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Sehun quickly hung up without saying goodbye to his friend, he couldn't risk his mom finding out that he was still friends with Jimin. "Good morning mom!"  She walked toward his bed, crossing her arms over her chest as she observed him without saying a word. Sehun gulped, he tried to act all cool alpha but failed under his mom's intense gaze, after a minute she spoke."Why are you still in bed? And who were you talking to on the phone?" "A friend" he quickly and simply said. His mom walked around the room, watching every move he made. "Who's this friend?" She stopped and turned around to face him. "Yoongi hyung" he said the first name that came to his mind. "Yoongi? The attorney who fights for omegas?" She asked, disgust evident in her tone. Sehun nodded, at least Yoongi was a better option to his mom than Jimin. Sehun had known the Alpha through his brother(Kris). Yoongi was an attorney who fought for omegas right, he went to same school with his big brother and Sehun had came to like and befriended the older guy. "How many times have I told you not associate your self with such people? They are below your level– I don't care if he's rich because he doesn't have morals, he's a shame to Alphas, fighting for worthless piece of s called omegas" Sehun flinched slightly. I am one of those worthless piece of s. He thought bitterly. He could never let his parents know about his secondary gender, hiding it was the best decision he had ever made and he planned on keeping it that way. "I am sorry." Was all he said past the lump in his throat as he rose to his feet.  "I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to stop associating yourself with him. Is that clear Oh Sehun?" Sehun nodded stiffly "Crystal!" God! He felt like he was in the military being scolded by his superior with the way his mom stood, now with her hands behind her back. He bowed at her before making his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. "Hurry up, you dad is joining us for breakfast this morning." his mom called after him. His Dad hardly joined them for breakfast, he usually leave for work before any of them were down for breakfast. Sehun still couldn't understand his father, how his job was more important to him than family– then again he shouldn't be surprise. Both his parents took their jobs and reputation seriously like their lives would end if they so much missed a day. Today must be special for his dad to have breakfast with them. He sighed for the umpteenth time as he slide into the shower.   **** "Good morning Dad, morning hyung" Sehun greeted taking his usual seat next to his brother's on the dinning.  "Morning!" His dad responded with his ever straight face. "Hey baby alpha!" His brother reached up to ruffle his hair. Sehun growled, swatting Wooyong's hand, the latter immediately withdraw his hand, muttering something about fierce baby alpha under his breath. Sehun's caught the satisfied looks on his parents face, his Dad even smiled a little. Which was very rare. He ducked his head and began to eat his food. A few minutes into his breakfast, Mr. Oh cleared his throat, making them all to look at him. "The Baes will be joining us for dinner this Saturday, I want you all to be present, especially you Sehun." His Dad expression was even more serious when he said the last part. His mom and brother nodded, but Sehun knit his brows in confusion, his parents had never asked him to be present in any of those official dinners they've had. This was the first time and Sehun couldn't help but wonder why. It seemed his confusion was evident as his Dad went on. "I want you to meet Irene and get to know her, your relationship might come to our advantage someday" Sehun dropped the fork he's holding, focusing fully on his father. "Irene?" He asked not really understanding where his dad was coming from. He'd met the girl once, she was a beta and Sehun despised her from the moment he saw her, the way she carried herself was too complacent for his liking.  "Yes, Irene, her father has been talking about possible alliances with other families and I don't want mine to lose this opportunity_" Sehun let out a humorless laugh, cutting his father's sentence off."You want me to mate with her? No I don't want to do that."  This wasn't a conversation they didn't already have before – or rather he tried to make it a conversation while his parents presented unified front, quoting law and 'it's how it works' at him. They had talked about possible girls they wanted him to be with and it was the only time Sehun had defied his parents by telling them he didn't want to get married. "No one is asking you to be her mate, I want you to marry her when the time comes.You don't have to mate someone to be with them." His dad said with a pointed look. "I've been married to your mother for almost 30 years, but we still haven't mated." "I know, but this means I can never mate with the person I wanted." "Perhaps do you have someone in mind?" His mom was the one that asked. Sehun shook his head. "No I don't." "Then you have nothing to worry about." "I told you before that I don't want to get married now. I am still in college, don't you think I am too young to be married?" "We are not setting a wedding date for you Sehun, don't be dramatic about this " His mom waved a dismissive hand as she spoke. "What about hyung, he's 24, shouldn't he be the one to–" "We know how old you all are, we gave birth to you after all, but your brother's alliance shouldn't concern you. It will be fixed within this year." Sehun glanced at his brother who shrugged nonchalantly as if his life hadn't just been dictated. They just accepted the way their parents treated them. Without question. Without thought for themselves .And Sehun was sick of it. "I don't have a say in this do I?" He turned to face his dad. Sehun was sick of his parents treating him as if his wants and needs were somehow less than theirs. He was a person. He was a man, an adult not a boy anymore. But there's nothing he could do about it but accept whatever came his way. "No you don't" his dad said sternly in a voice that left no room for argument. He had a bad feeling this conversation was already over for his father and he would just shoot him down every time he tried to say anything. Of course that's typical of his parents, that was how it always went, their parents making the choices for them. He had been wanting to come out to his parents about his ual preferences, but how the hell could a proclaimed Alpha like him say. 'Hey mom, dad, I am gay. I like men despite being an Alpha.' He shook the thought out of his head and pushed to stand up. "I will be present for the dinner on Saturday" he bowed at his parents before making his way out of the house, his mind swirling with many thoughts on how to be his own person not what his parents wanted or made him. The security guards standing in front of the house bowed at him when drove past them and Sehun didn't bother to acknowledge their greetings, he was just so sad– angry about anything related to his family. Stopping at Jimin's apartment, Sehun called his friend and it took less than a minute for Jimin to join him. "I thought you changed you mind after hanging up on me like that, what took you so long?" Jimin asked, sliding into the passenger seat. "Don't ask!" Sehun groaned, resting his head on the wheel. Jimin mimed zipping his lips, but not before he said. "I don't have to ask, I know you'll tell me when you can't hold it all in any longer" And Jimin was right it took a few minutes for Sehun to open up. The ride was spent with Sehun telling Jimin what his dad told him, Jimin cursing at every alpha in existence (excluding his brother Chanyeol, Kris and Yoongi, cause according to Jimin those three were the best alphas out there) . "Hey you shouldn't curse alphas when you have an alpha for a best friend" he said half joking, half serious. Jimin waved a dismissive hand. "Just shut up before I tell the whole world your secret." He threatened emptily, and Sehun knew his friend only meant it as a joke, thus he grinned and continued to do the one thing he did best: annoy Park Jimin.  "Stop enjoying yourself, its unseemly."Jimin said shoving Sehun's face when he leaned in like he wanted to give him a kiss , taunting him even more. Sehun pecked his cheek instead, he love spending time with Jimin, around the younger was the only place he could be himself. Without the fear of being judged. "Aisha, I am craving ice cream." Jimin suddenly yelled, startling Sehun. "Should we get some?”  “No not happening. You know I don’t eat that crap. My body is a temple.” “That you constantly worship,” Sehun joked. Jimin laughed. “Someone has to.” “And it has to be you?” “Who would? i don't have a boyfriend?" “True,” Sehun replied. "why bother craving for something you don't eat?" He glanced at his friend a playful smile curving his lips, hands tightening around the wheel. "Don't tell me you're pregnant." Jimin groaned, shoving Sehun's face to the side once again. "Yeah of course I am pregnant, remember you ed me last month without using protection and I guess what? I forget to take birth control pills afterwards. So yeah my Alpha Oh Sehun you're gonna be a Dad." Sehun let out a roaring laughter. "You wish." "It's just pre-heat symptoms you moron, then again you've only experienced a real heat once" Jimin shook his head, feigning dejection. "You lucky bastard." Was he really lucky? Sehun doubted that. Sometimes no matter how hard he tried to suppress his secondary gender, it did betray him, he do have his own unique heat 3-4 times a year (which he had of course complained about to his doctor even though the doctor had told him it would happen from their first meeting, Dr Lee had assured him it was a normal process which omegas who suppressed their other side went through) but Instead of going into a real heat, his body would hurt, his joints and muscles would feel like they were on fire. His head would feel like it was about to explode and he would cry and scream in pain from the smallest of sudden movements, he would spend two or three days in agony, but to Sehun it was better than the alternative. And he would still nest(another thing his doctor had mentioned) no matter how ridiculous that was, he would still gather up a bunch of fabrics, covers and pillows filled with familiar scent and then hide himself away for that time when he would have been in heat. But luckily for him Jimin was always there by his side to take care of him. “So, the next time your unique heat comes up , have you considered doing it the old fashioned way this time?” Jimin asked –like so many times before– his tone low and soft. “Yes, because losing all control while leaking for two to three days as I hump the sheets, ing my self with the biggest knotted sound like so much fun” Sehun replied sarcastically and the words he chose made Jimin cringe. “It’s not leaking, don’t make it sound so dirty and vulgar” Jimin said, his voice carrying both a hint of warning as well as what Sehun guessed was pity. “Doesn’t matter, I’m not doing it and you know that” Sehun huffed annoyed. Jimin's nostrils flared slightly as he caught the scent of Sehun's annoyance and discomfort and slowly shook his head. Not wanting to upset his best friend more than he– by accident– already had done, however he was still going to try. "I’m sorry I brought it up. I am sure the morning has been stressful enough without me adding to it” Jimin apologised and reached out to gently pat Sehun's shoulder. “But I love you Sehun and I want the best for you– It would be better for you, I hate when you go through them like this, the pain you feel, it kills me to see you like that” he finished with a sigh. Jimin always stayed with him, bringing him food and water, he would lay with him and gently brush his fingers through his hair and even sometimes sing to him to try and keep him calm. “You don’t have to, I can do it on my own” Sehun said dismissively. “I would never leave you when you need me." Jimin felt lost about it. On one hand he would never force Sehun but on the other he almost wanted to, to protect him from himself and the pain he chose over just being who he was. And he was certain Sehun knew he was destroying himself by taking those pills, he just hoped he could save his friend before it's too late. "I know" Sehun gave him a small smile, he really appreciated his friend's efforts. "I think I might join the Alphas club too" Jimin changed the subject. He looked at Sehun and smiled playfully like only friends could. “You don’t have to go to all that trouble to appease me.” Sehun snickered. "Won’t you even entertain the idea?”. In response, Sehun only rolled his eyes. They continue to tease each other like they usually did, until they arrived at their destination. He parked the car, when Jimin asked him to do so. His omega friend exited the car and Sehun did the same trailing behind him as they entered into the building, taking the elevator to the last floor. His mind wandering back to when he met Jimin fourteen years ago, he was six and Jimin was five.  
Flash back.  Sehun was coming back from an after school program, not so far from his home when he saw a chubby boy being bullied by some other boys in his neighborhood. Instantly he recognized one of them and he quickly moved toward the boys.  "Hey!" He shouted and the boys all turned to look at him. "What do you think you're doing?" He dropped his school back on the ground and crossed his tiny arms over his chest. He was just six but Sehun had taken down boys older, taller and stronger than himself. He wasn't a weakling from the start and he didn't appreciate kids being bullied because they're weak to defend themselves. "Not your problem Oh, just go home" one of the boys Sehun recognized as Mark said. "You made It my problem the moment you decided to bully a boy, just because he's not strong enough to defend himself" he rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. Mark scoffed. "What? Now you're going to fight us for a boy you don't even know?" "I don't have to know him to fight for him." Sehun used that moment to take a proper look at the bullied boy. He was tiny, with chubby cheeks and had an ivory skin just like Sehun's, his frame trembling, coiling into himself to appear smaller. "I won't repeat myself Mark. leave the boy alone or you'll have to deal with me." This time Mark laughed, puffing his chest a
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740 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.