Twenty eight

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Kris heart was racing uncomfortably at those words, he kept staring at the boy– his son as he crouched down to take a closer look at the toddler. The moment he got closer, the mixed scents of Luhan and his own invaded his nostrils. Gasping, he brought a shaky hand to touch the boy as he gently– so gently caressed up his cheek. Without doubt, this boy was his son, he looked so much like him save for the doe eyes that were undeniably Luhan's. But how did he missed this? How did he not know that Luhan was pregnant when he left?. "That's because he hid it, like he hid most part of himself." Tao told him and Kris quickly looked up at the beta wondering if he said those words out loud. "No you didn't, I have the ability to read people's minds, we are warlocks, Luhan was and so is your son" "Oh my God!" Kris said in whispery tone, head snapping back to look at his son. "He loved you so much, but he never told you who he was because of reasons left unknown to me, but I guess it's because he was scared of how you'll react if you knew or how you'd react if you knew he was carrying a demon blooded child." "I thought my parents–" "Yes your mother did had a part in his departure but he needed that push and luckily your mother gave it to him. I am sorry you might not understand why he did it but I do." Kris let the tears gathering in his eyes fall as he held his son with trembling hands. "What's your name?" He asked in soft voice. "Lufan" the boy said and flashed a toothy smile his dad's way. And Kris didn't miss the snake like tongue and six sharp set of teeth adorning the top row of his son's mouth. Shark teeth and reptile tongue. Those must be his son's warlock marks. Kris felt multiple emotions running through him all at once. Love, affection, happiness, grief and anger at himself for not knowing that Luhan had his child. "He named him after us, Luhan and Yifan" he said voice thick with emotions. "What happened to him?" He averted his gaze to look at Tao for a moment and the beta has a sad, yet guilty expression on his face. "He died saving my mate and son." Tao said, gently brushing his own tears away. "Some rogue demons got loose from Edom and were attacking mundanes." "Mundanes?" "Yes , that's how we refer to humans." Tao paused before he continued. "My family were unfortunately at the place and Luhan was with them, he was able to send the demons back to Edom but not before he was fatally injured, I couldn't heal him– no other warlock could, demon venom run in our blood, which was why he couldn't be saved, but he asked me to bring Lufan to his Alpha father before he took his last breath. And I promised to uphold his last wish." Kris let out a loud sob, pulling his son into his arms as he cried. "I'm so sorry" he's not sure who he was apologising to, all he knew was that he have a lot of things to be sorry for. "Let's take this inside." Tao said, glancing at the inhabitants of the building when they started coming out of their houses to see what was going on. Kris nodded, he stood up, holding his son protectively into his arms and used the other hand to open his apartment. "He's still developing his powers and I wish I could be there to teach him and guide him but Luhan made it clear that he needs you more." Tao said as they step into the apartment. Kris could only hum, his tongue tied from the overwhelming emotions of suddenly becoming a father and loosing the man he once loved. "Daddy!" Lufan spoke, using his tiny hands to wipe Kris' tears away and that prompted more tears to roll endlessly down his face. "Don't cry" How could I not?  "Papa told me about you, he even showed me your photos– I have them in my bag" the boy said snapping his fingers– and Kris watched in awe as his son do magic– but instead of conjuring the photo, his son accidentally conjured a bottle of apple juice which unfortunately happened to slip and wet the Alpha's clothes. "Oops sorry" the boy said cutely. Kris smiled, shaking his head as he looked at his son with so much love he never thought was possible to have for someone just right after meeting them. "It's okay sweetie." "He's been doing that, that's why I said his magic isn't stable. He'll need a warlock to help him master it" Kris nodded, he already have someone in mind that he could trust with his son. "That won't be a problem. My brother's mate is a warlock and i trust him. I am sure he'll take care good of my boy and help mater his gift." his boy– he can't believe this was real. Tao seemed relieved at that. "I was really worried about that but now I can have a peace of mind." He said. "If you don't mind, I will come visit him sometimes along with my family once a month at least, until he feels comfortable around new people" "You can come see him anytime. You're welcome to visit." "Thank you" Tao bowed politely. "I am afraid it's time for me to leave." He then looked up at Lufan, he smiled at the boy and kissed his forehead. "Are you going to be okay boy?" Lufan nodded. "Yes uncle Tao, I am with Daddy now, he'll take care of me." Kris smiled albeit his tears."that's right buddy, I am going to take care of you and you're going to meet a lot of people that are gonna love you." "Alright then" Tao snapped his fingers and a suitcase appeared out of thin air. "That's his things." "Thank you so much Zitao." "No worries, take care of him." "Will do" Kris watched as the warlock opened a portal before disappearing though it. He then heaved a sigh and looked down at the boy in his arms. "You're hungry?" Lufan shook his head. "No I am not, uncle Tao fed me just before you got here." "Alright, let's get you settled and–" he stopped and turned around when he heard the front door opened as Chanyeol walked in with a grin but his smile died down when he saw tears on his boyfriend's face. "Oh God Kris, are you alright?" He moved quickly to get to his man. "What happened?" Then his eyes landed on the boy Kris was holding. "And Who's this cutie?" Kris release another breath. "We need to talk." Chanyeol curtly nodded, his eyes still on the boy even as Kris spoke to him to give him a minute he couldn't take his eyes off Lufan. Then abruptly he gasped, eyes going wide. "He smelled and look like you" he blurted, as realization downed on him. Kris hummed and tighten his hold protectively around his son. "that was what I wanted to talk to you about." "He's your son isn't he?" Chanyeol asked, eyes still wide as he now alternated between looking at Kris and the boy. "But how?" "It's a long story" Kris said walking into his bedroom and sat his son on the soft matrass. "Hey would you be okay if I leave you for while.?" Lufan obidiently nodded. "Was that your friend?" "Yes, and i want to speak with him. Now, it is rather important." "Okay, can i watch the TV while you talk to your friend?" Kris smiled and ruffled his son's hair before switching on the TV and picked a suitable channel for his son to watch. He kissed Lufan on the forehead before making his way out to join Chanyeol who was still standing where he left him and now he has an unreadable expression on his face.
*** Was he hallucinating? Was this real? Was he sleeping and this was a dream? He went on to pinch himself, and the sharp short pain that bloomed dissipated some of his doubts. But no, if he was to approach this logically, he knew it wasn’t a dream or a hallucination if only because his body felt different, little nuances here and there which couldn’t mean anything else.  Sehun's hands trembled violently; he could barely hold his weight on his gelatin-like knees—he fell down on his on the bathroom floor. Forcefully, he gulped down the handful of pebbles lodged in his windpipe, screwed his eyes shut, and let himself lean back against the tiled wall. Breathing had become the most difficult thing for him—he needed to breathe, yet his lungs had forgotten how. His body felt as heavy as an anvil but at the same time as light as a feather. Hope was made reality. A sigh of blissful relief sprinted out of him and left him flaccid from head to toe, weariness made his eyelids impossible to remain open, and when he blinked and close them again, tears tumbled down his warm cheeks like marbles out of a broken glass jar. Gratitude cleaved his chest from the inside out and a chocked-off cry was wrenched out of him. He had been feeling off for the last few weeks, the pregnancy couldn’t be more than three weeks. He must have conceived on the second or third day of his heat. He was terrified that perhaps his womb had been damaged due the years he spent suppressing his inner omega. But now he doesn't have anything to worry about. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you…,” he sobbed, hands still tremulous and pregnancy test clasped tightly within his fingers. He couldn’t believe it. Not even after taking four pregnancy tests. Kai. He have to tell his Alpha. The test slipped out of his fingers and hit the floor with a blunt thud, and then he allowed his arms to finally hug his exposed midriff in a semi-tight hold. Another sigh left him a drained relaxed mess against the cool wall, he tilted his head back and drew in a deep breath. To think his womb had become the home of a child he didn’t expect—it felt surreal. Kai, we’re going to be parents. Shaky tender hands his hard belly, it’ll take months for his state to show, but it didn’t matter as long as he could feel the life growing inside. A fit of uncontrollable laughter caught him by surprise, it bubbled up like boiling water inside a geyser and then, it came out all at once, unstoppable. His entire body shook with joy. He suddenly realized that the love he had been holding inside, the love meant for their child—had almost turned him a giddy mess.  Sehun needed to tell his mate. He wanted Kai to be the first one to know the good news, he’ll wait for his mate a little longer. In the meantime, he’ll get himself presentable and wash his hands which smelled like pee, thoroughly, and then, he will make some rosebud tea. The wait will kill him, but he didn’t want to text Kai in the middle of work because he’ll worry and think something was wrong. So, he will wait. Meanwhile, he’ll think about how to announce the big news.      ***** Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long. Sehun was about to serve himself a cup of tea when a portal opened in the middle of the living room. If his heart had been in a steady tantivy before, now it was set at the beat of a tantara, loud and on the rise by the second. With a slightly surprised look but a smile upon his lips, his mate commented, “Sehun, I wasn't expecting to see you back so soon, how was the dinner with your mom?" He couldn’t help the wobbly smile that pulled at his lips when Kai came closer and hugged him from behind. Strong yet gentle arms tighten around his midriff while a playful nose nuzzled his nape and then, his Alpha’s face pressed into his back between his shoulder blades. “Welcome back. The dinner went perfectly, everything is good between mom and I" he said. "Do you want some tea? It's rosebud, your favorite,” he asked, timbre soft as he tried his best not to lean wholly into the embrace and lose the grip on the kettle. A few seconds passed before he got a reply.“Sure, thank you. Is everything okay?” At the question, his heart lurched and he almost burned himself.As hard as he tried to keep a steady voice, his excitement betrayed him. “Ye-yeah, why wouldn’t it be? Have a seat, I’ll bring it to you.” Having Kai so close made him incapable of keeping calm, the words threatened to possess his tongue and speak themselves. But he held them back and tried really hard not let his emotions give him away. Because he knew Kai could sense it through their bond. “Ok…but, are you sure nothing’s going on?” The High Warlock insisted when he finally untangled h
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740 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.