




Shouts a tall greek-god-sculpture-like man. Furiously stomping towards the said dad’s room.

“Why you change my application to the Kim’s Elite university!? I thought I told you I want to be in the same one as my friend’s choice?” said him.

“Siwon ah. That university is my friend’s prestigious achievement. I heard there’s a lot graduate student from there succeed in their life. I don’t want you to regret just because you went into your friend choice and end up failing it miserably. Besides, I want you to get close with the owner son and get to know him. This can mean a lot for our company.” said the dad.

“Tssk you can just said that you do this for your company, not for me.” Siwon daringly glare at the old man who only laugh at his son’s antic. “You want me to be that guy boyfriend or what?”

“What?! I didn’t say that! I don’t mind your uality and stuff but that boy already had his partner. I just want you to show him how nice our family are. Now, get ready for you first day today!” said Mr.Choi happily while pushing his son out from his room.

Siwon sighing from his dad childish thinking. The older guy knows well how Siwon is. 

‘Just say that you don’t want me to hang out with those punk. Well I got bored with them already.’


‘My body feels heavy…’ thought Yesung. After few bickering with his cousin about his health condition, he succeed in making the older admit his defeat and letting him to go to his class today.

‘If I didn’t think about today first club intake, I won’t be here. you Heebongie for letting me out in the cold for too long.’

“Hachoo!” again he’s sneezing throughout his day.

It’s the last class before the club activity starts in two hours. With Eunhyuk nowhere to be seen near him and so does Yunho who still had his class around the time Yesung had finish his, he wander alone inside the corridor with staggering legs.

He was too caught up with cloudy mind when a hand begin to drag him somewhere. With not much energy to protest, he had no time to face the rude person who push him inside a infirmary room.

“Aish… who are you bastard…” said him softly, too tired to shouts.

“Aww I didn’t know you can curse, babe.”

“What?” only then his eyes fell onto the person, all hair on his body stands upon realizing the rude person.


“Yeah me, we still didn’t get to do it last time, cutiepie.” said the jock who had come again after the last time Yesung had 'abuse' his ‘future’.

“You really brave enough to kick my precious. Now I need to know whether or not it has been damaged. Just obey me.”said the jock who begin to pull Yesung towards the bed.

(author had no experience in any ual activity nor want to be in one. This is purely torture for her aual *ss .)

“Let me go!” the shouts only came out hoarse as the fever begin to take over his body.

“Aww your body are so hot. Fever? I bet you taste better with this warmth.” said the taller as he Yesung’s shirt slowly.

As much as Yesung would like to resist the touch, he had no more energy to shouts or even to beat down the guy. To hell with his promise, his precious body was about to be by the stupid jock who possibly looking like a bunny in heat.

With a struggle, the man succeed in prying off Yesung’s pant, leaving only shirt and his underpant. Feeling dangerously sick by the lustful look the man gave him, he try to kick the man down.

“Wow, watch this petite leg, I’m gonna devour it if you tempt me like this.”

“You… ss..sick bastard!” whimper Yesung. Hands pushing the man’s chest away from coming too close to him.

“Ahh you make me excited with that look, Yesungie…”

“Eh…? name..” said Yesung with watery eyes.

“Ahh of course I’m gonna learn my b*tch name from now on, aren’t I?” said the man wickedly. “Call me Max” said him as he the smaller’s ear.

“Shhi--” Yesung was about to protest when Max cover his mouth and hunch closer.

“Nope, this beautiful mouth so not gonna swear in this ‘session’.”

Yesung become frantic when the taller begin to caress his whole body in the most wicked way. Circling the smaller chest in soft manner. Trashing around won’t help him at all with the fact that the man above him were pinning him down heavily while his was busying himself with Yesung’s neck.

“No!” again the shouts only came as a small whimper, his hesd become too hazy with his sudden rising fever.

“You taste so good babe. Shame that no one ever you before. Well lucky me, I got to be the first one.” the taller sit up from his position straddling the smaller, hands fishing out something from his back pocket.

“I know you have a fever right now, but just for a safety measures, take this.” said Max as he poke one of the tablet that Yesung sure as hell knows as a drug and force it on him.

“ off..” said Yesung as he clench his teeth tight to avoid the foreign object to be force in him. 'Dammit! He prepared for this!' thought him.

“Don’t be stubborn!” shouts Max, getting impatience by the stubborn man.

After he finally shove it down into Yesung’s mouth, he quickly fetch a bottle of water that strangely were placed  near the table stand. Gulping it down, he forced feed it by his mouth onto Yesung.

“Ahack!” the smaller choked on the drink and breathing heavy from the force intake.

“ you! Let me go or I shouts!” said Yesung, gathering enough energy to shouts it on top of his lunge.

Outside of the infirmary, the shouts manage to catch a person attention. With curiosity piling inside his head, he come closer at one of the door.

“Let me go, stupid mop head!” shouts Yesung again but soon begin to limp down once the drug begin to take it’s effect.

“Good boy. I’ll make you feel good so soon, baby.” said Max as he begin to attack Yesung’s neck again.

On the outside of the door, the person had turn red face once a lusty moan escape the room.

‘Sheesh… making out at campus? But why does it sound so weird?’ thought the person. Curiosity rising again in pit of his stomach. Feeling something was off with the couple inside, he waits for few more minutes.

“No… urgh… I don’t want this..” whimpered Yesung for nth time already. But the taller were too high in lust to let it into his head.

Only when Max was about to touch his private part Yesung begin to wail harder. Crying as he weakly push the man above him.

“Hey shh. It’s okay Yesungie baby. You gonna like it soon.” Max become panic by the sudden wailing.

“No… Heebongie… save me…” the sobs had him stuttering but every word manage to reach the eave droppers ear.


The door to the infirmary was harshly kicked open by the person.

“Let go of him!” said him.

“Huh? Who are you to say that. Leave us.” said Max, irritated by the sudden intruder.

“Leave you as you that poor boy? Nope. I’ve called the guard and you’re doom.” said the stranger. “Also, I’ve record every single talk you had said. Goodluck.”

'Please take the bait!!' thought him, afraid of his lie were too fake for the attacker. 

The man threat had Max scatter around to fetch his clothes and run out from the room, leaving Yesung lying weak from both drug and fever.

“Uhhh… Heebongie…”Yesung’s whimpering got the man frantic and run towards him.

“Hey! You okay now. Oh my..” the man become wine red once he saw Yesung’s state. Eyes watery as he keep mumbling to himself, shirts was wide open from Max’s doing and the smaller only had his underwear left to cover his shameful state.

Another mumbling broke him off from his daze again.

“Hey, who’s you calling for?” he ask softly for the weak smaller.

“Heechul…hyung… I want Heechullie hyung..” said Yesung, looking at the man in front of him pleading.

“Heechul hyung? Where does I heard that name from?” the man muttering to himself when he remember the owner of the name.

“The owner son!?”

The man yells got Yesung nod frantically. Before he run outside to fetch the said man, he generously fix the smaller clothing and tuck him underneath the blanket.

“! I can’t left him alone!”said him but fortunately there’s one student walking towards him. He hastily grab the male student.

“Hey! Could you look for Heechul sunbaenim and ask him to come here? Say it for uh… ye.. yesungie! Yeah, say it Yesungie is in trouble!”

“Heechul sunbaenim? Oh sure man.” said the person gratefully and take off to search for Heechul.

After feeling relief by the gracious help, the stranger sit next to Yesung’s bed again, staring at the whimpering male.

“Hey are you okay?” said him, he help the smaller up.

“Thirsty…” said Yesung weakly.

After he fetch the water bottle from the table stand, he help Yesung drink it and was surprise by the smaller hot skin.

“You had a fever?” said him.

Yesung nod softly. “and… tha..bastard …drug me…” said him with slurring.

“Drug!? man! That’s too far! Okay, you should rest until Heechul sunbaenim come.” said the man, helping the smaller to lay down again.

“What’s your name?” said Yesung once he was comfortable enough on his back but the hotness from the drug had him wheezing.

“Oh, I’m Cho Kyuhyun. Does your body feel weird? I mean if that mop head use a drug on you, it have to be that ‘one’ right?”

“Oh Kyuhyun. I'm Ye..Yesung..I don’t know… I do feel weird… maybe if I sleep, it will go away… will you stay here?” Yesung said in between his stutter. 

The look in Yesung eyes had him nod unconsciously.

Few minutes pass, a few footsteps had Kyuhyun break his stare from the sleeping figure.

“Where’s my Yesungie!” shouts Heehcul frantically.

Kyuhyun motion for the older to quiet down as Yesung just went to sleep. He drag the older who surprisingly follow by another few person.

“Hey, he’s fine but something happen just now.” said Kyuhyun but the older were trashing around to get into the infirmary.

“Heechul sunbaenim! Calm down!” shouts Kyuhyun that had heechul taken aback. 

“Fine. Who are you and why Yesungie is here? What did you do to him! I swear to God if something happen!” Heechul’s cursing got prevented by Leeteuk generous hand.

“Hyung, you don’t trust in God.” said Eunhyuk who apparently had follow the older along.

“Thanks. I’m Cho Kyuhyun. You should be thankful for me on saving his *ss from being by a ert.” said Kyuhyun sarcastically.

“Not again!” shouts Eunhyuk and immediately quiet down once he had Heechul glaring at him.

“Again?! what the hell Myeolchi! And what do you mean by Mr.Cho!”

“I was walking around here when I head a faint shouts. Upon curiosity, I came closer and heard a wailing from inside. It’s seems that your Yesungie had been force by the attacker and even got drugged by him. He’s sleeping now. To make thing worst, he got quite high fever right now. I suggest you bring him home for now.” said Kyuhyun.

Without letting any second more wasted, Heechul went to Yesung with worried face. His eyes went wide once he lift off the blanket from covering Yesung upper chest.

“So that time was indeed a hickey?” he look carefully on the amount of the red mark Yesung had around his upper chest.

“Myeolchi! Tell me, the other day when he told me he had bump himself on his desk and got the same red mark, was it the same attack?” said Heehcul without turning away from Yesung.

“Bump? Ah he use that as an excuse. Yes. I don’t know if it was the same person but he was crying hard from it. He told me to not tell you because he was afraid of you not ing him. Don’t blame him hyung. He just too naive to think that you didn’t care about him.” said Eunhyuk sadly.

A sigh come form the diva. Softly he caress the sleeping Yesung’s hair, feeling guilty by the lack of security he had on the younger.

“I’m gonna add another watcher.” said Heechul that got Eunhyuk shock but soon the younger understood the older meaning.

“Watcher? What do you mean,Chullie ah?” said Leeteuk.

‘… I slip out…’ thought Heechul nervously. He glance toward Eunhyuk who nod at him with a smirk. ‘The heck with the nod, stupid!’

“I’ll tell you later, hun. For now, I want to bring Yesung home. Wanna come?” said him, earning a nod from both Leeteuk and Eunhyuk.

Only then Heechul was reminded by the saviour. “You, Cho! You saw that guy’s face right? You will help me track that sh*t down whether you like it or not.”

“Oh no problem. I like adventure.” said Kyuhyun sarcastically. Not that he didn’t want to help the smaller that had catch his heart, he hate to be order around by a person like Heechul.

“Yesungie? We going home now..” said Heechul softly and he resume by letting Leeteuk carrying the smaller easily with an excuse as he had hurt his back.

Yesung begin whimpering once Leeteuk take a hold of his body.

“Be careful. He had been drug just now. The effect are still there.” said Kyuhyun.

“We know. Let’s go. We meet tomorrow at the front gate,Cho.”

Not far from the scene, Max had been watching them closely. Clenching onto a locker with anger spiting inside him.

“I will get to you next time, baby!”





A/N: at this point,i might have forgotten to censor any cursive words lol. So I'm sorry for any slip off. Its hard when i myself never censor my own word in media social lol. And there's questions regarding Yesung's mental health about him being punish in the most mental way that similar to mental abuse. Yes he does effected heavily by that. It just that i didn't write much how he’s feeling and that's my mistake.  But i think you can see how slowly he becomes more vulnerable. It will become more obvious in the next chapter. I'm sorry for the spoiler but i need to address that XD. Early update? Yes because im so impatience to see more of you guys reaction. I might sound sadist.......  Which i am lol.

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
401 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
401 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
401 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
401 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again