Just Me and You

Sharapova's Grunt

Taeyeon’s eyes slowly fluttered open. She looked around and saw that she was in a bed. It wasn’t her familiar bed but it was soft and she could smell the lingering scent of Jessica but after looking around, the girl wasn’t to be found. She remembered Jessica pushing her into a car but was that all a dream? It seemed so real that Jessica had an escape plan…but it must be real if she was waking up in an unfamiliar room.

Taeyeon decided to get up and shuffle her way into the living area. Her eyes darted around the home that she was in. All of it was unfamiliar but as she turned around, she saw the one thing and the only thing she wanted to recognize; Jessica. The girl was in a comfortable pair of sweatpants and T-shirt. Somehow, the plainness of her outfit made Jessica’s beauty more apparent. Taeyeon smiled and approached the girl who was in the middle of looking at her phone.

Jessica looked up when she felt a warm body cling to her side, “Tae…your awake,” the girl gave her a satisfied smile.

“Sica, where are we?”

Jessica secured her arms around Taeyeon’s waist, “Do you remember my friend Yuri?”

Taeyeon scrunched her nose in disgust, “The girl you are always in pictures with these days.”

Jessica laughed at the jealousy she could see from Taeyeon, “Yes her. She let me borrow one of the homes she bought for realty investment. They just finished refurnishing it and are going to sell it on the market soon, but since they didn’t put it up for sale yet, she said we could borrow it for a while.”

“That is nice and all but where are we?”

“Oh our location,” Jessica lifted her arms to Taeyeon’s shoulders and leaned into her ear, “somewhere no one in Korea can find us.”

Taeyeon was getting aroused but she quickly backed away, “Did we leave Korea?”

Jessica laughed again, “Still in Korea. We are in the Gyeryongsan mountains in Chungcheongnam-do.”

Taeyeon quickly detangled herself from Jessica and looked out the window, “Wow so pretty. I never get to see the mountains like this, but isn’t this place swarming with tourists?”

Jessica went to give Taeyeon a backhug, “We are near monks mostly in this area and we have access to our own private hot spring.”

Taeyeon smiled, “Yuri knows how to pick her real estate.” The two girls stood near the window enjoying the beautiful mountainous view while in the comfort of one another’s embrace until Taeyeon broke the silence, “how long are you keeping me captive?”

“You are forever captive in my heart.”

Taeyeon started laughing, “Not that. When to do we return to Seoul?”

Jessica removed her arms from around Taeyeon and pouted, “we just got here and you want to leave?”

Taeyeon started to panic, “No! Not that! I mean I need to call my manager and adjust my schedule…also aren’t you busy with stuff?”

“If I had it my way, we would never leave.”

Taeyeon crossed her arms, “Jessica be more realistic. We both have jobs.”

“I know but my job is not something I want to return to for now.”

Taeyeon sighed when she saw the color draining from Jessica, “I know the pressure you must be under, but we can’t be selfish. If not for your job, but think of my position. I like what I do and I can’t just leave for long.”
Jessica made her way to the couch, “I will let you decide when you want to leave then.”

Taeyeon saw that she made Jessica upset so she quickly went to the couch and sat next to her while letting Jessica lean into her arms, “I can spend a week here, but how about after we return, if you don’t want to go back to your job, you can live with me again. Like we used to when you got injured. How does that sound?”

Jessica turned her body to nuzzle her face in Taeyeon’s neck, “I guess I can do that.”

Taeyeon tightened her embrace, “I would like it if you did that.”

Jessica smiled knowing that her lover would always be the one to comfort her and make her smile although the world around her became hard.


Jessica’s eyes opened and she felt a pillow under her head instead of Taeyeon’s comfortable body. She also smelled the scent of food spreading throughout the house so she got up and went to the kitchen.

Taeyeon saw Jessica approach, “Are we both going to spend our trip together sleeping?” Taeyeon said jokingly.

Jessica smiled when she saw what Taeyeon was cooking, “I just feel so relaxed around you that I sleep easier. Maybe we have to like each other a little less so we don’t keep falling asleep like that.” Both girls started laughing while Taeyeon finished loading the plates with food.

“I saw the fridge was stocked to make only western food. Did you have that done?”

Jessica smiled, “Yuri prepared everything.” Jessica took a seat and looked at the delicious food in front of her, “Yuri knows that I miss western food when I am in Korea for too long, but she didn’t think of you I guess.”

Taeyeon started cutting into her food, “It is fine. I don’t eat it often but I still eat it.”

Jessica smiled when she tasted the food, “Even though you don’t eat it often, you make it taste like you make this everyday. I love my master chef.”

Taeyeon laughed, “It is called following a recipe Jessica. You should learn to cook a bit or at least how to follow the instructions.”

“Why when I could have you cook for me every day.”

Taeyeon just smiled, “Just eat…I think I spoil you too much.”

Jessica grinned, “No you treat me horrible, I think you need to take better care of me and spoil me even more.”

Taeyeon laughed at Jessica’s sarcastic comment, “Okay princess.”

The two enjoyed the meal and cleaned up before finding a comfortable place on the couch together, “This is a bad idea.”

Jessica looked at Taeyeon in surprise, “what is a bad idea?”

“We keep coming back to rest on this couch together.''

“How is that a bad idea? I think this is nice.”

“I just know one of us will fall asleep again if we do this.”

Jessica sat up and looked at Taeyeon, “What did you want to do then?”

“I don’t know. I just want to spend time with you but not with our eyes closed.”

“Well I can only think of three options,” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow in anticipation, “One is go hiking,” Taeyeon got nervous when she saw Jessica leaning closer, “second would be to go the hot springs,” Taeyeon could see Jessica was getting closer to her face while her hot breath tickled her lips, “third would be me and you in the bedroom.” Taeyeon could feel Jessica’s lips on her own while Jessica her bottom lip teasingly, “which will it be?”

Taeyeon was holding her breath the hold time Jessica was seducing her, “I think…let’s go hiking!” Taeyeon said suddenly while sitting up and walking away from the ually frustrated girl still on the couch. “But first let me call my manager. You can get ready first,” Taeyeon saw Jessica pouting so she planted a quick peck on her lips before walking away to call her manager.

Jessica just laid back down on the couch, “The other two choices were better,” she muttered to herself.


Jessica was slightly ahead of Taeyeon while they were holding hands on their way up the mountain. After a while, Jessica was feeling more like she was pulling the other girl along so Jessica looked back to Taeyeon almost collapsing from exhaustion, “Tae! Are you okay?!”

After some quick breathing, “Break?”

Jessica laughed at the girl who was clearly out of shape, “You knew this would be tiring for you, why did you choose this option?”

After drinking some water Taeyeon was able to answer, “Jessica we are somewhere so beautiful. I don’t know if I could ever have time to come here again. I want to become one with nature while we can. The other options I could do with you after we return to Seoul. Although…they were very tempting at the moment. You also said we have a week here. We can fit everything in.” Taeyeon was smiling like a dork at Jessica while made her laugh at the other girl.

“You are strange.”

“How am I strange? I didn’t do anything weird…”

“You are strange in that I can’t believe you are able to make me fall for you harder than I already am.” Jessica leaned down to give Taeyeon a kiss that could have turned very heated if both parties weren’t holding back from it progressing further.

“Humm I like the surprises you give me.”

“I will make sure to have more surprises your way then. Now come on,” Jessica started lifting the girl back up, “I will carry you some of the way and we can head back down to that hot spring.”

Taeyeon smiled, “I think that might be the better choice for today.”

“Oh I think we can fit in the third choice in without the bed.”

Taeyeon laughed at her girlfriend, “Sounds like you planned this trip to just take advantage of me.”

Jessica lifted Taeyeon up on her back, “from where your hand is now, I assume you want the same thing…”

Taeyeon looked down and saw her hand accidentally on Jessica’s , “Oops sorry.” She quickly removed her hand while Jessica started laughing.


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Iamsoshi09 #1
Chapter 28: You know what when im missing taengsic , i will go to this fic haha and its still fun to read
Chapter 2: They are so cute together! I hope their relationship will flourish in the next chapters.
Chapter 1: this is getting interesting. Taeyeon is already simping for Sica at the beginning lol 😅

And Sharapova's grunt is also weird, but all tennis players do that so they can perform well, right?
Chapter 27: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/709503/27'>Together Forever</a></span>
Its reach over 200 voted thor..and no epilogue
Yeah i know,im too late for asking that..6years late right ...😞😞😞
Thanks for ur story
Chapter 26: I am glad that what I thought was wrong ... I thought you would not separate the taengsic,right??
Chapter 24: what happened ?? did sica think about leaving tae¿? and why is yuri so angry ??
Chapter 15: Huh ... why can't they open their relationship to the public ??? they always have to play hide and seek with everyone around them
Chapter 13: Yeah,that's how the company works...
Chapter 6: "You're mine till i release you"...i like that sentence
Chapter 4: Sica didnt finish her word to john....and why taeyeon have dreaming bout john