Chapter 5: Enjoy the Show

The Orchard Dorm
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It was a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. A perfect day to be promoting the annual showcase by plastering posters all around the campus. It was Jeanie's task to put as many of these posters around the school so that the whole student body would be informed. Nari also tagged along to help since she would've guessed that could take the whole day.


"There I think this covers this side of the campus."


"Do you think a lot of people will come audition?" she wondered out loud while Jeanie acted optimistic as always.


"Ye hath so little faith in me oh young padowan. Everyone will have a chance of auditioning. Plus the headmasters were planning on adding other acts to the show so it would really be worth seeing." She looked at Nari and saw there was still something bothering her so she pats her head in reassurance. "Don't worry. Who knows, maybe we'll find our diamonds in the rough in the most least unexpected places." there was a sort of twinkle in Jeanie's eyes when she said that before she hands over the rest of the flyers to Nari. 


"Now if you don't mind can you post the rest of these out. I'll be right back."


"Where are you going?"


"I have a meeting with the headmaster discussing about the auditions. So I'll catch up with you later."


"But don't I need to be there too?" Jeanie nods making Nari stay put.


"I don't want you to suffer in a boring meeting. Just hang up the posters and I'll come right back"




"Hwaighting!" Jeanie hastily said before running off, leaving Nari stranded with all the posters in her hand. However, she was about to ask Jeanie how she could get people to audition? Because one thing Nari was very bad at was approaching others.


"Ok Nari you can do this." she muttered to lift her spirits but it only made her antsy. "Just talk to whoever you think might be interested and hand these out. Yeah no big deal!"  





At the basketball court, Kris was at practice with the rest of the varsity team while all the newbies were sitting on the benches admiring them. It was also the first place Nari had stopped by to give the flyers. She looked totally out of place among the people there and was too afraid to walk up to anybody. It was even more frightening to see a bunch of freshmen walk in her direction. 


Meanwhile, Kris had stopped to take a break and took a few sips of water when his friend tapped him on the shoulder to look over where Nari was. At first Kris didn't recognize her considering all the freshmen were towering over her. "Aish how many times do I have to tell them none of their girlfriends can visit them during practice?" he starts walking over there when he almost spat out his water when he started recognizing Nari was the girl in the middle of the freshmen. 


"What is she doing?" He muttered out loud before regrettably saving her . At least Nari successfully got their attention and handed them the flyers but they all laughed in her face. One of them even crumbled it into a ball and threw it at her. "Yah you must be an idiot to even come here to give us this."


"Get out. if you're not here to watch or play then you need to leave." A second boy waved his hand to shoo her away when they turned to a whistle.


"Come on. Coach is calling us for warmups." a kid from the back of the pack called. The boy in the middle just starts crumpling up the flyer. "Tch this is nothing but garbage."


They all followed him and threw it at Nari before heading back for practice. Nari just crouches down and picks up the papers one by one not noticing Kris walking up. He helps pick up the last crumpled ball of paper and hands it to her. It was a bit awkward seeing him here but she nodded her head until he spoke first. "You shouldn't have come here in the first place. I mean we all have special talents but that showcase isn't really our style. It's more how you say a big joke in the athletic world."


He started to walk away while Nari sighed, "I understand. I get it a lot of people are terrified of getting on stage. It takes a lot of courage just to even sing and dance in front of people." Kris just stops in his tracks and slowly turns around to continue listening.


"I mean I just thought that whenever people say they don't want to do this particular thing it's because maybe they are too afraid of people judging them which can make a person feel insecure." The taller just scoffs thinking that was the most ridiculous thing he's heard. So he walks up to her again and looks directly at her.


"What are you saying. You calling me a wuss?"


"No technically I-"


"Give me that." he grabs one of the flyers from her hands and that was when he decided right there and then. "You made big mistake calling me a sacredy cat. The great Kris Wu is not afraid of anything. Especially when performing on some stupid stage and singing a bunch of songs for people." 


"I-I didn't mean to-"


"You better be there when I blow you away. Or you're going to be the coward who didn't watch me prove you wrong." He immediately turns around and just grumbles to himself that he was going to make her wish she ate her words up. Meanwhile, Nari thought why is it everytime she talks with him it's always really odd?



"Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low~ Ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you babe~" Chen was always in the radio station building whenever he had free time of course. He considered it his second home. Usually when he's alone he has his headphones on and just sings inside the recording room. It's not like he had a bad voice, it actually sounded amazing. However, the poor boy was just too shy to sing in front of a crowd that's why he felt more comfortable singing all alone. Well he thought he was alone until Nari had cautiously walked into the recording room because she had heard Chen's voice from down the hall. 


Chen was oblivious to his surroundings and even started dancing around the studio making Nari stifle a laugh. He was enjoying himself until he decides to turn around and his eyes made contact with Nari's. He quickly puts down his headphones and acted as if he didn't just sing obnoxiously and dance like a headless chicken. 


"D-did you uh happen to come in here when I know" she nods enthusiastically while his face started to turn pink but he tries to cover it up with a cough and tried playing it cool. "Sorry that you had to hear my horrible voice I uh-"


"Are you kidding? You have a really amazing voice!" Nari uttered in adoration while Chen felt even more embaressed by her praise.


"So um what brings you here?" He asks that she so could leave with whatever she needed. Immediately she hands him a flyer and he looks at it with a puzzled look.


"We're holding auditions next week monday at three."


"The showcase? You're kidding." He thought that she was just trying to be funny but there was no sign of humor in her tone or in her eyes.  "Why not? You have a beautiful voice. I would really love it if you auditioned." Chen puts down the flyer already disliking the fact that he has to perform on stage in front of people. Even if it was just a few. 


"Hold on I think you got the wrong idea here. I don't particularly like doing this kinds of stuff."


"But your voice is really good you're only just-" 


He stops her midsentence with a shake of his head. "Listen having the whole school watching me is a scary thing and as surprising as this sounds I don't like all eyes one me when I'm just up there on that stage." He shudders at the thought before apologetically handing back the flyer, "I'm Sorry."


He couldn't help feeling extremely guilty when he saw her face drop in dissappointment. Before she left she took one last look at him. "Well I still stand by what I said. I think your voice is unique. I hope you can overcome that fear and come to the audition. I just think with a voice like yours it'll inspired people." she leaves him with the flyer again and waved goodbye. "It was nice meeting you." After she had left Chen glances at the flyer pondering over and over again


"Who knows..." 



(At The Soccer Field)


"Come on Lu you've been practicing for hours. I'm hungry!" 


"Go on without me Theo." He wasn't even paying attention to his friends complaints before he kicked another soccer ball into the goal. "I'm going to be here for awhile."


"Ugh why?! You're our best player Lu. Every time there's a game I start to feel bad for the goalkeeper and those who have to get the ball from you."


"Well then they should've trained harder so they wouldn't have had their asses whopped by me." his friend just clicks his tongue in annoyance before grabbing his bag. "Alright I'm going to go eat. Don't tire yourself out I'll see you tomorrow." 


He doesn't even say goodbye to his friend as he constantly kicked the ball into the goal one after the other. Satisfied with his last shoot he walks over to the bench to take a sip of water when he hears his phone ringing. He fishes it out of his bag but regretted even looking at who called when he saw the caller id. 


"Wei?" he answered with such a cold tone it could've cut through stone.


"Is it cold over there? Is that why you made me wait."


"Tch sorry I'm too busy to answer."


"What are you busy doing? Playing that stupid sport?" the way she talked started to make Luhan a little irritated but he didn't want to burst out yet and just clenched his phone tightly. "Anywyas that's not why I called. I wanted to know how's it going over there. How is the son of the OH industry? Are you both getting along." That's when he looked very ticked off.


"Ah so it was you who made that stupid arrangement? Now I see why you called. Is this one of your little business ordeals?" his voice started to raise every second and it was because he couldn't stand talking with her. 


"Excuse me? Do you know how much is at stake? His father is one of the biggest conglomerates and if we had him as an asset to the company then our lives would be smooth sailing."


"I don't give a damn about the company" Luhan spat back shocking her on the phone. 


"I'll cut you off if you do anything bad to him."


"Fine do what you want then. I don't want my mother only calling me just to discuss her stupid business ordeals." He hangs up not caring if he threw his phone across the soccer field. 


"Aish!" he screamed out loud into the cold air not caring if people had heard him he could be crazy for all he cared because it was a matter of time before all that anger would come out. 



The weekend end and today marked the first day of the auditions. The hours were closing in as Nari started to feel her hands shaking. Was it because the pressure of finding the perfect boy group was mostly on her? She turns around closing her locker when a couple of girls pushed passed her causing all her books to fall out of her hands. A couple of the girls snickered as she crouched down to pick them up but she never said a word to them. 


"Alright settle down class." Nari's homeroom teacher comes in yelling for everyone in the classroom to settle down. Although, a couple of classmates seemed interested with the teacher next to him. "Students allow me to introduce to you Mr. Kwon. He's in charge of the cultural arts department and some of his students are going to be joining our class for a project."


Mr. Kwon then signals his students to come into the room. A particular student walked in and Nari immediately recognized him quickly covering herself with one of her textbooks. At least he won't see her was what she thought.  "Since there are not enough desks for everyone we are going to pair you up with Mr.Kwon's students so you guys can share."


"Great." Nari muttered while Mr. Kwon started looking down at the roster and lists down a few pairs until Nari perked at her name being called. "Mr. Oh Sehun you'll be sharing a desk with Ms. Jeong Nari."


"Nari raise your hand" Her homeroom teacher calls out.


She hesitantly does it avoiding contact with the rest of the classroom but that was not all she was avoiding. Suddenly another seat scoots next to her and she doesn't say anything until her desk was harshly pushed. Nari immediately brought her head up to look at Sehun smiling like he had something up his sleeve.


"Hm so your name is Nari? I like piggy better though."


"Piggy?" she remembered that weird nickname back at the dorms. "Yeah because of all the pink you wear and your face whenever you get flustered."


She began to sink into her chair sulking at why this was happening. "S

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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749 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.