
Fanboy meets Author.

Chapter 1: Dream


It was a Saturday morning and I just woke up. Sweaty by the heat of the morning sun filling my room I was lying in bed thinking about my dream. Probably the weirdest dream that I've had. I dreamt about crying in front of a girl and kissing her passionately afterwards. After the kiss, she didn't say anything she just stood there and smiled at me. How could someone just smile after such passionate kiss? I couldn't picture her face because it was dark. It's like we were in an alley. I waited for her to say something but she just stayed that way for a couple of minutes when she was about to open when I woke up.


I got out of bed and went downstairs only to find no one. Sometimes I hated how lazy I am and how hard I am to wake up. I cooked ramen for breakfast, and sat on the couch flipping through the channels while sipping the broth of my ramen.


"Wow. My ramen tastes so good!" I almost shouted. I like to cook but the other boys think my cooking and I don't really know why.


When I finished my ramen I was still flipping through the channels. Nothing caught my interest so I turned it off and washed my bowl.


I wonder where did the others went today.


I went back upstairs and opened my laptop. I waited for it to start up and logged in to our fan board. As usual, there were tons of posts from the fans hoping to get a response from one of us. I continued scrolling through the page and looked for posts that were for me.


There was one post, a recent one it was from thegirlwhocriedAWOO88x there was nothing on it except for a link. A link to a blog.  Without thinking twice and probably because of my boredom, I opened the link. It was a blog page of a girl, "Silence is a girl's loudest cry." was the main title of her blog.


I scanned through her page with only two entries, her latest post was 5 minutes ago it was a short entry and it said: Entranced by his orbs and endaring smile, my hopes of meeing him eye to eye will not be relinquished by my frailty.


Hmmm, very puzzling. I continued to scroll down and saw another post, it was from yesterday. My faith is being tested and it won't be shaken because of this; lest I am more determined to reach for my dreams and aspirations in life.


Her words left me hanging I wanted to read more but there was nothing more to read. She probably just started blogging so I clicked the star in the address bar, adding the site to my favorites.


I examined her page. It was simple, her background was plain white, her headshot is a girl (which I presume is her) in a greenfield with yellow tulips. She had long wavy ash brown hair but was standing with her back at the camera, hiding her face. There was nothing written on her bio except for her location. She lives in Busan.


I refreshed her page again incase she posted another entry but there wasn't.


"Maybe tomorrow." I said to myself.


"Kris!" I was surprised I almost jumped off my seat. It was D.O who called me. "You scared me." I said with my hand on my chest feeling my intensified heart beat.


He flashed his hart-shaped smile and chuckled. "Sorry. What are you doing?"


"Nothing, just reading some posts on our fan board."

"Oh! It's been a while since the last time I visited our fan board. Maybe I should do that after dinner!" 

"Where did you guys went? You left me again." I said pouting at him.

"Yah! Stop that, it's disturbing. We had a meeting with Soo Man for our next show."


"Our next show is in Busan. He said it'll be in two weeks so we have to start rehearsing soon."

"In Busan?"

"Yeap, why is there something wrong?"


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Chapter 13: I wanna be Hye Su ;; I want a kiss on the forehead too ;;
Acha135 #2
Chapter 12: I like where this is going!!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 11: i love how kris is the fanboy :))
Chapter 10: Omo she is mute?! So sad :( Update pls ! <3
Acha135 #5
Chapter 10: Omo this is so sad ㅠ^ㅠ. Upadate soon!!!! .ㅠAㅠ
Acha135 #6
Chapter 8: Yay!!! He finally found her!!! Jealous much kris -A-
mariangel #7
wow this is good :D
Chapter 8: oh wow. update soon :)
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far <3 Carry on please, I want to see what happens next(: