Chapter 16

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The next day, Minjoo came to class as usual and was puzzled when she saw the empty seat right beside her. The seat that was supposed to be Chaewon’s. They had been seatmates for a couple of months now thanks to Yuri and Yena. It was awkward at first since Minjoo still felt shy with the girl but she managed to adjust herself with the girl in a short time.

   Minjoo placed her bag onto her seat, eyes still focused on the lone chair beside it before walking towards her friends at the back of the class. Minjoo finally noticed that Yuri was also absent from her seat, with a pouting duck plopping her head on the table lazily.

   Sitting on the vacant chair that used to be hers, Minjoo pushed the blonde haired girl’s shoulder slightly, forcing the girl to put her attention to her instead. Minjoo chuckled lightly when she saw the pout on her friend’s lips.

   “Do you know where your girlfriend and Chaewon are?” Minjoo asked.

   Removing her head of the table, Yena now had her back pressed against the chair while leaning her head onto the palm of her hand now.

   “All the student council members have this meeting with the chairman and teachers for something,”

   Minjoo nodded slightly, recalling her talk with Chaewon yesterday, “They’re probably discussing about the annual school trip,”

   Yena watched as her friend had a dreamy gaze out of nowhere. In the mood to tease, Yena pointed out, “Are you thinking about her kiss yesterday?”

   Minjoo felt her face turning hotter, throwing slaps at the girl’s shoulder in a protest. Cupping her face to hide herself, Minjoo mumbled, “Shut up will you..”

   Yena burst out laughing at her friend’s shy demeanor at the mention of her crush. She was about to tease further until their teacher came in. Minjoo hurriedly returned to her seat with her blushing face.

   The two student council members didn’t return to class at all during the four periods. The teacher never asked about them at all, probably informed in advance of their absence. After all, the trip was one of the most anticipated events the school provides to the seniors and juniors especially since last year’s trip was cancelled due to insufficient funds. It was a big deal and the student council and teachers must be taking it seriously.

    Minjoo felt empty the whole time. It was her daily activity to sometimes stare at the red head’s side profile during class and getting caught by the latter. She had seen the girl yesterday but she still missed her as if it had been weeks.

   Recess came along quickly than she realized since she kept zoning out most of the time, instead of paying attention. Don’t get it wrong. She was a diligent student who had a great academic performance even though it could never compare to the student council members. But lately, since she became closer to Chaewon, her mind had been thinking about her the whole time.

   Yena and Minjoo headed towards the cafeteria, with their shoulders slumped, totally upset.

   “What’s with the long face?” A husky voice greeted them from behind.

   The two, especially Yena who was familiar with the voice turned around to see her girlfriend along with Sakura and Nako right beside her. Yena dramatically engulfed the hamster like girl in a bear hug, only to be pushed by the girl.

   “Geez. I was only gone for like 3 hours. Do you have to be so dramatic?” Yuri furrowed her eyebrows while pushing her girlfriend away from tackling her into a hug.

   Yena’s lips formed a pout as she folded her arms, whining childishly for everyone around them to hear, “Whaaaa that was long baby… I was almost gonna die from absolute boredom in class,”

   Yuri widened her eyes when Yena suddenly stomped her feet like a child. Minjoo, Sakura and Nako were trying to hold back their laughter while enjoying the scene unfold.

   “Yena… You’re attracting attention,” Yuri was panicking when the other students noticed Yena’s whining. Being a total heartthrob at school, Yena had plenty of fans in school. Almost half of them were devastated when news came out that their crush was dating another girl. But seeing how childlike and happy Yena becomes in Yuri’s presence made them change their minds and started rooting for the couple.

   “Yena deserves a kiss for the long wait, Yuri,” one of the students shouted, earning loud cheers from everyone else. Minjoo silently chuckled at the flustered Yuri and a smug looking duck in front of her. Sakura and Nako were being useless and instead, joined the crowd and cheered them on.

   “You shouldn’t keep the people waiting, Yuri,” Minjoo advised, seeing how there was no way out for Yuri unless she actually gave the duck a kiss.

   Yuri rolled her eyes, groaning, “Fine,”

   Stomping closer to Yena, Yuri pulled the girl’s collar and attached their lips together. The crowd was going crazy when Yena pulled the girl’s body closer to her when the hamster was about to pull away. The kiss was passionate and it seemed like the two, even Yuri forgot they were in public.

   Minjoo, noticing how they weren’t stopping yet, cleared loudly, catching the attention of the two lovebirds, “Excuse me. I love that the two of you are flexing your relationship in front of the singles but recess isn’t forever so would you mind continuing it later?”

    Realizing that she just made out with Yena in front of a portion of the whole school made Yuri’s face turned red as a tomato and buried her face in Yena’s neck. Sakura and Nako had enough fun and was shooing the rest of the students to their own business, leaving them alone in the hallways again.

    “You can show yourself now, Yuri,” Sakura stated, a teasing grin apparent on her face.

   Yuri slowly lifted her head, still wrapping her arms around Yena’s neck, nodding shyly. Yena just stared at her girlfriend lovingly, letting her do as she pleased. Yuri doesn’t usually become clingy to her in public so she currently loved the position they were in right now. She was holding onto her waist while the girl’s arms wrapped around her neck.

    “That was some show you two did. I thought excessive public display of affections were not allowed,” Nako snorted while cleaning her camera lens.

    “I didn’t see anything,” Sakura shrugged, obviously pretending.

    “Let’s go to the cafeteria already. I’m starving. Especially after seeing that,” Nako complained.

    Minjoo almost forgot to ask the question that’s been wandering in her mind the moment she met the three until she was interrupted by Yena.

   “By the way, where’s Chaewon?” she shyly asked.

   “On a date with Wonyoung--- OW!” Sakura pinched Nako’s arm for the joke.

   “She’s working with Wonyoung at the lounge as the president and secretary,” Sakura answered while eyeing the shorter girl.

   Minjoo pursed her lips into a straight line, “Ah.. I see. She did say she’ll be busy for a while,”

   “Yup,” The three student council members agreed. Yuri, already calmed down, was standing beside Yena while holding hands.

    “Aren’t you guys busy too?” Yena asked this time.

   Sakura scoffed, “I don't even want to think about monstrous pile of work that I have on my desk right now,”

   “I only take care of finances and budgets so I don't have much in my hands,” Yuri mentioned as well.

   “Me too. Since I'm the reporter, my work pile is actually more towards during and after the trip so I'm kinda free right about now,” Nako said.

   “Right now the ones with the most work are Chaewon and Wonyoung. Wonyoung has to check every detail, bookings, events, activities, food reservations while Chaewon actually has to discuss with the people and report everything to the chairman. Not to mention the amount of planning we have to do,” Yuri huffed as she explained everything to do the non members.

   Sakura ruffled her hair annoyance before sighing, “How did I even became the VP..”

  “That's a question all of us are actually curious about,” Yena retorted.


Wonyoung was walking lazily towards the student council lounge after a good two weeks of basically camping in the room. She was getting tired of the piles of work she had to do. She had the reputation of being diligent and hardworking but sometimes she thought it was nice to relax instead.

   Fumbling with the chain of keys in her hands, Wonyoung squinted her eyes to look for the key to the lounge. It was given to her since she had always been the earliest to arrive to school so she was tasked to unlock the room every morning. Only her and Chaewon had the keys and another spare was in the hands of the chairman himself.

   She was about to put the key into the keyhole when she noticed bright light coming from beneath the door. It couldn’t have been the sunlight since it was still early in the morning and the sun have not risen for the day.

   Tilting her head in confusion, Wonyoung turned the doorknob slowly, realizing it was unlocked. She opened the door to see a figure resting her head on the desk with the lights on.

   “Chaewon unnie!” Wonyoung called out as she rushed towards the girl in a panic.

   The red head stirred when she heard a familiar voice. Raising her head sleepily, Chaewon rubbed her eyes while covering to suppress the yawn. She blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to get rid of her sleepiness. She finally saw the concerned little bunny standing right beside her.

   Scratching her forehead, Chaewon mumbled, “Gosh, did I feel asleep?”

  Wonyoung saw the pile of papers scattered messily around the older girl’s desk and the empty cups of coffee in the trash bin below it which sh

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I'll be on hiatus until August/Sept so plz bear with me! Sorry heh :)


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I'm still here waiting for the update😭😭
Chapter 24: istg plss make chaewon jealous too.. im hving heavy heart seeing minjoo like this
Chapter 25: The story was so good
Pls continue this author huhuhuhu
_ssamukim #5
Chapter 1: update pls
aaaa pls ud authornim😭
aiahm_okayy01 #7
Its 2021 and im still hoping hahaha i actually forgot the plot already but the title (Choice) makes me remember it was a great story-- cuz i do remember i waited for this to be complete.. ig im going to reread this 💕
Please update again author huhuhuhu
Frost2002 #10
Chapter 25: Ummmmmm please update whenever you can author-nim 🤧