Kris Wu

Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 14: Kris Wu


“Looks like Mr. Cold guy finally found his kryptonite.”

“Stop it.”

“You have to let us meet her, Hyung! Tomorrow maybe?”

“Luhan, go back to bed. You’re gonna wake everyone up.”

“Aigoo, you’re so secretive but you can’t hide that scary grin on your face!”

“What do you mean scary? You’re so persuasive! Go back to bed.”

It’s half past midnight when I arrived at the dorm and Luhan won’t stop teasing and juicing information out of me.

“Don’t be jealous Lulu. You’re still my baby.” I say sweetly then rolling my eyes at him.

He buries his face in to his pillow and shuts is night lamp. He hates it when I get mushy—it makes him uncomfortable.

I walk to my closet and change to my sweatpants and V-neck shirt. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face but before doing so, I noticed something when I looked at the mirror… I am indeed, wearing a big grin on my face. The smile Hye Su gave me; my smile grew bigger.

We had a good start.


Today, I feel different—I feel carefree like I am not Kris Wu, like I am not an idol the feeling that I miss the most.

She tames the beast in me which amuses me. With her around, I feel so open like I can talk to her about anything and everything under the sun… not because I know she can’t tell anyone because she’s mute but because I feel… I feel… de-stressed and me around her.

I rinse my face. Maybe I should bring her here… for everyone to meet. How will they react? Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’m really considering Lulu’s suggestion.


I dab my face with a towel and head back to the room.

My phone beeps and it was from Hana, a short message with three words in it.

“Thank me later” and below it is a cell phone number—Hye Su’s number.

Once again, a big smile forms in my face. I scurry to my bed thinking what to tell her and I end up with a simple Good Night.


Thank you for today. Good night!

– Wu Fan.


Trying hard to fight the sleepiness from taking over, I distract myself for about 20 minutes by disrupting Lulu’s sleep in hopes for a reply but nothing comes. I give up and doze off with my phone in my hand.




“It has come to my attention of your constant misconduct, Kris.” Suho mutters. “And your point is?” I ask coldly. “I have to know what’s pushing you to do those things. First, at the fan signing and now sneaking out?” he says quietly.


Beep! My phone rings, breaking Suho’s interrogation while breakfast.


“I haven’t had that much fun in a while. Thank you! Good Morning.”

– Hye Su. I grin.


“We’re lucky Mr. Soo Man hasn’t noticed and called us inyet.”


Do you want to meet my…uhm—friends?


“Kris, I’ve been hearing rumors… and I would like to remind you of the contract you signed when you became an idol. No dating 'till 27.” He says softly.


“Screw that!” I snap and stand up from my seat storming back to my room leaving my breakfast unfinished. My sudden outburst startles everyone; Luhan follows me to the room. “Hyung, what was that?”

Beep! “Why I’d love to! When can I meet them?”

“I—I don’t know what got to me… I’ll apologize to Suho later.”

“Today? Are you busy?”

“Is this about her?” Luhan asks.

“Look, I know where I went wrong there I don’t need you scolding me.”

Boy, am I mad. What’s wrong with me?

“Alright alright I’m sorry. Looks like cold guy is back.” He breathes and leaves the room. Now I feel guilty.


Beep! “Today is fine. What time and where do I meet you?”

I tell her the directions to our dorm, since it’s only 9 am so she’ll probably arrive here by noon. I feel giddy like a little boy about to open his gift on Christmas Day all of a sudden. Oh her influence over me… with just one message she has managed to change my mood from a complete ruthless beast to a tamed wolf.


Before anything else, I have to straighten the mess I got myself into a while ago so I go out and look for Suho. I found him in his bed, reading a book.

I clear my throat.

He lowers his book but still covering the lower half of his face. “Hyung…I’m sorry for acting rudely.”


He closes the book putting it on his side and sits upright. “Kris, I have a responsibility for you guys, and I have to know what’s happening to my members. You, of all people should know how I feel right? You lead M and I, K. But you’re here in Korea so whether you like it or not, you are under my supervision. My rules. So, are you gonna tell me what’s happening?”


I sit beside him and I let out an exasperated sigh. He’s right… so, I tell him everything from the moment I woke up to an empty dorm when they went to SM up to the now that I was just texting her. “Actually, she’s coming over… I’d like everyone to meet her.”


“I’m sorry if it’s too sudden but since this is the last day we’ll be free this week, I grabbed the opportunity.”

“Today should be okay… I guess.”

“Well, I should hit the shower now, thank you Hyung and sorry.”

“It’s okay. Thank you for being honest.”


As I open the door, all of the members ear is on the door. Slowly, their gaze meets mine and their lips twitch to form a sheepish smile. They’ve been eavesdropping. “Bedtime story’s over.” I mutter. “Aigoo, so we’ll be having a visitor, huh?” Xiumin teases.



”Which shoe is better this one or this one?” I ask Baekhyun.

“Either of which will do just fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Are you doubting my fashion judgments?” he says jokingly.

I shake my head and go for the other pair. The door bell rings.

“I’ll get it!” I shout trying not to sound too excited but cool at the same time. In an instant I am at the door.

“Hi” I say beaming at her. She bows. I do the same.

“You’re alone?” She nods.

“Oh—come in.” I open the door wider and hold it as she enters.

All 11 of them are gathered in the family room staring directly at her—stiff. I mentally face-palm myself. Really?

She bows ninety degrees and suddenly everyone starts moving and starts bowing.

“Il, Ee, Sam. We are one. We are EXO! Annyeonghaseyo.” They greet in unison and once again, I mentally face palm myself.

Hye Su’s is startled by the synchronized greeting; like she’s completely unaware of what just happened. Then it hit me—she’s not a fan. This is so frustrating; she is the first woman I met that is not a fan! Now we have to go through the introduce-yourself-one-by-one. Ugh.


I whisper to Kai. “Please introduce yourselves one by one.” The message was cascaded in a matter of 10 seconds and they do as told. I observe her while the boys start talking. She laughs every now and then but there’s something wrong, like something’s bothering her. After the introductions, D.O shouts. “Let’s eat! I’ve prepared a lot of food today for our guest!” he says proudly.

I dart to her side as everyone disperses. “Are you alright?” I ask, worried.

She doesn’t respond.

What did I do? “Hye Su, are you mad at me?” I ask again. Nothing. I inhale deeply. Normally, I would’ve already walked out if someone is this averse but with her, I can’t. My insides twist at the thought of her being mad at me. So I try again, “Hye Su, can you please tell me why you are mad at me? Well not really tell, at least give me an idea.”


She punches me on the shoulder, hard. “Owww!” I bawl. I look at her with fuming eyes and she pouts. Oh! Now that’s unfair! Now I can’t stay mad at her! “Why are you so mad anyway?” I say caressing my shoulder. She grabs her cell phone from her pocket and starts typing. When she finished, she shoves her phone in my hand.


EXO huh? When I gaze up, she’s gone. She has moved beside D.O trying to look for food to eat. Who is she kidding? She can’t eat with that bandage on! I walk towards her and return her phone.


So that’s what’s pissing her. I never told her that I am part of EXO… of me being Kris. I never mentioned to her my life as an idol. While we were out, I only told her my life before I became Kris Wu. “Hey, I’m sorry.” I say helping her grab kimchi.  She sighs and grabs my free hand giving me a reassuring squeeze. She circles her fisted hand on her chest; I think she’s trying to say that she was surprised by the revelation.


When I finally got her to myself, I explain myself, feeding her in between. “So you see my intention wasn’t to lie to you… I just want you to know me as me and not as Kris.” I say and she nods.


A knock on the door silences everyone.


“Are we expecting anyone else, Kris?” Suho asks.


His gaze move to Hye Su and she shakes her head.

“Maybe it’s manager.” Chen blurts out.

Tao is the one tasked to get the door. Everyone’s eyes are on Tao and the person behind the door. “Oh! Mr. Lee Soo Man” Tao squirms.

What? A surprise visit from Lee Soo Man?

Everyone scurries to clean the place and tidy themselves.

Soo Man enters, guarded. We all greet him and he greets back.

As he goes deeper in to the room his eyes scrutinize each and everyone in the room, when his eyes land on Hye Su who is beside me, his aura changes and his body becomes rigid.

“You! What are you doing here?!” Soo Man exclaims pointing at her making everyone jump. I turn to Hye Su, her eyes are wide in horror.

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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: