Chapter 14: Not Throwing Away My Shot

The Orchard Dorm
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Every Friday afternoon, there were no club team practices but it didn't mean you were allowed to do some practice of your own. Of course, everyone had better things to do on a Friday than be at school but for Kyungsoo Friday was just like any other day. He was either always at school, home, or the obvious place the archery grounds. This place was his second home. He would be here for hours and hours even when he ran out of arrows and targets to shoot. People could call him a boy with no social life but he didn't become the best archer in the school and district by slacking off. 


He was just about to shoot another target meters away from him and was concentrated when someone ran out on the field waving his arms in the air. "Kyungie!!!" Ryeowook yelled his name surprising Kyungsoo and accidentally let go of the arrow. Luckily Ryewook was almost right in front of the target so the arrow was quicker and pierced through the straw and wood instead of right into Ryeowook's head. However, it did cut a few strands off of the older's bangs. 


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before turning his back to get another arrow from his pile. Meanwhile, Ryeowook quickly ran over before he would get an arrow straight to his heart. He stood right in front of Kyungsoo all peppy. "Anneong~ I knew you would be here Kyung~"


"What do you want?" Kyungsoo coldly brushed him off while pressing a button that set off a lot of practice dummies to pop up out of nowhere.


He draws another arrow, while Ryeowook seemed to have trouble getting his words out till he finally said, "I came to say goodbye..." Kyungsoo yet again lets go of the arrow accidentally and it strikes the dummy square on the forehead. Kyungsoo turns around and sees Ryeowook look guilty and sad. "I thought you were leaving next week."


"Yeah originally I was but the company's planning another comeback soon so they need me to learn all their songs and dances before their next concert." Kyungsoo seemed so lost in thought. "Soo? Are you listening?" again Kyungsoo didn't know how to react to his only best friend leaving and Ryeowook noticed how this affected him so he tried to lighten the mood. "Ah don't look so upset Soo. I'll still call you so you won't feel lonely."


He suddenly gets a smack upside the head and looks at Kyungsoo dumbstruck, "You idiot, who says I want a call from you?" he scowled right back at him. "With you gone I don't have to constantly watch you trip over yourself and constantly follow me like some stalker" he turns around when he sees Ryeowook start to cry but it wasn't the sad kind of crying but the kind where he was smiling like an idiot while snot and tears were running down his face. 

"*sniff* *sniff* I'm going to miss you~" before Kyungsoo could defend himself, Ryeowook pulls him in for a hug. He allowed it this one time, looking around just to make sure that no one would walk by and see this. Before it got any weirder, he pushed Ryeowook away since it was a long hug for Kyungsoo to handle. "Geez, there's some snot running down my jacket because of you." 


"I-I'll come visit you when my schedules are less hectic." 


Kyungsoo scoffs and punches him lightly on the arm. "Who said anything about me wanting a visit from you? I count this as a blessing that I don't have to see you now."  


"Maybe when I return I'll bring the other members with me and they can even perform." he gasps when he thought of another idea. "We should collab with your band too!!" Kyungsoo had totally forgotten all about that problem. Thinking about the school band made him think about that stupid girl, not to mention that stupid bet which was tomorrow now that he remembered. 


"Yah Kyung are you even listening? Hellooooo" Kyungsoo swats away Ryeowook's hands and mutters, "I'll think about it." 


That answer didn't satisfy the older, "Ugh come on Soo why are you so against it? We both know that your voice is so good that you should perform on stage. Plus don't you want to be adored by the whole school?" 


"No." he bluntly stated. "It's too annoying that I have you adoring me a lot. Imagine a thousand others actually noticing me."


"Come on you always sing to your mom and sisters. Why is this any different?"


"It's very different because they're my family. I only sing to those I'm comfortable with." he roughly zips up his equipment bag while Ryeowook trails next to him as they leave the training grounds "Besides someone like me can never be up on stage singing, dancing and interacting with people like I'm some sort of celebrity. In fact, people like you belong in that world."


Ryeowook appeared next to him with a Cheshire smile. "Are you complimenting me?" 


Kyungsoo clicked his tongue and his eyes pierced Ryeowook's. "Don't push it. You're leaving so this won't last."


Suddenly Kyungsoo gets a shove to the shoulder and he glares at the older for doing that when he sees him looking up at the sky. "You know what? The world is full of surprises and even though you say you can't vision yourself on stage I do. If you do happen to join that band, who knows you might become more famous than me one day."


Kyungsoo couldn't help but scoff out loud. "You're right that would be a surprise." 


Ryeowook chuckles before bringing it up again, "Seriously take it into consideration please~" His whining earns him another punch on the arm as Kyungsoo leaves him with the pain he walks away and yells, "I said I'll think about it you twit but an account to that just promise that you don't annoy the heck out of all the celebrities and to not burn the company on the first day."


"Yah! I'm not that annoying at least to other people I don't think so but my clumsiness does not cause a building to be magically set on fire! Yah Kyung are you even listening? Hey, wait up!!"


"Just shut up already!" 


There was going to be some serious praying for not just Ryeowook's first step into the idol world but an immense prayer for the security of the Super Junior members. 



"AHHCHOOO!! ACHOO!" Jeanie had just teleported into Nari's room back from her trip from the pharmacy to pick up Nari's medicine.


"Did someone call for delivery?" Jeanie announced herself amongst all the sneezing and coughing. 


"Jeanie is that you? Achoo!"


"Oh, Christ look at you. You're even worse than this morning. Here drink this." she hands Nari her medicine but the bottle comes flying back at Jeanie when Nari sneezed again. 


Immediately Jeanie snapped her fingers and wore a sanitization suit just in case there were any more sneezes coming her way. After Nari's fit of sneezes, Jeanie walks over to her and checks her temperature. She looked disappointed when she saw it was still the same temp. "God this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you walk in the rain at night especially."


"It's ok I'm just sensitive to the weather that's all. Very sensitive. Achoo!" Jeanie groans at Nari's pain as she magically made a tissue box appear for Nari to take. "I hope this will be all gone before your challenge with Kyungsoo tomorrow." Jeanie cringes as she could internally feel Nari blow into her tissue. "Actually I'm starting to feh-feel Mu-Ah Achoo!!"


Using a metal tong, she grabs the infected tissue and tosses it straight into the trash can. "Yeah better as in blowing all of your snot into one poor tissue is a good sign. Ugh if only my magic could help but my magic can only do so little much because I don't have my full powers yet." 


"Nari ah!!! We're here!!!" Chen exclaimed out loud from downstairs. 


"Damn who is it this time?" Jeanie grumbles irritably as she looks over the railings to see Luhan, Chen, and Wendy come to walk in. 


"Helloooooo!!! Anybody home!" Chen yelled as Jeanie covered her ears from how loud he was.


"Can you be quiet? Geez, I wish I could put a cork in you." Wendy scolded him as they just stood by the living room area wondering where Nari was.


While they made themselves comfortable, Jeanie walked down the stairs to greet them. Luhan was the first to spot her. "What are you doing here?" 


"Where's Nari?" Jeanie quickly shushes Chen to be quiet. "Can you ever shut that mouth of yours? Nari is sick as a dog and I don't want her to be disturbed."


All of them ignored her request when they heard her explain Nari was sick. "What Nari ah is sick?!"


"How bad is she?" Wendy worriedly asked. 


"ACHOO!!!!" all of them race upstairs where it mortified the three newcomers of how there were so many tissues laying around the floor. "Achoo!!" Nari buries her nose into another tissue when she finds that her friends are here. "H-hey guys. Achoo!!"


"Wow Nari you look horrid-" before Chen could finish that sentence, Luhan harshly jabbed his elbow into his stomach. "Ow! Yah! Luhan that hurt!"


"Shutup chibi already knows that she doesn't look too well," Luhan muttered.   


"Aish look at you. Did you take medicine at least?" Wendy asked her as she checked Nari's temperature herself.


"She did but it really hasn't done much," Jeanie informed Wendy.


"This isn't good. She might not be able to get better by tomorrow." Nari tries sitting up much to everyone trying to tell her to sit back down. "I'm sure I'll be better by tomorrow. In fact, I feel much better than I could walk out of this bed easily." 


She was about to step off when Chen gently pushed her back down. "I don't think so young lady. As much as I like to help you with this challenge, it's no fun watching you faint any minute."


"What are you talking about? I'm fi-Fah-Achoo!!"


"Hmm, that's not what your fever is telling us." Wendy begins to wrap the blanket around Nari's whole body making her look like a big fat penguin. Luhan just sticks a new heating pad onto her forehead to make the cold subside.


"She's right Chibi. You need to rest. Maybe I'm no doctor but this type of cold can't just disappear by tomorrow." 


"All you need to do is just stay in bed and drink a lot of soup, water, and take your medicine."


"Well, how am I supposed to do that when I'm wrapped in a cocoon," Luhan smirks and sits next to her,


"I can just feed you." 


"Not a chance" all three in the room rejected the playboy's antics. 


"But what if I'm not better by tomorrow?" Nari whined softly showing them her little pout.


Jeanie pats her head for assurance."Don't worry about it. We'll just tell Kyungsoo to cancel it."


Chen had looked up from his phone and his eyes widen. "Oh my god! Nari what are you doing?!" all four of them turn and see Nari out of her cocoon. She was trying her best to walk out of bed by herself. One step got her stumbling. Luckily Luhan and Chen were quick to react and set her back in bed.


"Aw Wae~ I told you I feel better already. So why won't you let me go?"


"Enough Nari," Chen told her firmly. "You need to rest before this gets worse for you." 


"Chibi, I know this whole band thing is important to you but I'm sure that wide-eyed freak won't consider you being sick in bed as a win. You can do it when you're all better."




"Chibi can't you just look after yourself for once and actually listen to people who know what's best for you?" Luhan this time seemed serious like he was acting like a parent scolding his little child. 


One look made Nari's face sour but this time she actually listened and laid back down in bed making the older smile and rub her hair affectionately. "As adorable as you are right now, there is nothing that is going to make us let you out of this room." 


Wendy and Chen nod their heads too and used their bodies to block

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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750 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.