Chapter 14

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Yuri, who was in the middle of drinking from a water bottle, started coughing. Patting her back, Chaewon scoffed again, “Seriously? You were the one who assumed it,”

   “I didn’t think you’d actually know,” The girl shot back.

   The red head rolled her eyes as she folded her arms, “Did you guys really thought I didn’t know when that girl is literally being the most obvious person I’ve ever seen. Even Hii-chan caught onto it and she doesn’t even know Minjoo that well,”

     “Wow... Since when did you even.... “

    Looking at her nails, Chaewon answered simply, “Ever since I knew her existence. So.. Freshman I supposed?”

   Yuri gasped loudly, covering , “The actual hell? We thought you were—”

  The red head cut her off, “Stupid? You guys are probably talking about how stupid I am to not notice Minjoo’s affections for me in your group chat,”

   Before Yuri could say anything back, Chaewon raised her hand, gesturing the shorter girl to refrain from interrupting her, “And yes. I do know about your group chat,”

   “Oh please. I can see you, Sakura and Nako typing away on your phones as if you three were in a secret meeting of some sort at the office,”

   Yuri awkwardly rubbed the back of her head as she recalled the amount of times they swore on how stupid and oblivious the red head was in the group chat but in fact she knew even before they all knew.

   “So you knew this whole time and still act like a total idiot about it?” Yuri asked, curiously. The more she sees it, it’s not their fault for not knowing. Chaewon literally clings onto Minjoo as if she didn’t knew what kind of effect she has on the latter.

    “Hmmm... She’s being too obvious about it. Even I’m speechless. Like I saw her a lot of times gaping at me shamelessly before we even met,” Chaewon chuckled, finding it hilarious as she started to recall her previous memories about the girl.

   It actually amuses her how Minjoo had been showing those signs since freshmen years. They had been in the same class but Chaewon never actually noticed her until the accident during practice. One of her teammates had accidentally passed the ball too far from her, resulting it to only get hit by the side of her hand. It caused the ball to be flung towards her left side which where the bleachers for students to watch were placed.

   Unfortunately, unlike Yuri’s luck, a stunned Minjoo didn’t have enough time to dodge it as it slammed hard onto her face. The girl fell back and passed out from the impact, causing the players to start panicking. Chaewon, feeling guilty as it was mostly her fault for not being able to catch the pass, volunteered to help take her to the nursery along with Yena, who was known to be her friend.

  “I have to leave early. My mom needs me at home. Can you take care of her, Chaewonnie?” Yena asked with her phone in her hands. Chaewon nodded and assured her that she will stay there until Minjoo woke up.

   After about half an hour, Minjoo finally opened her eyes, just to be greeted by the red head girl. Shock was evident in her face when she saw the girl as she stuttered, “Wh-what are you do-doing here?”

   Chaewon smiled gently, handing her a glass of water, “I wanted to apologize for the accident. I’m sorry. I should’ve been more careful,”

   Chaewon was amused at how red Minjoo’s face turned. It didn’t looked like she was angry but it actually looked like she was embarrassed. And what was more interesting was that she was refusing any eye contact with her.

   Chaewon thought it was just because they never met before but after seeing Minjoo consistently coming to her practice and competitions, she was starting to get the idea. It wasn’t hard to spot the girl. Her striking beauty was evident and stands out in a sea of people anywhere. She did thought it was because of Yena but even when she was absent, Minjoo was always there. But whenever she was absent, she heard Minjoo, the usual spectator was missing too from her other friends.

   Especially since they officially met two months ago, it increasingly became more obvious. Chaewon complied when Wonyoung wanted them to sit with Minjoo’s group of friends without any questions because she wanted to know Minjoo better. She found it cute how Minjoo would avoid her eyes or run away from her. She knew right there, she wanted to be friends with the frog like girl.

   “Wait. If you know, why are you acting like that with Minjoo then?” Yuri broke Chaewon’s memory bubble as she shot another question.

   Furrowing her eyebrows, the red ead shifted her attention to Yuri this time, “Act like what?”

   “I mean you act totally sweet towards Minjoo. Sleeping on her lap, clinging onto her arm, leaning on her, you know those kind of stuff make the girl go crazy right?”

    The latter bit her lips, her fingers playing with the hem of her sweater, “I don’t know. I just like being with her, I guess?” Her answer sounded unsure. It was as if she was unsure of what Minjoo actually meant to her.

   “So you like her?” Yuri watched at how Chaewon’s eyes turned serious.

   “No. I love Wonyoung, Yuri. You should know that,” The girl said in a firm tone. Yuri knew she wasn’t messing with her about her feelings with Wonyoung. She could see how much Chaewon loves the younger girl.

    “You do realize that all your loving acts towards Wonyoung can be caught by Minjoo right? Didn’t you even think of how she would feel?”

   Chaewon gripped onto the hems tightly as she lowered her head, “I know,”

   She lifted her head slightly, her eyes going back to the mentioned girl who was enjoying her time on the rink before answering, “What do you want me to do then? Should I just reject her straight out of nowhere like that?"

    "It'll definitely ruin our friendship if I do that. Not only between me and her. Perhaps even the whole group could turn awkward because of it," 

   She continued, “That’s kinda why I asked Wonyoung out in front of you guys. Maybe she'll get the picture. And just maybe she’ll stop pursuing me by herself. I mean, it looked like she has an idea about how I feel for Wonyoung,"

    "I'm a bit of a coward, you see. I prefer not to talk about it face to face with her," Chaewon laughed bitterly.

    "But you guys just had to bring her here. Don’t you idiots know this is gonna hurt her more, seeing me with Wonyoung?” she ended her sentence by glaring at the latter.

   The girl avoided her glare, laughing awkwardly at the thought. She did have a point. They only thought of trying to get Minjoo and Chaewon together but it didn’t came across their minds that Minjoo could get hurt if she sees Chaewon with Wonyoun

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I'm still here waiting for the update😭😭
Chapter 24: istg plss make chaewon jealous too.. im hving heavy heart seeing minjoo like this
Chapter 25: The story was so good
Pls continue this author huhuhuhu
_ssamukim #5
Chapter 1: update pls
aaaa pls ud authornim😭
aiahm_okayy01 #7
Its 2021 and im still hoping hahaha i actually forgot the plot already but the title (Choice) makes me remember it was a great story-- cuz i do remember i waited for this to be complete.. ig im going to reread this 💕
Please update again author huhuhuhu
Frost2002 #10
Chapter 25: Ummmmmm please update whenever you can author-nim 🤧