Chapter 15: Sweet Chaos

The Orchard Dorm
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(Day6: Sweet Chaos ((stop at 1:48))


"Naega sarawatdeon
Sesangi neoro inhae
Dwijibeojyeo dwibakkwieo
Right is left
Left is right

Namanui moraeseong
Neoran padoreul matgo
Muneojigi sijakae
Na eotteokae Help me

Neo ttaemune I'm losing control

It's a sweet chaos
Niga deungjanghamyeonseobuteo
Nae salgwa kkum mirae geu modeun ge

Geunde gidaryeojyeo naeiri
Byeonhaeganeun maeiri
Michil jeongdoya

It's a sweet chaos
Neol aragamyeon galsurok
Nae chwihyanggwa paeteon geu modeun ge

Geureon nareul bomyeon Maybe
Babo gata boilji
Geuraedo joa
It's a sweet chaos

Modeun ge
But I like"


"Ok ok stop guys." the head guitarist interrupts the song to talk into his microphone while the rest of the band stopped as well. "Hey Ren, how's it sounding up there?" 


"Sounds a little bit off but we're working on it!" he answered from the booth mic. 


"Great. Just get it to sound like we're not trying to make their ears bleed off by the time of the performance." the lead guitarist turns back to his other bandmates and takes off his guitar. "Alright guys take five then we'll start the whole set again." 


Sungjin was the lead guitarist of Day6, they were one of the most popular bands in SA, and it was important to have everything sound perfect before the battle of the band's showdown that was set up every year. 


Millions of talented bands from different district schools come together and play against the best of the best musicians. Sungjin wanted for him and his band to be on the top even though there was a lot of major work to be done before it could happen. 


"Hey Hyung!" Sungjin was suddenly greeted by Chanyeol who stepped onto the stage to talk. "I heard the new song and I love it! It sounds amazing!" 


"Yeol! You you're not supposed to be up on stage unless you're a performer remember?" 


He immediately stepped off and saw he was being eyed by Ren all the way in the sound booth. "Oops sorry" he chuckles sheepishly.


"You know this wouldn't be a problem if you actually were in a band. My band. Specifically, lead drummer?" Sungjin said with an underlying tone while Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the suggestion. 


"No way Sungjin. My drumming days are over." 


"Aw come on Yeol but you were really good. Plus you have some sweet vocals that we can-"


"No Sungjin." he abruptly cut off. "You knew why I quit and I'm committed to baseball now. Besides I don't have time to be doing other activities."


"Whoa whoa wait for a second but aren't you doing that boy band thing for the school?"


Suddenly Chanyeol's lips drew into a firm line at the mention of that whole matter. "What about it?" he asked warily. 


"I heard that they want you in it?" 


"Well yeah they do but I haven't really given an answer but it's definitely going to be a no too. It was just an audition that I did with my friend to help him with his class. I don't see the big deal." 


"Hm, that's a shame. I think you would've been great in that boy group." Chanyeol didn't know why but he almost seemed a bit happy to hear that coming from someone who wasn't going to shame him about it. 


"But I still don't understand why you want me as your drummer. I thought you had Jake. Isn't he good too?" 


Sungjin's face said otherwise. When Chanyeol said good Sungjin had other words for their newly recruited drummer. "Eh, the newbie has been late to most of our practices and keeps messing up the tempo for the sets. Sometimes I feel that kid just wants us to make a fool out of ourselves." 


"Don't worry I'm sure with how loud you play that bass no one will even hear him." he gets a punch on the arm for that joke after Sungjin sees Ren signaling him to go again. "Hey after we finish up here, I'll treat you to some lunch."


"Really?" Chanyeol perked up at the suggestion. "But only if you join the band." that was when Chanyeol dropped at the comprise. 


"Dude the day I do is the day I join the boy band." he was joking too but the way Sungjin looked at him said that Chanyeol shouldn't jinx it or it might come true. 



After having lunch with Sungjin, Chanyeol had returned to his room when he hears loud rock music playing outside of his and Baekhyun's dorm. He walks in and wasn't surprised to see Baekhyun lounging on his bed while his gigantic speakers kept blasting music that probably vibrated all the way downstairs.


Chanyeol remembered the first time Baekhyun did this, he gave up trying to make him turn it down after a couple of times and just preferred to go study and hang out somewhere else. 


Suddenly Baekhyun starts mimicking the guitar solo obnoxiously loud while Chanyeol rolls his eyes at his shrill voice. Just as Chanyeol was about to head for his room, he loses his balance and hits the corner of the desk table which stabs the left side of his stomach.


 Immediately Chanyeol bites back the pain so he doesn't make Baekhyun curious and rushes to the bathroom to see how bad it was. When he comes into the bathroom, he locks it before Chanyeol takes out the first aid kit and slowly brings his shirt up. All over his back, stomach, and hips there were several bruises.


Some were old and some were new from a couple of days ago that was slowly healing itself but not quick enough for the next time. He gently touches the side that was bruised and immediately retracts and hisses in pain. Well, that bruise was going to take a long time more than the others to heal. He might need to be careful about where he might trip or fall onto in case he was around his friends. 


None of his friends knew about the bruises on his body. Not even Sehun or Xiumin. He kept it a secret because he didn't want to feel so helpless and ashamed. Sometimes other students who weren't born with a golden spoon in their mouth can freely say that living the rich life is luxury or paradise but Chanyeol disagreed. The more power and money one holds, the more it makes them a monster.


After Chanyeol had applied healing pads around certain bruises, he looked at the reflection in the mirror disappointed with the way he looked. "You idiot. Why are you so weak, stupid, and such a disappointment? Everyone is looking up to you!"  that hard stare from his reflection was all he could look at before he sighed with frustration and slammed the bathroom sink with his fists. 


"Why can't you be perfect at everything Park Chanyeol? These wouldn't be here if you just focused." tears started pouring down his cheeks before he quickly wiped them away. "After everything you sacrificed, you should be even lucky to still be on the baseball team." all of a sudden he gets a call from Sehun which made him stop crying and clear his throat to talk like he normally did. 


"Yeah Sehunnie?" he acted like he was fine as Sehun cringed internally at his friend's stupidity. 


"That's gay. Hey, Xiumin is heating up the grill to cook some meat. We also bought some drinks so want to come up here and join us?" 


Before Chanyeol answered his belly growled first. Even after having lunch with Sungjin a few hours ago, he was still hungry because he was a growing boy and he needed his nutrients. "I'll come! Where are you having it?" 


"On the terrace but be lowkey about it ok? We aren't really supposed to be up here during school days."  


"I'll be up in a few." he hangs up and rushes out the door forgetting that moment in the bathroom while Baekhyun perked his head up finally noticing that Chanyeol was home before looking at a video on his laptop. 


(Orchard Dorm Terrace) 


"Oh my god your cooking is the best Min~" Chanyeol kept humming with glee as continued eating the meat on his plate. The older turns from working on the grill to point his tongs at the idiot who was eating too fast. "Hey slow down will you? Geez didn't you eat anything today?"


Chanyeol ignores him too busy indulging in the sweet taste of meat. Xiumin rolled his eyes at the child before grabbing Sehun's plate and putting more meat on it. "Hyung more please!" this was already Chanyeol's fourth round and Xiumin was a bit irritated at how fast this little ate  which made him need to cook faster to feed the two brats sitting in the lounge chairs.  


"Good thing you bought an extra pack," Sehun said while Xiumin slapped a couple more pieces onto the grill grumbling about all this manual labor. "Wow, I am so grateful that your lazy is just sitting there watching me prepare your dinner."


Sehun was the definition of sarcasm so when Xiumin was being sarcastic Sehun just waved it off like it was a fly. He just sips his boba while relaxing on one of the lounge chairs on the terrace. 


"Oh come on Hyung. I thought you loved cooking for us so technically it's your fault that you're a better cook than us." If Xiumin could he was this close to throwing a plate at the brat's head but realized these plates costed more than Sehun's hospital bill; well in Xiumin's perspective.


After the meat had run out, the three had laid back in their lounge chairs and stared at the beautiful night sky. "God this feels so nice. I wish it can be like this every time."


"God even when I'm getting some peace and quiet you still talk." Chanyeol just sticks his tongue out towards Sehun for that mean comment but the younger stuck his middle finger in retaliation. 


"Both of you are the opposite of peace and quiet," Xiumin grumbles under his breath finally able to rest a bit. 


Suddenly Chanyeol's phone rings and he gets up to answer it, "Hello?" the other line was heard talking "Sungjin what is it?" he stayed quiet and listened to what Sungjin was saying. It seemed pretty serious considering how frantic he sounded on the phone. "Wait are you serious?! Did Jake leave to join another band? But what about the battle of the bands? How are you going to find someone to replace him?" 


Meanwhile, Sehun and Xiumin were just watching Chanyeol continuously pace back and forth while on the phone when they see him stop looking a bit disappointed. He almost couldn't believe Sungjin was suggesting this again but in this matter he didn't want to let his friend down at the same time he needed to worry about himself. "No. Absolutely not Hyung! I already said I wouldn't do it l-" Sungjin kept begging him until Sungjin came up with a compromise that he only has to do the first performance and if

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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749 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.