



2 days after the incident, Yesung insist in going to his class by using the crutches. Gaining more worry-wart that won’t stop nagging to him to take off for few more days.

Despite the protest from the others, he keep doing thing the way he want it to. Although it might seems like he was just being a stubborn headed person, the real reason was he felt guilty for letting only Junsu and Jin to complete assignment that will be collected in few days more.

Here he’s now, writing more and more important note from a book Junsu kindly helping him to borrow it from public library. In the same time Jin and Junsu keep focusing on their own part of the work.

“Hyung, you finish with this topic?” said Junsu as held out a small memo pad.

“Yeah, this.” said Yesung as he passing the notes for Junsu to re-write it.

The ritual keep going until they manage to finish earlier than planned.

“Wow! This is awesome!” said Jin, clapping happily.

“Well now you don’t need to come to class hyung. Let the poor leg to heal.” Junsu chuckles.

“I know, I know. Are you guys gonna be okay with me not present it with you guys?”

“Nah. You’re injured. Sir Kangta will understand it. Now, how do you go home? It’s late now.” said Jin as he pull out his phone. “It’s 6 pm.”

“I’ll just call Heechul hyung. He must be waiting at the gate now.” said Yesung. Yesung turn his phone on just to find that the said older weren’t able to pick him up until an hour more. 

“Aish.. I have to wait. You guys can go first.”said Yesung as he packing up his stuff and the crutches.

“Hyung, can I send you home then? I want to treat you to somewhere for making your leg the way they’re now.” said Junsu with guilt plastered all over his face.

“Pfft haha, this is not your fault but I would love the invite. It would be too hassle to wait for Heebongie. Jin ah, wanna join?” said Yesung.

Jin lookat the two before hastily shake his head while smiling. “I’ve got something to do. Have fun you two.” said Jin as he begin to leave the two alone.

“Hah. Why he look so weird. Anyway, let’s go.” said Yesung as he awkwardly use the crutches that seems little to tall for him.

“You okay? That’s totally not your size.” Junsu chuckles as he help to take over the older’s stuff.

“Tssk I think Heebongie purposely choose this one. It’s not like I can’t use it but it’s a bit awkward for me.”

“Haha. Oh, hyung?” Junsu ask while they were walking towards the parking lot.


“Emm I don’t want to offense you or anything but I realize that the way you talk sometimes quite weird. I mean, I never see you cursing or something but it seems a bit hold back. Why is that?”

“Er… do I? I thought I talk normal like usual…” said Yesung nervously. Forgetting the crucial bet he had going on with Heechul because of everything that happen lately. ‘Crap! I got too comfortable with him..’

“Haha hyung! Don’t look so scare! I don’t mind if you being yourself. I’m sorry. I kind knew what’s going on with you and Heechul sunbaenim”

“Eh, how do you know?”

“Sorry. I kinda heard Yunho hyung and Jaejong hyung talks the other day. We quite close to each other and I accidentally eavesdropping them at Jaejong hyung house.. sorry if I being rude.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m not used to talk softly. Sometimes it’s happen. You won’t tell anyone right?”

“Of course not. Oh we here. Let me help you.” Junsu help the older to get into the sit while grabbing the crutches to the back sit.

“Where are we going?” said Yesung once both of them hitting the road.

“Oh you’ll see.”


A knock on the Kim’s door house had startle Heechul who just arrive home at that time. It’s 8pm. He had just got home pass the time he had promise Yesung only after the younger told him Junsu will be with him at the moment.

He turn to the door and slowly peeking, only to relief as it was only Siwon who knocking at that hour.

“Why you’re here?”

“Oh.. um.. I want to talk to Jongw--Yesung hyung. Can I”

“Of course… settling stuff? You can just call him Jongwoon if you want. Wait, I’ll call him.” said Heechul. Inviting the younger to wait in the living room. He wen tot Yesung’s room only to find that it was dark and empty.

“Weird. I thought he told me it will be for an hour only…” mutter Heechul to himself. He tried to call the younger but it’s seem he was rejected.

Heechul frantically running to the living room, looking panic as he searching for his car key.

“Hyung? What’s wrong?” ask Siwon who begin to worry for the older.

“He’s not home yet! I can’t get to his number and now I’m worried!” shouts Heechul frantically, running towards the front door.

“I’ll go with you!” said Siwon, tailing behind the older.

Once both had reach to the garage, a car begin to pull up right in front of them, revealing the ‘missing’ person.

“Yesung!” shouts Heechul,hastily open the car door without waiting the younger to do it by his own.

“Hyung? What’s wrong?” said Yesung confusedly.

Siwon glaring at Junsu who for some reason smirking at him. The man approach them with Yesung’s crutches.

“Sorry Heechul hyung. We got caught up with chatting just now.” siad Junsu, bowing politely.

Heechul glare at Junsu before turning at Yesung who still seated in the front chair.

“Why you didn’t answer my call just now?” said Heechul in anger.

“Oh, that’s because I’m just around the corner. I thought I told you already I’ll be out with Junsu.” said Yesung casually before his eyes fall on the taller. “Siwon..?”

“Oh he come to settle some stuff with you. Let’s get you inside.” siad Heechul,taking the crutches for the younger to use.

Once they were inside the house, Yesung realize that either Siwon or Junsu were still outside.

“Hyung, why are they still outside?” said Yesung, turning back tot he front door and gasped.

The twowere heard fighting all of sudden. Leaving Yesung to stumble at the wrong moment as Siwon were punching Junsu to the ground.

“Siwon!” shouts Yesung as he begin to ‘run’ towards them, only to fall miserably as his crutches caught on some pebbles. “Ow…” he groan as the pain striking him.

“Yah idiot!” shouts Heecul, helping Yesung who fall flat on the ground.

“Jongwoon!”shouts Siwon in panic.

As he was about to help the older up, Yesung harshly swats his hand off from helping him.

“Gosh why are you so careless! And you Siwon,why did you punch Junsu?” said Heechul angrily as he carrying the injured one into the house.

Siwon begin to feels guilty for the older. He turn around just to find Junsu with chapped lips smirking at him.

“You better not be around him after this!” shouts Siwon before leaving the house with heavy heart. Harshly open his car door and drive away.


“Ow hyung..”

“Stop whining. If you didn’t try to run just now, you wouldn’t be this way. We will go to the doctor tomorrow just to make sure.”

“Why wouldn’t I. That bastard Siwon are hitting my friend. Wait. Where’s Junsu?”

“Stay here. I’ll go check.”

The older went out and found Junsu standing at the door frame with sad looking face.

“Hey. Why did you fight with Siwon”

“Oh sunbaenim…it’s nothing. I know about Siwon and Yesung hyung past so I tried to advice Siwon from hurting Yesung hyung but just look at my face.”

“Did Yesung told you everything? Anyway,Siwon actually never meant to hurt Yesung. I know you worried about him but next time, don’t even try. That Siwon guy are hard headed sometimes. Let me take care of your injury. Yesung can’t come down now so you can leave after that.” said Heechul.

Junsu follow behind Heecuhl, smirk plastering onto his bruised one. Victory on his side, thought him.


Two days ever since, Siwon were never been seen at the campus again. The idea of Siwon went missing making Yesung felt uneasy most of the time. Although he never leave his room since then, Heechul never miss to inform him about everything. And by having a newly made group chat among them, news spread faster than ever.

He was onto his phone most of the time. Unable to do much aside from laying on the bed or even tried to go down the stairs to get food. He was scrolling down the feeds when a notification from the group chat pop from his tab.

“Wookie?” said him.

He open up the messages only to frown. He thought it was joke when Ryeowook keep posing bunch of article and series of text messages.

‘Son of Choi cooperation were caught in action as a murderer.’

His eyes went wide the longer he clicking on the articles. Praying for it to be some kind of a pranks or jokes.

‘Are you joking’ he type frantically.

‘No. It’s true. And the victim are Shim Changmin. Shocking right? The police still investigating the whole ordeal. Siwon are the main suspect for now.’ Ryeowook reply in minutes.

‘What’s the evidence?’ Hangeng who were not around the group at the moment reply.

‘Changmin’s body were found with chest open inside Siwon’s house. Although there’s no evidence of Siwon being the culprit, the scene can’t be shrugged off by the police. Mr.Choi has been trying to prove his son innocent, that’s why the news just came out today.’ reply Ryeowook again.

After the younger reply, Yesung felt dizzy by everything that happen. He throw his head on the pillow as he reminiscence Changmin and Siwon’s relationship. It's was normal to him. The two never fought in the past. Although Chnagmin had done the worst to him, he know the younger didn’t deserve his unfortunate fate.

“No way…” he mumbling, throwing his phone aside. Not wanting to hear more shocking news for the day.

‘Siwon ah..’ thought him. Deep down to his guts, he felt something was off with the news. He know Siwon wouldn’t even fathom to take someone’s life let alone an old friend. He know Siwon too well.

He begin to take his phone and dial certain number, trying to get answer by himself.

“Hello? Hyung. Is it true? About Siwon?” Yesung immediately went off after Heechul pick up the call.

“Yes Yesungie. I don’t know what to do. I tried to reach to his dad but the line were cut off short.”

“But Siwon wouldn’t do such thing… Hyung please help him…”

“I do what I can, Yesung ah. It’s hard to even contact our cousin who work at the police station at this time. I’ll call you back once I got something, or you just wait patiently till I come back,okay?”

“OKay.. just please help him..”

“I promise.”

The call ended with Yesung sighing from the dark screen. Feeling worried for Siwon’s situation.

‘I know you didn’t do it… I know..’


The friends decide to gather at Heechul house to take things into their own hand. Feeling sympathy for what they thought as an accused friend.

2 days has been crucial moment for them. Watching as massmedia and news covering the story of their friend’s crime. Feeling hurts by the whole situation. They took the opportunity of the holiday in mid semester as the time to gather their thought.

“Siwon wouldn’t do that!” shouts Kangin as he pacing around in the living room. 

The group separated in few. Half of them were trying to act detective while the other busying themselves in preparing for food since it will be a long progress.

“Don’t shouts Kangin. Think.” said Heechul in irritation. “My cousin from the department who taking care of the case will be coming here. Manners kid.”

Once the food were served, Kyuhyun being the good boyfriend he is, he help Yesung with the food.

“Kyu, that’s too much!” said Yesung in protest. Kyuhyun trying to shove a spoonful of the fried rice into the older’s mouth.

“Yah Cho, you wanna kill him?” Heechul protectively hit the maknae of the group in the hit.

“Ouch, brother in-law! It’s hurt!” said Kyuhyun. Yesung just roll his eyes off from the boldness.

A knock on the door had Heechul left the two alone. Once he fetch the guest, eh walk into the living room and make a space for the guest to sit.

“Guys, this is Eric hyung. He’s the head department of investigation for this case. He’s our cousin.” said Heechul. 

Eric smiles at them and frowned once his eyes fall on Yesung’s feet.

“Wow Jongwoon. What happen?”

“Oh, things. Is it okay for you to be here hyung?” said Yesung.

“Well it’s kinda for official investigation too. Siwon had told me something about Changmin and you. Can we start?” the older ask as he take a single couch and took out a bunch of files from his bag.

“Me?” said Yesung. The older nod and begin to search through his report.

“So let’s start.”




A/N: things might gotten more clear by now. Did anyone get the title? Chde? I gave a hint in past chapter from my a/n,the exact same words. It's literally mean character death or can be interpreted as Changmin death, badumtss.. Imma delete the read me chapter. Hv fun waiting. Kekeke. 

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
390 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
390 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
390 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
390 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again