




“Scary hyung!”

“ Hey dear hyung that cries a lot!”

“Am not! Why you guys even screaming? I can hear you just fine.” said Yesung to Sungmin and Ryeowook.

“But you didn’t reply to our first shout just now. You didn’t get into any club yet right?” said Ryeowook.

“No. I was about to the other day but things happen. Why you ask?”

“Well, we put your name in a music club so let’s go to our first club activity together since we in the same one.” both Sungmin and Ryeowook drag the older to their club meeting without waiting for the older to retort or protest.

Now the three of them seated at the back of the club room. Waiting as the adviser come. The music club consist of only 9 male and few females student who scatters around the room talking to each other.

The sounds of the door opens up startled the other before they return to their own activity upon realizing the comer was not the adviser.

“Kyuhyun! I didn’t know you in this club!” said Sungmin, chirping happily.

“Yeah I manage to plead to the adviser to accept my application. If it’s weren’t because of me saving Yesungie *ss the other day, I wouldn’t go through hell in persuade that bas--- our adviser in accepting my late application.” said Kyuhyun mockery before taking the seat next to Yesung.

Not wanting to start a fight with Kyuhyun, Yesung ignore him and continue to playing with his phone.

“What are you playing?” said Kyuhyun, interested in the game played by Yesung.

“Just stupid game. Hey..” Yesung said softly, leaving Ryeowook and Sungmin in their own conversation.

“Yeah?” Kyuhyun turn to the older who still focusing on his phone.

“I never said my thanks for saving my pitiful *ss right? So than---” yesung was about to continue before the younger cut him off by placing his finger on the smaller mouth. 

“Nope. Don’t say it yet.”

Yesung looking at the younger, confuse by the meaning of the younger words before angrily swats the younger hand.

“How about you take me out and buy me foods. I’m still taking my thanks from 10 years ago.” said Kyuhyun with a smirk.

“What?! you mean a date? Hell--” again the younger cut him off but covering his mouth from swearing in front of the club members.

“Watch your cute pouty mouth Yesungie. I heard from Heechul that your new bodyguard a.k.a a watcher is here.” said Kyuhyun in whisper.

Yesung quickly turn around to search for the so-called watcher. No one suspicious that he can conclude as the new watcher.

“Which one? There’s no one that look as strong as Yunho in here. Except that tall guy who speaking with a shorter guy.” said Yesung.

“Hey, they has a name.” said Ryeowook. Apparently the smaller of the 4 were listening to their conversation all along. “That tall guy is Jaejong and the shorter one is Junsu. They were best singer so far on the first intake club.” 

“You had to sing?” Yesung ask curiously as he had missed the first meeting for the intake.

“Yeah. You have to sing after this but Heechul hyung said you’ll be just fine.” Sungmin chirped in after being left talking to himself by Ryeowook.

“Hyung, you are in your second year… is this your first club activity?” Kyuhyun ask with a frown.

“Well I was still rebelling against Heechul hyung last year and refuse to get into any club. But I heard this campus music club is good so I decide to enroll myself in after that. So does anyone here picked carefully by the adviser?” said Yesung.

“Oh let me tell you! The first one to go that day is that guy Jaejong. He’s quite talented. Along with him there’s Junsu guy. The best voice I heard so far. Than there’s trio who so close to each other. Kim Seokjin. He’s take the same class as your hyung. You might not realize him in your class since Heechul hyung told that you sometimes ignoring everyone around you. Then we have Jeon Jungkook. Multi-talented bastard!” Ryeowook said with hint of jealousy.

“He said like that because that guy are younger than any of us but he can dance and sings so well. And taller than him.” Sungmin giggling, reminded by the first time Ryeowook was taken aback by Jungkook’s charm.

“Whatever. And then we have Taehyung. Eyes candy for this girls here. Why people only look at the face. I mean come on. I can cook!” said Ryeowook with a pout.

Sungmin cooing at the younger and pinch his cheeks. Earning a groan from the smaller. “You can cook for me if you want!”

“Pfft. He's blushing! Oh the teacher are here!” said Kyuhyun joined by giggling Yesung.

The club continues with Yesung stunning the people with his voice after the roll-call. Upon returning to his seat, Sungmin keep bugging him with complimentary, embarrassing him further more for the rest of the club activity.

After been assign with few assignment, they were told to make a group of three by the teacher list. Unfortunate for Yesung, his name was place at the end of the list, putting him away from his friends.

“Sir Kangta! Can we just make our own group?” said Ryeowook who end up in a group with Sungmin and Jungkook.

“You don’t like me hyung?” said Jungkook with kicked puppy face, earning a groan from Sungmin who not liking Ryeowook rude comment.

Ryeowook become guilty from his own speech. “Eh no. It’s just.. emm..” he try to think of few excuse to save himself from being kicked by the wrath bunny. “Yesung hyung! Yeah I want to be with him since this is his first club activity.”

Jungkook immediately smiles, thinking he had misunderstood the older treatment. “Oh. Okay” said him happily.

With Kyuhyun grouped with Jaejong and Taehyung, Yesung were left with Junsu and Jin.
“Why all the guys are in the same group!” shouts few girls, protesting with the facts that none of them could be in the same group as the boys.

“Shush it. You came here to study. Not to flirt around. And we had systems here. No Ryeowook, you can’t change the group.” said Kangta with annoyed voice. “Club dismiss.” said him and walk out from the club right away.

“Tssk, immature old man.” said Kyuhyun that goes heard by the other.

“Why you say something like Kyuhyun ssi?” said Taehyung in confuse.

“He’s my older cousin. A brat. Anyway, should we stop somewhere after class to discuss further abut the assessment?” both Jaejong and Taehyung nod in agreement.

“Hey, Yesung right? Should we join them since both our friend are in the same group.” said Junsu who took a sit in front of Yesung. “Are you okay with that Seokjin ssi?”

“Of course! Yesung ssi, we’re in the same class so why not we take off together after this? And oh you guys can call me Jin.” said Jin, smiling so brightly.

“Yeah sure.” said Yesung nervously, feeling uncomfortable from Junsu getting too close to him.

“Yah don’t stare at him like that, you scare him, Dolphin.” said Jaejong, knocking the said dolphin head.

“Ah sorry. Let’s go Jae!” said Junsu smirking towards Yesung before dragging Jaejong along with him.

Yesung were left with weird feeling from the smirk given by Junsu. He shrug it off and catch up with the other who begin to leave the club room.

“Can you guess who’s the secret bodyguard?” said Kyuhyun, whispering to the older while walking towards the older class.

“No…” Yesung stop right in front of his last class.

“Well I think it’s Junsu. Or might as well be Jaejong. Either way, I did ask Heehcul hyung permission yesterday. He said you can just act normal around me. Although I miss the crybaby you from before.” said Kyuhyun,caressing the older cheeks softly.

The younger act had Yesung blushing. He slap Kyuhyun’s hand and pout, turning away from the younger stare.

“I’m not a crybaby! And i don't need a permission to talk the way i like!" said yesung, leaving Kyuhyun outside of his classroom.

Kyuhyun chuckles, feeling giddy after succeed in teasing the smaller. He turn around and walk towards his class that were opposite from Yesung’s.

But as he turn another corner, he accidentally bump into someone. Groaning, the pain he had from the person accidentally elbows him right on his ribcage was unbearable.

“Hey!” he shouts but soon the person was long gone from his sight. Leaving him clueless of the person real intention.

‘This hurt like hell..’ 


“So everyone’s here? Who wanna ride with me?” said Jaejong, holding his hand high for the other to join him.

“Me and Ryewook! My car were still at the mechanic.” said Sungmin.

“You hit someone again?” asked Ryeowook innocently.

“Again?!” shouts both Taehyung and jin in surprise, earning a maniacal laugh from Ryeowook. “Yeah, trust this kid all you want. I forgot to change the oil.” said Sungmin annoyingly.

“Yesungie, you don’t have ride right?” said Kyuhyun, intend to invite the smaller on his bike.

“Riding bike are dangerous. You can come with me Yesung hyung!” said Junsu with a smile.

“Am not! I’m professional!” said Kyuhyun childishly, earning a giggle from Yesung.

“It’s okay Kyu ah. I’ll ride with Junsu to the cafe and you can give me a lift on the way back home, okay?” said the older, tilting his head cutely. He know he can’t say anything snarky as a comeback with the older adorable look. He nod and huffing before went to his own bike.

“Wow, look at that. Someone’s head over heel for our cutiepie!” said Sungmin who then nodded by Ryeowook.

Soon they were scatter around to their own ride, making their way to their destination.



Sungmin and Ryeowook watch as the pale taller pacing back and forth in front of them. Upon arriving to the cafe, Kyuhyun begin to feels worried for the older who still not arrive with his ride.

“Hey calm down. Junsu is not a bad guy.” said Jaejong who join the trio outside of the cafe.

“You. You are the guard right? Won’t you be worry if he still not here?”  said Kyuhyun, pointing his fingers towards Jaejong’s nose.

Jaejong swat the younger hand with a frown. “it’s rude to point like that at my pretty face. How do you know? Young master told you?” 

“Nah, I saw how you watch over Yesungie just now.” said Kyuhyun who then turn around once he heard a car approaching them.

“Wow young master.” said Ryeowook, amaze by the way jaejong call his boss, Heechul.

The car took the spot next to Jaejong’s car. Yesung slowly emerge from the car and walk towards them.

“Are you okay? He didn’t do anything right?” said Kyuhyun frantically, twirling the smaller around.

“Wow I’m fine just now but now I’m dizzy!” said Yesung, annoyed by the younger. Thought he was throwing away his look, others can’t help but notice faint blush on his face and smirking.

Others were cooing him, making the older redder than he already was.

“Yah!” yesung shouts and walk pass them into the cafe.


The discussion took them 3 hours before they settle on the same note. Yesung’s phone keep getting in the way of their conversation. Heechul had been worried for his dear cousin and bugging him with messages and calls until the smaller answer his phone.

Wearily he pick up the phone that had been put into silent mood.

“Yes hyung. I told you I had group discussion.”

I know but I’m just worried. Have you finish already? Want me to pick you up?”

“No hyung. I’ll go home with Kyuhyun.”

Oh okay…. wait.. didn’t that brat use a bike?! No I won----”

He sigh. Knowing well how the older won’t let him ride any bike,let alone his own one. He pulls Kyuhyun’s hand drag him out after bit the others his farewell.

“What does he says?” Kyuhyun ask curiously, watching the pout on the smaller face. ‘Cute’ thought him.

“I told him that I’ll be home with you. He knows you only ride your bike and he was about to protest before I cut the calls off. It’s annoying how he won’t let me do what I want! I had my own bike and he won’t let me use it, can you believe that?!” the smaller ranting his heart out, stomping his feet once in a while.

Kyuhyun chuckles. Although he really tempted to tease the smaller about the older cousin worrying over him, he didn’t want to make the smaller rejecting his ride home.

“Wear this.” said Kyuhyun, holding out a spare helmet he took out few minutes ago while Yesung complaining.

Kyuhyun almost laugh once he saw Yesung had the hard time to lock the safety lock on the helmet. As much fun it was too watch Yesung’s struggles, he didn’t want to bring the smaller home too late.

“you at this.” said him, helping Yesung to wear it more properly. Unknown to them how the scene was too sweet for their forgotten friends who still watching them from the entrance of the cafe.

After waiting the smaller carefully seated behind him, forcing Yesung to circling his small hand around Kyuhyun’s waist for safety measures.

“This is embarrassing.” said Yesung, feeling lucky for the helmet to cover off the blush on his face.

Kyuhyun laugh, feeling too much happiness from the smaller unintended hug.

“Better be safe than not. Hold tight.”

“Argh!!!” Yesung shout. On top of his lung as the younger sped off at too much speed. “You jerk!!” and only a maniacal laugh can be head from Kyuhyun as the smaller tighten up the grip on his waist.



"Hey we here." said Kyuhyun, feeling pained by the smaller tight grip.

Yesung look up and blushing. The younger face are way to close to his. Feeling nervous with the closeness, he quickly climb down the bike. 

With difficulty, he tried to take off the helmet. Knowing the older struggles, Kyuhyun chuckles before helping him out.

"There you go."

The younger smiles got him taken aback. He pinch himself on the hand. 'You not gay Jongwoon!  Not anymore! ' thought him.

Watching the older standing still in front of him, Kyuhyun couldn't help but feels invited to .

"What? You want a goodbye kiss?" said him smugly. 

"What!? Don't get full of yourself you jerk! Goodbye! And thanks for the ride!" said Yesung before rushing away from Kyuhyun with red face.

 'Ah. Don't torture my heart Yesungie.' thought Kyuhyun before speed off away from Yesung’s house.







A/N: i know. I know. Wow what a cameo!! Well deal with it. I love them too (Not as much as i love yeye) and i would love to see their interactions even with short scene. And yay with the  ships sail (in here only of course), Kyusung for the win!!!!!!!!!!



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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
390 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
390 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
390 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
390 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again