Twenty seven.

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  Waking up with a start, Kai's eyes shot open and he felt his heart race in his chest. He couldn’t remember his dream except for the imagery of his father dying. He blinked his eyes a few times in the room and tried to calm himself by breathing slowly without much effect. He hadn’t had a dream like this in years now, his guess was that he only had one now because he had been so exhausted and drained after the nights he had spent with Sehun. This effect of his exhaustion ended being that he mentally wasn’t able to block out the horrible memories. Just lying there as quietly as he could to not wake Sehun (who was still sound asleep next to him) Kai fought the urge to get up and get a drink. His mind wouldn’t stop spinning now that it had started and the blood drenched memories from his past kept flashing before his eyes as he lay there. Feeling a mental ache spread through his body, he was finding it harder to breath with every second that passed and his joints and muscles all felt raw and sore. Just as Kai was about to give in and get up, Sehun shifted in his sleep, mumbling something that Kai couldn’t quite make out and pressed his body tightly up against his Alpha's. Having almost climbed half on top of Kai protectively, Sehun purred softly and he rubbed his face against his neck in his sleep as his scent slowly started changing. It wasn’t much, but Kai had never experienced Sehun intentionally changing his scent in this way and the distraction of it happening along with the very calming new scent did the trick. The usual sweet scent of rose and honey that was Sehun's default scent was now carrying a hint of warm freshly strawberries and mocha. Kai closed his eyes tightly and wrapped his arms around his sleeping Omega, hugging him tightly, his mind was slowly being numbed to the point where he was so relaxed he could hardly stay awake.  Soon however, as Kai began to wake again, not in a rush though, his throat felt dry and Kai needed to drink some water, he carefully unbound one of his hands from Sehun's, making sure his other was still locked right and safely, and the alpha started slowly twirling his fingers and thumbs along Sehun's hands, and up the length of his arms, completely mesmerised by every contour, every strand of hair, and every throb of his love life’s blood circulating around his body, each one infused with the same strength of love and warmth being shared along their link, just like his own body was. Kai wasn’t trying to wake Sehun up, he just couldn’t help himself... he needed to touch and be close to his love. Every so often though, one of Kai's delicately dancing finger tips would rub down Sehun's muscular forearm just right. Taking a moment to once again enjoy his mate's warmth, Kai slowly pulled away from his mate and stood before making his way out. He didn't mind roaming around in their house because no one except him and his mate were around. Making a stop inside the kitchen, Kai filled a glass with water and gulped it down his dry throat. Just as he's about to turn and walked back to his bedroom, Sehun appeared behind him and Kai smiled at the feeling of his mate's body pressed against his. Sehun's member was hard and leaking pre- as it pressed against his .  "I woke up and you were out of bed" the omega whispered into his ear, Sehun being a tad taller than Kai gave him the advantage to bit down on Kai's earlobe. Kai hissed, and with one swift move he turned around and placed his hands on Sehun's hips. "I came to get some water." he said moving his fingers around and circle Sehun's hole A growl made it way out of Kai's body. 
As Kai felt the slick dripping down his finger, still pressing against Sehun's entrance, he thought that it was the most amazing moment of his life, intensely , but also an unmatched show of trust by Sehun, and that warmed Kai's heart."It seems my Omega needs me" Kai breathed out. Despite Sehun's best efforts, he still felt his face turning red with embarrassment, knowing that when he let his guard down the slick would fall as he felt the pressure of it building up, never leaving Kai's eyes. "My heat is not as intense as yesterday but I am really right now." He said leaning to kiss his Alpha but Kai smirked and pulled back a little. Sehun pouted but he didn't have long to worry, as Kai almost immediately started coating his cheek and neck with kisses, rubbing his other hand through his hair as his actions were mixed with those alpha infused grunts, which only intensified when Sehun started kissing Kai's neck . Feeling the naughtiness return to his mind, Sehun turned his kisses around the heat radiating sensitive glands on Kai's neck into ones, which was the stick that broke the camel’s back for Kai."I figured" Kai said in a breathy tone. Being drenched in Sehun's usual scent mixed with his omega slick was far too much for any ordinary alpha to bare, but even for Kai, when he felt Sehun on his neck right where the omega had marked him, any hint on control left him. "Get over the table." He ordered in a low tone that shook Sehun to his core with a groan of his own.
**** The next four days were a blur…. But what a blur it was. Sehun's raging seemingly unquenchable heat had completely engulfed the now mated couple; it was influencing everything that they experienced, everything that they were, and everything that they did. However, this heat felt like so much more than a mating, which was no doubt an incredible thing, but the raw intensity of their desires, passion and uniqueness of their still growing connection was impossible to fight, even for an instant. It was so much more than a mating, it was the process of two beings becoming one.  All of their memories, their emotions and feelings were merging together, there was nothing that wasn’t being shared between them.Even when they were asleep, the silence of the night was constantly disturbed with their breathless groans, the ruffling of sheets as Kai pulled his omega back into his protective arms, even subconsciously not wanting to be more than a hair breath apart from Sehun. Kai had stayed inside Sehun's body since after their kitchen , using magic to take care of anything that could have separated them, the mere thought of being apart from Sehun sickened Kai to his core. They had both lost count of how many times they had made love, how many knots of his life giving alpha juices Kai had shot inside his now mated omega, and of how many times Sehun had come. Each fresh load that Kai shot inside Sehun mixed with his continuing omega slick, which meant the alpha could just keep ing him harder and harder, whenever the heat induced urges hit him. Their bodies and minds, everything that made them unique, was so connected that they couldn’t even tell whose thought was popping into their heads, or where one of their bodies ended, and the other one started. The flows of honest, pure love and contentment were continuously being transmitted along their link, illustrated by the frequent and brief flashes of golden light illuminating from under their sheets. Unfortunately however, as their connection deepened, memories of past pains and losses were being sent along their link as well, several times of loneliness and despair that they both had tried desperately to bury, were being unearthed. They were sharing their deepest fears, as well as their deepest love. Nothing could be, or needed to be, hidden anymore. Not even the feeling of Kai's safe grip, or gentle exhalations of warm air against his neck, was enough to sooth Sehun when he felt the pain his mate experienced when he lost his father. But other than that,Sehun was walking on clouds. He's smiling through all their morning rituals. Kai watched him, his emotions more complicated than his omega's. His omega, that's what Kai's thoughts stop at and revolve around. He's mated. Not only mated, he's a Bonded alpha now. It's not something he knew how to handle yet because it's a first, a whole new territory for him. He has a whole person to complete him now in so much more than the simple sense of companionship and support. No, nothing was familiar right now- even as his own turbulent emotions cloud his head, the light of Sehun's pure happiness warmed him from the inside and lightened his own anxieties. And Kai did have anxieties. Not second thoughts, not at all, but now that it's real, it's done, the Bond was even more of a big deal than he's imagined. Sehun was his for the entirety of their lives, his to protect and to cherish and to count on to be always at his side. Like a steady rock. Being in love and hearing it returned from the omega was one thing and Kai has already believed it to be true. He would have trusted any promise they could have made to each other in words but a Bond went beyond all that. The very laws of nature were on their side now and no human or demon could come between them. Not Sehun's parents, not warlock society should they be displeased. Kai held onto the coffee Sehun made for him as usual like it's helping him focus. It's not that he's just sitting there while the omega was handling the house chores but he wanted to memorize the sight so well it'll never leave him. His mate was so beautiful, so happy and making him smile. There's one more thing remaining, not that it matters much but Kai want Sehun to have every legal right on him. He's going to propose and get married to his wonderful mate. But they have time, they're immortal after all. Sehun's phone vibrated, cutting Kai out of his thoughts. and the omega dropped the  clothes he's using to wipe the washed plates before answering the call."Hyung?"  At the hearing of that, Kai walked out of the kitchen to give his omega some privacy to talk to his brother. Thankfully, this particular call didn't take too long. Sehun joined him in the living room and slid to sit next to him– more like sat on his lap. "Hey!" Kai placed both hands on Sehun's waist, pulling him closer. "Hey gorgeous!" He leaned to kiss his mate's lips. Sehun hummed, and buried his face in the crook of Kai's neck. "Hyung invited us to join him, his boyfriend and his boyfriend's boyfriend for lunch tomorrow. More like a double date" Kai chuckled, he's known about Kris/Chanyeol/Baekhyun's relationship, Chanyeol had told him about it even though he never got to meet Baekhyun. "Boyfriend's boyfriend huh?" "Yeah, I don't know how to address him, Baekhyun is not Kris' boyfriend but Chanyeol's." "Yeah, so I've heard." He said brushing Sehun's hair lovingly. "What time and where?" "2pm, Hyung will send me the address tomorrow." They spent the day, making out, watching TV, Kai conjured Chinese takeout and later that night they made love again. This time slow and passionate. **** , Sehun put on one of the shirts added to his wardrobe by Kai: a dark silver shade, classic cut. He forced his hair into some semblance of order after having allowed it do whatever it wanted for the duration of his heat but honestly it's probably still artistic mess. Kai, as per usual, stood beside him in a perfect outfit, always prepared to impress. His deep blue shirt sparkles when he moved and the gold details on his belt in black pants kept catching Sehun's gaze. On time, Sehun and Kai were both out the door and headed to address Kris had texted Sehun, and Kai was making an obvious effort not to think about the work he'd missed for almost a week now. They meet up with Kris, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun at the restaurant, a small, Italian place that Baekhyun apparently favors, and Sehun was frankly surprised at how easy it all was. As they all sat down at a table in the corner of this low-ceilinged, dimly lit place, Sehun quickly realized that he had nothing to worry about with this. Granted, he had never been on a double date before tonight, never really had the opportunity to, but the concept alone made him feel oddly reluctant. Perhaps it's a combination of the fact that it's not a conventional double date, and the fact that Sehun felt comfortable with everyone at the table already, but he ended up having a really good time. The meal went by with plenty of good food and conversation, Congratulations to the newly mated couple, laughter and drinks, and while Sehun has already gotten a positive impression of Baekhyun, it's nice to have it reinforced as he got to know him better. Kris was as quiet as usual, but it's obvious that he's enjoying himself, and Sehun was glad. Sehun observed the three of them for a moment, across the table from him and Kai, Chanyeol sitting between his two partners. It's odd― Sehun didn't know how else to put it. While he has been aware of their relationship for months now, seeing it was a different thing. Kris and Chanyeol were a great match, that much he had already figured out based on the times he's seen them together, and from the way his brother talked about the guy. He didn't know Baekhyun, aside from hearing the guy's name and him being the same guy his Mom wanted him to date ―spending time with him like this was a little weird, for sure―but even Sehun could tell that Chanyeol brought out something good in his boyfriends.  His brother doesn't necessarily smile a lot, there was something about Kris' expression that's softer than Sehun was used to, warmer, unguarded in the way he looked at Chanyeol. The oddest thing of all, Sehun thought, was how well the three of them work together. While it's clear that these are two couples, more than anything, there was no tension. No animosity, no irritation, no jealousy from what he could tell. Instead, it's relaxed, balanced, Baekhyun romantic affection for Chanyeol mirrored in Kris, albeit expressed somewhat differently. Where Baekhyun seemed to be loud and all smiles, not shy about both casually touching and kissing his boyfriend, Kris was more subdued. He opted for a gentle hand on Chanyeol's arm, or a soft curve of his mouth in response to things Chanyeol said and did. And Chanyeol fit with both of them, seamlessly. Meanwhile, there was a clear, mutual respect between Kris and Baekhyun, somewhere in the background, providing another layer of stability and ease. Come to think of it, Sehun could imagine the two of them would work well together, too. They probably have more in common with each other than with Chanyeol, but their compatibility was expressed in a strictly platonic way. Watching them all interact made Sehun happy, he realized. For Kris' sake. Sehun will admit that he never really thought about the whole idea of polyamory before Chanyeol mentioned it, even found the concept of an open relationship to be foreign. But he has never really had anything against it, either. Just because it's not for him(he can't imagine wanting to be with anyone but Kai, or dealing with Kai wanting to be with anyone but him) doesn't mean it's not for others. And his brother seemed genuinely happy, as well as Chanyeol and Baekhyun, both of whom he has actually come to think of as friends. And that's more than enough for him. Sehun glanced at his mate, in the middle of saying something to Chanyeol, across the table. He smiled and took Kai's hand in his. "You guys look so good together, I am sorry that your Mom tried to take this away from you." Baekhyun said smiling warmly as he looked at Sehun. Sehun waved him off with a smile. "It's okay, and thanks, you look great with Chanyeol too." Baekhyung grinned widely. "I am sure Irene will be really happy to know you've finally accepted your handsome housemate like she called Kai as you mate" Sehun smiled with a nod– then his eyes widen. "Wait what? You knew Irene?" "Yeah, she's my cousin. And she told me all about you the day she went to see you in Kai's house." "Oh my God" Sehun giggled. "You were the cousin she mentioned?" "The one and only" Baekhyun beamed.  "What a small world." Sehun lea
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750 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.