




Yesung were walking side by side with Heechul. After lifting off the younger at the campus, Heechul who had no classes that day walk with him into the building.

“Hyung. I though you didn’t has any classes today?” Yesung ask curiously.

“Yeah but Leeteuk said he has something to do about his assignment and he need my help. We’ll go after he arrive here. What time you’ll be done with your class?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll go home by myself. Just go and have a nice date with Teukie hyung.” said Yesung but quickly earning a glare from Heechul.

“Definitely a no. Go home with someone who I can trust or Yunho will drag you home.”

“What?! who else can I be with? You ban Kyuhyun from give me a ride just because he had a bike.”

Heechul seems to be thinking of anyone who he can trust Yesung with. “How about Eunhyuk? He must had drive to his class. i got to go. Tell me with whom you will be. Bye!” the older left him speechless. The stubbornness of not letting him by himself was a headache for him.

He walk towards his class, thinking about his friend who possibly couldn’t give him a lift back home.


“Hey, you alone?”

Yesung turn around and saw Jin standing next to him with tray of food. It’s lunch time but none of his friend were having any time for him.

He nod at Jin and surprise when the friend from his class sat across his sit.

“Can I?”

“Well you already here. Where’s your friends?” Yesung ask curiously, looking around for the two friends who always by Jin’s side.

“Well they were getting their food now. You won’t mind if our friend from different class hang with you today?”

Yesung shakes his head. It was better to be around the crowds rather than around Siwon. That was what he thinks the moment he saw Siwon at the corridor just now. Taking different route to the cafeteria, he trying to avoid the younger for today.

“Oh Jin hyung! I thought you were at the normal spot. Who’s this?” said one of the friends Jin had told Yesung beforehand.

“Hoseok, this is Yesung hyung. Friend’s of mine in the same class. Yesung ah, this is Hoseok, he’s from dance department. He knows Eunhyuk ssi and Donghae ssi.” said Jin. 

Yesung nod, not knowing what to say more after the introduction. Later on he meet another friend of Jin who introduce himself as Jimin. They were soon greeted by two more who Yesung knows from the club.

‘Ah young people. Wonder where is Eunhyuk and his boy toy…’ thought Yesung, felt awkward around the new surrounding.

“Oh Junsu ah! Come join us!”

Jin cheerful voice had Yesung choked on his drink.

“You okay?” said Taehyung who were sitting next to him while patting his back to help him.

“Ah yeah. Jin’s voice shock me.” said Yesung sarcastically, earning a  sheepish smile from Jin.

“Oh it’s you Yesung hyung. Hi. Mind if I sat here?” said Junsu, taking a sit next to Yesung.

“Of course. I didn’t know you already close to Jin?” said Yesung, knwoing well how the three of them including himself only just meet the other day.

“Well, we thought of sharing our number just to make the assignment easier but you left before we can even ask for your’s.” Junsu smiles while holding out his phone for Yesung.

Wearing an innocent facade, Yesung just smiles off and take the phone. After finish with giving out his number to Junsu and jin, he continue his lunch but disturbed by a sudden phone’s ringing.

“Yes hyung?”


“No. Hyukkie can’t help. I’ll go home with the bus.”


“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to worry! Please let me go home by myself.”


“Just this time hyung….”


The whole table had their focus on the older who seems a bit teary at the moment. Junsu who had been next to Yesung feels something off by the older conversation.

“Is something wrong Yesung hyung?” Junsu ask.

Yesung turn to Junsu and some idea had come to him.

“Hyung, I’ll go home with Junsu. He close to Jaejong so you can ask him for any proof, bye!” Yesung hang up before the older can say anything. With a sigh he put his phone into his pocket.

“What was that?” Jin ask, feeling curious from the call.

“Just a worried family who won’t let me go home by myself.” said Yesung with a frown. He turn to Junsu who’s waiting for his answer. “Hey Junsu ah. I did said that I would go home with you but if you don’t want to, it’s okay. i just wanna stop the nagging just now.”

“Oh I heard you are Heechul ssi younger brother. So you are the owner son too?” said Jin.

“Not brother. I’m just a cousin. He’s become too overprotective sometimes.” said Yesung with a small smile.

“Well I don’t mind send you home today. I don’t have any activity after this. And how about we discuss about the assignment after class, Jin hyung?” said Junsu.

“Sure. We can finish it sooner.” 

Yesung felt relief after the younger agreed to send him home. He had thought of other initiative on going home alone without being busted by the older.

“Wait me at the front gate after class okay” said Junsu, earning a nod from Yesung.


“Where’s Yesungie?”


A generous hit on Kyuhyun’s head for the informality, Sungmin glare at him angrily.

“It’s Yesung hyung. I heard he already went home. Why? Can you just call your boyfriend by yourself?” said Ryeowook with intention of teasing the younger.

“Well if could, I would have done that already. I don’t have his number. Not a boyfriend, not yet. I’m so gonna make him as one.” said Kyuhyun, returning the smirk to the smaller.

“Aish, it’s no use to Wookie. You can ask his number tomorrow. Let’s go home Wookie ah.” said Sungmin, pulling the smaller who sticking his tongue towards Kyuhyun.

‘Brat’ thought Kyuhyun of Ryeowook. ‘With who? I thought Heechul hyung are not here today…’

He tried to ignore it off and walk to the parking lot. As he almost closing in to his bike, he saw a student were leaning towards his bike while another one were standing sternly in front of the person.

‘Aish… my bike..’ grunts him but the thought of shooing the man away were cut off once he realize who was the person.

‘Shim Changmin? And Siwon hyung? Does he manage to get in contact with that bastard? Urgh should I interrupt? But Changmin would recognize me right away… I’ll just wait..’ 

He settles himself behind the big pillar, hidden from those two sight. 2 more minutes, a shouts that faint enough for him can be heard. He saw what it seems like Siwon getting angry at Changmin.

‘Uh-oh. Does Siwon hyung got busted?’ thought him. 

Another minutes pass, Kyuhyun finally manage to approach Siwon who left alone with a frown.

“Hyung?did you manage to talk with Changmin?”

Shocked by the younger intruding his thought, he almost hit the younger by reflex.

“Wow! I know you got surprise by the sudden talk. No need to karate chop me down, hyung.” Kyuhyun annoyed by the older dangerous reflex.

“Sorry. You should warn me first. What did you said just now?”

“I said, I saw you talking with Changmin, does that mean you manage to talk with him?”

“Ah no… I mean, yes. But more like he admits being a creepo towards Yesung hyung. Kyuhyun, you know where’s Heechul’s hyung house right? We should warn him about Changmin.” said Siwon.

Kyuhyun hesitate but soon he take out his phone. “I need to ask Heechul hyung permission first okay?”

After the call, Siwon been told to come to the house at night because of Heechul’s date with Leeteuk were still had long way to go.

“So we meet at the stop in front of the station and I’ll show you the way to Heechul hyung’s house, can you give me your number?” said Kyuhyun.

After exchanging their numbers, Kyuhyun went home first, leaving Siwon sitting inside his car with train of thought.


“Why would I tell you?” said Changmin smugly.

“Why? Why the hell did you told me about who’s gonna take him then? What the are you playing with, Changmin!” Siwon shouts angrily.

He had approach Changmin in the parking lot with question about their last conversation. He had been bothered by the last word he heard from the man before he were left alone that day.

“What do you mean by ‘him’ that day. Is there another person who harass Yesung hyung?!”

“I told you, he is Jongwoon. And about that, you should forget it.” Changmin expression change into somewhat trouble looking one.

“What do you mean by that?!” Siwon’s shout were ignored by Changmin, the man left with a frown.




“So that’s all? It’s kinda simple research i think.”said Yesung, scrabbling down the last note for their group assignment.

“We should give each other role for the research since someone need to be the one who write it. Yesung hyung can you do the report?” said Junsu.

“Emm… I don’t think I can. I don’t have any laptop, I mean I can buy it if you want me to do it.”

“You don’t have one? How did you do all your assignment?” Jin ask curiously, feeling odd by Yesung statement.

“Well I use my hyung’s. He won’t let me have one myself so he only let me use his if I had any assignment. But I don’t think I can use it now because he’s having his own assignment to do.” Yesung finish off with a sigh. Feeling a bit embarrassed by his cousin stupid excuse for him to not letting him have his own laptop. ‘I won’t let you download any !’ said the older once.

“Hahaha your cousin are really weird you know?! Okay just let me do the report, you two do the research. I will do few research too on my own, deal?” said Jin and thus the two agree.

“We should go home now or your Heechul hyung gonna beat me up.” siad Junsu playfully, ruffling the older hair.

“Aish, stop with the tease…” Yesung thrown his look somewhere else, blushing from the tease.

Both now were on their way to Yesung’s home. No conversation as Yesung were already fall asleep in his seat.

As he park in front of the older house, Junsu were hesitate to wake the older up. Cooing the innocent sleeping face.

“Yesung hyung? Wakey wakey. We arrive at your house already.” said Junsu, poking the older face.

The older only groan and scrunching his face up from the disturbance. “Five more.. minute..”

Junsu chuckles. Not wasting any time, the younger fish out his phone and capture the precious moment before once again trying to wake he older.

“Eh.. we here?” said Yesung once he was fully awake.

“We are. For the past 5 minute. Come on. Want me to carry you out?” Junsu playfully smirk towards the older.

“Aish, you just the same like Kyuhyun.” Yesung pinch the younger cheeks with a smiles before getting his stuff.

“Kyuhyun? Who’s that?”

“Who..Cho Kyuhyun. The one who grouped with Jaejong. You’ve meet him already, Junsu ah.” said Yesung with a chuckles.

“Ahh.. yes yes. I forgot. Now go before I kidnap you and Heechul hyung gonna be so mad.” said the younger, gesturing a shoos sign to the older, earning a giggles from Yesung.

“Thanks for the ride, bye!” said Yesung cheerfully before closing the car door.

‘So close …yet so far…’


“Oh you home. Is there anything happen? You not hurt right? I forgot to ask Jaejong about that kid.” siad Heechul, throwing words like bullets.

“Aish hyung. You don’t have to worry. I told you Junsu is nice. Even Jaejong approve it. And why does you take another guard for me? You think I didn’t know about Jaejong?” said Yesung, hands resting on his waist in angry manner.

“Opss!I got busted? Hahaha. But you okay with him right? He’s not as strict as Yunho right?” Heechul know he would doom himself once the younger found out about it. It didn’t goes well with Yunho at the first time Yesung found out about him.

“Well yeah… he’s nice. You should be thankful I’m not mad.”said Yesung, crossing his hand with a puffed cheeks. Sulking from the older overprotectiveness.

Heechul sigh in relieve. “Okay okay. Now go wash up. Oh and we will be having guest tonight.”

“Guests? Who?”

“You’ll see later. Now go.”

Yesung snorted, disliking the older riddle. He went up to his room, doing exactly what the older order him so.

Few minutes pass, he’s waiting for the older to call him down. He keeps playing with his phone when a knock on the door disturb his session.



Kyuhyun had barge into his room once the door open, trapping the older into his hug while spinning around.

“Yahh!! Stop!” shouts Yesung , feeling dizzy from the younger spinning.

“I miss you!” said kyuhyun with a teasing smiles.

“Aish stop that. Why you here?” said Yesung, not realizing the closeness between him and Kyuhyun.

“Oh let’s go down. Siwon hyung is here to discuss about Changmin.”

The younger word had him froze. He’s not ready. He never will. The thought of his childhood love and the so called friend conversation brought him back to the nasty feeling years ago.

“Hyung? You okay? Why you look so pale all of sudden?” Kyuhyun worriedly tapping the smaller cheeks.

“Kyu… why’s he here?” Yesung mutter softly.

“Eh? Why? Did something happen hyung? Tell me. Don’t make me worried…” there’s hint of sadness in the younger voice after seen the older bad reaction.


“Oh Gosh!” said Kyuhyun, gripping tight on the smaller body who having hard time standing by himself.

“Hey what happen? Hyung?” Kyuhyun try to bring back the older focus by shaking his body slightly.

After what it’s seems like minutes has pass, Heechul were feeling off by the two who still didn’t show up to their dinner.

“Siwon ah, wait here. I’m gonna go get the two down.” said Heechul, leaving the younger behind at the table alone.

‘Are they that close?’ Thought Siwon, feeling weird by the two relationship.

Heechul saw the door to Yesung’s bedroom were open wide with a faint noise of Kyuhyun’s voice.

Once he was right in front of the room, he gasp by the scene. Kyuhyun were holding onto Yesung’s limped body. Caressing the older face and talking nothing but calming words.

“What happen Kyuhyun ah?” Heechul didn’t want to take on the younger suspicious by accusing him, instead he softly crouch down to their eyes level.

“I don’t know. He become like this once I mention about Siwon hyung coming.” said Kyuhyun frantically.

“About Siwon?” mumbles Heechul by himself.

“No… it’s not about Siwon..”

The smaller frail voice had the two snap into the situation.

“Hey, what happen Sungie ah?” Heechul take over the hold of the small body and sit him right up. “Hey talk to me. You look so pale..” the older patting Yesung’s cheeks.

“Nothing. I just forgot to eat lunch.. I’m gonna be okay after dinner. Can I eat in my room hyung?” said Yesung pleadingly.

‘Lunch? But Yunho said he eat just well this afternoon..’ thought Heechul, his watcher had report every single detail about Yesung’s activity in his place as he was absent for today.

“It’s not okay to eat in your room. Besides Siwon had something to say about the ert issues afterward. Come. I’ll help you walk.” said Heechul, pulling the younger up.

Kyuhyun watch as the two walk in front of him, with a frown. He knows well how the smaller begin to avoid something. He had been watching Yesung lately and something had catch his eyes about the older behaviour.

‘Why you look so dejected in joining the dinner then?’



A/N: *Bow 120degree. I'm sick XD

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
401 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
401 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
401 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
401 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again