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Kai stared intently at the potion he was brewing. He stirred it once more before boiling it with a click of his fingers, smiling when it turned a pale, almost translucent yellow colour. Perfect, he thought as he decanted it into a bottle.  He rechecked the potion he just made for the 6th time. He had made it for Sehun and he wanted it to be perfect which was why he made same potion six times to make sure he got everything correctly. Humming in agreement with himself, Kai put the bottle down and removed the lab coat he wore before moving to pick his now lukewarm tea and heated it up with a little Magic. After finishing his tea, he picked the potion, grabbed his car keys and made his way out of room. He could portal himself to his apartment but he didn't feel like it, instead opted to drive himself there so he could have more time to think about his mate. His inner Alpha made a sound of approval at the thought. Kai found himself smiling as he descended the stairs. He still couldn't believe he'd found his mate who he happened to have feelings for even before knowing they were destined to be. Sehun kept creating new spaces to occupy inside his heart and Kai was happy with what he was feeling. Everything suddenly made sense, how Sehun acted subconsciously around him; like that night he sensed Kai's distress when the alpha was having a bad dream or how Sehun had purred the other night without knowing. It was a common knowledge omegas didn't purr unless they feel safe, wanted and loved and Sehun had done that because his inner omega had felt safe and wanted by Kai's inner Alpha. And how the omega's scents turned sore when Kai talked about going to save Kyungsoo and several other events that happened. He smiled at the thought of how Sehun's inner Omega acted around him. It was amazing how their counterparts feel the connection and love when the human part didn't. A few of the house helps bowed at him on his way out and he nodded in acknowledgement. He was about to open the front door when he heard his mom calling him. Stopping, Kai turned around and was met with the sight of his mother and brother eating their breakfast in the dinning room that was directly in his view. He hadn't told them about Sehun being his true mate yet, he was so occupied last night gathering the right and best ingredients for the potion to spare some minutes to tell his family and now seemed to be the best time to drop the news. His mom smiled at him and his brother made a gesture for him to come join them."Going somewhere?" His mom asked. Kai nodded. "Yeah, I am taking this" he waved the bottle in his hand. "To Sehun, he had agreed to stop taking those poison when I offered to make him a potion that will work effectively with no side effects and he'd asked me to come home." He said making his way over. Taehyung grinned so wide that Kai feared his brother's jaws might get hurt. "Seriously– I mean he's going to stop for real?" He asked and Kai nodded. "That's amazing to hear. So glad he stopped taking those meds" Kai took his seat next to his mom and leaned to kiss her cheek. "I have something to tell you." He said pulling back to sit properly. His mom raised both brows and nodded. "Uh-huh go ahead." Kai grinned, similar to his brother's. "I've found him." His mom furrowed her brows."found who?" "My mate, it's actually Sehun." "Oh my God!" Both his mom and brother yelled in unison.  "How did you know?" "His scent, he came to thank me last night and he didn't take his suppressants, he smelled so good mom, just like how I've dreamt about. Rose and honey." Taehyung shot up from his seat and moved to give his brother a hug. "So happy for you big brother." Their mother joined them. "Congratulations son, I am happy he's the one. You fell for the right person I was really worried how it would've turn out if Sehun wasn't your mate when I knew you were developing feelings for him, then suddenly someday your true mate showed up at the door." "I would've refused them and be with Sehun, what I feel for him wasn't because he's an Omega or because of the bond between us" "I Know" his mom patted his back before pulling back. "At least now I don't have to worry about dramas" she chuckled settling back in her seat. "Is he aware?" She asked. Kai gently pushed his brother, to be able to look at their mother. "I am not sure. He didn't say anything even if he knew." "I am sure he'll say something when he's ready. I mean that's if he's aware, give him time you know those kind of stuff are new to him" Taehyung said, running a hand down his brother's back. "Ah I've been wanting to ask you about something since you learned about Sehun. The night mom came to your house Sehun had a bad dream and he woke up terrified." Kai gave his undivided attention to his brother. "What did he see" Taehyung narrated all that Sehun had told him that morning, the pregnancy, the baby, the blood and every little detail about the dream exactly how Sehun had told him without leaving anything out . "I told him to ask you what it meant but he didn't want to do that back then, I kept it to myself since he didn't know you knew about him for a while now. So what do you think it meant?" Kai exchanged a look with his mom, he knew what the dream was about. It was a warning from Sehun's inner Omega, the drug he'd been taking were destroying Sehun's womb, the omega might not be able to have a baby when he wanted to, or it could also mean possible future miscarriage, he really hope the damage hadn't been done already. But whether or not Sehun would be able to give him an heir or not, wouldn't change the way he feel about the omega. And he would never hold it against Sehun if something was to happen to the child he would carry for Kai or if he wouldn't be able to conceive at all. The Ohs and the society were responsible for whatever bad decision Sehun had made. If the discrimination against Omegas never existed in the first place, Sehun wouldn't have done what he did to keep himself safe. The important thing was: he would be by Sehun's side and the two would face whatever challenges might come their way in the future. Kai would never let his mate go through any suffering alone, he would love Sehun and accept whatever the omega had offered. Never would he ask for more. Now that he knew about Sehun's dream and the omega being his true mate, his own dream made sense. The Alpha in him was trying to warn him of possible future misfortunes. Now he understood why his own dream had terrified him. He might lose a child in the future or he might never get to have one. A gently hand his head and Kai looked up to see his mom looking at him with something akin to sympathy. She was no warlock and didn't have any magical powers despite being immortal but she had a few knowledge about dreams from what she had leaned from her late husband. She also knew what Sehun's dream meant. Dreams interpretation was one of his dad's specialities as a royal demon and Kai had inherited that ability.   "I am so sorry Kai." She said, her eyes suddenly turning glassy, but she didn't allow the tears to fall, she blinked them away slowly. "You have nothing to apologise for" Taehyung looked between his mother and brother and he had a confused expression on his face."What is it, please tell me" Kai did tell his brother what Sehun's dream meant. And Taehyung placed a hand over his chest, tears already streaming down his face. "Oh my God!" Being an Omega, it must be a sensitive topic for Taehyung to know one might not be able to have a child despite nature providing them with the ability to do so. "Are you going to tell him?" If Sehun ask him about the dream, Kai would be honest, but if he didn't Kai would simply keep his mouth shut and let the future unfold as it should. There was no changing what was to happen. "No I am not unless he asked about the dream." Taehyung nodded, using the back of his hand to wipe his tears away. "Maybe the damage hasn't been done yet, maybe you two can still have a child."  Kai loved his brother's optimistic nature. Smiling, he reached out to run his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "Maybe." He agreed. "But one thing I am certain of is that, I will never stop loving him or resent him for not being able to give me a child, heck I will not even force him to mate with me in the first place. I will go at his pace, I will take whatever Sehun is willing to offer without making him feel obligated to do anything. So whether or not Sehun can't have my children doesn't matter, I like– I love him even before knowing we share a bond and that will never change." Taehyung smiled, a smile that clearly tell how proud of his brother he was. "I am proud of you hyung, I wish other Alphas were like you, the world would have been a better place."  "Our country" Kai corrected. "Yeah yeah, that's what I said." Kai couldn't help but chuckled softly at his brother. "No you said world and the world is not a ty place for omegas, Korea is." His mom nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I wish we could learn a few things from other countries like Japan, America, Indian,  UAE and so many other countries. They treat their Omegas like Gods and Goddesses." She moved to take a hold of Kai's hand. "You shouldn't focus on what ifs, you should focus on the present and be optimistic like your Lil brother. I have a feeling in my heart that you'll both find your happiness and I will hold your child someday no matter how long it might take, I've seen Omegas having kids after years of using the suppressants." A little bit of hope bloomed in Kai's heart. He trusted his mother and he would believe in her words. "Thanks Mom" he smiled and she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Mom!" A moment later Kai called softly, there was something he really wanted to ask his mom. He had been trying to figure it out by himself but still couldn't. "I want to ask you something and please be honest with me, can you do that for me?" he said and his mom took a deep breath before she nodded. "What happened – I mean the story between you and the Ohs, I know there's more than just rivalry." His mom looked down at her now empty cup of tea. "You're right there's more to it, actually Seulgi and I used to be best friends." Kai's eyes widen. "Really?" "Yes" she nodded. "We were friends even before I met your dad and she was the first person I told about your father when I found out he's my mate" This was not what he expected, never in his imaginations would he think his mom and Sehun's mom used to be friends. "What happened?" "A lot happened," she chuckled softly. "She was there when I had both you and Taeyeon, things were good between us until– " his mom took a shaky breath. "I lost your Dad." Kai could tell there was something his mom wasn't saying, but he wasn't going to push. She would tell him when she felt ready. "I still don't understand what happened between you two" "That will be a story for another time." She smiled at him. "Now go be with your Omega, I will tell your sister all that we've discussed once I reached the office and you should invite Sehun for the show, I am sure he'll love to see both yours and Taehyung's designs." Kai nodded. "I planned on doing that. It's also his field I am sure he'll enjoy it." He move to stand up, grabbing the potion and his car keys. "You're driving?" His brother asked. Kai checked the time on his wrist watch. "I planned on doing that but now I've wasted enough time, Sehun must be waiting anxiously for me so it's probably best to portal myself home" Both his mom and brother
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740 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.