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  There are three type of scents that can be used to identify a person: 1: the one someone has as a person, and two, the one that tell one's secondary gender and lastly the one that every individual have distinctively. (Example; like Sehun's rose and honey scent)    
Kai woke up again, somewhere around 3am, but this time it wasn't because of bad dream but because of a pleasant feeling of having Sehun in his bed. Kai began filling his lungs with Sehun's scent using deep breaths with his mouth, which had a near numbing effect over his body. All of his inner wounds and demons were calmed, every negative thought subdued under the protective cloak of Sehun's being, he was again able to explore this new layer of existence, to enjoy its tranquility and aura of calmness.His emotions soon reached a blissful crescendo, with his heart fluttering and his body starting to physically shake at the depth of his need for Sehun, forcing Kai to squeeze his fingers tightly into his hands, not wanting to disturb Sehun. Kai wanted to wrap himself around Sehun and never let go. He wanted to protect this man at all costs, no matter what happened. He couldn't remember feeling this protective over anyone before, and to be honest it scared Kai a bit. But feeling Sehun shifting his weight on his chest was also so reassuring to Kai, it was letting him know that he wasn't dreaming this, that Sehun was actually here, and that he was alright. It was then that Kai started enjoying what was happening, still aware that it might scare Sehun, but knowing he wasn't acting on his alpha instincts reassured him. The sight of Sehun asleep beside him, looking so good, but also innocent and vulnerable, screamed to Kai's alpha instincts. Sehun looked so peaceful. Since they'd met, Kai hadn't really seen Sehun totally peaceful, so this rare glimpse of a different side to Sehun made Kai's heart leap in his chest, and a wide smile beamed across his face.  Sehun's mouth was slightly open, with a small cute glistening bead of dribble in the corner of his mouth. He had what looked like nearly a 5 o'clock shadow on his face, and his hair was wildly scruffy; god this man is so hot...  Kai couldn't help but think to himself.  He was so special. He laid his head back on the pillow for a few seconds, basking in the warm aura that was transferring between them. They really were linked.... and Kai wanted more, so much more it made him twinge. He had to reach up with his free arm to quickly wipe a tear from his cheek, it made him feel euphoric. His other arm was wrapped tightly around Sehun, reaching around his arm and resting across his chest and stomach. Not being able to stop it, Kai began drifting his index finger in small circles on Sehun's stomach. Light enough to not be noticed, these ghostly motions quickly centred around Sehun's shirt. Acutely aware that Sehun could startle wake at any time, and that it would probably scare him to death, Kai resisted the urge to rip Sehun's shirt open. However he couldn't stop his finger reaching in between the buttons. He instantly felt Sehun's body heat warming his fingers, but what he didn't expect was for it to feel so intimate, they were sharing the same heat, and that knowledge made a surge of energy flow inside Kai.  Using self control he didn't know he possessed, Kai stopped himself from actually touching Sehun, but he got within a hair breath of Sehun's stomach, and even that promise of light contact still sent fireworks powering up his finger straight to his heart.  Kai was proud that he didn't touch Sehun, that he didn't break the trust Sehun was showing him. Kai felt his protective alpha urges surging again, he wouldn't let anything happen to his omega. Ever. With that feeling, he gripped onto Sehun even tighter, not being phased by thinking of Sehun as his. Kai could feel his bottom lip begin to wobble, he was being overwhelmed by everything he was feeling. Adding to this overwhelmed feeling, Sehun's midnight scent was something else entirely, it was muskier and had an even more addictive hint of cinnamon to it. Whenever Kai focussed on it, he felt a surge of hormones spread to every corner of his body. Damn he wished he knew what Sehun's distinctive scent was like, if Sehun's scent as a person did things to him he wondered what would happen if he actually smelled Sehun's distinctive scent. Kai used that inner strength he didn't know he had again to suppress it. However Kai knew it was his still exhaustion that was responsible for the suppression, and knew he couldn't resist Sehun without that. But something that Kai was definitely enjoying was every single movement Sehun had been making, no matter how small. When he felt Sehun's head pushing his necklace against the small piece of smooth exposed chest, it sent a new wave of shivers down his chest. When Sehun shuffled his head a bit more, Kai had to stop himself from giggling when Sehun's hair tickled his face Kai honestly couldn't remember being as content as he felt right now, and he wanted to stay like this forever. Unfortunately no matter how magical this was, it had to end as he felt Sehun stirred . Kai quickly closed his eyes, adjusted his position to face the other side and even out his breathings, trying as much to look like he was still asleep. But Sehun didn't wake up, he adjusted his position too, now wrapping his arms around Kai's middle, pulling Kai to his chest –making Kai the small spoon– and snuggled as he continued to sleep soundly.  Smiling to himself, Kai released a deep breath and relax. It took a few minutes for him to fall back asleep as well. ***
Warmth of the bed, comfort of a perfect mattress, sleep-warm body of an Alpha. Sehun stretched his legs out, then shifted so that his shoulder was more comfortable rather than trapped under his own weight. It was blissful. Sehun's other arm was thrown over Kai's side. Being the big spoon here, Sehun had the view of the back of the alpha's head. His usually styled hair was free of product and all wild from being pressed into the pillow. It looked very, very soft. Sehun propped himself up on his elbow so he could look down at his bed-partner. Kai was definitely asleep and not showing signs of waking. It was no surprise- the room was only gray with the first light of a cloudy winter sunrise. It was quite a normal time to be awake for Sehun but what was unusual was the place he spent the night in. He should be getting up right away but he decided there was no rush yet. He felt calm, no urge to move and no tugging. He might have a little more time to indulge in the view. Seeing Kai's face without make-up was not new but it was certainly a rare opportunity which Sehun wasn't willing to pass up by leaving the bed too soon. With his mess of blond hair and sleep-soft face, Kai was a vision as beautiful as his put-together, fancy self. Sehun could count the warlock's eyelashes if he wished to. He might not be the only one who get to see Kai like this, but he was the one in bed with the Alpha's bed right now and he was the one who soothed his nightmares. Kai was wearing just pants to bed–something Sehun came realize it's the Kims thing. Taehyung had slept in his bed without a shirt and now Sehun was seeing Kai for the second time sleeping without a shirt as well, just his sleeping pants– probably silk, and Sehun's arm was touching his bare side. He was warm, so nicely warm to touch and Sehun's body was warm too. He was very much aware that he was getting wet –another traits of being an Omega that he couldn't suppress, not when he has the person he's imprinted on holding him in a bed–and also sporting a hard on. that he woke up that way and he probably smelled like it. It would eventually wake up the alpha, surely, but Sehun would be out of the bedroom before it could happen, let Kai smell his arousal and know for certain he was an Omega. For now he watched Kai sleep and let his imagination fill in for him how this morning could go. He would wake the alpha with a kiss and would have it returned. Then another kiss… and then another, deeper one. Kai would want him as much as Sehun wanted him in this moment and he'd show it, his hands moving under Sehun's t-shirt or under his boxers... Okay Oh Sehun hold that thought. He told himself. He pressed a kiss to Kai's cheek and then moved his face close to the alpha's neck scent glands. If he knew for sure it wouldn't wake him up, Sehun would love nothing more than to rub himself on the alpha to mix their scents. But it was fine as they were and he had had his share of closeness this past night. He sat up and glanced at Kai one more time before leaving the bedroom. When he got into his bathroom, Sehun took his suppressants and undressed himself and looked into the full view mirror. He looked nothing like usual Omegas. He was muscular with hard edges that without his real scent no one would know he was an Omega. Half satisfied with the view, Sehun moved into the shower to wash away any traces of Omega he produced this morning. His hands unceremoniously went to his still hard length and without meaning to he began to himself with the thought of Kai's plump lips wrapped around him, it only cause more slick to pour out of him but Sehun didn't care at the moment, he was in the shower and would wash it away soon. It took him a few more to , his other hand going to rest on the tiled wall while the other remained on his shaft for a moment, breathing out heavily. He just jerked off at the thought of his housemate, but instead of feeling ashamed of himself, he felt at peace knowing he did it at the thought of true mate. It was after he'd showered and wore his clothes that Sehun realized something wasn't right, he had regarded his arousal with sleeping in the Alpha's bed, one should be enough to keep him sated but that didn't seem to be the case. Because not 30 minutes later he was getting aroused again. This shouldn't be happening, he'd taken his morning dosage, maybe he needed to take more. With that thought, Sehun shuffled back into his bathroom to get his suppressants, he opened the cap, took one more pill out and threw it into his mouth, moving to flush it down with water but before he could do that a raging headache pounded through his head. He gripped the sink closing his eyes tightly, the pain was familiar. He'd experienced it during his unique heat– heat? He shouldn't be going in heat, it was unusual, he still had a month before he was due for it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he'd exposed himself to an Alpha? Would sleeping in Kai's bed really make his heat come sooner than it should? He shook his head and immediatly realized it was a bad idea because the pounding in his head only increased causing him to grip the sink tighter and used his other hand to cradle his head and that was when he felt something sharp poking him. He opened his eyes after a moment and looked down at his hand, his eyes widening at the sight of claws replacing his finger nails. He looked up at himself in the mirror, his eyes had changed to their true omega color. "No, no please no, you can't come out. Don't do this please" he begged desperately to his inner omega who was about to take over. Sehun couldn't let that happen, if he shift into his wolf form, the animal would seek for one person: its mate and that wouldn't be good, Kai would know what he was. He needed his doctor, the older Omega was the only person that could help him. Sehun quickly existed the bathroom and searched for his phone. Picking the device up, Sehun tried unlocking it but couldn't. He groaned frustratedly when his fingers couldn't touch the soft screen, his claws getting in the way and he threw the phone on the floor causing it to shatter into pieces. He needed to get out of here right now or else his omega scent would spike and would probably– no scratch that, it would alert the Alpha.  Rushing down the stairs, Sehun grabbed his car keys that were laying on the couch and headed out. It might not be a good idea to drive in such state but he didn't have much of a choice. Another wave of pain shot through his head and Sehun had to stop just a few feet away from his car. It hurt so ing much, more than anything he'd ever experienced and he doubted he would be able to make it through this heat. The arousal wasn't there anymore and he was thankful for that. But the constant pounding in his head remained. Maybe he should take a cab, but who would carry an Omega that was about to go wild? No one. Seconds later the pounding subsided and he proceeded to open his car and hopped in. He didn't know how he got to the clinic in one piece, but he was not about to pounder on that, all he knew was that, some traffic rules had definitely been broken and was glad the traffic police weren't following him. The omega lady greeted him when he barged into the clinic but Sehun barely spared her a glance as he hurried to get to Dr Lee's office. "Dr–" he tried to speak, pushing into the office but couldn't because his human teeth had been replaced by canines. Dr Lee startled, quickly standing up from his chair. "Sehun– Oh my God!" He moved to take a hold of the younger Omega. "what happened– I mean how is it happening earlier?" Sehun gripped the doctor's arms, his claws must have pricked Dr Lee's skin, because he hissed but didn't move away. "You're going wild". He shook his head."we can't allow that to happen, if you turn now your Omega side might not let the human side to resurface ever." "H-hellpp" he managed to say with month full of teeth. "Shh, you gonna be okay." The doctor assured as he helped him to his feet. "Can you walk?" He asked. Sehun managed a nod and the doctor hooked an arm around his middle. "Ms. Yeri" Dr. Lee called as they stepped out of the office, the omega
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750 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.