
Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 3: Apprehensive


"Hye Su, have you heard? EXO will be having a show here in two weeks! Isn't that great?" my sister Mi Hi said.

I smiled at her and nodded.

"So, what do want to eat today? I made some kimchi stew, bulgogi and gimbop."

Aigoo, this sister of mine loves cooking for me so much. I pointed at the kimchi stew and gimbop.

"Will you come to their show? I'm sure Hana will."

Of course Hana will, she's a big fan of that boy group and I'm sure she'll be inviting me to come. But... if I come, I can almost imagine the look on their faces. Hateful and disgusted.

The thought saddened me that I looked down for a moment. I looked back at Mi Hi and shrugged my shoulders.

When will I be able to go out without being criticized by others? When will I be able to walk around without eyes following me?

I met up with Hana at the Park for a pre-debut photoshoot.

I met Hana when I was in Shanghai, we took photography class together and won several awards, so when we came back to Korea last summer, we decided to put up a mini studio for extra income. We also cover some events in and out of Busan.

"Hye Su!! Look what I've got" Hana said shouting ecstatically from across the street.

I raised an eyebrow.

Let me guess... SVIP tickets for that flower boy group?

"I've got tickets to their show!! Isn't that great?!"

Just as I thought.

I gave her a warm smile. "I bought a ticket for you too." she added.

Of course...

I face palmed myself and she laughed. "Oh, come on. I just need someone to come with me and you're the perfect companion."

I think it's because she knows I can't complain. Oh well.

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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: