
Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 12: Static


“Get off me!!” I shouted to the two guards who were trying to drag me out of the room my eyes focused on Hana.

“I’m sorry Mr. Wu but your Suho hyung ordered us to go back after you.” One of the guards said.


“I can take of myself!” I shouted to them again.

“HYE SU!” I heard Hana scream a petrifying scream.

I motioned my head to her direction and saw her runnng towards the stage where the table has been turned over. There was a girl caught in between, the moment I laid my eyes on the girl I immediately recognized her. Even with the disarray around her and her hair covering her face, it is without a doubt, Hye Su.


She was lying unconciously on the floor with a table on top of her and people stepping on her like she was just a piece of trash. I wanted to help her but I was entangled with these guards. There were four of them now and they were pulling me out of the room. Before reaching for the door I shouted to Hana. “Hana!!” she looked at me and saw the worry in my eyes. She understood what I wanted to say, that I wanted to see Hye Su again and that I want to visit her soon after all of this is over. Before the doors closed I read her lips that said ‘fanboad.’


We were on our way to the parking lot. Flashes of her, unconcious fill my mind until I couldn’t hold it anymore. I want them to be safe so I talked to one of the guards “I promise to go peacefully with you guys to the car if one of you goes back inside the holding room and help a friend of mine.” They looked at each other before nodding in agreement. I told them where they were and who to find.


When I got back to the dorm, I received a lot of scolding from Suho hyung. I sat on the couch impassively, my mind still wandering. When the scolding was over I immediately went back to my room and scamper to my laptop to check the fansite. Again, there was a post from thegirlwhocriedAWOO88 who I’m guessing is Hana. It was her Kakao ID. Immedately, I grabbed my phone and added her. As soon as she accepted my request we started interacting. I bombarded her with questions, I asked her name where she lived and everything else that can be found on a resume but she didn’t answer all.


To: Kris Wu

From: Hana ♥


I think I shouldn’t be the one answering all of this. You should see her. How about tomorrow? :)


To: Hana ♥

From: Kris Wu


Uhmm, I’ll try to clear my schedule. Thanks a lot, Hana. Am really hoping to see her tomorrow. Good night



Early morning the following day, I checked the schedule and saw that there was nothing to do since we just showcased a show. I had to sneak out of the dorm after the attention I got yesterday.

Sheepishly, I tip toed to the main door and twisted the knob but before it cracked open I heard footsteps and I froze, I turned around and saw Luhan standing a few feet away from me rubbing his eye and all dreamy from his sleep. I stood there frozen and guilty but he just blinked at me and walked back to our room like he saw nothing.

That’s my Lulu.

I sucessfuly got out. Before heading to the subway I bought snacks to prepare for my three hour ride to Busan. When I got in the train I found myself a seat and started thinking of the ways how will I approach her. My head went haywire and I started feeling twitchy so I shrugged it off and focused my thoughts on other things instead.




Three hours passed by real quick I was already standing in front of their house

pacing back and forth. I messaged Hana.



To: Hana ♥

From: Kris Wu

I’m here.



In a matter of few seconds the gate opened and I was greeted by Hana. Hye Su was still asleep when I came, Hana accompanied me to her room and I saw her sleeping soundlessly. She looked beautiful even in her sleep, it’s a shame that she has that bandage around her hand. I moved closer to take a closer look at her features. I’ve been dreading for this day for what? Weeks? She is full of mystery and wonder, behind this sweet and alluring face of hers, I see the anguish she is feeling deep inside. I’ve read it and felt it. I want to be the one to unravel her and fill in the holes in her heart.

I smiled.


Moments later, I don’t know how but I found myself inside the kitchen holding a pot of kimchi stew I think this is my release after Mi Hi told me about Hye Su’s childhood. How come I’ve never heard of this issue? No wonder her surname sounds so noble. At such a young age, she has gone through a lot. I was now finished cooking and am now on my way to the dining table to let it cool there but she walked in. Hye Su. I was taken aback and my mind went blank for a couple of seconds before realizing her puzzled reaction. Huh? What?

Then it dawned to me. She doesn’t recognize me. Quickly, I placed the pot to the nearest table, and introduced myself.

At first, I was about to go for ‘Kris’ but then I thought, since she doesn’t recognize me, I want her to know me as me and not as Kris, so I introduced myself as Wu Yi Fan.


I followed her around to the veranda without being noticed. There, she sat on the wooden swing with wonder in her eyes. I wanted to know her thoughts then it hit me like a wrecking ball, she’s mute. I knocked on the wooden swing couple of times before I caught her attention.


“May I?” I asked. She nodded and I sat beside her. In that moment, everything felt so right. I started beating around the bush just to start a conversation. I told her that Mi Hi told me about her, being mute. As I try to keep the conversation alive, her eyes glimmered with curiosity. As much as I want to fill her with answers it’s hard to demystify her thoughts.


“I wonder how it would be like living without having the privilege of voicing out your feelings. No wonder you write so well. You have so much to say.” The moment I said it I had this urge to tell her something that’s been ruling in my mind since the moment I started reading her blog the timing, the moment, the weather, everything  was perfect, then without thinking twice I said it.


“You’re my inspiration, my dear author.” She flushed upon hearing me say, I half smiled.


This is so not me. Being the mysterious member of our group I am not used to expressing my inner thoughts. Noticing the cloudy atmosphere around us, I chuckled to my discomfort. Is that a wrong move Kris? Ughh. You’re so pathetic.


I’m screwed. Totally screwed. I want to knock my head off the wall. I was about to leave when she reached out for my hand. Static proliferated through my entire body.  Surprised by the sudden contact I jerked my hand back; she immediately bobbed her head up and down with her two hands together in front of her face. My judgment tells me that she’s saying sorry so I patted her back and told her that is was okay.


“Hey, it’s okay. Sorry.”


I never really understood the true meaning or feeling of being lost in someone’s eyes until she looked up and met my gaze. I am so dumbfounded I didn’t notice my mouth is wide open. She had to tap me three times (I think?) before disrupting me from my reverie.


I wonder if she felt the static that hit me with that simple contact.


Loooooong update!! Lol. I had to make up for the days I wasn't able to update, I'm so sorryyyyy 

Hope you guys liked this chap lololol 

Advance Merry Christmas everyone!! :) 

-DC x


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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: