smile on his face.

“It’s yours.” Yongguk said.

The smile on his face grew as he shook the stuffed animal in his hand, telling Ki

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^