





Heechul Pov

“So Chul ah, how’s Jongwoon? It’s funny how your auntie were worrying about him nowadays.” said the mother with a chuckles.

Heechul only laugh it off. “Just like usual. I think he’s slowly change. Tell her to not worrying much about Jongwoon. I’m taking care of him well enough.”

“Sure. I miss the sweet little Jongwoon too.”

Ah mom. If you ever to know the real reason why he change. It’s hard enough for me to take it. I wonder what imo will react about this. Should I tell here?

I look at mom who focusing back on the television. I should get going now but this old hag won’t let me go until dad come home. I wonder how Jaejong doing his job. Yesung could be a stubborn head sometimes.

Thanks to mother of miracle. Dad come home right at the moment I’m trying to sneak out and leave mom alone.

“I should get going now. I’m worried of Jaejong who had to take care of Jongwoon.”

“Sure. And oh, Heechul ah.”

I turn around and realize how serious my mom’s face change to.


“I don’t know what happen but please understand Jongwoon. He needs you more than he need those bodyguard.”

Sweets mother instinct. It’s scares me how she seems to be seeing through the depth of my thoughts. With that I left the house. 

It took me half an hour to reach the campus area. Thanks to Jaejong, the man told me Yesung whereabouts.

Quickly I fasten my walks to the campus library. Truth to the bodyguard words, Yesung were still there but sleeping. As far as i can see, the library were empty aside from that sleeping brat. I was about to walk into the library where Jongwoon can be seen sleeping with head on the table and hands as his pillow. But all of sudden, in the corner of my eyes I can see someones approaching the sleeping Yesung.

I could tell how discreetly the man’s move. Tiptoeng on his feet, afraid of waking Yesung up.

“What the hell is he doing?”

I hide myself behind the bookshelf. I’m not scare or anything. This man could be anything worst but I can’t risk it by attacking the wrong person. I tried to be as near as possible towards them and sure enough, only with one bookshelf in between, I can almost hear the man’s muttering.

“Beautiful… beautiful Jongwoon…”

“What a creep” I whisper but it’s seem that I miss something.

“Baby… Jongwoon”

Crap. This man knows who Yesung were. I was contemplating in showing myself and beat the hell out of this man but I can’t miss this important evident so I did what I can.

I tried to capture the man’s face through my camera phone. But heck. This man are well prepare. Hoodie and mask? Who is this guy… this is definitely not Changmin judging from his build and height. 

Through the extended camera phone from my hiding, I can see how the man caressing Yesung’s sleeping face. I should be out now. No one. I mean even Kyuhyun could touch his face that way!

That’s it. With patience wearing thin, I tried to at least scares the man away by showing from behind him but thing were unexpected as always. 

Pov end.

As Heechul suddenly barge into the scene, the diva had no time to react when the stranger suddenly throw a punch into his face.


The pained screams had Yesung thrown aback from his sleep and falls from his chair.

“Yah! You b*tch!” shouts Heechul in anger.

He was about to fight back when he heard a shriek from the surprise Yesung.

Upon his awake, he saw quite bruise on his cousin’s face and unintentionally yelp. He regret doing so resulting the older to had his full focus on him, letting the attacker to kick down the older cowardly and ran away.


Frantically Yesung went for the older who were groaning in pain after the attacker had kicked his back with too much force.

“Hyung are you okay?”

“Do I look like I’m okay?” Heechul accidentally snap at the younger in amidst of pain. Upon realizing the hurt expression from the younger, he apologize quickly. “Sorry Yesungie. It’s too hurt..”

“No… it’s okay. Let’s get you to the infirmary.” said Yesung, helping the older to walk but it was hard when the said man where groaning each time Yesung had to touch him.

Fortunate for him, Jajeong who went out for a drink had come back. “Wow… what happen?” said him, rushing to Heechul’s side.

“Someone was here while Yesung were sleeping and talking a weird things so I was trying to catch him but he beat me first…” said Heechul in between wincing in pain.

“What? But I didn’t heard anything.”said Yesung confusedly.

The two had to faceplaming themselves upon the smaller words. “You were sleeping, stupid.” said Heechul, earning a pout from Yesung.

“Anyway, let’s go to the hospital, you look so bad.” said Jaejong, begin to help Heechul to the parking lot.


“No internal injury other than swollen but I suggest to not do heavy work in times to come. I’ll prescript some ointment and medicine to help lessen the pain.”

The doctor finally discharge Heechul upon fully check up on his injury.

After finishing with the check up, Jajeong were helping thmw until they were safely home for the day.

Yesung were helping the older with his needs. He was just finished with changing the older clothes right after he use the prescripted ointment on the older injury.

“Hyung. Why did that guy attacked you? You said he talks weird stuff to me?”

“Emm, I was trying to scares him off. It’s seems like that person know your real name. But he didn’t look like Changmin. I never seen that guy face since he wore a mask and a sweater hoodie. As for what he said, he just muttering your real name and freaking touch your face. You really are a heavy sleeper…”

“He touch me!? what a creep! Gosh…” said Yesung, cringing from the creeper doing, patting his own chubby cheeks in disgust.

Heechul only chuckles seeing his younger cousin acting normal after what it’s seems like depressing days. He study the younger face who still mumbling incoherently.

“Jongwoon ah…”

Yesung’s mumbling were cut short. The older never really had ever calling him by his real name ever since the time the bet had started.

“Yes?” said Yesung nervously. Now it’s had dawn to him, they still had something to be clear off.

“Hyung are so sorry… I didn’t mean to shut you out yesterday. It was really a mere coincidence when mom wanted to meet me... About your past. I was so mad about the fact that you hiding it from me. You were like my real baby brother. We didn’t have any other siblings aside from ourselves. I want you to know that I love you no matter what and I want to help you if you ever in unspeakable situation.”

Yesung look into the older eyes. Tearing up by the loving words, there's not even a hint of hates came from the older.

“Hyung… I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to hide it from you. I never told anyone about it.. I.. I was too ashamed by it…” said Yesung. 

After what it seems like minutes has pass since Yesung begin to tear up, Heechul pull the younger into his hug, forgetting the pain he tried to hide.

“Ow ow…”

Yesung chuckles in between his sobs. “You pull me down so don’t blame me.” said him childishly.

“Yeah yeah. Now sleep here. I want to cuddle with my cute dongseng.” said Heechul, laying on his back with the younger next to him.

“Me and cute are no where near each other.” said Yesung, the older was sure of the younger pouting at the moment.

“Have you ever seen a mirror before?” said Heechul in mockery.

“Aish. Just sleep or I’ll hug you to death” said Yesung, snuggling into the pillows.

A faint smiles make it’s way into Yesung’s face. He felt much more relief even though he still hadn’t been honest to the older.

‘We still had tomorrow. I’ll tell him tomorrow..’ thought him as the sleepiness taking over him.

“Goodnight, Jongwoonie..”

“Night.. Heebongie..”


It’s new day. Yesung still hadn’t talk much with Heechul being that the older were now resting at home whilst him had to attend classes.

It’s been a long period of time since the last he met Eunhyuk. With the thought of meeting the younger for a lunch, he walk towards another building for dance and art department.

On the way to the said building, he manage to avoid a group of student from acting department in fear of bumping into Siwon. But what a fate he had when the avoided person had seen him dashing through the crowds.

“Yesung hyung!” shouts Siwon in hurry, rushing towards the older.

‘Oh Gosh…’ thought Yesung. Trying to hide the frown on his face.

“Oh.. h-hi Siwon ah.” stuttered the older.

“Hyung. Huh... why you walk so fast…” the younger panting harshly before continuing. “I was just wanna ask about our conversation the other day. Did Heechul hyung said any other thing? And why did you walk alone? Where’s is Heechul hyung? I thought you had a bodyguard? Did you want to go--”

“Wow wow.. slow down. You’re talking too fast. No Heechul hyung didn’t say anything yet,he's absent for today. Yes I walk alone, did you see anybody else here? And why would a bodyguard follows me around on the safe campus ground?” said Yesung annoyingly.

“Ah sorry. I was just too worried. Changmin are not someone we can take too lightly. So where do you wanna go?” said Siwon, for some reason the younger smile didn’t enlighten Yesung’s darkened mood a bit.

He had so many reason to refuse the younger but it was useless when the taller had already follow right on his tail silently. He had blurted the reason why he’s even in the different department just to keep the younger from asking more question.

“Why are you following me?”

“Eh why? Ah… don’t you know Changmin usually hangs around this building?”

The older were taken aback by it. He froze immediately in his spot. It has to be that man, thought Yesung.


“Oh my, Hyung. You don’t have to worry. That’s why I’m here. I won’t let him disturb you. It’s my apologies for what he has done to you…” said Siwon.

“Why..” muttered Yesung.

“Eh? Why what?”

“Why did you apologize for something he had done…? it’s his fault… why you even bother to protect me… now..” the last word came out more like a soft whisper that goes unheard by the younger.

“Why?… I felt guilty… it’s kinda my mistake too. I know you are not Jongwoon. I just didn’t want the same thing happen again to you.”

“Kinda late to say that…” said Yesung, referring to the first assault by the maniac, Changmin.

The younger know exactly what’s was been referred too and only take it silently. The older begin to move again but this time he had walk closely towards the younger. Truth to be told, the younger words about the possibility of Changmin hangs around the building scares him a little bit. 

Few minutes into the corridor, Yesung reach at the dance practice room. He know he had come few minutes early from the lunch time so he decide to wait Eunhyuk inside the practice room.

It’s always amaze him how the student were so into the music. He once wish he had the ‘right’ leg to create such moves but he knows well to just stay in one field.

“Oh hyung! I didn’t realize you were already here. Oh hi there, Siwon ah.” said Eunhyuk.

“Hi, so you done?” said Siwon, earning a nod from both Eunhyuk and Donghae who joining their conversation.

“Hey, I need to go to the bathroom for a while. Can you guys wait here?” said Yesung, suddenly in need for the restroom.

“Sure, it’s the end of this hall.” said Donghae.

“Should I follow you?” said Siwon, genuinely worried for the older well being.

“What? Stay away! I can protect myself!” said Yesung with a blush, leaving them with unreadable expression.

“Woooo Yesung hyung hates you, woooo” said Donghae mockingly, receiving a pinch from Eunhyuk. “This is domestic abuse!” whine Donghae, rubbing his bruised forearm.


Meanwhile, Yesung who had just finish his need were spacing out in front of the restroom mirror.

“Protect huh..” reminded by his ex warm words. But none of it seems to take it well on his heart. He hates it. He wish it was at that time Siwon said those words. That time where he need the younger the most.

The edge of the sink had become a support for him. Leaning forward to the sink as if he was ready to bash his head to the hard object.

“Bothered by something?”

A sudden voice had him shot up his eyes from the sink. Using mirror as better inspection, he can’t help but soon to dash into the corner of the toilet. It wasn’t too small for two person restroom but at the moment it’s seems too small for him to runaway.

There, in front of him, the most avoided person he wish he had never stumble upon to.

“Wha--what are you doing here…” he backing away more into the corner, as possible as he can. The man begin to walk closer to his so-called safe spot.

“Oh. I like that look, Jongwoon ah…”

“Shim Changmin…”





A/N: I am so freaking sorry for the cliffhanger XD.

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
401 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
401 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
401 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
401 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again