Chapter 1: Into the New World

The Orchard Dorm
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*SIX YEARS AGO* (From the Prologue)


"Ok. One, two, three. And smile!" the camera flashes and the picture shows up on the little screen while Mrs. Tuan was utterly satisfied with how perfect it looked. "Aw isn't that cute? Lets do one more," she orders the two kids in front of her who have been taking pictures for the past fifteen minutes. 


Nari was starting to feel her cheeks getting sore from smiling in maybe too many pictures. She knew that she was supposed to leave these pictures as a parting gift for Mrs. Tuan but even she couldn't stand it.


"Mom enough already. Nari is going to be late for her entrance ceremony." Mrs.Tuan's son, Mark, grabs the camera from his mom's hands so that he could save Nari and himself from this neverending torture.


"Ok ok fine. I'll stop. It's just I can't believe it? I'm just so sad she won't be living here anymore. So I need to have these photos to remind me of her."


"You know she can still come and visit right?" Mark deadpanned while Nari elbowed him for being so mean to his mom. 


"Auntie the school is only a bus ride away I mean I can still visit on holidays. I promise." her promise kept the mother's hopes up at least but that wasn't the main issue. "Oh it's not only that, I'm just worried about the other students who'll move in with her. What if they aren't nice to her? or what if she gets lonely?"


"I know I'm worried about that too Mom." Mark mirrored the same expression his mother had while Nari looked at him puzzled.


"Why would you need to worry Mark?"


"Because new friends, living with total spoiled bratty strangers. Are you sure you're able to handle that?" even though Mark was just teasing, Nari began to think maybe he was right about that part. The whole idea of starting a year at some new school that felt way out of her comfort zone. 


"I-it's probably not going to be too bad. Right?" she asked, doubt laced in her voice.


"Ah stop scaring her. Just send her off to the bus stop will you Mark?" Mrs. Tuan scolds her son and Mark does as she says and walks her to the door. He turns and gives Nari his usual gummy smile.


"Hey, you've got this. Go show those pretentious spoiled brats what you're made of. Also, promise me you won't hurt yourself from running to classes." Nari gave him a 'serious?' look but he wasn't kidding, "I'm serious maybe after a week you'll get a huge bump on your forehead? Or maybe even on the first day you'll embaress yourself in front of all those rich kids." 


"Aiyah Mark would you stop jinxing it for me? I'm trying to have the best first day, not the worse." He affectionately ruffles her hair and she pouts because she hated it when he did that. It was a little too childish. 


"Promise you'll visit us ok?"


Nari rolls her eyes but nods. "I'm moving to another district, not across the country. You can't get rid of me that easily."


"Wasn't planning on it kid." He winks at her and before she heads out Mrs.Tuan grabs the camera again. 


"Smile you two!" Mrs. Tuan yelled before taking a picture of the two smiling at each other.



It was only a month ago Nari had taken the exam and found out she had passed and would soon be a student of Sawatomi Academy. She was even more thrilled that they offered all the students to live in their dorms on campuse since it would be easier for the students to get to school wherever they were from.


This school was one of the best learning facilities for whoever wanted to focus either on drama or art in the future, or become future businessmen and maybe even become the next big name out in the world. For Nari, it was one step towards achieving her dream and the promise that she made long ago. 


Once she stepped off the bus she navigated around the city until she looked across the street and there behind these huge big shiny gates stood the real deal. Nari was just inches away from stepping into the school that can change her future but walking in like all the other students were doing was a bit difficult. So she calms herself down by whistling a tune and then shaking out whatever nervous tingle she had that could stop her. "Alright let's do this."


One step inside the school and she was already hit on the head with a football. Well, maybe Mark may have just jinxed her first day in because this did not go as planned.


A couple of guys from the football team started laughing at her fall on her and looking like a complete fool in front of the whole school. One of them begins running over to fetch their ball not sparing the girl who made a fool of herself a glance. "Hey, Baekhyun is the ball good?" His friend yelled to the guy who had grabbed the football. Nari couldn't believe they were more worried about the ball than the actual person who got hit. Seriously she could've gotten a concussion just now. 


Baekhyun stands up and throws the ball to his friends before standing there for a moment to look at something that made him chuckle. "Hey, weirdo nice underwear you got there." he then runs back to his friends thinking that this school was just accepting way too many losers at this school but it made it more fun and entertaining for him to torture the living hell out of their school year.


At first, Nari didn't know what he was talking about but she realized too late that her skirt had been pulled up this whole time. She immediately pulls it down before other students passing by would see it. However, it was a bit too late as some were pointing and mocking her all thanks to the dude who had thrown the football. 


Suddenly the school's intercom plays an announcement across the campus. "Attention. Can the new students please make their way to the welcoming ceremony. It will be held at the Sawatomi Concert Hall." Everyone starts making their way to the concert hall while Nari tried brushing off the dirt on her skirt and followed after the crowd. "Ok this better be the only embarrassing thing to happen to me today. Please be better for the entire day."


After their welcoming ceremony, the school advisors and staff and some of the seniors helped the new students with their given schedules. Nari had spent the whole day navigating through the school. It even had it's own campus map it was seriously like she was in a theme park.


When it was finally her last class, her teacher gets up and makes a quick announcement before they all leave. "Remember if you haven't moved into your dorms yet I advise you to do so by the end of this week!" The students all bowed as their homeroom teacher left and a second later the dismissal bell ringed.


Nari quickly looks at the time and realized she needed to head to work right away. She starts quickly putting away all her books when someone surprised her from behind.


"Wendy! You scared me!" 


Her friend just heartily laughs. "Sorry sorry, I just wanted to say hi. Are you heading to work now?" Nari nods, too distracted with writing down some reminders into her planner. "My shift starts in forty so I have to catch the bus if I want to make it on time." Wendy seemed a bit sad that she couldn't get to hang out with her friend a bit more but she understood. 


"Dang I wanted to take you to try out this new cafe with me. I heard it has some hot baristas and very cute tasty cakes."


Nari apoloetically looks at Wendy before getting ready to head off. "Maybe next time Wendy," she promised but Wendy knew it wouldn't be soon. 


"Well, today is my last day to be eating any junkfood I want. Technically I'm not supposed to be eating junk food since I'm on the track team and coach strictly told us our diet plan." Nari kinda felt sorry but she wouldn't know. She wasn't much of an athletic person as people could see from her petite frame and being more interested in other hobbies. 


"So how was your first day at the amazing, prestigious, famous Sawatomi High? Did it exceed your expectations? I mean jesus christ this place is like one of those ivy league colleges that you would see on American tv shows you know?"


When Wendy had asked about how her first day went, all Nari could remember was the first few seconds of her morning. The only bad part was all because of her skirt incident, the guy pointing it out and embarrassing herself in front of half of her future classmates. "Hello! Nari! Can you hear me?"


She realized she had been ignoring Wendy this whole time and finally answered her. "Well, it's not what I had in mind for the first day. God my still hurts from that fall and I still can't believe I exposed my underwear in front of a couple of students on the first day." 


"Ah I wouldn't worry so much. People tend to forget about things like that after a week. Moreso, I'm sure that jerk that humiliated you will get his karma in the end. Let's see who's the fool now."


"Haha maybe he can fall on his from a flying football." Nari muttered before unconsciously checking if her skirt had covered her rear. 





At Sawatomi Academy there were a lot of "departments" that students wanted to specialize in as part of their daily school activities. Whether it was art, music, dance, technology but what the school excelled in the most was its huge sports department. Specifically, their football team was one of their best sports teams in the school. They had the best coaches, a field that was paid for by many sponsors and alumni and pick the strongest players for their team. 


Today was the football team's first practice of the school year and Baekhyun, the main quarterback had caught the football with such a perfect form too. He catches the ball with ease before swiftly dodging his other team members that played the opposing team. He starts running towards the goal and scores a winning touchdown. The cheerleaders who were having their practice as well watched in awe as the hot quarterback took off his helmet and gave the whole cheerleading squad a wink before they giggled like little girls.


Baekhyun starts walking back to the middle of the field when his friend runs over, "Great first play captain." 


"As always I aim to please." they both high fived each other before their coach whistled for the whole team to gather in the middle. 


"Alright alright, I guess those long nights of practice during the summer didn't go to waste. However, we still got a lot to do before our first game so if we don't slack for the next two weeks I guarantee Bundang Highschool won't know what hit them." everyone started getting excited when the coach had one more thing to say and beckoned for Baekhyun to come next to him "As you know I chose and we agreed that Baekhyun would be our new star quarterback because I believe he's going to bring us the trophy this year. So I hope to see some great progress from you and this team."


"I won't let you down coach" Most of the teammates teased Baekhyun for getting affectionately praised when the coach orders for everyone to huddle in. The whole team does their chant before heading for the locker rooms.


(At the boy's locker rooms)


"God! That practice turned my insides all around. I don't think I can move a single inch." 


"Oh I yead you poor thing. Sitting down on that bench during practice sure is hardwork Dongwoo." one of the guys commented not long before he got himself a wet towel thrown at his face before Dongwoo gave him the middle finger. 


Baekhyun comes around the corner after he finished his shower and starts changing into his regular clothes. Some of his friends just playfully whistle. 


"Ohh look at our y star quarterback. Man, I can see why those cheerleaders are crazy for you. I would be too if I get to see that in bed." the other guys who heard begin to laugh while Baekhyun rolled his eyes and slapped his friend in the arm.


"Well be jealous because one of these lucky ladies is going to be seeing this tonight." 


"Oh oh who is it this time? Hana? oh, maybe Sera?"


Baekhyun just shrugs leaving it at a mystery for his friend to guess at his pleasure, "Hey you still got some time for dinner Baek?" Dongwoo called after him before Baekhyun headed out the door.


"Not this time boys. I'm heading over to the basketball court."


"Hold up since when were you so interested in Basketball now? Baek are you betraying us for them?" DongWoo looked like he was being betrayed while Baekhyun smirked, "No you . I'm going because my friend is the new captain of the Basketball team and it's his first time delivering the practice today. I'm just there to watch him make those freshment piss their pants."





In one of the training facilities, there were three divided basketball courts. Two of them were for the junior varsity teams while the main court was for the elite varsity team. Today was one of the most important days for the new captain because today was basketball tryouts. 


Not to mention it was also the day that whoever was trying out was going to get a whole pack of hell coming at them from their new captain. Kris Wu, a second-year and the youngest to be captain. Ever since he was voted captain he wanted to show no mercy to the newbies who thought they were the biggest hotshots in town. Today Kris was going to make these brats think twice.


Meanwhile, Baekhyun had just arrived on time to watch the torture. He sat on the bleachers watching Kris pummel the life out of these first years. Kris blows the whistle and some of them just drop simultaneously to the ground like dead flies but Kris did not give a thinking they were weak weaker than he was when he first tried out.


"Alright, you survived the first day of tryouts. Some of you did ok some of you are literal es who seem to think this is a joke. So tomorrow you better pray I don't break one of your legs off. Now hit the showers and go home." The first years scattered towards the locker room while Baekhyun began walking over to his friend.


"Geez, you really show no mercy for a second year who just got the title of elite varsity captain." 


"Pft I could say the same thing for you. You're already named quarterback in your second year. What, is everyone on your team just that bad? Or did you pay everyone to vote for you to be the coach." Baekhyun knew he was just being a snarky usual but it was all light teasing. Baekhyun scooches over so that Kris could take seat. 


Before they could go Kris had to do some last-minute evaluations for the trainees that he was interested in. "You know most people don't know how hard we worked to get this but it's not our fault that we're just good at what we do." 


"Well can't argue with that but guess what? We aren't the only teams with second-year captains."


Even though it didn't really interest him, Baekhyun's eyebrows slightly rose. "Oh really?"


"Yeah I heard that Soccer, Golf, Archery, and....the Baseball teams all have second years as their captains." Curiously Kris looked up from his clipboard and turned to see Baekhyun's reaction when he happened to mention the Baseball teams supposed new captain. He knew who was their star player and thinking about him made him twitch to the very core. 


"Hm I guess the second years are just full of talent or maybe luck, of course, I'm pretty sure the Baseball team made a huge mistake. Well what do I care? It's full of es and is the most boring sport." Baekhyun muttered.


His friend looked suspicious before slightly taunting him, "Jealous much?" Baekhyun scoffs like that was the most ridiculous thing he's heard. Jealous wasn't the right word it was more like he just hated a particular person on that stupid team. Actually more like he detested this person more than anyone in his entire life. And he went by the name of Park Chanyeol. 





The sound of the ball making impact with one of the bats ringed across the entire stadium. The players that were on the diamond watched that ball go as another homerun caused by number 61. The player started making a run for it and when he reached home base it called for another point for him. He was the new Allstar player of the team and also the new captain of the baseball team, Park Chanyeol. After he had hit that homerun, he takes off his helmet and wipes off the sweat protruding on his face. That inst

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.