
Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 5: Anonymous.


After the photo shoot Hana and I were both exhausted. Upon emptying the trunk of her car and brining all of the equipment inside the studio, Hana said her farewell and drove off.

I tilted my head sideways making my neck crack and start putting everything in place.

‘Better start editing soon.’ I thought to myself.

As soon as everything was tidy, I sat on my desk and opened my computer. I reached for the camera that we used during the photo shoot and removed the memory card.

As I opened the contents of the memory card and scanned through them, I smiled at the shots. The debutant looks so beautiful. I stopped at a certain photo that almost made my eyes well up. It was a family portrait that I don’t remember shooting.

It’s probably Hana’s.

The photo looked beautiful, the soon-to-be debutant looks so happy in this photo together with her entire family.

I miss my family.

My emotions were overflowing and I needed a release. That was when I opened my browser and logged in to my blog.

Hana introduced me to this blogging site that I’ve grown fond of in such a short time, she said if I wasn’t going to start talking soon, she thought blogging might help me lessen the burden that I’ve been feeling.

There was a red speech balloon-type that had number 1 written on top of the envelope icon in my homepage.


A message?

I opened it and it was from an anonymous sender. It said “Hi.”

I half smiled. It felt nice that someone took time to read my blog and messaged me.

I replied. “Hello. :)”

I returned to my homepage and started keying my next entry.


Memories don’t stay with us forever, over the course of time, they fade, and one day you’ll only have pictures to remind you of a good memory. I reached for a box under my bed that has been collecting dust; I opened it and saw a handful of time-lapsed captures a withered rose and a foxing letter. I nearly smiled at the thought of having been able to keep these memoirs in a box.


A box I don’t remember having.


A single tear drop fell on my cheek as soon as I ended my short entry.

A box I don’t remember having.

The last line rang through my head. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before posting it.


As soon as it did, the homepage refreshed and I saw another red icon above the envelope on my homepage. Another message. Instinctively, I clicked on the envelope icon and smiled at the words. “Your writing inspires me. :D”

It feels really nice to be able to inspire someone.

Unrelentlessly, I replied. “Why thank you :)”

I am overwhelmed that I am actually interacting with someone for the first time in the longest time. It has always been Mi Hi and Hana. Just them. No one else.


“Are you a fan of EXO?” the sender asked. I tilted my head to the right and raised an eyebrow. A fangirl? “No. But I know someone who is.” I replied.

“Why? They’re really good!” the other person replied.

“I’m sorry but… they don’t appear to be that appealing to me…”


Waiting for a response my gaze shifted to the clock on my laptop. It was almost midnight.

Geez! I still have school tomorrow! Half-heartedly, I shut-down the computer and grabbed my stuff. I switched off the lights and headed to the door.

The studio was only three blocks away from where I live that’s why I treat the studio as my second home.

When I got home and lay in my bed and thought about what happened earlier. Have I gained a new friend?

The feeling was nice. Really nice. Well at least I can talk to that person in whatever way I want since we both don’t know each other. 


Triple update! =)) let me know what you think  about this chapter. Comment!

Thank you for reading x

Please subscribe :) hehehe.

-DC x


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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: