
L.O.V.E Unrequited




Nightime was falling slowly in the city. Tiffany sat in the living room floor. She...all her senses were completly frozen her blood was rushing and her heart was thumphing faster and stronger than ever. She laid down on the floor and looked up to the ceiling. She wasn't expecting Taeyeon to have...feelings for her. She was, surprised? To say the least. She felt lost she didn't know what to do or what to say. Deep down at that moment all Tiffany hoped for was that Taeyeon would not remember those words when she woke up that she would not remember that moment. But it was too late. The feelings were already there and now both of them had to find some kind of way to deal with them. Tiffany wondered. How could Taeyeon keep it to herself all this time? How could she sleep at night and be around her? Just knowing it now and Tiffany was already in an overly nervous state. How would it be to live like this everyday?


Tiffany didn't know...

She never had feelings for...a girl...

It was all too complicated inside her mind right now.

Suddenly Tiffany remembered the day she met Taeyeon. The way she could clearly see that she....was...different. 

The more and more she learned about Taeyeon the less and less time she would be able to be without her. Tiffany now realized that in the end...

She had already fell in love with Taeyeon long ago. She wondered the reason for her actions that day...

She pitied Taeyeon at that moment. She seemed so...down so excluded. Somehow Tiffany wanted to become her guardian angel. She just never expected it to be to this extent.


-"Hey" A familiar voice said.


Tiffany quickly sat up and looked at the bedroom's door. Taeyeon was leaning agaist the wall.


-"Hey" Tiffany said as she did her best to smile.


-"How are you feeling?" Tiffany asked.


-"A lot better" Taeyeon said.


-"Are you okay? Something wrong?" Taeyeon said as she looked at Tiffany.


-"Huh?! I'm fine, nothing's wrong" Tiffany said as she smiled awkwardly.


-"What's with the awkwardness? Did I say something weird while I was sleeping?" Taeyeon asked with a worried expression.


Of course Taeyeon feared it. She had a long history of sleeping habits and this would not be the most advisable moment for them to show up.


*Yes, you said you loved me but I don't know what to say and I feel lost because I never liked another girl...I'm not like you* Tiffany thought as she looked at Taeyeon.


-"Ugh? No, you didn't say anything at all" Tiffany said with a weird tone.


Taeyeon found her behaviour a bit weird but just walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.


-"Don't you have to go home?" Taeyeon asked as she poured the water from the pitcher she took out of the fridge.


-"Ah, Yes" Tiffany said as she got up.


Taeyeon put the pitcher back inside the fridge and grabbed the glass.


-"Are you sure you-" Tiffany was saying when suddenly...


Taeyeon's arm suddenly twitched and she dropped it, it fell and it broke into a million pieces. Taeyeon suddenly felt weak and leaned against the kitchen counter.

Tiffany rushed to her side and helped her get to the couch.


-"I guess I'm not going anywhere" Tiffany said as she looked at Taeyeon.


-"But where will you sleep? You have to go home Tiffany. No need to worry about me I'll be fine" Taeyeon said.


Tiffany looked at Taeyeon who was now laying down on the couch calmly with a serious expression.


-"No you are not going to stay here alone like this. I'll sleep here in the couch and you'll go to bed" Tiffany said as she helped Taeyeon up.


-"You sure are stubborn" Taeyeon said as she faked a pout.


-"Oh look the midget still has time to play cute, even while sick" Tiffany said as she smiled.


-"Who are you calling a midget you Pink obsessed freak!" Taeyeon exclaimed before she started suddenly coughing.


-"You are seriously not okay" Tiffany said as she helped Taeyeon cover herself with the sheets.


-"Tomorrow I'm calling the Campus and I'm telling we both aren't coming" Tiffany said.


-"But, you'll miss classes" Taeyeon suddenly said with a faint voice.


-"It's for a good cause" Tiffany said as she tucked in Taeyeon.


Taeyeon was completly going into mental breakdown. She knew something weird had happened she knew Tiffany too well. Could it be that she said something during her sleep? And now Tiffany was staying here for the night? Taeyeon was sweating too much, she didn't knew if it was the fever or the nervousness of having Tiffany so close to her. Tiffany was right though, Taeyeon wasn't any better. She laid down completly still while Tiffany said she would buy something for dinner. What will she do? How can she go on? Tiffany is right here...for a whole night.


Tiffany left the house to go buy something for dinner. She left the building and looked up. A whole night with Taeyeon?

It would be easier a few hours ago. When she didn't knew about Taeyeon's feelings.

Tiffany didn't know what to say or do....

She totally knew that Taeyeon was feeling that something was weird after all they know each other too well.

What can she do? 

What does Tiffany feel for Taeyeon? Is it the same? Does she love Taeyeon?

She doesn't know...


Tiffany came back to Taeyeon's appartment. She had bought some ingredients and was going to make a nice stew. She started preparing it. 

In a few minutes Tiffany made it and took it to Taeyeon who in the meanwhile had fallen asleep. Tiffany woke her up and fed her.


-"You don't need to feed me, I can do it myself..." Taeyeon stubbornly said.


-"Oh. Is that so? Do it then" Tiffany said as she gave the spoon to Taeyeon.


-"Eat" Tiffany said as she pointed towards Taeyeon's trembling arm.


-"Okay, okay I get it" Taeyeon said as she gave the spoon back to Tiffany and pouted.


Tiffany finished feeding Taeyeon. She tidied up the kitchen and came back to the bedroom. Taeyeon was really not okay. In just the few minutes she had gone to the kitchen she had drifted back to sleep. Tiffany laid down beside Taeyeon. They were face to face. Tiffany got closer. She waved a hand in fron of Taeyeon's face. Didn't even budge. She was really sleeping.


Tiffany looked at Taeyeon's sleeping face. So peaceful one would find it hard to believe she was sick. Suddenly Tiffany's hear started to beat faster. Taeyeon had reached over to her and hugged her with all her strenght. Daebak! Tiffany waved her hand again. Totally asleep.

Her face was just inches from Taeyeon's now.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon's lips...Her heart was beating faster, her blood was rushing. She got closer and...

She kissed Taeyeon's lips, the latter didn't even budge. But stealing Taeyeon this kiss made Tiffany sure of something.

She trully loved her...and wanted to be with her. 


Tiffany hugged Taeyeon and fell asleep. She knew it now. She knew she loved Taeyeon and more importantly she was aware of Taeyeon's feelings now. Still telling her the truth wouldn't prove so easy.

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Chapter 1: I have finished reading your fanfic.
Thanks for the lovely journey reading your story. Im really love and enjoy reading it. Thanks for the royal couple i love girls generation and love those couple yulsic taeny and yoonseo. Hope you will create another good fanfic for them. Thanks.and Good Job
sadeblade34 #2
You know. I think that these stories about the band are kind of better without the genderbemd. Well mostly in my opinion that is.
Th3Nugg3t #3
Chapter 13: So cute! I like it.
Chapter 13: This is actually very very sweet. Loved it.
It was simple, yet deep. Well written.

Tiffany can cook!!! Hehehehehe

The couples are really sweet.
Chapter 13: I love all the couples and YoonHyun gosh, really so innocent. And Sica, it's nice to see her being the brave one lol
Coolchris #6
Ohmy, this is so sweet story....
marielsoshi9 #7
Chapter 13: Kyaaaaaaaah Yulsic sweet <3
kkaptured #8
Chapter 13: This is so good. Thank you :)
yulyoonsictaeny #9
It's a nice story. Can truly feel the love between them. Love this ! Keep it up author nim!
Chapter 13: It was short yet cute and nice. What a wonderful story to read in a cozy afternoon here in our country! Thank you for this, author-nim! Fighting!