




“So Yesung. The victim were said to be fighting a week before his death with the accused murdere,Choi Siwon. And it was about you? Am I right?” said Eric.

Yesung nod, waiting for the older cousin to continues as he didn’t have anything to retort back.

“Defendant said he tried to defend you from being harass by the victim, am I right?” again Yesung only nod. “we suspect that Siwon commit the crime to revenge on the victim. That was our first suspicion but then the older brother come.”

“Brother? Oh I did read his profile before and he had step-brother. But we didn’t get the name” said Kyuhyun.

“Yeah.I can’t let the information about the older leak as he ask us to not reveal it as he didn’t want the media search for publicity by going after him. As for now, the older brother Shim always cooperate with us by giving information about Changmin. He told us that his brother quite obsessed about you. Even Siwon admit about Changmin harassing you all this time. Their stories match up until the older Shim said something that a bit overlap with Siwon’s story. From now on our conversation will be recorded so please said everything appropriate only and no cutting off me.” said Eric, pulling out a small audio recorder and push it on.

The others nod and gather around Eric who had sat himself in front Yesung who accompany by Heechul and Kyuhyun on the couch.

“Now, is it true that four days ago Siwon came to your house around 7-8 pm?” said Eric.

“I can confirm that. There’s cctv at the foyer and around the backyard.” said Heechul.

“I can use that later, thanks. So what time does he leave the house?”

“Around half an hour after that, he had fight with one of my friend. I didn't really see him leaving because I had fall and Heebo--Heechul hyung send me to my room. I don’t even send my friend off.” said Yesung.

“He left right after I send you in.” said Heechul.

Eric nod and scrabble down the point. “So who was the friend? Can I get the name as an extra witness?”

“Oh, Junsu. Kim Junsu.” said Yesung, noticing a twitch in the older before he turn serious again.

“Noted. Now, does any of you ever seeing Changmin 4 days before things happen?”

The others shake their head. Almost all of them weren’t even taken into their account to watch over the already deceased male once he was expelled from the campus.

“The last time we saw him was the day he had the fight with Siwon. Since then we never see him around the campus since he got expelled. If anyone would see him more after that could only be Siwon as they were a childhood friend.” said Eunhyuk, earning a glare from Yesung who hate the way Eunhyuk putting Siwon’s position in danger. ‘What?’ he mouthing at the older.

Yesung avoiding their glaring afterward, feeling worried if the inspector ever take it in the wrong way.

“I heard the same thing from the older brother. He said the possibility of Siwon keep meeting the victim afterwards. But this is where thing got overlap. Siwon said he never meet Changmin after the fight. And he said that a person name Kangin can prove it. Who’s Kangin?” said Eric, looking around and found the said person with hand’s up.

“Can you tell us what he mean by that?” said Eric.

Kangin took a sit after standing from the start.

“Yes he’s right. Because of we are in the same department, we keep hanging out together. I help him a lot in acting and script reading so most of the time he hangs at my house. I think he did mention once that he had lost contact with Changmin ever since he fought with him. I can assure you, he never once meet that bas-- Changmin guy.” said Kangin, smiling sheepishly after Eric glare at him for trying to swear on a dead person’s name.

“Noted. Now. I can sense that you guys really hate the victim and trying to defend Siwon. What are you guys relationship with the defendant?”

“I think it was obvious why we hate Changmin. He harass our friend and act like it was okay to do it twice.” said Ryeowook in full of sass, but no one even bother to scold him off as they agree by the statement.

“As for Siwon. We know he’s a kind person. Although we only know for few months, he never once act out of ordinary. If you want more proof, Yesung hyung can tell you about it.” said Sungmin, persuading the older to agree for his idea.

Yesung couldn’t be more willing to help. “Yes. Siwon.. He’s my ex boyfriend. If you were to say who was appear to be more suspicious, it should be Changmin. He was my childhood friend too and because of him my relationship with Siwon ruined. I don’t want to degrading the deceased but if my statement could prove Siwon’s innocent, I would gladly repeat the same thing again and again.” said Yesung, eyes full of determination.

A clicking sound from the recorder being shut off and the inspector sighing while rubbing his face. He close his book and kneeling in front of Yesung.

“Since when did you have a boyfriend!? I thought imo wouldn’t let anyone come near you! Does he treat you badly? Tell hyung and I beat him!” said Eric, shocking everyone with the switch of personality.

Heechul sighing and kicking down the older from crouching to close to Yesung.

“I know that if I call you here you will act like this!” said Heechul annoyingly.

It took them a second to realize the similarity between Heechul and Eric. Both were too over-protective over their smaller cousin. Eunhyuk who knew the family too well only shake his head. He had seen this scene far too many time.

Kyuhyun being the evil he is trying to instigate more chaos from it.“And did you know what kind of harassment did late Changmin did to Jongwoon?”

“What?” said Eric nervously and saw the smirk on the evil face. “No! Argh!! and that guy already dead I can’t even get mad!” Eric frustratingly  flailing his arm around in dramatic way.

Yesung become annoyed by Kyuhyun behaviour, earning him to pinch the younger in the most painful way.

“Argh!! it’s hurt, baby!” shouts Kyuhyun.

“Serve you right! Why did you had to make thing worst!” said Yesung angrily, pouting away but only to find both Heechul and Eric turn darker.

“Baby?” mutter Eric softly.

“Yeah, I’m his boyfriend. So what?” said Kyuhyun, bravely admitting such thing in front of the older.

Heechul move closer from behind the couch Kyuhyun sat and hunch forward to whisper to the younger’s ear. “He is much more worse than me, brat. Have fun in facing him from now on.” the older whisper had wipe out all the courage he had.

“Anyway. We got distracted. Let’s continue.” said Eric getting snickering from the people who just roll their eyes off.


The investigation had ran for hours. It was already 5 pm and the others begin to leave the house just to get their own rest and time.

“Hyung, can I stay here? At least I can watch over Yesung hyung.” said Kyuhyun pleading to Heechul.

Heechul actually had his full trust on the younger. It didn’t take too much time for him to agree as he too actually had his own stuff to take care of in the holiday semester.

“Sure but don’t act hastily or I’ll call Eric hyung.” said Heechul in threatening voice.

“Ayay sir!” said Kyuhyun and walk towards Yesung who been talking to Eric all this time.

“So there’s another person who stalking you? I think this need a separate investigation. We don’t know whether or not it was connected. For now, we need evidence in your problem to build one case. Hyung had to go, I need to report this to other head of department.” said Eric.

As the older begin to walk around the living room, he saw Kyuhyun approaching with a bright smiles. He grab the younger arm and stopping the man at once.

“You. If you ever make him cry, you’ll be facing me.” said Eric before leaving younger too process the dreadful threat.

“Aish… I’m not a bad boyfriend.” pout Kyuhyun and slump himself next to Yesung.

“What with the pout?” said Yesung, chuckling from the brat pouting.

“Your hyungs are really scary. It’s not like I’m trying to get into your pants all the time.” pout Kyuhyun more as the older chuckles while ruffling his hair.

But soon the chuckles fade out. Leaving with only him and Yesung in the living room as the others already left the house. Heechul and Leeteuk were staying on the upper floor.

Kyuhyun took the initiative in sitting closer to the older who had a blanket around him. He sling his arm around the older narrow shoulder, pulling the older closer to him.

“Thank you…” whisper Yesung.

“Hem? For what?” said Kyuhyun, playing with the older's silky raven hair.

Lulled by the soft touch, Yesung lean more into the hug, letting himself to be comfortable with the new found warmth.

“For always be here. You save me twice and now you always here, keeping me accompany like this.” said Yesung.

“So you accept me being your boyfriend?” the younger with a smirk but soon frown by the sight of the older looking up from his warmth.

Yesung look into Kyuhyun eyes for long amount of time. No reply. No other movement aside from the staring.

“Yesung?” said Kyuhyun, caressing the older soft cheeks, sensing something wrong with the older stare. “Hey, what happen?” softly Kyuhyun speak, with inches left in between their face, his breath brushed the older’s nose.

“I’m…” Yesung stuttered. “I’m… scared…”

Only then Kyuhyun realize the glistening in the older’s eyes. Droplets after droplets, soon the younger shirts soaked with tears. He pulled the older’s head into his chest, allowing the older to let the emotion get the best of him.

Stress had finally caught up with him, with the death of his childhood friend, Changmin. Feeling too vulnerable by everything he had try to keep from flooding out but alas, it was too full to be keep inside any longer.

“Shh. It’s okay. From now on I will never leave you alone.” said Kyuhyun, patting the older’s head without stopping. Rocking back and forth as he never once letting the hug loosened.

“Chan…Changmin didn’t deserve it… I-- I know Siwon didn’t do it…” the older sobbing and hiccups in between his speech. Closing in more for the warmth the younger provide him at the moment.

“Why this thing ha-happen… I never ask for this…” Yesung push the younger a little just to look at the face of the man who willing to be his shoulder at the moment. “Why, Kyu… why?”

Kyuhyun didn’t have any answer for it. He himself had dead end on his own investigation. He had his suspicion but it was merely that. No evidence nor witnesses.

Feeling guilty by not doing thing for the smaller, he can only sooth him down for the moment. He pull the older back into his hug, humming songs and lullaby to calm him down. 

Few minutes pass and only then Yesung stop his sobbing. He pull away and wipe out his tears off.

“Thank you…” whisper him as he fiddles his finger.

“Stop saying that. I’ll only accept a yes.”


“Yup, will you be my boyfriend, Jongwoon? I want you to accept me with your whole heart. I didn’t want to take advantage of the situation but I can only feel at ease if you were to become mine. Always by my side, keep you safe without questioning my love on you.” said Kyuhyun, holding the small hand and caress it softly as he’s eyes staring into the depth of the black orb.

Yesung knew the younger will ask him one day, in all seriousness. He felt the love and care radiating from the hazles eyes, feeling dragged into the mesmerizing stares.

“Will you?” the younger ask again although he knows the answer, it’s never wrong to make sure where’s the older’s heart.

“Yes..” but the word came out more like a mumble to the younger.


“Yes… but if you dare to leave me like Siwon did, I’ll be the one who hunt you down. Not Eric hyung or Heebongie…” Yesung pouting as he averting the smirk in the younger’s face.

“Ahahaha! I’m so happy!” shouts Kyuhyun all of sudden, hugging the older way too tight, earning a whimpers from the smaller.

Upon hearing the maniacal laugh, Heechul and Leeteuk quickly dashing into the living room.

“What happen!?” shouts both Leeteuk and Heechul.

“Yah! Let him go! You're  suffocating him!” Heechul pry off Yesung from the younger immediately.

“Hehe sorry. Can’t help it, Sungie finally accept me” said Kyuhyun in victorious smirk.

“What? No way! Sun---” Heechul halted his words, seeing the red and puffy face making him put on the suspicion on Kyuhyun. “Did you threatening him?”

“What?! No! He was crying just now. And not because of me!” said Kyuhyun in defends.

“Is it true?” said Heechul, Yesung only nod in embarrassment. “Why did you cry, hurm?”

Yesung only shake his head, not wanting to embarrass himself furthermore in front of them.

“Hyung, I’m tired. I’m gonna go to my room. Let’s go Kyu.” said Yesung, pulling the younger up.

“Wow, so eager Sungie ah.” said Kyuhyun, wiggling his eyebrow. Earning a slap on his head by the smaller.

“Yah! Just sleep, no more than that!” shouts Heechul, shaking his headache away.

“Let them be. Yesung already a grown up. Now you mister, owe me lots of time.” said Leeteuk in seductive way, pulling the diva’s hand away to his room.

“Wow look who’s eager now.” said Heechul, forgetting rational thought when the angel begin to lure the demon out of him.

“Don’t waste.”

“I won’t”

Both went to their room with giggles and playfully slap each other. Radiating love from the long lasting relationship. Without knowing what’s await them.

Standing there. On the yard. Where his vision directed towards the top floor where Yesung’s room located. Hands clenching hard as he saw what could possibly be two human hugging while laughing playfully with each other. Ignoring him who had been standing outside of the house for hours ever since he saw the last of their friends left the property.

“You are mine. Ever since the first time I saw you. You are mine. You, Jongwoon, who help me through my hardest time…”

“Cho Kyuhyun… you're next.”






A/N: next chapter will be reveal as the one. It will explain lots of confusion ~~~~~

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
390 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
390 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
390 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
390 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again