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Taehyung walked into the apartment and headed straight for his room. He had decided to spend the night in his brother's house rather than their family house. He was so tired, it had been a long tiring day with the company's show coming up and designing his own clothes that some of the models –including himself–would wear, coupled with having to hear his friend Byun Baekhyun whining about a certain Alpha whom the older Omega happened to fall for. He rubbed his template and let out a deep breath as he stopped in front of his room. He turned slightly to face Sehun's room. He'd heard what had happened today from his sister and hoped the other Omega was alright. Jiyong could be a jerk when he wanted to. Taehyung truly cared for Sehun even if he might not be his brother's mate and he understood why the older needed to hide his true self, he really did. He was an Omega himself who had been kicked out by his birth parents just because he's one. But he also wished Sehun would embrace his true nature because those suppressants he'd been taking were killing him slowly. Taehyung hope the other would understand the damage he was doing to himself before it's too late. With another sigh, he turned around and headed into Sehun's room and the moment he stepped in his brother's scent filled his nose. Glancing around, Taehyung found the source. It was one of his brother's dressing robe cluched tightly to Sehun's chest as he slept soundly. A smile curved on his face at the sight. Sehun might appeared as an Alpha but deep down he was truly an Omega whom needed their mate's scent to help them sleep. The thought of Sehun actually being Kai's mate was exciting and it made Taehyung extremely happy. Sehun was a good man and deserve someone who would take care of him and Tae knew his brother would do the job perfectly. He tossed his bag and pulled off his shirt before crawling into the bed to join the older Omega.  Sehun stirred probably feeling another presence in his bed. "Kai?" He mumbled sleepily. "Shh" Taehyung brought a hand and wrap it around Sehun's middle. "It's just me. Go back to sleep." He used his other hand to Sehun's hair. The older hummed contentedly, hugging the robe closer to his chest and went back to sleep. Sehun still smelled like an Alpha but the subtle hint of Omega scent still clinged to him and it was enough for Taehyung to fall asleep as well. ***** Kai came back home sometime after one o'clock he didn't portal himself home instead he took a cab. As expected it's very quiet when he walked through the house, quietly taking off the outer layers of his outfit. He was tired but not yet ready to sleep. He needed a moment to unwind, sit still, maybe have a very small drink but most importantly he needed to check on his housemate. So the drink could wait. He made a stop in front of Sehun's room, he just got back from Kyungsoo's after saving the other's with the help of his lawyer. He knew Sehun wasn't feeling very well today and it would be a good idea to check on him. His mind drifted to the time they spent together, if Kai could describe what he felt earlier he'd say today was one of the best days of his life. They way Sehun had been around him made feel things he surprisingly came to like. And if he wasn't mistaken Sehun's scent had soured when he mentioned Kyungsoo, perhaps was it that Sehun was jealous? The thought of Sehun being jealous because of him was making his heart flutter and his inner Alpha to growl at the human part for making Sehun unhappy. He just hoped he hadn't misread the signs. With that he pushed the door open knowing Sehun would be asleep at this time. But then he stopped in tracks when the sight of his brother and Sehun cuddling in bed greeted him. His heart twisted and he placed a hand over his chest to ease the pain. However unlike Kai, his inner Alpha was surprisingly calm. Kai had expected the animal to trash around in his head like it normally did when met with something unpleasant. What he was feeling right now were just the human part feelings as he tried to fight the jealousy bubbling up inside him.  The two looked peaceful and content. His brother had an arm around Sehun's middle and Sehun had one of his hand on top of Taehyung's while the other was clutching something Kai couldn't quite figure what it might be. He could smell himself in the room but simply associated it with what remained of his scent from earlier. His heart continued to hurt as he watched the two. He never knew Sehun was into his brother and now he was certain he'd definitely misread the signs. Sehun hadn't been jealous because of him it was something else that made his scent sour in Paris. And he thought his brother was finally accepting Yoongi to be his mate, he thought the two were finally getting together but apparently he got that wrong as well. Lost in thoughts, his phone suddenly vibrated startling him. Pulling it out from his pocket, Kai glanced at the device to check who it was and saw his sister's name flashing on the screen. He wondered why his sister was calling at this late hour, he just hoped everything was alright. Slowly he closed the door and his heels, making his way to his own bedroom before picking up the call. "Hey!" He greeted, holding the device with one hand as he tried to his shirt with the other. "I thought you weren't going to pick up." She deadpan. "Oh I was just in a little dilemma." "What happened?" She sounded genuinely worried now. "It's uhm–" he took a deep breath, finishing the task of removing his shirt before he spoke. "I thought Tae had a thing with Yoongi." He said instead. "Yeah, they do have a thing. Yoongi is trying to court him." "But then why is he in another Alpha's bed?" "What?" He could hear the horror in his sister's voice. "What are you talking about? Tae will never do such a thing– wait a minute who's this Alpha you're speaking of?" "Sehun." "Your housemate?" "The one and only."  "Oh" his sister let out a small laugh. "What's so funny? Does my dismay amuses you that much?" "Sorry" but she chuckled again. "Actually I call to talk to you about Sehun." "What about him? Have you talked with Jiyong hyung?" "Yeah I did get him to tell me with a lot of moans and groans – he asked me not say a word to you about it." She paused for a moment. "But I think you need to know the truth about Sehun" Kai felt his heart flipped with anticipation. "W-what did he say?" Taeyeon took a moment to speak, and the little wait was killing him. "The truth is; he's not an Alpha but actually an Omega who hid his identity because of obvious reasons. Just like I've suspected " Kai could literally hear his inner Alpha howled inside his head, like the human part had finally understood what his counterpart had been trying to make him realize. "Omega?" He breathed out, unable to speak louder, just the word taking his breath away. "Yes, he's an Omega."his sister confirmed. He couldn't speak for a long moment, allowing his brain to digest the information. He understood why Sehun hid his secondary gender, the fact that he was an Oh and how his family harbored a very high dislike for Omegas was enough, and to add to it the society they lived in also treated omegas like trash.
Kai promised to keep it to himself until Sehun on his own decided to confide in him. And as long as he lived he would find a way to help Sehun in whatever way he could. "Kai are you there?" "H- he's– is he really my mate?" He finally spoke again. "I can't say about that, it should be yours to figure out." If Sehun was an Omega, then he must be Kai's mate like how Kai thought he might be. The sparks, the attraction, the way his inner Alpha had been content whenever Kai was around the other. But the only thing that didn't add up was Sehun's scent. And that made him unsure and very conflicted if the Omega was really his true mate, since he didn't know what Sehun's distinctive scent smelled like. But whether Sehun was the one or not he was still attracted to him and that was all that mattered for now. Him being an Omega only make things even more interesting. "Are you going to talk to him about it?" His sister asked. Kai shook his head, then he caught himself realizing his sister couldn't see him. "No, I am not going to talk to him about it, I will wait patiently for him to feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it himself." His sister hummed. "That's very thoughtful of you. It's best if you keep it to yourself and shouldn't behave differently towards him now that you know he's an Omega." "Yeah." "So did I help? I mean with your dilemma? I hope you don't feel like ripping our brother's throat anymore." "I never felt that way." He defended but it was the truth, he didn't felt like harming his brother just because he might take away the man he liked. "I know you would never have such thoughts, I was just kidding." She told him. "Thank you so much for letting me know about it. I won't forget this." "You better not" she said."I gotta go now, my husband might wake up and wonder why I was out of bed after our hot love making. I couldn't wait till tomorrow to tell you." "Thank you, you really did saved me some heartaches but Noona please spare me the details of your life." She chuckled."Glad I could help. Good night brother." "Goodnight." After ending the call, Kai went back into Sehun's room to see him one more time before going to bed. The two were still cuddled up and this time he didn't feel the jealousy he felt earlier, instead a smile curved his lips, now that he was able to see it positively from a new perspective – Taehyung must have known Sehun was an Omega. Because no matter how close they two were, his brother would never share a bed with another Alpha that wasn't family, namely Kai or Taeyeon. He barely agreed to cuddle with Jungkook–when the Alpha asked for it– whom he also consider a family because of how close the Kims and the Jeons were. With the smile still on his face, Kai walked further into the room and pulled the blanket over their bodies. And that was when he noticed what Sehun had in his hand, it was one of Kai's dressing robes, the one he had used recently and still had his scent on it. Feeling something pleasant building up inside him, he grinned.His heart swelled with pride, Sehun loved his scent for him
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740 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.