
Sharapova's Grunt

The cameras turned off and Taeyeon smiled knowing that the interview was finally over or was it because she secretly enjoyed the company she had during her interview? Taeyeon’s manager came over and started talking about her next schedule which she had to leave for soon but she turned when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Taeyeon...”

Taeyeon recognized the voice so she turned around to see Jessica Jung standing behind her bowing with a pen in paper stretched out towards her. “Please can I have your signature? I really love your music. I am a huge fan!”

Taeyeon laughed. Never in a million years would she have guessed that the girl could be her fan. During the interview she didn’t notice that the girl had any interest in her but here the girl is begging for her autograph. “I don’t mind...actually,” Taeyeon turned to her manager, “did you say I can bring a guest with me to that movie premier tonight?”

Taeyeon’s manager was a bit bummed that now he couldn’t go but he did agree in that she could bring someone if she wanted.

Taeyeon smiled, “I will give you my signature if you come to the movie with me tonight.”

Jessica knew she had an after party for the tournament tonight but this seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity so she quickly agreed to the offer.

“Great! Give my manager your address and we will go over by 6pm. I hope that works for you.” Taeyeon was all giddy and excited that she was able to spend more time with the girl but also she got her address! Not that she was stalkerish before, but this girl was making her want to find out as much about this girl as possible.

After Taeyeon’s manager got the address, he left with Taeyeon who skipped out of the building.

Taeyeon was rushed to a modeling job which she had trouble focusing, making the shoot take longer than needed. Her thoughts were occupied by that beautiful tennis player that was making her heart flutter. The manager pulled Taeyeon aside to have her take a break, “Are you okay?”

“Yea. Why am I doing bad? Wait, what time is it?”

“5:30pm. But yea why are you struggling? You never take this long for stuff like this.”

Taeyeon was now worried that she was going to make her date wait so she quickly tried to gather the shots that the photographer wanted before running to the van. “Oppa! Drive faster!”

“Taeyeon, I can’t drive faster without a ticket. Be patient back there.”

Taeyeon couldn’t help but fidget around in her seat thinking if Jessica was mad that they were an hour late now. She didn’t ask for the girl’s number so they could tell her that they were late. How stupid could she be for not asking that kind of information!

The van pulled up to an exclusive apartment complex before Taeyeon’s manager got out and rang the bell for Jessica’s complex. Taeyeon was waiting in the van not so patiently until the door opened revealing a goddess that entered the van with Taeyeon. “Umm hi...” the girl said to Taeyeon nervously.

Taeyeon was about to have a heart attack thinking of the girl before her, “You look amazing.”

Jessica noticed that Taeyeon didn’t have any type of formal wear on, “Are you going in that? Did I over dress?”

Taeyeon looked down at her casual clothes, “Oh no! You look amazing! I have a sponsored dress that I have to wear. The shop is near the event.” Jessica nodded thinking it was amazing that they could just pick up nice clothes right before an event like that. Indeed the life of entertainers was different.

After going to the shop, Taeyeon quickly joined Jessica back in the van, “I hope you didn’t wait too long. They made a few adjustments...Jessica?”

Jessica was breathless looking at Taeyeon in that tightfitting dress. Her s were perfectly settled in that cream colored strapless dress that hugged her body to see all her luscious curves. She was practically drooling at the sight before her. “Ah no. I am fine.”

Taeyeon caught on that Jessica was checking her out. This made Taeyeon excited that she might have a chance with this girl if she was already entranced by her beauty but almost all of Korea was with her already.


“Are you two ready?”

“Wait oppa!” Taeyeon looked over to Jessica, “Just walk next to me the whole time. If you are lost or scared, grab onto my arm.”

Jessica laughed at Taeyeon, “These kinds of events are common for me to go to also...”
“Oh really? Tennis players go to stuff like this too?”

“You make it seem like I am not famous either. Let’s go!” Jessica got out of the van first and held out her hand to Taeyeon, “We will go together.”
Taeyeon smiled widely and accepted Jessica’s hand making the paparazzi go wild. Never did one of them expect that the two could be friends. One was from a sport while the other an entertainer. There were questions coming left and right about their relationship and how they know each other. Taeyeon and Jessica just tuned out all the questions that were directed at them and smiled while they walked down the red carpet.

After posing for pictures and avoiding the reports about their relationship, Taeyeon and Jessica found their seat in the theater, “That was intense!” Taeyeon sat back and relaxed for a bit.

“I didn’t think about those kinds of questions.” Jessica looked at Taeyeon with concern, “I am going to get questions like that later aren’t I?”

Taeyeon turned to Jessica, “Don’t worry. They just want to label things. How about friends?”

Jessica smiled, “Friends...wait, just for the reporters?”

“No, I want to see you again. Real friends. By the way, can I have your number?”

Jessica was excited to gain another celebrity friend but Taeyeon was different. This was an idol that she watched constantly. It was like a dream to be friends with someone she admired so much.

The two exchanged numbers and several celebrities approached them for small talk before the movie started. It was a romantic comedy causing Taeyeon to laugh a lot during the movie. Jessica was distracted by the beautiful smile and the fact that this seemed like a date to pay much attention to the movie itself.

The movie was almost over before Jessica was able to relax a bit and saw that there was a tear jerking moment. Taeyeon was immersed in the storyline and unconsciously went to grab Jessica’s hand for support. Jessica immediately tensed seeing that Taeyeon was holding her hand. How was she to act? She just became friends with her, but why did her heart start beating rapidly? It was a moment she didn’t want to end but at the same time she was very uncomfortable with this action.

After that moment in the movie ended, Taeyeon saw that she was holding Jessica’s hand so she quickly let go and whispered, “Sorry.” Taeyeon didn’t want to let go of that hand but she saw Jessica being uncomfortable. It made her heart ache that the girl didn’t like skinship but she did just meet the girl today so that would make sense.

When the movie ended, the screen went black leaving the whole theater dark for a minute. Taeyeon felt someone grabbing her thigh which made her immediately since it was coming from the side Jessica was sitting. The lights went back on and Jessica took her hand off, “Sorry, just I am afraid of the dark.”

Taeyeon started laughing, “I don’t mind. Use me anytime...” Taeyeon couldn’t believe that someone her age would be scared of the dark...actually, Taeyeon never asked what the girl’s age was. There was so much she still needed to know about this girl, but how to get it out of her? Taeyeon smirked thinking of a way to get Jessica to open up to her. After party!





Author's Note:

Sorry for making you wait readers! Your author went to have fun instead of updating so she appologizes for that. 

Hope you like where this is going! Also a huge thanks to those that subscribed and a special thanks for mzsleepyheadforevergorJESS9Fighter_Mandra9n3elv4mP1r3_Fw3aKKTIYKY7921norev9killavibezaiiythyoonaforever0530taenyforever27 upvoting after only one chapter!! Thank you so much!!

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I need your opinion. Someone requested to translate my story into another language. I am having mixed feelings on this. Opinions?


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Iamsoshi09 #1
Chapter 28: You know what when im missing taengsic , i will go to this fic haha and its still fun to read
Chapter 2: They are so cute together! I hope their relationship will flourish in the next chapters.
Chapter 1: this is getting interesting. Taeyeon is already simping for Sica at the beginning lol 😅

And Sharapova's grunt is also weird, but all tennis players do that so they can perform well, right?
Chapter 27: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/709503/27'>Together Forever</a></span>
Its reach over 200 voted thor..and no epilogue
Yeah i know,im too late for asking that..6years late right ...😞😞😞
Thanks for ur story
Chapter 26: I am glad that what I thought was wrong ... I thought you would not separate the taengsic,right??
Chapter 24: what happened ?? did sica think about leaving tae¿? and why is yuri so angry ??
Chapter 15: Huh ... why can't they open their relationship to the public ??? they always have to play hide and seek with everyone around them
Chapter 13: Yeah,that's how the company works...
Chapter 6: "You're mine till i release you"...i like that sentence
Chapter 4: Sica didnt finish her word to john....and why taeyeon have dreaming bout john