
Sharapova's Grunt

Taeyeon was flipping through her phone, “Ah found it! Woah she is famous!” She was looking through Jessica Jung’s profile on a page similar to Wikipedia:

Jessica (Sooyeon) Jung

Born:              April 18, 1989

Turned pro:       March 19, 2006

Plays:            Right-handed (two-handed backhand)

Prize money:      US $12,126,661

“Wow she is rich! And she does commercials...she must have much more than that I assume. I really caught a good one!” Taeyeon was smiling thinking that Jessica was more perfect in her eyes and she was relieved that the girl was her age.

Taeyeon finished looking through everything that she could find on the mysterious Jung (also saved some y pictures of her) so she sat in her waiting room bored. “I wonder what she is doing...I miss her already.” Taeyeon closed her eyes a bit to get some rest while she waited.



Jessica’s flight arrived in London and she was greeted by some fans so she signed autographs before she could make her way out of the airport. Her manager greeted her with the car and they then made their way to the hotel.

Jessica collapsed on the bed to relax a bit after a tiring 12 hour long flight. “Miss Jung!” her manager knocked on her door so she got up to see him.

“Can’t I rest for an hour?”

“I just came to tell you that your coach is going to meet you for dinner so you have free time till then. I will pick you up at 5pm to meet him.”

Jessica was relieved that she had several hours to rest, “Okay thank you.”

“See you soon.”

Jessica closed the door and proceeded to her previous position on her bed before shutting her eyes. Not long after her eyes close, did her alarm go off. “A little longer!” Jessica yelled out to no one. She knew her coach would be furious if she was late so she got up and quickly changed into her practice gear and headed out.


Jessica met her coach at a small café in the tournament venue. He was a tall American who was once in the top ten world players back in the 1980s but since retired and became her coach. Since he met Jessica while she was still in high school, he was the closest thing to a father figure she had because of all the travel she did since then. “Jessy! You made it in one piece! Where did you go after the tournament? I was looking for you everywhere during the after party.”

Jessica remembered the wonderful night that she had and smiled, “I had other plans that night.”

“I was going to go through this tournament’s details with you on the plane but that coach’s meeting made me come early. Anyway, lets discuss the details about your seeding...”

Jessica and her coach talked for several hours before they left to go to the courts. Jessica put her hand down on the freshly cut grass, “I forgot this feeling already...”

“You really like this place don’t you Jess?”

Jessica smiled at her coach, “How could I forget my first tournament win was on these courts when I was a junior. I love grass courts because they are something I rarely get to play on but I always do my best with these conditions.”

“I take it you will love practicing the rest of the day on these then?” Her coach said mockingly.

“I don’t love them that much!” Jessica joked around and went to get her racquet so they could get started.

For the rest of the week Jessica focused and trained hard to make sure she was in top condition for her opponents. It wasn’t surprising that she made it to the finals again in this tournament. Luckily for her Sharapova was knocked out of the tournament earlier and she was now against Serena Williams, the best American player out there. Jessica was determined not to be second best this time around. The match was exciting and neither of the players backed down. A tie breaker was used to decide the winner and to the audience’s surprise, Jessica pulled off an amazing win!

Jessica was high on life with another win. Her coach ran down to hug her and tell her that she did a great job. Later she was pushed into taking pictures and more interviews.

After this tournament Jessica was required to go to the award ceremony and after party so everyone could congratulate her on her win. It was like normal she met people she knew and had a good time. “Jessica!”

Jessica turned to see her ex-boyfriend/professional tennis player. It should be no surprise that he was here to play in the tournament. He was an American player whom she met while training in the states. He was very handsome with his blond hair and tall build. He wasn’t well ranked like Jessica but because they trained together they always kept in touch and it wasn’t surprising that a relationship formed. It wasn’t too long ago that they broke up. It was mutual so their friendship was still intact.

“John!” Jessica ran over to give him a friendly hug.

“Congrats! I can’t believe what a great year you are having.”

“It is amazing isn’t it haha.” Jessica and John laughed and reminisced the rest of the party. They interacted like their relationship never ended.

“Jessica I missed seeing you.” He was looking straight into her eyes.

“It has been a while hasn’t it? I miss what we had. I could tell you anything before.”

“Let’s get back together then?”

“I would love that John...” Jessica leaned in to kiss John...



Taeyeon abruptly woke up in a panic. “She was experienced in bed. What if she had another lover? Who has she dated before? Agh! What if she is meeting another guy right now??” Taeyeon ran around frantically and sent a quick text to Jessica.

To My Goddess: “How are things in England? I can’t stop thinking about you...”

Taeyeon sent the text reluctantly, wondering if it sounded too obsessive. She waited around for another text back but all the waiting made her more paranoid. What if she was getting busy with someone else while she was waiting?? So many unknowns were eating at Taeyeon.

From My Goddess: “Taeyeon it was a 12 hour flight, I just arrived. I miss you too.”

Taeyeon looked at her watch and didn’t think about the fact her flight was that long. She couldn’t have done anything if she just arrived right? Still she had her insecurities and wanted to release everything that was making her insecure.

To My Goddess: “I was thinking about last night, did you have any past relationships?”

It didn’t take long for a response.

From My Goddess: “^^ someone worried I might be taken away?”

To My Goddess: “ just seemed experienced.”

From My Goddess: “I could be asking you the same thing.”

To My Goddess: “No relationships from me...alcohol makes me more confident. Now you answer.”

From My Goddess: “You are cute. I am the same. Too busy building my career for things like that.”

Taeyeon sighed in relief. Why did she have such a weird dream about a guy named John then? Maybe she was stressed? Life with Jessica was going to be interesting but right now Taeyeon was happy to have met her.

“Taeyeon! You are up next. Get ready to go on stage!” Taeyeon put down her phone and ran out to do her job.



Jessica put her phone down and smiled thinking how cute her new girlfriend was. Even though they haven’t become official, Jessica could feel the possessiveness Taeyeon had for her. “Ah she is so cute!” It had been a long day with flights so Jessica lay down and spent the rest of the day relaxing and thinking about Taeyeon. 







Author's Note:

Another update! I had a 7 hour car ride to think about this story so I quickly got my ideas on paper for you guys. ^^

If you get confused by terms or anything relating to this story, please message me. I am always here if there is something you are wondering about. 

Please leave comments!! I love comments :D

Thank you taenyftw33zcookies, and, blueandpurple for some more upvotes ^^

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I need your opinion. Someone requested to translate my story into another language. I am having mixed feelings on this. Opinions?


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Iamsoshi09 #1
Chapter 28: You know what when im missing taengsic , i will go to this fic haha and its still fun to read
Chapter 2: They are so cute together! I hope their relationship will flourish in the next chapters.
Chapter 1: this is getting interesting. Taeyeon is already simping for Sica at the beginning lol 😅

And Sharapova's grunt is also weird, but all tennis players do that so they can perform well, right?
Chapter 27: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/709503/27'>Together Forever</a></span>
Its reach over 200 voted thor..and no epilogue
Yeah i know,im too late for asking that..6years late right ...😞😞😞
Thanks for ur story
Chapter 26: I am glad that what I thought was wrong ... I thought you would not separate the taengsic,right??
Chapter 24: what happened ?? did sica think about leaving tae¿? and why is yuri so angry ??
Chapter 15: Huh ... why can't they open their relationship to the public ??? they always have to play hide and seek with everyone around them
Chapter 13: Yeah,that's how the company works...
Chapter 6: "You're mine till i release you"...i like that sentence
Chapter 4: Sica didnt finish her word to john....and why taeyeon have dreaming bout john