Family Image

Twist Of Fate
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Twist Of Fate

Chapter 71

Family Image


You had invited your families over today and you thought of how you were going to continue with your relationship acting, when you were going through a sort of cold and awkward phase between each other, which you hoped would resolve soon.

In fact, it had been your idea to invite the families and you had called Yongguk’s mother. Yongguk had been surprised, when he saw you call his mother yesterday to invite his family.

You had your hair tied up in a bun with a few locks loose setting around your face. You had been too exhausted to put extra effort into your makeup. You clenched your fists, noticing that your hands felt weaker somehow.

You had bought a green dress the day when you had your evaluation by Mrs. Kim, when you had that conversation with Yongguk, where you asked him about what he wants, and his reply was not what you had expected.

“I’m not sure if I know what I want, Kwon.”

His words crossed your mind a few times since and tried to make sense of it. Perhaps you had misunderstood his response, or you were overthinking it. It could have meant anything after all.

Maybe you were the only one who wished that this acting was not just acting. Thinking back to it made your face heat up.

Sometimes you wished that you could eat your own words before they came out of your mouth or go back in time to change a few things.

“Sera, how are you my dear. Are you doing better now?” Yongguk’s mother asked as she headed straight towards you, snapping you out of your reverie, and you met her eyes, seeing how delighted she was.

You had to greet Yongguk’s family who had just arrived. You gathered yourself and walked towards her. She a bright smile on her face and seemed a lot happier than usual.

“I’ve had better days.” You laughed, but she frowned as though she saw through your eyes and knew what you meant.

“Aww, dear. I know it is tough with Ki Joon’s accident, but you will get through it.” She said as she squeezed your shoulder, and her eyes softened somehow and she looked tenderly into your eyes, making you smile.

“I know. I got a lot of support from everyone around me, and your words do help me feel better.” You admitted, and she sighed of relief, pulling you in for tight hug.

“I got so happy, when you called to say that you wanted us to come by. It made me even more happy because it was you who invited us and not my son.” She said, and you smiled, feeling your heart melt.

“Ki Joon’s been home for days since the accident, and he’s getting a bit bored.” You explained, and she laughed, shaking her head.

“I’m glad you invited us. You are so considerate.” She said.

“I’ve missed you so much.” You found yourself saying.

She awed before squeezing you once more. You wrapped your arms around her, leaned into her, accepting all the warmth that she provided.

“I’ve missed you too.” She said as she patted your back gently before retrieving.

“Hey, Sera.” Yongnam walked in and smiled at you. “How’s the mom life going for you, you alright?” He winked, and you laughed.

“It’s better, but can’t I lie, I’m tired.” You said, and he nodded, understandingly.

“Yeah, I’m just going to continue with enjoying being an uncle and having my own free time.” He said in all seriousness, and you smiled.

“Enjoy it while it lasts.” Yongguk’s father said.

The three of them had a bit of a similar voice. The three men all had deep voices. However, Yongnam and Yongguk were so different. Yongnam seemed to have a more formal style whereas Yongguk dressed casually.

“Thanks for coming.” You said happily.

Yongnam stepped forward, smiling brightly as he looked into your eyes. He grabbed your hand, squeezing it but he seemed to be thinking deeply about something and you looked at him confused.

“Yeah, but you totally invited us just because your son is bored, huh, so we can entertain him. I see what you did here.” He raised a brow in question, and you quickly shook your head.

“No-no that is not the case. That is not what I meant. I called you over because we haven’t been together for days and we all miss you.” You tried to explain, but froze, when you saw the corner of his lip tug up, and he started to grin, making you sense where this was going.

“Ay, hold on.” You shook your head, but gave his shoulder a light puff, and he laughed.

“Dear, he is just messing with you.” Yongguk’s father said as he patted your head before he walked past you with a smile on his face. The little gesture from him made you smile even more.

“I could tell.” You said as you stared into Yongnam’s eyes, and he was grinning.

Yongguk’s dad laughed before he went straight to greet your parents, who were already in the house as they had arrived earlier on the day.

Yongnam was grinning as he looked at you. He totally fooled you. You did not know he had this side to him. You looked back at Yongnam with narrowed eyes, and he laughed before he rushed away.

“I’m gone.” He laughed.

“I’ll get you back for this.” You yelled as you turned to look at him, but he was laughing on his way to the living room where the rest of the family was.

Yongnam was quite a prankster, but it was fun to see him become this close to you and make jokes. You liked that part about Yongguk’s family that they seemed quite relaxed. 

“He’s such a dork.” Natasha said, making your eyes drift to her. She had come alone with her kids, and Min Jun was right behind her, taking his shoes off.  

“Yes, but he’s actually really hilarious.” You laughed.

Natasha had dyed her hair black and cut it a bit shorter. She was carrying her little girl in her arms, and it seemed like she was sleeping.

“I like your new hair.” You said in a small voice, when you noticed her little daughter was sleeping and she thanked you.

“Thank you. You should get a cut too.” She said as she gently touched your long hair between her fingers, smiling. “Your hair is so long, but its healthy.” She added.

“I am not ready for a big change.” You laughed.  

“You get used to it once you do it and honestly you won’t regret it. It’s such a liberating feeling to have short hair. I can feel the wind on the back of my neck. It so soothing.” She explained with a smile.

“Maybe I should do it then.” You giggled, and she nodded quite seriously.

“Hello Min Jun.” You called in a soft voice, smiling from ear to ear at the cute little kid, when he appeared in front of you.

“Hello.” He said shyly with a cute smile on his face.

He looked up at you with reddish cheeks and greeted you politely. He had such cute round cheeks.  Your heart was melting, seeing how shy he was and adorable.

“You know? Ki Joon has really missed you. He asks about you often.” You told, and he looked up at you, pursing his lips, becoming shyer.

“Really. I like playing with Ki Joon.” Min Jun said, and you tried hard to suppress your squeals.

“He likes you a lot.” You told.

Ki Joon would be so happy to see his cousin and good friend Min Jun. They had not played together for more than two weeks.

“Where is he?” Min Jun asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

“I think he is in the backyard with Hyuk. They are probably playing soccer.” You told.

“Mom, I’m going over to play with Ki Joon and uncle Hyuk.” Min Jun said.

“Alright, but take your shoes with you to wear them outside. I don’t want your socks to get dirty.” She ordered.

“Okay mom.” He said.

The little boy hurriedly grabbed his shoes from the floor and rushed off to the backyard. The two of you laughed at his reaction, seeing him get so excited.

“Min Jun has really missed Ki Joon a lot.” Natasha said, laughing upon seeing how excited Min Jun became.

“They haven’t hung out in a while.” You said.

“We should make a new play date for them soon.” She suggested, and you nodded in agreement.

“Ki Joon would love that.” You said with a bright smile, and she agreed.

“Dear, where is your mom?” Yongguk’s mother asked and you looked towards her.

“She’s in the kitchen, cooking.” You answered.

“Oh, I better help her.” She cooed and rushed off, making you and Natasha laugh.

“The mom life.” Natasha sighed, and you nodded.

“Yup, tell me about it. It’s not easy.” You sighed.

Your eyes drifted to the little one in her arms. She opened her small eyes and began to make cute little noises.

You squealed in a little voice, melting at the little sounds Areum made and you tried not to jump of excitement.

Natasha had given her a pink dress on and white socks. You looked at her small feet, suppressing your squeals. She looked so adorable.

Natasha handed her daughter over to you seeing as you were getting excited, and you melted in an instant, when you carried her in your arms. You always got amazed by this little human beautiful human being.

“Oh, she’s so beautiful and cute.” You cooed as you pulled her carefully closer to your chest. She became quiet and closed her little eyes.

“She’s not slept much last night, so she needs a nap.” Natasha explained.

“Is everything alright?” You asked, and she nodded. “Let’s go sit down.” You said.

You walked straight to the living room and sat down on the couch with the little one in your arms. You would be unable to move now since you had a sleeping baby in your arms.

You stayed like that for a long time. You really could not move now as you were afraid of waking her up.

Natasha and Yongnam sat together, getting a long catchup. Your fathers were also talking together in the corner of the room.

“We should sit at the porch since the weather is nice.” Yongguk’s father said and the two older men walked out together.

Your mothers were cooking in the kitchen. It was actually such a nice day. You did feel very warm for some reason, and you had a bit of a headache. Maybe that would pass away soon, hopefully.

Tigger sat near the windows, soaking up in the sun and taking a good nap. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

You looked out at the backyard, seeing the boys run around and play with the ball. Hyuk was really using all his energy, and the little boys tried to keep up with him.

You could hear them screaming and laughing as they tried to catch up to him. Hyuk was laughing, running away with the ball.

“Give the kids a chance!” Your father yelled as he walked out to the porch.

The two older men had moved to the porch, and they had a view to the yard and the kids running around and playing. Somehow you liked that Hyuk was teasing the boys by now slowing down for them.

However, you could see the amazement in their eyes as they lit up at how tall and fast Hyuk is. You could tell that the little boys looked up to him, which was so endearing.

“Where is Yongguk? Why won’t he come out and greet us?” Yongguk’s mother asked as she looked around her.

“Sera, have you seen him?” Yongnam asked, and you shook your head.

You realized that you had not seen Yongguk for quite a while now. Your eyes scanned the place, searching for him, but you could not see him anywhere.

You slowly got up from the couch and went to find him. You held Areum closely to you as you walked down the hall and found it that it was empty.

You looked up the stair. You could not hear anything from upstairs. You turned around and headed to his studio. He could only be in there then.

You stopped in front of his door. You had not spoken much with him lately, and you needed him to be with your families.

Just as you were about to knock on the door, it opened unexpectedly, and Yongguk stopped upon seeing you standing outside his studio.

“Hey.” He said as he looked into your eyes.

“Hi, your family is here.” You said.

He looked into your eyes for a second that felt too long, and it somehow made your heart jump inside your chest. His eyes lowered and he noticed Areum in your arms.

“I had long and annoying company call, sorry about that.” He ruffled his hair messily.

“It’s okay. I’ve been talking with your family, and everything is well.” You told.

“Alright.” He breathed out.

You looked into each other’s eyes for a bit and none of you said or did anything. Then his eyes travelled down, and he looked at your green silk dress for a bit.

Then you thought about it, the fact that you had worn a pretty dress on a very casual day, but you had felt like putting it on as you did not know when you would get a chance to wear it. Your makeup and hair was quite simple.

Areum suddenly made a noise and ended the silence between the pair of you and Yongguk looked up. You rocked her a bit, so she closed her eyes quickly.

“Were you alone with my family for a long time?” He asked suddenly, and you shook your head.

“No, I was with them for a few minutes.” You told, and it felt like he was looking deeper into your eyes.

“Okay.” He said.

“But I wouldn’t mind even if I was. If you have some more calls to make, I’ll let them now.” You assured him, and he chewed on the inside of his cheek as he looked into your eyes.

You froze up, when he unexpectedly leaned down and narrowed the gap between you. Your eyes widened a bit, your heart began to run fast, and you took in a deep breath. You could hear your families speaking and laughing in the background.

You blinked your eyes as he lowered even more, and you got more confused, and stared out. But then he pressed a kiss on Areum’s forehead before retrieving. You stared out blankly.

“I’m done with my work. I’ll go greet my family.” He said and took off.

You breathed out, feeling silly for assuming that he was about to do something completely different like disregarding your sentimental values of what a kiss means. He would not do that, not after what you had said to him.

“Do you know Areum, that your uncle is a toad, he is very dense, and silly.” You said to the baby in your arms.

Areum made some sounds and stretched her tiny arms, but her eyes remained closed. You sighed of pure joy. This little baby made you so happy and made you become distracted.

You headed back to the living room to sit down. Somehow you were feeling weaker in your legs, and you needed to sit.   

Yongguk took a round around the house to greet everyone and explained that he had a company call hence he did not come out. He was off work but had some stuff that he could not avoid.

“Do you want me to carry her?” Natasha asked, and you shook your head.

“I’m all good.” You giggled, looking at Areum’s sleeping face and her round bubbly cheeks.

You got filled with dopamine just by looking at her. You sighed happily although your head was hurting a bit.

Yongguk entered the kitchen after having talked with the two older men for quite some time outside. He walked over to his mom and apologized for not coming to her sooner.

“You always talk with your dad, what about me?” She sighed.

“Sorry mom. We talked about our work.” He explained before giving her a hug.

“How are you doing, are you taking care of your family?” She asked.

Yongguk froze for a second, rubbed the back of his neck and laughed in a quieter and deeper tone. His mother scrunched her nose as she looked at him with suspicion.

“Of course, I am, mom.” He said.

“Good-good, because you know whose side I am on.” She said with a serious expression.

Natasha and Yongnam laughed when they overheard that conversation. Natasha turned to look at you with a smile on her face.

“I’m on your side too, just so you know.” She said, making you smile.

“Yeah, me too. I’m one hundred percent on Sera’s side.” Yongnam added with a resolute tone, and he straightened his posture appearing very serious, but you noticed the prankster in him.

Yongguk rolled his eyes at his siblings’ comments but found the usual gummy-smile on his face, knowing his family were just teasing him.

And he shook his head and placed his hand on his mother’s shoulder, messaging her, and she cooed as she relaxed. You could not stop smiling at that and how sweet they were.

The fact that they said they were on your side and supported you, even if they were joking with Yongguk made you somewhat happy. You knew they were messing with him, but it was too amusing to have them side with you.

“Why don’t you ask Sera that question whether or not she takes care of me.” Yongguk suggested as he looked towards you.

You frowned, staring at him from your spot to where he stood in the kitchen, and your eyes met. You scowled at him, wondering about what he was prompting or hinting at.

You shook your head, but he was smiling, grinning from ear to ear. You knew he was teasing you right now and wanted to get a reaction from you.   

“Are we really going to go there?” You asked and raised your brows at him. He let out a low chuckle.

Natasha and Yongnam gasped dramatically and shook their head at their brother’s statement. But then they looked at you as though they were waiting for you to spill some tea.

“Did you do something, Yongguk?” Natasha asked as she stood up from the couch, and you held in your laughter.

“What did you do?” Yongnam asked.

“Is there something that you want to tell us?” Natasha asked as her eyes widened, and it seemed like she was waiting for some big news to drop.

“No, it’s nothing.” Yongguk laughed.

Natasha pretended to push her hair back as if it was still long before she sat down. Yongnam made the ‘I’m watching you’ with his hands motion.

“I’m just teasing Sera.” Yongguk said.

“Yeah, but we are watching you.” Yongnam said.

He copied Natasha’s movement, making his twin brother laugh at how silly his siblings were acting, but it was nice to see them be so carefree.

You were about to burst out laughing, but quickly got reminded to be quiet because of Areum as she made sounds and moved her body.

You pressed your hand to your mouth as to not laugh. You shushed her and rubbed her back gently, trying to soothe her. 

Yongguk looked into your eyes, watched how you were nursing Areum and he bit onto his bottom lip.

You made a face at him, and the corner of his lip tugged upwards. You held his gaze and shook your head.

“Yeah, I thought so.” You mouthed.

“Little monkey.” He mouthed, and your eyes widened.

“You two are so lovely together.” Your mother cooed.

“The two of you are joking together even more now.” Yongguk’s mother said.

You stared into Yongguk’s eyes. You were honestly just being your usual self, and this was not a part of the so-called acting.

When you realized that, the smile on your face faded. You looked at him quietly. It was hard to keep looking into his eyes and uphold the gaze when his stare made your heart race.

“I like to tease Sera. She knows that.” Yongguk said, and you rolled your eyes.

“I actually got the perfect nickname for Yongguk.” You told, garnering everyone’s attention.

Instantly, Yongguk looked at you and his face became hard like granite and his eyes widened a bit. That look warned you, but you grinned coyly. Everyone started to ask about it, wanting to know what the nickname was.

Though Yongguk’s dark piercing eyes stared deeply into your brown eyes. He did not want you to tell them. You smiled, seeing him suffer.

“Won’t you tell us?” Your mother asked.

“I’d love to know.” Yongguk’s mother said.

“It’s a secret between us.” You said.

They all sighed frustrated, but you did want to keep this for yourself a little longer and besides, it seemed to make Yongguk get annoyed which was perfect.

He stood next to his mother, who was asking him eagerly him about that nickname, but he would not tell her.

“It’s nothing.” Yongguk smiled, and his mother just sighed, giving up on it.

“You really aren’t going to tell us now?” Natasha asked as she turned to look at you.

Yongguk stared deeply into your eyes, when he overheard your conversation. His reaction was gold, and it was just too amusing and exciting that you really did not want to reveal it just yet, when you could use this against him.

“Nope, sorry. Not when I get the pleasure of seeing Yongguk panic.” You laughed.


Ki Joon walked in after having played outside with Hyuk and Min Jun for a while. You looked towards your little brother, who was catching his breath and sweat was breaking out of his forehead.

He was breathing harder, almost panting and then you looked at two little boys who did not seem bothered or tired at all.

Hyuk sat down on the couch, letting out a deep sigh, and the twin brothers laughed at his reaction. You grinned. They had exhausted your little brother.

“Why are you panting, kid?” Yongnam asked and Hyuk swallowed hard.

“Is it hard playing with the kids?” Yongguk asked, and Hyuk nodded as he leaned into the couch, rubbing sweat off from his forehead.

“Where do they get so much energy from?” Hyuk sighed, bewildered.

“If only I could have half of their energy, I would manage to get a lot done.” Yongnam laughed and you could not agree any more with that.

“I miss having that energy.” You said.

“Seriously that’s what I think about all the time.” Natasha sighed, and the four of you laughed, but Hyuk sighed.

“I’m thirsty.” He said as he got up and paused. “I’ll bring something for the boys, do you guys want juice?” He asked the kids, and they nodded. “Wait do you have juice?” He quickly asked as he looked at you and Yongguk.

“Yes, there’s a cold bottle of orange juice in the fridge, but we got apple juice in the storage if you want that.” Yongguk explained.

“Alright, I’ll get the orange juice. Min Jun and Ki Joon, what do you want?” Hyuk got up, still breathing hard, and the others laughed.   

“I’ll have orange juice, please.” Ki Joon said.

“I like apple juice, thank you.” Min Jun said.

Hyuk sighed deeply but smiled nonetheless as he took off to get the drinks for himself and the kids.

It was so nice to have your families back together again since the accident and seeing them interact.

Somehow, your families really got along well. It was like your family blended so well together and as though they had known each for a long time. 

You had been home for so many days since the little accident, and Ki Joon needed to be with other people instead of his parents all day. It was good for him to see the family as well, and he was having a good time with Hyuk and Min Jun.

To be frank, you missed your parents, and you wanted to have them around some more. So, you had invited them today for dinner and just a day with relaxation.

Although it seemed like your brother would not get to relax. He was very popular with Min Jun and Ki Joon. They wanted his attention most of the time.

You were happy with how Yongguk had also managed to arrange the play date with Ki Joon’s friends after you noticed how bored he seemed to be at home.

Though Yongguk had taken time off from his work, he had to work at his studio for some hours daily.

Some stuff needed his attention at work, being a CEO does not mean he can just take off time from his work and not expect to be called up by work.

“Does it hurt?” Natasha asked as she looked at Ki Joon’s cast.

“It does not hurt. Don’t worry. I am okay now.” He said in a cool tone, nodding, and looking very resolute and strong as the others looked at him.

“You are literally strong like Hulk.” Yongnam said.

“I am.” Ki Joon grinned coyly, and everyone laughed.

You had not seen Ki Joon act so confident before, but maybe with this accident, all the affection and confidence others gave him made him grow.

“You are also really popular, Ki Joon.” Min Jun said, making Ki Joon look at him rather confused.

“What does popular mean?” Ki Joon asked.

“It means when a lot of people like you and you have a lot of friends.” Yongnam explained.

“But how am I popular?” Ki Joon asked confused.

“You have so many friends. See they all drew on your cast. That’s so cool!” Min Jun said as he pointed at Ki Joon cast and all the different drawings made by his friends from kindergarten.

“What are the names of your friends?” Hyuk asked as he returned with the drinks.

“Uhh, there’s Bora..” Ki Joon took a sip and sighed relieved. “Daeun, Donghyun and Seungmin and Jiho. They are my friends from my kindergarten.” He explained before taking another sip.

He got all the names right. You were quite proud too. It was not that long ago since they visited to play with Ki Joon.

“Oh- you are good at remembering names.” Natasha said, and Ki Joon looked at his cast where all his friends had drawn something.

“But you haven’t made something on my cast.” Ki Joon told as he was looking at all the text and drawings on his cast.

You thought back of that day, when you had met Jiho’s father, and the conversation you had with Yongguk late night, where he had asked you what you would do if you ever got pregnant. Though he had been very tipsy.  

You had a feeling you were slowly starting to know something from his past, but he was still not ready to open about it, and you did not want to force him.

Although you had been very close to getting the truth out of him. You shook your head. You were around your family right now, so you could not be thinking of these things.

“Oh-yeah. I haven’t.” Min Jun pouted.

“Why don’t you write on Ki Joon’s cast since none of you got to do it the last time you came by. I think you should do it now. He’s getting his cast removed soon.” Yongguk explained.

“Right, why didn’t we do that earlier?” Yongnam asked, shaking his head, and Natasha shrugged, not having an answer to that.

“We should do it now, it would be a lovely memory for Ki Joon.” Natasha said.

“Would you like that pumpkin?” Yongguk asked. Ki Joon seemed to be getting excited about that and nodded.

“Alright.” Yongguk walked off, leaving the room and people. Your eyes followed his movements till he was out of sight.

He went to his studio, and a while later, he walked out with a pen in his hand. Then he headed towards his siblings. 

On his way back to the others with the pen in his hand which he played with, his eyes met yours briefly. He walked in your direction and your eyes narrowed as you looked into his.

“Don’t tell them about that stupid nickname.” He said, and you laughed.

“Hmm, I’ll see about that, toad.” You whispered, and he stared into your eyes with a face full of warnings, but you shrugged. He walked to Ki Joon and handed him the pen.

“Who wants to write first?” Ki Joon asked, when Yongguk handed him the pen.

Min Jun reached his hand up fast, eagerly, saying his name countless times to get Ki Joon’s attention. You giggled at his cute reaction.

“No, I want to be the first one to write on Ki Joon’s cast.” Yongnam puckered his lips, throwing a little tantrum. Ki Joon giggled, covering his mouth at the older male’s reaction.

“No, uncle, I want to be the first one to draw something.” Min Jun groaned in response.

“No, me first.” Yongnam said and everyone around him laughed at his silliness, but he did not stop.

Yongnam sulked, throwing a silly tantrum just for the sake of lightening the mood and making Ki Joon laugh, but Min Jun threw his hands in the air, becoming annoyed at his uncle, who was teasing.

“No, I am.” Min Jun protested, but Yongnam shook his head, crossed his arms over his chest and let out a sigh of disapproval.

“Since I am older, I should go first.” Yongnam said.

“No, that is so unfair uncle!” Min Jun groaned, kicking his feet, and causing a little tantrum.

Ki Joon looked up at the older male with wide eyes and dropped his jaw in shock. The others at the back were laughing at this tantrum.

“Ehm- eh.” Ki Joon mumbled with the pen in his hand, not knowing who to give it to first and his eyes drifted to Yongnam and back to Min Jun. It went on like this for a while.

Clearly Yongnam was being himself, teasing the little ones, who did not understand it as he was so adamant and convincing. Though Ki Joon was giggling and seemed very amused but yet slightly confused by this situation.

“You are an adult, you should not do this.” Min Jun sulked, and Yongnam pouted, making a sullen expression.

Ki Joon watched amused and seemed to believe that Yongnam was being real about wanting to be the first to draw on his cast. His acting was very believable. Yongnam shook his head, pretending to be mad.

“I mean it, I want to be the first to write on Ki Joon’s cast.” Yongnam said, and Ki Joon looked at him with big eyes.

“You are not a child, uncle! You are too old for this!” Min Jun broke out, scowling annoyed at his uncle, making everyone laugh.

Yongnam could not stop himself from laughing at the unexpected response from the kid. You pursed your lips, wanting to laugh but Areum was sleeping in your arms.

“You just got put in your spot by a five-year old.” Yongguk chuckled. 

Yongguk’s voice was much brighter whenever he laughed and so much more cheerful. He was standing against the wall, and he turned his back around, laughing harder.

Ki Joon looked at his father with the biggest smile on his face upon seeing the older male laugh so hard. Ki Joon started to giggle.

“I can’t believe a five-year-old roasted you.” Yongguk laughed harder, and even Yongnam could not contain his laughter. 

“That was very savage, Min Jun.” Yongnam said but smiling cheekily at the kid.

The twin brothers had such a contagious laughter. When they laughed, they somehow looked a lot more similar.

You watched Yongguk as he stood with his back facing everyone. He shook his head and messed with his sort of curly hair. His shoulders shook as he laughed. He turned around from everyone, laughing harder.

“Look at him, he’s lost it.” Natasha pointed at Yongguk, and she began to laugh even more from seeing Yongguk’s reaction.  

“M-maybe you can both write. I have crayons, so you can do it at the same time.” Ki Joon suggested, and everyone melted at Ki Joon’s kind and considerate words.

Yongguk stopped laughing and smiled at his little boy, when he heard those mature words coming from his son.

You saw the proud look on his face, the way his dark eyes lit up, and he smiled so much, you could see his gums.

He had such a special smile that was so contagious. You got smitten by his smile. Your heart began to tug a little at the sight and your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

You had to remind yourself to control your face sometimes and relax those facial muscles. But then again, you can just say that you are smiling so much because of the baby, and not because of that stupid toad, who is so afraid of his family would come to know that nickname. It was actually very cute.

“That sounds like a great idea.” Hyuk said.

“That’s a really good idea.” Yongnam said.

“So, no one can be sad this way.” Ki Joon said.

“Okay, let’s do that.” Min Jun said and was finally smiling

Even though Yongnam was just messing with the kids, it was great to see how Ki Joon came with a solution that would make both happy. You were really touched by his words, and the fact that he was so mature to think this far.

The little boys looked at Yongnam, who was suppressing his laughter, and they had confused looks on their faces, but then he burst out laughing, when he saw how seriously the two boys stared at him.

“Hey, kiddo. I was actually just messing with you. You can go first Min Jun.” Yongnam finally said.

“Woah, I thought it was r-real.” Ki Joon gasped.

“You are not funny, uncle.” Min Jun sulked with a serious expression.

“Are you upset?” Yongnam asked in a soft tone.

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Hello everyone, it’s been too long. I’ve published a chapter. If you’re still here, and reading, kindly leave a comment after reading. Hope everyone has been well and that life is treating you kindly <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 10: Their family outing was enjoyable. It was nice to see the little one have so much fun and even the older ones let loose and had fun too. But then that creepy dude had to come and ruin everything. Did he do that to many other women like her too? I mean the way the security staffs reacted to him didn't seem like it was his first time. Anyway, hope he at least rots in jail now. I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wonder where he's taking them to. Maybe a vacation house by the beach or something? I'm curious. Also, what's up with the waitress girl? Was Sera kinda jealous of her closeness to Yongguk? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 8: It was so nice to see Ki Joon's interaction with Taecyeon. They were really bonding well. Also glad that Taec apologised for his behaviour to Sera. I appreciate his effort. On the other hand, Yongguk is a bit too much here. I mean I understand his concern and all but still feel like he could have reacted better. But was he also jealous? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 7: This chapter was nice but it feels like Taec has feelings for her, does he? Okay, I changed my mind. No spoilers please. Also, hopefully he contacts her soon. Looks like it's affecting her more and more as time passes by. And coming to Yongguk, he really handled that pulling the shelf down situation the best way possible. Many a times, even biological parents fail to do that for various reasons including not knowing how to handle the situation even though they do care about their child. Anyway, Kudos to Yongguk! Not only that, he also came clean with her about the incident. Wasn't really expecting him to do that. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 6: This chapter was really fun. They also had super fun shopping. Like their audience, those three did look like a family. Also, those two blushing and slowly developing feelings for the other is a welcome sight. Can't wait to see what kind of stories those two would come up with in order to tackle his family. Also, it's kinda weird to see them call each other with their family name, mostly because I'm not used to it. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 5: It was nice to see them bonding with Ki Joon and in turn, him slowly opening up to them. And Yongguk's behaving this way towards her because he's kinda jealous of things unknowingly right? LoL... Setting my delulu mind aside, he's gotta change and not be like those elementary boys who are rude to their crush. Nonetheless, I hope they get to know each other better soon. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fool their family this way. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ooh, Ki Joon is here finally!! But like Taec said, it's gonna take him some time to get used to the new environment and to also think of them as his mom and dad. But when they get there, it's gonna be really nice. And in that time, he's gonna bring in some romance between his adopted parents. Can't wait to read how things would go herein. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahaha when she thought there was some intruder, I was expecting it to be one of the other boys. Definitely didn't expect it would turn out this way. I laughed really hard. Like Yongguk, I think their cohabitation would be fun too. And I went through your blog to look at all the pictures at once. It was nice to have a visual aid for all those room. And I can't wait for Ki Joon's arrival. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: Sera's and Taec's friendship is sweet. Hope there won't be a love triangle or something later. Also, can't wait to see Ki Joon. BTW isn't Poodle one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds? Tigger is a poodle right? That's what I remember reading but correct me if I was wrong. Anyway, now that she has gotten his address, wonder when she'll move in and how things turn develop (fights or so) before Ki Joon gets home. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 1: Read the first chapter and gotta say it was a pretty good start. Definitely didn't expect the adoption to start this way. I'm definitely looking forward to their cohabitation. I'm sure they are gonna bicker all the time Ki Joon wasn't around. And speaking of Ki Joon, I'm curious of one thing. When you explained his backstory, I failed to understand this part. Is he N.Korean by origin/blood and lost his parents while trying to defect to S.Korea? Did I understand that part correctly? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^