Horrible Day Out


First of all. I won’t delete the last update about the riddle. It will be gone only after everything will be reveal but that's quite chapters away lol. So meanwhile, enjoy this chapter ~~~



“Yesung hyung!”

“Oh Junsu ah. Should we go now?” said Yesung.

Both had promise to meet each other at the town for their research on the club assignment. Stunned by the older, Junsu froze for few a second.

The older were wearing a baby blue oversize sweater for the mid spring weather and black skinny jeans to compliment his amazingly slim legs.

As for himself, he had wore a red flannel jacket on top of black shirt and a fit straight cut denim.

“Junsu?” said Yesung, waving his hand in front of the younger’s face.

“Ah ye. Let’s go. The town’s library just right up ahead.” said Junsu, hiding the blush on his face.

“okay” said the latter in confusion.


An hour pass. Both of them still focusing on the books about the past musician, the title that has been choose by them as the assignment topic. Searching more and more using the archive of the library as references.

“Here’s the book you ask for,hyung.” said Junsu, passing one thick book for the older. The older nod as a thanks, continue typing everything into Junsu’s laptop.

Junsu watch the older discreetly, watching the older while trying to focus on the text book back and forth.


The older only hums as he keep focusing on the big book.

“I heard that you got harrassed for the months. Is that true?” said Junsu, nervously waiting for the older as he afraid to make the older uncomfortable from the question.

“How.. do you know? I thought Heebongie already hide it..” said Yesung with a frown.

“Heebongie? Ah Heechul sunbaenim? I heard from a few student that the incident where two students fight the other day was Choi Siwon and Shim Changmin, they were fighting for you. Is it true?”

“What!?” Yesung quickly apologize for the others who disturbed by his sudden shrieking. “They are not fighting about me. Just a stupid rumor. You don’t have to worry. That Changmin guy already expelled because of that so let’s just foget about it.”

“Oh, okay. I just wanna say, if you ever need help you could reach out to me.” said Junsu.

“Why you say something like? I’m already okay now. No bullies or anything anymore.”

Junsu seems hesitating before looking around suspiciously.

“Hyung… you’ve been followed.” said Junsu with a eyes looking around.

The latter begin to look around the same way Junsu did. “WHat are you saying now? How did you know?”

“I saw someone follows right behind you the moment I arrive this morning. He wore mask and black hoodie, I don’t think that person were someone you familiar with, they look so suspicious.” 

The former words had him shuddering, feeling disgusted by the fact he been stalked all this time.

‘Wait… mask and a hoodie? Was it the same guy when the first time I got stalked at house?…’ thought Yesung.

“Hyung? Are you okay? You don’t have to worry, I can help you anytime you want.” said Junsu, worried plaster all over his face when the older become quiet all of sudden.

“Oh… thank you…” said Yesung.

“No problem.I’m so sorry to ruin the mood. Can we continue the work?” said Junsu, assuring the older with a soft smile.

Knowing the younger won’t continue with the sensitive issues, he smiles and nod.


They were already finished with the day. Junsu had willingly accompanying the older to walk him home as he’s getting worried for the stalker to reappear once again and attack the older.

“You don’t have to do this. I can ask my hyung to take me home.” said Yesung but smile nevertheless from the younger’s kindness.

“Aish no need to bother your hyung. Besides, I’m free after this so why not walk around with you.” said Junsu.

“Ahaha, why would you want to walk with a man like!” said Yesung with laughter, eyes turns crescent from the big smiles.

Both were laughing when Junsu suddenly grab the older close to him, hands gripping the older’s small waist tightly.

“Hyung… act normal…” said Junsu, earning a frown from the older. “The stalker…” whisper the younger with a panic in his voice.

It got Yesung curious and wanting to turn around but the younger hold were much more stronger, dragging the older away from the scene. Only then Yesung saw from the stores glass walls, a reflection of hooded man walking quite near them.

“Junsu… he’s so close to us..” whisper Yesung in horror. Cowering closer towards Junsu.

“It’s okay, act normal. Just keep talking like usual. We can’t go home yet because I don’t want this person follow us.” said Junsu, patting the older back in order to calm him down.

‘Tskk this dude might have already the address…’ thought Yesung in irritation. Reminded by the past incident.

They keep walking around but the said stalker still hasn’t the will to give up in following them.

“Aish hyung. This guy won’t give up at all. What should we do?” said Junsu.

“I don’t know. Let me call Heebongie to ask for his help then.” said Yesung, fishing out his phone and begin to search for the older contact.

But right before he was about to call the number, Junsu suddenly pull his hand harshly. In the rush he had accidentally drop the phone and refuse to be drag away just for him to fetch the phone back.

“Aish hyung! He’s chasing us now!” said Junsu, dragging away the smaller, leaving the smaller no chances on getting back his phone.

They run and run, not even once looking back as they know the stalker still on their tail judging from the loud footsteps in the silent alley.

“Junsu…I’m tired…” said Yesung between his shortened breath, panting harshly from the long run.

“He still following. Please just keep it up a little bit more, we almost lost him.” said Junsu, trying to encourage the older more.

Yesung nod as he begin to feel massive pain in his legs from the moment where he had fall from the run just now.

The more they run, the further they got into a neighbourhood that they were too foreign with. Only then they manage to lost the creepy stalker.

“Ahh… finally…” said Junsu.

They had enter a park where there’s few people take their night walk. Junsu look around and found a bench.

“Let’s sit there hyung. Can you walk?” said Junsu in calm manner but soon turn into a frown.


The older had hunch forward, holding his leg while grimacing once in a while.

“It’s hurt..” said Yesung timidly.

“Oh my… “ said Junsu, quickly help the older it take a sit at the bench. “Urgh… we are too far from our last track…”

“And I lost my phone too… do you have Jaejong number? We can call him to pick us up through your gps.” said Yesung, still massaging his kneecap but the pain were too great.

“Ah you right! Okay I’ll do that.”

After finished the call with Jaejong, Junsu proceed in checking on the older’s leg.

“Hyung! You bleeding!” Junsu shrieks in panic.

“Eh? Oh no… no wonder it’s hurt so much.” said Yesung.

“We should attend your injury fast…” said Junsu frantically. He continue with “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t pull you too hard and you wouldn’t have to go through the fall…”

“No it’s okay. You did well in protecting me. It was so scary to have someone chasing you like that.” said Yesung with a sigh.

Junsu only stay silent after that while staring at the injured leg, although the older’s pant were dark black, the blood still can be seen wetting the surface.

Few minutes past, Jaejong appear with Yunho who look more frantic than the former.

“Hyung! Why you here? This is way too far from the stop I lift you off this morning!” snapped Yunho. He had leave the older that morning knowing Junsu were with the older after that.

“We got chased by a crazy person… I’m hurt now so please don’t annoyed me more than this pain…” said Yesung, looking more annoyed than the worried bodyguard.

“You know Yesung hyung, Yunho hyung?” said Junsu confusedly.

“Ah… we are friend with Heechul sunbaenim and often hangs together. Anyway, we should go to have that injury checked. Let’s go. Yunho, carry Yesung hyung.” order Jaejong which the latter gladly obey.

Yunho proceed on carry the older with a bridal style in order to avoid from hurting the injured leg.

Jaejong approach the sad looking Junsu, patting the younger softly. “Hey, it’s not your fault. Now let’s go home. We send you back first.” said the older.

“But I wanna make sure Yesung hyung get the treatment first..” said Junsu with a pout.

“Nah, it’s okay. You can go home, we will be with him.” said Jaejong, assuring the younger with a smile.

Junsu only nod and follow them to the car. Yunho carefully place the older in the back seat and when to the driver sit to start the vehicle. Junsu take the seat next to the older and making sure the older comfortable with his leg straighten up.

“I want to ask you to inform me anything after you get your treatment but your phone are gone now… how do I contact you after this.” said Junsu with a playful pout.

Yesung chuckles from the younger antic and ruffles the shrivelled hair. “I’ll buy new phone soon enough.”

The night went on with Yunho dropping off the youngest of them all home and proceed with going to hospital for a check up.


“Jongwoon ssi, please sit here while we check on the injury.”said a doctor who’s in charge in treating Yesung’s injury.

Yesung sit carefully on the bed that a bit higher as it was more easier for the doctor to attend the wound. The old male doctor begin cutting down his pants from the knee part to help him inspects more clearly, Yesung pout as his favorite jeans had to be ruin after it was coated with blood. The doctor had suggest to do so to avoid infection thus leaning to the ruined jeans.

“Oh my, did you fall a bit too hard? It’s a bit swollen around the open wound. We might have to do an x-ray. Does this hurt?” the doctor ask once he pressing the said swollen area, earning a hiss of pain from the smaller.

Yesung nod, he can’t even speak at that point form the massive pain. The doctor begin to press anywhere he assume had affected from the fall just now, earning more hiss and groan from Yesung.

“Doc… it’s hurt..” said Yesung in whines. Yunho and Jaejong who had been watching him only chuckles from the whining older.

“Ah yes yes. I’m sorry. I just need to make sure the injury doesn’t affecting the important muscles. So we will prepare the x-ray for you, you can wait here for a minutes while I’ll get you a nurse to cover up the wound temporarily. Excuse me.” said the doctor, leaving the three inside the check up room.

“So? Tell us what happen just now.” said Jaejong taking chair to sit next to the bed.

“Oh, there’s some creepy dude following us around just now. Junsu said the man already been following me since this morning. And when we try to get back home, the man suddenly started to chase us off into a different neighbourhood. Maybe just some sicko who targeting people all the time. I heard about this kind of guy before.” said Yesung while sighing once in a while, trying to avoid the stalker issues.

Jaejong and Yunho begin to exchange look with each other, getting something weird from the older’s stories.

“Yah Yunho, do you think this is the creepo that Changmin dude talking about?” whisper Jaejong softly that only can be heard by Yunh while the older still patting his own tight to sooth down the pain.

“I don’t know. Maybe it was those weird stranger thing that happen lately.” said Yunho.

Their conversation were cut off short when a nurse came in with a tray of medical stuff that they were too foreign with.

“Jongwoon shi, you can take this painkiller for a while, I’ll be starting the treatment now.” said a nurse, handing out tablets of pill and a cup of water.

After chugging down the medicine, Yesung begin to calm down, feeling not too nervous about getting the open wound fixed.

He can tell it would be one painful experience for him once the nurse wash off the wound before applying what ever medication on his leg. Serving his purpose, Yunho become quite punching bag for the smaller. Hands gripping and hair pulling.

“Yah hyung! You’re not going through labour! Stop!” shouts Yunho in pain from the hair pulling.

“Shut up! I’m so gonna slit your leg open just so you can experience this same sh*t!” shouts Yesung while trying to not hurting the younger more.

Both childish antic had the nurse and Jaejong chuckling and giggling, watching as the older keep shouting at the younger bodyguard.

‘Blam!’ the sliding door to the check up room were open harshly, instantly shocking the poor nurse into jabbing the cotton wool into the wound.

“Emm!” Yesung had hold back his curse with biting his lower lip, gripping harder on Yunho’s arm.

“Sorry..” mutter the nurse as she continue her job more carefully and slower than before.

“Young master? Sir?” said Jaejong, shocked by the Kim’s whole family including Heechul.

“Oh I call them here.” said Yunho innocently.

“My baby… what happen.” the worried mother rushing to her son’s side, caressing Yesung’s hair bangs gently.

“Mom. It’s nothing. I fell when I went out with my friend today.” said Yesung nervously, trying to hide the real cause by poking at both Jaejong and Yunho.

“Fell? Ah. You are so clumsy. When Yunho call us, I got so worried if that bully from university had harass you again. Does it hurt?” said the mother, glancing at the wound that looks much better then bloodied one before.

“So much. I’m not clumsy. The pavement are so badly ruined. I need to get it x-ray first. Doc said I might have fractured my bone.” said Yesung sheepishly after he had the mother widen eyes.

The ever worried mother can only shake her head, approaching her in-law and assure them for her son’s safety.

“Fuh. I’m so worried. Then should I go home first? Heecuhl ah, you drive your imo home after this.” said Heecul’s mother, begin to left the hospital room with her husband. Heechul only nod in agreement and begin to come close to Yesung.

“Haish… why did you had to be so clumsy…” said Heechul with a sad face.

Looking at the older had Yesung guilty. He know he had to tell the older but with his own parent in the same room, he had ask Yunho on his behalf.

Soon the doctor came in with a wheelchair for Yesung to use. Upon settling himself no so comfortably upon his injury, begin to push him around to the x-ray’s room.

Once he make sure he older’s parent were no where near them, Yunho approach Heechul and begin to tell the same story.

And Heechul being himself almost acting hastily to nag Yesung right away. Fortunately Jaejong and Yunho manage to hold him back and assure him that Junsu had done well in protecting their precious.

“I got to thank this Junsu kid. Where is he?” said Heechul.

“We send him home. He got too worried for Yesung hyung and keep blaming himself. He’s a good kid. Hyung. Should we send your auntie and uncle home first? The x-ray could takes too much time.” said Jaejong.

“Okay then. Let me ask them.”


It’s the next day. Yesung had been confine in his own bedroom. Two fractures on his kneecap and long wound on his legs. It was enough to trigger both his mother and Heechul from letting him doing anything other than laying down.

“Bored…” mumbling Yesung after he had went through all social media just to kill his boredom, being that a laptop was his only companion for the moment.

“Jongwoon ah?” a soft and caring voice seep through his door frame. His mother enter with tray of lunch for him.

Carefully, he lift himself into leaning toward the bedhead as his mother begin to pull one table to place the food for.

“Jongwoon ah, eomma have to go back tomorrow. Your dad can’t leave the company for too long. Are you gonna be okay after this?”

“Come on mom. Do I look like I’m not?” there’s a silent awkward after realizing his own embarrassment. “Anyway, Heeobongie is here. He’ll take good care of me long enough.”

“Hem. Suit yourself. Can I ask something?”

“What is it?”

“Did you meet Siwon already?”

Yesung were taken aback by it, fiddling his finger in hesitation.


“So what does he said? Or wait, does he even know who you are?”


“Jongwoon… why did you hide it from him?”

“Because it doesn’t matter. I already forgot about him and he won’t mind it because he was the one who dump me.”

“You still mad about it? Come on, Woonie. Siwon did it for your own good.”

“No he’s not. Anyway, it’s no use in telling him I’m Jongwoon or not. What’s the different?”

“Sure sure. I know you become this aggressive in defending yourself is because of that Cho’s kid right?” said his mother with a smirk.

“What! No!” he protest but the blush on his face said otherwise.

“Yeah right. Anyway, eat your food. Rest well so you can go back to campus sooner.” said the mother before ruffling her son’s hair harshly.

“Aish eomma!!!” whine him but smile softly, feeling grateful for his mother concern. Truth to be told, he had miss the elderly woman dearly. One year without meeting the the said mother had him soft and sensitive over the year.

‘I’m gonna miss you again’ thought him as he took the plate and begin to dig in.








A/N: ayyyyy new interactions ~~~ *chde coming up

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
401 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
401 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
401 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
401 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again