My Choice

Sharapova's Grunt

“Jessica Jung!” The announcer stated. The famous tennis player Jessica Jung walked out from the locker room onto the courts. She looked up at the sun and soaked in the summer heat in Miami. It was hot but she felt like today was a good day to start her tournament season.



Taeyeon watched her favorite Korean tennis player walk over to the baseline. She was always in awe of how the girl could look good in any attire but she looked the best when she was wearing stuff from Yuri’s father’s company. Taeyeon’s hand reached down to grasp the ring on her necklace. Every time her fingers slid across the soft metal she felt that she was giving Jessica strength on the courts. Yet there was always the same cold feeling of what happened the night she tried giving the ring to the girl in the TV.


~5 Months Earlier~


Taeyeon took out the box that was in her pocket, “Jessica Jung will you marry me?”

Jessica looked up into the lights shining down at her before facing Taeyeon, “Taeng…” Jessica reached her hand out to cup Taeyeon’s face, “I love you but I can’t.” She saw the hurt in Taeyeon’s eyes so she took off the necklace that was around her neck and slipped off the pendant before grabbing the ring and putting it on the necklace. Jessica then put the necklace around Taeyeon’s neck while their breaths were brushing dangerously close to each other’s lips.

“I want you to keep this for now. I know there will be a day that I can accept this but not now. Taeyeon if we take this too fast, I am afraid of us falling. There will be a day when you can give this to me…”

Taeyeon locked her eyes with Jessica’s, “When will that be?”

Jessica caressed Taeyeon’s face hoping to give her comfort for the hurt she saw in Taeyeon’s eyes, “You will know. Trust yourself in knowing the right time for this.”

Taeyeon gently closed her eyes before whispering, “But I love you…”

Jessica leaned in to kiss Taeyeon on the lips, “You will know when you feel something more than love.”

It had been months since then and Taeyeon could still feel those lips on hers while Jessica’s words still echoed in her head. She didn’t know what feeling could be greater than love but she trusted Jessica. Jessica was always the more rational one in the relationship.

~3 Months Earlier~


The two girls were in each other’s embrace while a blanket covered their bodies giving them more warmth than just each other’s body heat. Taeyeon almost missed Christmas day with her lover because of her busy schedule around this time of year but she made sure to make her final moments on Christmas to be with Jessica.

Taeyeon felt so much happiness when she was with Jessica that almost felt like she was living a dream. “Jessica I love you.”

Jessica moved her head so she could look at Taeyeon, “I love you too.”

Taeyeon felt the cold metal of the ring on her chest and wondered if this was the right time. It was Christmas and the night was quiet and tranquil. “Jessica…”


“I love you so much that I want every day to be like this will you answer yes this time if I asked you to marry me?”

Jessica turned and gave Taeyeon a long and heated kiss, “You need to think about it some more babe but I love you very much. Let’s just enjoy this night.”


Taeyeon broke out of her daze when she saw Jessica cheering after winning a big point. She froze her TV when there was a close up of Jessica. Taeyeon got up from the couch and walked to the TV touching it as if she was caressing the side of Jessica’s face, “Why can’t I be with you now?”




Jessica gave out an excited yell as she won her first game after months of being absent from the tournament scene. She waved to her fans before entering the locker room again. Suddenly she got jumped by someone, “Congrats!”

Jessica recognized the voice so Jessica squeezed the girl harder, “Yuri! I missed you!”

The two girls released, “I know.” Yuri said while giving Jessica a cheeky smile.

“So what brings you to America?”

“Well I know this famous tennis player who wears clothes from my company so I am here to advertise a bit in America.”

“Oh so you are expanding to the American market?”

“Of course we are! You become famous which means our clothes become famous too.”

Jessica reached down to interlock her fingers with Yuri’s, “Come on, lets go.”

“Where are we going?”

“I stink and this locker room is hot. I rather not talk here.”



The two went to a nice restaurant because Jessica said she was starving after playing, “So you want my help advertising the sportswear?”

Yuri put down her glass of wine, “I don’t need you. We have plenty of professional pictures with you wearing them.”

“I could be your model. Maybe them meeting a celebrity would help seal the deal?”

“Really Jessica I am in PR, I know how to handle these people. Thanks for the offer though. You should just focus on the tournament.”

“How can I focus when you are here with me?”

Yuri chuckled, “I know I am a distraction but I am busy too. By the way, how are you and Taeyeon?”

Jessica wiped her face before putting the napkin down, “Ah you know. Same old stuff. She is in Korea and I am in the USA.”

“Why didn’t you accept her proposal is what I want to know. She proposed twice and you turned her down twice.”

“I have my reasons.”

“Jessica are you hiding in America right now?”

“Why do you say that?”

“You didn’t need to be here for a month before the tournament. Why did you leave Taeyeon?”

Jessica leaned back in her chair and raked her hair back, “She needs to be there and I need to be here.”

Yuri saw something in Jessica’s face that made her understand what the blond was thinking, “Don’t do it.”


“Jessica I was your childhood friend. I know you better than you think. Please don’t do it.”

Jessica sighed and rested her head on her hands that were propped up on her elbows, “I made up my mind already.”

“I know you think that will make her happy but please don’t. As your best friend you should at least listen to me. I have your best interests in heart as well.”

“Yuri…I am tired…I am tired of the distance with us. I feel like it makes us drift apart. As I see the tournament schedule ahead of me, I know the distance will always be there. So I think it would be best to…”

“No. Don’t even say it. I won’t let you.”


Yuri stood up out of anger, “Jessica Jung I can’t watch you do it!” She started grabbing her bag, “Thanks for the meal but I need to get going.”

Jessica watched as her friend left before looking into her glass, “I know this is right…”



Author's Note

Ah did you miss me??? So I had like over 30 comments on the last chapter. Thank you for so much love!!! <3

Well your author would have updated earlier but my mind was not ready to write this chapter but I have been busy! I wrote other taengsic stories instead!

You can check them out: An Ethical Romance and a one-shot collection is started Coloring the Missing Pieces

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I need your opinion. Someone requested to translate my story into another language. I am having mixed feelings on this. Opinions?


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Iamsoshi09 #1
Chapter 28: You know what when im missing taengsic , i will go to this fic haha and its still fun to read
Chapter 2: They are so cute together! I hope their relationship will flourish in the next chapters.
Chapter 1: this is getting interesting. Taeyeon is already simping for Sica at the beginning lol 😅

And Sharapova's grunt is also weird, but all tennis players do that so they can perform well, right?
Chapter 27: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/709503/27'>Together Forever</a></span>
Its reach over 200 voted thor..and no epilogue
Yeah i know,im too late for asking that..6years late right ...😞😞😞
Thanks for ur story
Chapter 26: I am glad that what I thought was wrong ... I thought you would not separate the taengsic,right??
Chapter 24: what happened ?? did sica think about leaving tae¿? and why is yuri so angry ??
Chapter 15: Huh ... why can't they open their relationship to the public ??? they always have to play hide and seek with everyone around them
Chapter 13: Yeah,that's how the company works...
Chapter 6: "You're mine till i release you"...i like that sentence
Chapter 4: Sica didnt finish her word to john....and why taeyeon have dreaming bout john