Chapter 24

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The whole group sat together as usual at one of the tables. It was a good thing the size of the tables provided were big enough to accomodate the groups of students. Everyone was having their lunch at one of the restaurants the student council had reserved for the occasion. It was a traditional Korean food family restaurant. One of the most popular choices among students when Nako made the poll for their food preferences.

    It was a great and perfect time to chat with friends as the start of the trip.

     Except for Chaewon's table of course. Unlike the other tables, somehow, their group was surrounded with a tense and awkward atmosphere instead.

     How? Well....

    Chaewon was literally seated right between Minjoo and Wonyoung. She didn’t know how exactly did it happen. But it just did. Now she was just stuck between the two people that were trying hard to fight for her attention.

    Yujin was trying her best to help Minjoo by distracting Wonyoung, conversing with her best friend with random topics and cracking her usual corny jokes. It somehow worked because Wonyoung was laughing hard at her and averted her attention from Chaewon.

    Minjoo, thankful for Yujin’s effort, gathered her courage again and whispered to Chaewon, “It's chilly.. Can I hold your hand?" she shyly asked.

    Chaewon didn’t say anything but hummed. Taking it as a yes, Minjoo happily intertwined their hands together under the table.

    Chaewon noticed how little Minjoo was eating. She took the initiative to place the side dishes onto her plate.

   Minjoo being playful, opened jokingly but she didn’t actually expect Chaewon to feed her. She was just playing around but Chaewon just casually scooped a spoonful of rice topped with one of the side dishes and fed the girl. 

    The other girls just watched everything silently. In their mind, they were basically murdering their president for her actions right now. Chaewon was digging a grave for herself. And the spectators could only brace themselves with the next upcoming drama.

    It didn't take long because Wonyoung managed to see their act and started feeling slightly jealous. She sulked, tugging on Chaewon's sleeve, “Unnie~~ Feed me too,”

    Chaewon felt helpless at the girl’s cute act and obliged, feeding her the same spoonful with her free hand. This time, Minjoo was striked with jealousy as well, accidentally squeezing their intertwined hands a bit too tightly causing the other girl to flinch. Chaewon turned her head and saw the frown forming on her classmate's face.

    Chaewon was now stuck, completely helpless on what to do now as she threw a look at Yuri, desperately asking for help through her eyes. But, Yuri didn’t know what to do as well. Heck none of them knew what to do. What the hell were they supposed to do anyway? It's not like they can tell the two to stop fighting over her.

     Besides, it was her own fault in the first place. Usually people would just reject or ignore the other person. But, to Chaewon, both of them, Minjoo and Wonyoung were people she hold dear and genuinely cared for.

    In the end, Wonyoung was being extra clingy and kept whining for Chaewon’s attention, causing the older girl to be forced to put all her attention on her. Chaewon unknowingly pulled her hand away to cater to Wonyoung's antics. Minjoo bit her lip at the action, upset with her loss.

    Losing her appetite, she stood up abruptly, causing the others to look up from their food. Minjoo didn’t say anything but she bit her lip again in frustration before walking off out of the restaurant.

    Chaewon, was about to go after her but Yujin beat her to it, “I’ll talk to her,” She said seriously before running off out of the place to catch up with the other girl.

    Minjoo was walking back to the hotel, alone while holding back her tears. Catching up with girl, Yujin grabbed her shoulder, making her stop in her tracks.

    “Minjoo!” She turned the girl by the shoulders and saw how there were tears starting to form on her eyes. Yujin felt her heart clenched, seeing the sight, knowing fully how it felt to have their love unrequited. She experienced it every day after all.

    Without any words, she pulled Minjoo in for a hug, comforting the latter like she always did. Minjoo buried her head into the taller girl’s neck, stifling her constant sobs. She didn’t want to cry. She didn’t want anyone else to know that she was crying. Especially since she promised Chaewon she wouldn’t cry again.

     But it's impossible. Her heart was breaking to tiny little pieces and the pain of being heartbroken was too unbearable for her.

    After a brief moment of hugging silently in the middle of the busy street, Minjoo removed herself from the hug, stepping a few steps back to have a better look at her best friend. The person who had always supported her and comforted her in the best way and understanding her. She was unbelievably grateful for everything the younger girl had done for her. Although she always , she still had her serious side and acted more mature than her sometimes. She knew she could rely on Yujin whenever she needed her.

    “Let’s go back to the hotel and watch your favourite drama okay?” Yujin suggested, smiling at the latter. She wanted to take Minjoo's mind off the matter. Minjoo couldn’t help but smile at the girl’s effort and nodded, the two heading back to the hotel.

    In the meantime, back in the restaurant, Chaewon kept checking her phone for any incoming messages. She was getting concerned after the two haven’t returned after a while. Her mood also gradually turned sour and she continued to keep quiet at the table while the others conversed.

    “Where the heck is she?” Chaewon mumbled quietly.


Chaewon was relieved when she found the girl she had been worrying about for the past hour, sitting on the sofa, watching the television intently in their hotel room with Yujin. She was actually getting distressed after Minjoo deliberately ignored her calls and messages.

    “Minjoo?” Chaewon called out. She came back alone after Wonyoung decided to join the others to try the spa. They did invited her to come but Chaewon had other things troubling her mind.

     Minjoo was on her mind. 

    Minjoo simply hummed without taking her eyes of the screen.

    Yujin slightly glanced at her, recalling their talk a while ago in the room.

    “Maybe it would be best if I forget about her. Maybe my heart would stop hurting if I forget about her… And forget about these stupid feelings,” Minjoo said suddenly once they entered the room.

      "I don't want to talk to her anymore. I don't want to do anyth

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I'll be on hiatus until August/Sept so plz bear with me! Sorry heh :)


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I'm still here waiting for the update😭😭
Chapter 24: istg plss make chaewon jealous too.. im hving heavy heart seeing minjoo like this
Chapter 25: The story was so good
Pls continue this author huhuhuhu
_ssamukim #5
Chapter 1: update pls
aaaa pls ud authornim😭
aiahm_okayy01 #7
Its 2021 and im still hoping hahaha i actually forgot the plot already but the title (Choice) makes me remember it was a great story-- cuz i do remember i waited for this to be complete.. ig im going to reread this 💕
Please update again author huhuhuhu
Frost2002 #10
Chapter 25: Ummmmmm please update whenever you can author-nim 🤧