Chapter 19: Stuck With You

The Orchard Dorm
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It seemed so peaceful just looking at the scenic view of the forest, the sparkling lake, and beautiful blue sky. Everything was peaceful, well at least over at Nari’s cabin. However, the boy’s cabin was complicated. 


The boys lived a life with fancy clothes, fancy food, fancy cars, and mansions. So his small wooden cabin that was meant for the twelve of them did not fit their style. 


One good look at the place and they knew they needed to escape as soon as possible. There were moths flying around and Minseok didn’t know what that weird smell was coming from.


 "You have got to be joking. They can’t expect us to sleep here for more than one day can they?” 


A couple of them start walking around inspecting the cabin in case anything odd might surprise them. Tao was the most curious since it was his first time seeing these types of homes in person. 


"Whoa this is actually made entirely out of logs! Fascinating."


"That’s just great. I'm going to become a hillbilly that’ll live all alone in a cabin up in the woods somewhere by the time we get out of here."


Junmyeon smacks the back of Chen’s head to bring him back to reality. “Would you stop exaggerating Chen? We’re not going to become a bunch of hillbillies after a couple of days. All we need to do is just do what the headmaster wants so we return back to school earlier.” Chen still felt like sooner or later he was going to eat a bug or something. 


"Wow he’s really done it this time. That old man really thinks kidnapping us and putting us together in the middle of nowhere is going to make us magically get along?"


"Maybe. I mean anything can happen here Baekhyun. So why don’t we all try to make the best of this situation?” 


At Kris’s suggestion some of them felt iffy about the thought of all of them becoming friends since some of them didn’t even run in the same crowd. This might be harder than they had thought. 


Suddenly the doors slam open and the guy that had greeted them at the entrance of the camp walks in followed by a really buff and muscular dude who looked like he could break your whole body in half. 


Everyone was confused as they waited for one of them to say something. The buff man just walked and judged each and every one of the boys with a scrutinizing glare. His eyes stopped on Yixing who looked at him with boredom in his eyes. 


The man scoffed before walking back to the more friendly looking man.

“Boys allow me to cordially introduce myself. I am Mr. Shi and this man beside me is Mr. Jon. The two of us will be your counselors for the next few days at our lovely camp.”


“Look Mr. Shi, this is all a huge misunderstanding, perhaps we can arrange something so we don’t have to spend the next few days wasting our time just going at each other’s throats. I mean my father is a very big name in the business world and perhaps he can-”


Junmyeon was rudely interrupted by Mr. Jon’s shrill whistle. Most of the boys retreated back from the loud sound, especially Junmyeon. Mr. Jon steps up and stares at each and every one of them.  


Then he finally takes off his aviator glasses and smirks. “Listen here you ninny muffins, no one is going anywhere until we whip you all into shape. So not even your daddy’s money can get you out of this hellhole. You may think you’re a bigshot out there but here you’re going to be stripped into nothing and wish you hadn’t come here with your sour attitude and golden spoon.”


“This man is off his rockers-”


“What was that? You better keep your mouth shut sourmouth before I give you a hundred laps around the whole campus.” 


Baekhyun winced at how loudly he was shouting and felt disgusted to wipe some of the spit off his face. 


“We know this may seem so sudden for all of you but settle in first then you can meet us out in the front for our first activity.” Mr. Shi smiled warmly at all of them before Mr. Jon roughly puts on his shades as the both of them left the boys to unpack their things.


Although none of them even wanted to be here it would take some kind of miracle for them to escape out of here.


“Remind me when we get back to personally kick the headmaster’s for pulling such a stupid stunt.”  


“I’ll join you Kyungsoo on that but on the bright side at least we get our own rooms to sleep in.” 


“Um I wouldn’t be too sure about having our own rooms so to say.” 


Immediately when they look at their rooms they see that single filed bunk beds that were lined up along the walls were prepared for them. Some of them dropped their bags out of disbelief while the other half looked like this could be hell itself. 


“Oh no. There is no way in hell I’m going to be sleeping for the next couple of days in some dirty bunk bed.”


“Please don’t tell me that each bed is specifically assigned to one of us?” much to Junmyeon’s utter dismay, they were. What’s worse it was assigned by roommates. 


While the rest were either settling down their bags, glaring at each other or fighting over the top and bottom bunks. Luhan seemed to be the most adamant that he got the bottom bunk instead of Sehun. 


“Forget it princess, there is no way I’m switching, just deal with sleeping on the top for a couple of days.”


Luhan looked even more frustrated after not getting what he wanted. “Look I don’t like sleeping up on the top! So just switch with me please! That’s all I’m asking you, you piece of .” 


“Heol insulting me isn’t going to get me to voluntarily switch with you now princess. ” 


It seemed for sure that Sehun wasn’t going to change his mind and gloats even more in front of Luhan by relaxing on the bottom bunk. Luhan turned red a bit before grumbling a few incoherent words that were better left unsaid. 


As for the others, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were ignoring each other as if they weren’t sharing a bunk together. Yixing kept judging how much of an idiot Kai was for already sleeping on the bottom bunk when it was his bunk he was sleeping on since Kai was assigned the top bunk. Well Yixing didn’t care as he just roughly pushed Kai off of his and settled onto it.


Kyungsoo already looked pissed as hell and didn’t want to be bothered but when his roommate was such a chatterbox it was only a matter of time before Kyungsoo would snap. He just imagined how agonizing it’ll be for the next couple of days. 


Junmyeon and Kris seemed to be the most awkward with each other since they barely were acquainted with each other but had to share a bunk together. So they thought it was a neutral situation. They look at each other for a good five seconds before Kris acknowledges the school president with a slight nod. Junmyeon waves back before they awkwardly unpack.


“Dude, give it back! You’re taking my pillow!”


“But I need to use it or I’m never going to get any sleep tonight.” 


“Well whose fault will that be because it’s not my problem I have to deal with your weird sleeping habits.” Minseok and Chen were the loudest, fighting over a couple of pillows. Chen needed to use them as more leverage for his head or he wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep. 


But Minseok had a disorder of people taking things that were supposed to belong to him so it was a tug and war battle between them before the pillow ripped apart and feathers started flying everywhere. 


Minseok did not look amused but Chanyeol and Sehun couldn’t help and chortle at their hyung’s misfortune. Chen pursed his lips realizing what he had done before giving back the torn up pillow. “On second thought you keep it.” 


Yixing shook his head, “We are never going to get out of here.”




“Alright you sissies line up in a single file! Hurry!” 


All the boys did as Mr. Jon ordered while Nari ran out of her cabin to join the rest. 


“Oh come on, got her own cabin? That is so unfair.” 


Mr. Jon blows the whistle directly into Baekhyun’s ear again making him and a couple of the boys that stood next to him retreat back a few steps. 


“Stop whining and listen up! You’re here cause your headmaster thinks you’re all a hot mess. How can you become a group if none of you even want to acknowledge the other’s existence or maybe if one of you upset each other and want to punch the other’s face?” 


“Easy I do it all the time whenever I see or hear Tao.” Tao gulps at Kyungsoo’s dark statement, a bit terrified of what goes on in Kyungsoo’s mind sometimes. 


“For the next few days you’ll see there’s more to that person than you may think. So before we get down to the nit and gritty stuff let’s start with my favorite exercise.” 


“Hah I bet you it’s probably going to be something like holding hands and sitting around the fire together while singing kumbaya or something.” Kai chortled thinking this was a big joke but something told Nari that Mr. Jon had other plans in store for them.


And was she totally right the moment when Mr. Jon took them to their first activity, some of the boys had shut up and taken a step back. Luhan looked the most worried when he saw how massive that rock climbing wall looked. 


“Ok so here’s how this is going to go. See that bell far up on the top? You and your partner will work together to climb to the very top and ring that bell.”


“Sounds simple enough.” Kris said way too cockily but Mr. Jon smirked at his level of confidence. 


As everyone was paired with their roommates, Nari got paired with Luhan and Sehun. Everyone began gearing up while Nari was still putting on her helmet. She noticed Luhan who was next to her seem a bit off. 


“Luhan sshi? Are you alright?” he flinches when he calls her name and quickly smiles to mask his previous feelings.  


“I’m great, I mean why wouldn’t I be chibi. I’m just really excited for this activity that I um I’m just shaking with excitement.” Nari didn’t quite believe the forced smile on his face. 


“The pr

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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749 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.