An Excuse Of A Change


I'm so sorry for the late update. Life got busy in 2019 all of sudden. 



Quite loud sigh can be heard coming from the group at lunch time. Leeteuk knows what’s been bothering his boyfriend after the latter calling him in the middle of the nights crying.

“Hey, cheer up. At least we know everything now.” said Leeteuk, patting Heechul’s shoulder softly.

“Are we? I feel like there’s more to this. And now I had to leave him alone at home? I’m not gonna survive today…” groan the so-called diva in frustration.

“You didn’t went too harsh on him right?” Kyuhyun chirped in between the couple conversation.

“What?! why would I! I never want to hurt him. He seems too tired to come today so I didn’t woke him up. Arghh now I’m worried. We still had another creeper to watch out for…”

“Another?” said Ryeowook curiously. Have been listening to the conversation had the others curious about the three.

“We will discuss this after class today. Meet me at the meeting room. Let’s go Teukie.” said Heechul, leaving them as the lunch time had to an end.

“What happen Kyuhyun ah?” Sungmin ask Kyuhyun on the behalf of the curious group of friends.

The only answer they get was a head shake. Kyuhyun thought he should let the older explain everything, not wanting to ruin everything.


‘Am I that untrustworthy to you?’

‘Am I that bad to you?’

The older question keep lingering inside his head. He didn’t sleep at all ever since he had woke up from a night terror and found out that the older had left him alone with a note.

‘Sleep more. We’ll talk later’ was written on the note left by the older.

He close his eyes. Wishing for everything was just a long night dream. He didn’t ask for this. Thought him. 

‘I ruin it… now Heebongie hates me…’ thought him.

A sound doorbell ringing startle him. ‘what time is it?’ thought him. Glancing at the table clock, 2 pm. He had been spacing out for hours. Again the doorbell ringing again.

‘Shouldn’t Heebongie had his own key?’ thought. Staggeringly climb down his bed.

“I forgot breakfast…” muttered him, holding his stomach that begging to be fills in. It’s empty and soon enough the telltale of gastric threaten him ,forcing him to have his meal.

The doorbell seems to keep ringing, waiting for the house owner to even ask them to stop.

Once he reach to the front door, He peak through the eye hole.

“Yunho?Jaejong?” said him, quickly open the door up.

“Why you guys here?” said him, confuse by the two presence.

“Well the young master got worry of you and ask us to take care of you for today. He had to visit his mother and can only come back tomorrow. Have you eaten?” said Jaejong with a motherly smiles, holding out a bag of homemade cooking.

“Not yet. You guys don’t have to do this. I can take---” he got cut off by Yunho shushing him and walk pass him.

“Stop saying that. We know you at cooking. So we will make ourselves at home now. Go wait at the table.”

Jaejong chuckles by watching the older pout and the stoic Yunho. “Look at him. He was the one who insisting me to help him make you foods.”

“That’s because I don’t know how to cook much.”

Yesung can’t believe his eyes. He swore to his life that he saw the stoic bodyguard were blushing. But he know well how to not making the bodyguard angry so he keep it to himself.

“How dare! You guys! Leave me! Outside by myself!!” 

All of sudden another guest intruding them by harshly push open the door as it was about to close,panting in between his words.

“Kyuhyun?” it was day full of confusion for Yesung. The younger clsoe the door behind him with a smiles. He strode towards Yesung and pull the smaller into the living room.

“Now let’s wait for mommy and daddy finish up our lunch.” said Kyuhyun, succeed in cheering up the giggling older.

“Mommy?!” shouts Yunho, embarrassed by the younger nickname. But who he’s kidding, it did make him cheering from the inside when Jaejong just chuckles from it. ‘No rejection!’ thought him with a faint smile.

“Now ‘mommy’ gonna prepare the food. You kids just watch the tv for a while.” said Jaejong playfully and walk towards the kitchen.

As Kyuhyun were busying choosing the right movie to enjoy with Yesung, the older can’t help but smiling fondly at the younger.

“Why you here Kyu ah? What about class?”

“Oh I only got half day for today.” lied him. He had fake a series of stomachache in front of the lecturer and were letting off for the day.

“How was it? Did you guys settle it already?” Kyuhyun ask without turning to the older.

‘Ah I forgot about it…’ thought Yesung.


“Oh. It’s okay. We’ll go through that. He just need some time to take in all that. I’m sure he’ll never hate you for it.” said Kyuhyun.

“what are you doing? Comforting me? Brat.” said Yesung, chuckling as he ruffling the younger hair.

“Thanks.” the older whisper had Kyuhyun smiles without been seeing by him.

“Foods ready kids!” Jaejong shouts had Kyuhyun happily dragging the older to the kitchen.


“So you guys will be staying here for today?” said Yesung to the two bodyguards.

“Only Jaejong. I’ll be picking you two tomorrow. Kyuhyun, let’s go.” said Yunho, pulling the younger away with him.

“Eh?But I want to stay!”Kyuhyun squirming from the tight grip but the older had already pull him out by the time Yesung even try to make Kyuhyun stay.

‘Eh… I want him to stay?” thought Yesung.

Jaejong holding back his giggles. The older had his hand stretch out towards the front door and a confuse face. Slowly Jaejong walks towards the door and by then Yesung realizes he had been left alone by himself.

Few minutes late, Jaejong walk in with Kyuhyun much to Yesung confusion.

“Eh? I thought you already gone.” said Yesung, couldn’t help but smiles a little seeing that the younger were standing in front of him.

“Oh I couldn’t leave you alone. Now let’s continue watching movie!” Kyuhyun drag the older but he manage to wink at Jaejong once before they went to the living room.

“Aish lovebird.” mutter Jaejong by himself.


It was night time. Yesung were getting ready for sleep when the door to his room open up.

“Yesungie, can I borrow some of your cloth?” Kyuhyun ask shyly.

“Eh? But we are not the same size… wait. I think I have some big cloth.” said Yesung as he begin to rummage among his hanged clothes.

“Ah this. It’s not a pyjama but it’s comfy. Now here’s a towel. Go take a bath first.” Yesung point to the bathroom inside his room.

Kyuhyun went in but before he fully close the door, his head poking from the door frame.

“You don’t wanna join?” 

A plus size turtle plushie makes it way to the younger head.Yesung were fume red from both embarrassing and annoyed.

“ert bastard!” shouts Yesung.

The younger only giggles and lock the door before the older could commit a crime against the younger.

Few minutes pass, Kyuhyun finish up to go to bed. Only then he realize about something.

He look at the older who already in his pyjama. ‘Cute’ thought him. The older were on his back on the bed, full focusing on his mobile game.

“Hey Sungie. Where do I sleep.” 

“I’m your hyung!”

“Hey Sungie. Where do I sleep.”

The younger repeating question had him annoyed. Knowing the younger won’t bother to respect the formality between them, he sighing.

The older scooting a little bit, leaving a space for the younger on the bed.

‘Ah so inviting.’ thought Kyuhyun.

The older innocently pat the bed as a sign for Kyuhyun to join him.

“I don’t have a sleeping bed. The bed is big enough.” said Yesung, still haven’t come to realize the predatory look the younger give him.




The younger had the audacity to jump on Yesung but fortunate enough the older manage to avoid it by rolling away before Kyuhyun had time to ‘attack’ him.

“Ow Hyung… you don’t have to slap me…” said Kyuhyun, holding his left cheeks. It seems like Yesung had slap him by reflex.

“Well you trying to kill me! You don’t have to jump okay! It’s not even that high.” said Yesung.

‘Blam!’ the door to his room were kicked wide open.

“What happen!?” said Jaejong frantically.

“Oh nothing. Kyuhyun were messing around just now.” said Yesung but the said bodyguard didn’t take it well due to his appearance.

The older were panting with shriveled hair. Shirt were to the second one. While both his hand were holding the younger cheeks.

“Yah!! Cho Kyuhyun! What did you do to Yesung hyung!”shouts Jaejon, posing as an mma fighter towards Kyuhyun.

“Hold on! Jaejong hyung! I didn’t do anything! You misunderstood the situation!” shouts Kyuhyung, scowling behind Yesung.

“Take this!”


“Does it still hurt?”


“... you’re crying…”



The younger turn around after facing backward from Yesung. A few bruise in the corner of his mouth had Yesung accidentally letting out a few giggles.

“Tssk you didn’t even care about me.” said Kyuhyun.

“Hahaha. I’m so sorry. I never thought he actually dare to beat you. I don’t know what did he thought we were doing just now.” said Yesung cluelessly.

‘I wonder why too… stupid Yesung.’ thought Kyuhyun as he roll his eyes.

Then it was silence again with the two facing each other.

“Hey…” the older started, breaking the comfort silent.


“I never tell anyone this but I don’t know why I feels like I can tell you…”

“Tell me what?”

“The reason why I change.”

“Wasn’t it because of Siwon and Changmin?”

“Tssk don’t even say their name…”

“Hyung… Siwon told you the real reason why he did that. Won’t you forgive him?”

“Forgive him? Yeah I could but the thing is, he could just ignore Changmin than ignoring me. He was the one who engaging everything but why did he even care one person mouth? Anyway, let’s just forget about those two. It’s too late already to even think about them.”

Kyuhyun sighing, having a hard time to reason with the stubborn older. “Fine. Continue.”

“Half of it was because of them. But the real thing is. I met someone. He told me that the reason why I even got betrayed by Siwon was because I’m too weak. I’m too naive. He said he can help me change…”

“Help.. you change? And what was it?” 

“em… don’t tell anyone… please…”

Contemplating in between agreeing to the smaller, Kyuhyun just nod it off, not wanting to break the trust the older had on him.

“So.. at first he just bring me to… club.. to meet with people who way too out of my league. He teach me all the bad thing. Women. Drinking. Smoking. Of course I refuse half of it except women. He did try to bring me to some gay club which I refuse it again and give some excuse as I’m done with guy. It’s bad. Way too bad. We only play around for quite long time until he kinda… snapped. He tried to lure me into the drug addiction. I never knew he had those kind of problem. So I ran away. I promise myself that even if I want to change, I will never want to indulge myself in that corrupted world.”

“Wow… what a world you live in… I’m glad you realize it before it’s too late. No offense but why you still acting.. you know.. a jerk.”

“Pfft haha. Well it’s hard to leave behind the thing that had help me go trough my worst. I tried to change. Seeing the dissapointed look in your parent face was the worst. But instead of changing back to my old self, I kinda drag out the bad attitude till now. I know how happy my mom once she manage to get Heechul hyung to change me… that’s why I just agree to this crap. But hey. This is me now. I can’t just change the way I talk. I don’t know until when Heechul hyung want to do this but I just want him to respect my way of thinking nowadays. It’s hard to change just because someone told you to.”

“Hurm… but I can see that you had change a little bit.”

“Eh really? What was it?”

“You look more docile? I don’t know. Maybe it was because the thing that happens lately? I like it when you were more …you. You know.”

Kyuhyun’s word had him blushing. But thanks to the dim light or else the older would have been attacked once again by the ert younger.

“So who was the one that help change you? Did he ever trying to contact you?” said Kyuhyun curiously.

“He’s a Chinese student who I met after one year moving to Japan. We met at a language class. He can speak korean really well and we kinda become close after that. Don’t worry. He never even try to search for me. At first he did seems annoyed at me but then he just brush it off and leave me. We only met at the language class before he had to move back to China.”

“Oh good then. Hey it’s late. We should sleep.” said Kyuhyun, showing the time from his phone.

“Oh is it? Sorry for taking your sleeping time.” said Yesung regretfully.

‘Even if you didn’t talk for hours, I’m still not being able to sleep with your right next to me.’

“Oh no worries. At least it can help you ease your mind right. Now sleep.”

It took only few minutes for the older to fall asleep. 

‘Wow he must be so tired..’ thought Kyuhyun after hearing a soft snore from the older.

He turn to face the older again, taking the sleeping face into his mind.

‘So cute. I should confess soon… but he seems to be hating man at the moment… aish… why does it has to be this way…’ 

He sneakily pull the older into his embrace, earning a few whining that had him holding back a frustration groan. Slowly, he finally had the older resting his head on his hand.

‘So small yet so fitting in my arm… I won’t let the other hurt you anymore… you deserve the protection from Heechul hyung. I love you… Kim Jongwoon.’




A/N: as you can see. I broke my promise. No daily update in a while. I never intends to broke the promise but for some reason i think it was a good idea to go work with other people and abandon my own shop,resulting me getting tired and ignoring the ficts too lol. I know.  EXCUSES. XD. But I'm working on it. This story seems had long way more to go. Idk if i even talking English right now. So yeah. Bye 

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
401 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
401 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
401 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
401 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again