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      Sehun sighed for hundredth time, he pushed the empty cup of coffee and the food aside before picking up his phone to call Jimin. He didn't think he could go on like this without his friend to help him see the lights. Sehun needed to know if he was on the right track and was doing the right thing. He needed to get his head as clear as it could be before Kai's show, he didn't want his scent to spoil anything for the Alpha. Jimin picked up at the second ring and Sehun didn't waste time on asking his friend to come over. Sensing his conflicts, Jimin agreed to be there in a few minutes. He hung up the call and rested his head on the dining when he heard the whooshing sound of a portal, he quickly glanced up expecting to see Kai but froze when he saw Jiyong. The Alpha didn't say a word to him and Sehun watched as he moved to take a seat on the chair opposite his. Fixing his eyes on the Omega, Jiyong cleared his throat and snapped his fingers and a fresh cup of coffee was placed in front of Sehun. "You look like you could use more." Was what he said, gesturing at cup. Gulping thickly, Sehun glanced at the steaming coffee in his front for a brief moment before lifting his gaze to look at the warlock. Sehun hadn't seen the other since the day he created a little scene by showing his dislike for him. He didn't understand why the Alpha was here and it made him a little nervous because their first encounter wasn't a pleasant one. "You don't have to be nervous, I am not here to hurt you not when I know you're Kai's true mate. Besides I would never hurt an Omega." Widening his eyes, Sehun opened and closed his mouth unable to form a word like a fish freshly out of water. "Kai told me you've agreed to let him court you, I want to know your intentions Oh Sehun." "What do you mean my intentions? And how did you know I am Kai's true mate?" "He told me, he'd felt it from the moment he met you but he wasn't sure until he knew exactly how you smelled like." "Kai's aware?" He asked a bit shocked that Kai knew they were destined to be and Jiyong nodded. "And he never mentioned it?"It was surprising to know that Kai had been aware of them being mates, why didn't he say anything about it? But then again Sehun had also known and kept it to himself. "Did you mention it to him Sehun? Or the fact that you've imprinted on him?" Gulping once again, Sehun shook his head. "No I haven't." "Then you shouldn't blame him for not saying anything about it either" He learned back against the chair. "Back to my question, what are your intensions?" Jiyong was right Sehun shouldn't blame Kai, heck he didn't even have the right to be mad at the Alpha for not mentioning it. They do have to talk about it eventually. Now he'd focus on what Jiyong asked him "I don't have any intentions other than being with Kai and accepting him as my Alpha" he said honestly. "Have you_" Jiyong crossed his arms over his chest. "Really accepted him as your Alpha?" Averting his gaze, the omega shook his head once more. "Not yet" "What's stopping you if I may ask" Sehun turned to look at the Alpha, but he couldn't respond, because he wasn't sure what was stopping him exactly, accepting Kai to court him was one thing and accepting him to be his Alpha was another even though the Omega in him had already done that– the human part had to accept Kai– not just love but to accept him as his Alpha if he truly wanted their relationship to work out. He continued to stare at Jiyong and the Alpha smirked like he had won a challenge. "Let me spell it out for you: the reason why you haven't accepted him as your Alpha is because of your insecurities, you might not want to admit it but deep inside you're practically broken Sehun. Don't take it as an offense I am only stating the truth because that would never allow you to move forward, you'll keep coming back to square one unless you fight it . You need to start by accepting who you truly are and if you can't do that then you don't deserve my brother in law. Kai doesn't need someone who can't stand for himself. I have nothing against you Sehun believe me and I am not going to sugar coat my words just to make you feel better and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you need to know what you really want, and if that's Kai then you should be ready to fight for him. I am not asking you to tell the world who you are–what I am asking is can you accept your secondary gender as a part of you? Not something you despise? Can you do that for Kai?" Those words were true even though it hurt to hear them. Blinking back the tears threatening to fall, Sehun took a deep breath before he spoke. "Yes, I am ready to fight for the man I love, I will push aside my insecurities– heck I will fight myself if I had to because I am determined to be Kai's Omega." Jiyong just watched him for long period of time before he nodded and rose to his feet. "Very well then, I just wanted to make sure Kai's love hasn't been misplaced. I wish you all the best." His hands already making a gesture to open up a portal. "I will see you at the event tonight. That's all I came to say." He successfully created the portal and Sehun watched as he stepped in without turning to give him another glance. He continued to stare even after the portal disappeared, Jiyong had said Kai's love– what did he mean by that? Perhaps do Kai really love him? He would have to find out and the thought of his Alpha being in love with him made him smile. Jiyong was one hell of a guy, but Sehun understood he was just looking out for his brother in law. Taking a seep at the additional coffee, he hung his head with a deep breath before making a move to stand and just then door bell rang indicating his best friend's arrival.
****  "Spill" Jimin said, brushing his fingers through Sehun's hair. Waiting patiently for his friend to say what was bothering him. Sehun's eyes fluttered closed when he felt Jimin’s fingers comb through his hair, the gentle drag against his scalp almost had him dozing off. Sehun was resting his head on Jimin's lap. Opening his eyes, Sehun took a deep breath before he spoke."things happened last night." "Things?" Jimin carefully asked, his hand never stilling its movements. "Kai and I– I agreed to let him court me" A beaming smile graced Jimin's face. "Oh my God, that's wonderful Hunnie." Sehun hummed. "Yeah" he said with a slight shrug. Jimin observed him closely and he furrowed his brows when he didn't see the expression he was expecting–hoping to see. "Why don't you look happy? Did you not make the decision on your own? Did Kai forced you to–" "No" Sehun quickly shook his head. "Kai would never– I am really okay with it, I admitted to liking him and he likes me too". "Of course he does. So what's the problem.?" "I spent the night in his room" Sehun said and Jimin raised an eyebrow with a eating grin on his face. "No, no not what you're thinking, we didn't." He paused to take another deep breath. Jimin looked almost disappointed which nearly made Sehun to laugh at how ridiculous his friend was. "We almost did something this morning though, I kissed him– like I was the one that initiated it and he kissed me back." "Oh I knew you had the balls" Sehun smacked the hand in his hair, glaring at his friend. "I am serious Chim." "I know you are." "Then don't make snazzy comments and listen." Jimin mimed zipping his lips.  "Things got a little heated and I freaked out because I was weak–" "No Sehun how many times have I told you not to say that? You're not weak. You're the strongest person I've ever known. Stop feeling negative about yourself." "Wanting Kai makes me weak, it's the same thing I've sworn never to do, –" "Wanting an Alpha doesn't make you weak, do not think about what you were taught, think about how you see yourself without your parents' influence. Oh Sehun you're not weak." Jimin stated firmly. Sehun nodded, he remembered what Kai told him last night and he truly wanted to believe he wasn't weak. He closed his eyes once again. "Do you think I am ready to accept Kai as my Alpha?" He asked opening his eyes to look at Jimin. His friend smiled warmly at him. "You tell me Sehun, are you ready to accept him?" "I am not sure." "Search deep within yourself Hunnie, the answer is right there." "You know the Omega in me will always be ready." "I wasn't taking about the Omega in you, the human heart that lays in your chest." Jimin brought his other hand to place it on Sehun's beating heart. "In here. Tell me what you feel." Sehun closed his eyes once again and all he could see at the moment was Kai's smiling face, the generous Alpha, loving, kind and understanding who never did anything to push Sehun to his limts. The ever supportive and the same man he fell in love with. Agreeing to let Kai court him was the best decision he'd ever made, his heart told him that and Sehun now understood what he needed to do. Taking a shaky breath, Sehun opened his eyes and met Jimin's still smiley face "I think I am." And he meant it, he could feel something buzzing inside him, his inner omega made an excited dance like its finally proud of Sehun for once. Jimin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, that was what he ever wanted for his best friend, for Sehun to understand that i wasn't a weakness to want and have an Alpha who'd take care of you. Jimin could put his life on the line that Kai would never hurt Sehun on purpose and he'd do everything in his power to make sure Sehun's comfortable and had a good life. The two were obviously in love with each other, had fallen for one another even without the influence of being destined to be. Both Sehun and Kai were very lucky to find each other. Finding one's true mate wasn't easy. "I am glad you were able to make that decision yourself, no matter how much I love to see you be with Kai and accept him I wouldn't want to be the one to make the decision for you." "Thank you Jimin, you always guide me through the right direction." Jimin grinned. "Of course I do" he pulled Sehun into a sitting position before engulfing him into his arms. Sehun held his friend tight and they stayed that way for while before pulling back. He was feeling light weighted, as though something had been lifted off his shoulders. They talked about many things, Jimin giving Sehun tips on how to take the next step, making his friend blush miserably until the car Kai sent to pick them up arrived and the two went to Sehun's room to get ready for the show.
**** Jimin followed Sehun's lead, knowing that he'd been to this kind of thing probably countless times before, considering it was his family's business. Jimin had been to a handful of fashion shows, this wasn't new to him but he still allowed Sehun to lead the way , and before he knew it, they've made their way through the crowd of very well-dressed people milling around outside.  They end up in front of a young woman who asked for their invitations, and Sehun was almost too distracted by everything going on around him to hand his over, along with Jimin's. The woman looked over the invitations, and for one irrational, panicked second, Sehun was worried that something might be wrong―that would be just typical―but the second passed, and the woman looked up. "Excellent," she said with a smile. She gestured for them to follow. "Please, come with me." Jimin seemed a little surprised at actually being led inside, but he gave Sehun an excited nudge, and Sehun let the other drag him along. "You know I've never been to a real fashion show before" Sehun confessed to his friend. Jimin stopped,then turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Are you ing kidding me? Your mom owns a fashion empire– heck yo
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750 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.