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    A week later.
Sehun was inside the game room with his brother and Chanyeol. he had invited the two over and now the three of them were playing pool. Kris always the best player he was, was taking the lead. But Sehun's attention wasn't on the game, he was looking at Chanyeol who seemed to be lost in thoughts. He moved toward the other and nudged his side gently. Chanyeol startled, eyes widening as he turned to see Sehun beside him. "Huh?" The Alpha asked and he looked comical with his large ears and wide eyes. Sehun would have laughed any other time but he didn't since Chanyeol seemed really troubled. "I didn't say anything. But it seems you're not here with us, something bothering you hyung?" Chanyeol took a deep breath and threw his head up for a moment before bringing his head down to look at Sehun. Then he nodded. "Yes, something is bothering me Hunnie. I think I may have a problem," he said. There was something determined and anxious about his expression as he glanced back and forth between Sehun and his boyfriend, and, both brothers could tell that this was no time to push him aside. Sehun met Kris' gaze, eyebrows raised. They both turned to Chanyeol. "What kind of problem?" Sehun asked and Chanyeol slumped on the couch nearby, shoulders sagging, as though relieved that they didn't put him on hold."Want to talk about it?" He asked placing a hand on Chanyeol's shoulder.  Chanyeol glanced at his boyfriend and Sehun followed his gaze to see Kris' eyes darted between him and Chanyeol. "Need me to step out?" He asked, now eyes fixed on Chanyeol who nodded. "Alright, I'll be in Sehun's room" he shot the black ball and dropped the pool stick before heading out. Chanyeol let out another sigh. "I think I am in love with another guy." "You think?" "No I am sure" "Have you fallen out of love with my brother?" He asked carefully. Chanyeol instantly shook his head. "No, how could you even say that? I love Kris and I will always love him, he's my world. But–" "Okay?" Sehun said. "So, what's the problem?" "The problem is that I like them both. Like, equally. In the same kind of way. I mean, I think about Kris, and I get really happy, and I think about this other guy, and I get really happy too, and―" He made a frustrated gesture, while still managing to look slightly smitten as he mentioned the objects of his affection. "I mean, you can like more than one person at a time, right? I mean, romantically, or whatever. That's a thing?" He sounded so concerned, and Sehun gave him a nod."It's definitely a thing," he said calmly. He had never personally experienced said thing–heck he'd never been in a relationship with anyone– but he had seen and heard of it happening far too many times for him to doubt that it was real. Chanyeol looked instantly relieved, but it's short-lived. "Okay, but," he said, running a hand through his hair. "The thing is, I can't choose. I mean, they're both awesome, and they're both into me too "He looked a little self-conscious as he said it, as though loving two people at a time was wildly inappropriate and conceited, but Sehun calmed him down. "Chanyeol, of course Kris loves you," he said putting a hand on the Alpha's arm. "He'd be crazy not to." Chanyeol's expression brightened a little at that, and Sehun was glad that he could make the Alpha feel better. "Really?" He asked. "Really," Sehun said with a soft chuckle.  Chanyeol gave Sehun a tired look at the flippant tone, but he still smiled a little bit, and while Sehun and Chanyeol have never exactly been best friends, it was nice to see him smile. Chanyeol still seemed a little apprehensive, though, and After a few seconds of this wordless staring, he sighed "What if they won't like me if I tell them, though?" he finally asked. "I mean, no one wants to hear that they're not the favorite. Like, 'oh hey, I really like you, but I also like this other person, who, by the way, is of a different secondary gender than you'. I mean, how's that supposed to go down? And I can't lie to either of them, that's not an option." Sehun didn't have an immediate answer for that. Although, Sehun could help but find some comfort in the fact that he wasn't the only one with insecurities about whether or not someone's feelings for him were reliable. It's after a little while of silence that he sighed and decided to speak again."You know my brother is open minded, he'd do anything to make you happy." Chanyeol nodded and smiled. "I know" then his smile faded. "Let's say they both agreed to it–I can– I can mate with the two of them right? Will it be weird to have two mates?" Sehun smiled, gently Chanyeol's shoulder. "No, it's not weird" he's also heard of someone having two mates and Sehun didn't have anything against it as long as the people involved were in love and happy "I know you love my hyung and I understand you must be conflicted, have you told anyone about this?" He shook his head. "No I haven't, I needed advise from you first since Kris is your brother you know him more than anyone else, I will discuss it with Jimin tonight." Sehun nodded."So who's this other person?" "Well his name is Byun Baekhyun, he's pretty amazing, he's an Omega I think I really like him. Like, a lot. And he kind of asked me out." "I bet you did" he continued to rub circles on Chanyeol's shoulder.  "Do you think Baek will agree to it?" Sehun shrugged "Maybe, I don't know him." he said and Chanyeol's face fell once again at that "I doubt he wouldn't at least consider it, though. If he really likes you." The Alpha leaned back in his seat, mulling that over ."So," he said, running his fingers along his other hand "they might be okay with it? Or at least, open to the idea?" "I am sure my brother will be." Chanyeol's face lit up like he'd just received the best Christmas gift from Santa, clearly feeling more confident than he did when they started talking about it. It's enough to make Sehun think that maybe, if Chanyeol could handle his fears of facing his feelings for two people, Sehun could probably handle facing his feelings for one. "Thanks a lot Hunnie." "You're welcome!" After his talk with Chanyeol, Sehun decided to cook dinner for them, Jimin had joined the three later on. "And he is quite the excellent chef." Kris said, a hint of pride in his voice as he helped his brother set the table.  "You guys brought wine?" Sehun asked, looking up at his best friend, he and Chanyeol clearing the kitchen isle of the many magazines(Sehun had used to study) littering the marble surface. Chanyeol placed two wine bottles in front of his brother, one red and one white. "What do you take me for?" Jimin said and Sehun scrunched his nose at him in a smile. "So, Kai's not joining us?" Kris asked, and Sehun straightened a little where he stood. "Why would he be joining us?" he retorted, fully aware of the slightly defensive tone that was doing a job of covering up how weirdly flustered Kris' question made him. Kris just raised his eyebrows pointedly, but Chanyeol spoke up before he could reply. "Kai? Why would he be joining us?" he asked, looking between Sehun and his boyfriend. "He's Sehun's boytoy" Jimin said as he smoothly made his way past Chanyeol and into the kitchen area."I mean boyfriend." The omega added.  Sehun stifled a groan. "He's not my―" he said, pursing his lips and refusing to give in to Jimin's teasing. "He's a friend." "A friend Sehun thinks is totally dreamy and totally has a crush on," Jimin said with a grin, grabbing the bottle of white wine and putting it in the fridge. "And who also doesn't do relationships," Sehun said, a little irritably. He couldn't believe he had to keep pointing this out, although he realized he was saying it just as much as a reminder to himself as to his friends. "Doesn't make him any less dreamy," Jimin added in an annoyingly chipper voice now making his way over between Kris and Chanyeol. He started getting plates from one of Kai's kitchen cupboards, while Kris continued to set the food. Sehun closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath through his nose. He hate his best friend."Be that as it may," he said, opening his eyes. "The situation is what it is, and I've accepted that. Kim Kai is off-limits." He walked over to the drink cart by the window, suddenly itching for a glass of whiskey. "Wait," Chanyeol said. "Seriously?" Sehun didn't even glance over his shoulder as he replied."Yes," he said, pouring himself a drink. "Why?" "I know the reason why Kai doesn't do relationships, but that shouldn't stop you from making a move." Chanyeol said, and Sehun could hear a frown in his voice. He whipped around, suddenly alert. "How do you know that?" he asked "He told me?" Chanyeol said. He looked slightly confused. "What did he tell you exactly?" Sehun asked, making his way over to Chanyeol, fingers tightening a little around his whiskey glass. "I mean he's immortal, a warlock and because of that he can't be in a serious relationship since he have to be honest and obviously he can't do that for the sake of himself and his kind safety. He's been clean about it with me, we've been friends for over seven years now." Chanyeol said as though Sehun was an idiot. "But I bet you already know that so what's stopping you?." "I agree with hyung," Jimin said somewhere in the background, but Sehun was barely paying attention. "Yes, I know he's a warlock" he admitted. "I know he doesn't do serious relationship because of that but―" He pulled back a little, taking in a deep breath. "I like him, I really do, I just don't know how to make a move and–" he glanced at his brother. "There's something about me that I haven't told him and I don't think I can, for us to work, he has to know the truth." "Can we just drop it please, I am very hungry right now" Kris said, coming to stand next to his brother. "That's besides the point," Chanyeol said waving his hand dismissively at his boyfriend. "Kai is a really good guy, no matter how bold he might appears to you, he's a shy guy and that might make It difficult for him to make a move even if he likes someone. Most of his flings were the ones that approached him first." Sehun frowned, he wasn't one of Kai's flings, that wasn't what he wanted from the Alpha.  "I know you want something more" Chanyeol continued as though having read his thoughts. "And I really want you to have it with Kai." Sehun turned to the rest of the group, the two of them watching the exchange, with different expressions on their faces. Mostly, they look amused. "So, what's he like?" Sehun couldn't help but ask, a little apprehensively and he held his glass with both hands, tapping the side of it with his fingers. He'd known Kai for a few months and want to know more about the Alpha from a person that had known him for years. "I thought he was your friend," Chanyeol said in a flat, teasing tone and Sehun gave him a glare, urging him to continue. Chanyeol shrugged. "He's a really good guy like I said before, he likes to help those in need, he's generous and kind." And that shouldn't make Sehun smile with an increasingly familiar sense of fondness, but it did, and his best friend caught it. He made a disgusted sound. "Sehun, please," Jimin said "Have some subtlety, at least." "Subtle isn't really his thing," Kris said grabbing the stack of plates he's gathered and placing them along the kitchen isle, in front of every chair. There was a dinner table in the house, but this eating arrangement felt less formal, despite it being slightly more crowded. Sehun had always liked it when it was just him and Kai in the kitchen but he still appreciate his friends' presence. "Just ask him to marry you already" Jimin said gigglingly. "Alright, that's quite enough," Sehun said, just barely able to drown out the fit of giggles Kris and Chanyeol just erupted into, Jimin grinning devilishly. He took a big sip of his whiskey and put the glass down on the drink cart, before sitting down on one of the bar stools. He waved a hand over the food Kris had now placed neatly along the kitchen isle. "Less teasing, more eating." "We tease because we love," Jimin said haughtily, sitting down across from Sehun, next to his brother, and Sehun just threw him a glare. He hated how easily he believed that. Kris took a seat at the other end of the isle, Chanyeol ending up between him and Sehun, and as the four of them quickly fall into comfortable dinner conversation, Sehun felt his shoulders relax a bit. He had missed this. It had been quite a while since they all got together like this, and he smiled a little
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750 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.