Chapter 3: Tell Me Your Wish

The Orchard Dorm
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Nari felt extremely uncomfortable as Baekhyun still held out his hand for her to shake but there was something about him that made her hesitate. It was just a gut feeling Nari had thought but she didn't want to seem rude.


"Dear me. I hope you didn't break anything. I don't want you getting in trouble during work." He seemed concerned but Nari looked a bit cautious and nodded with her lips pursed into a thin line  "It's fine sir. I usually don't watch where I'm going either."


"That's good then." he sighs with relief while Nari kept trying to read Baekhyun's true intentions but she had to avoid making eye contact with him while he put down a tip on the table. "Well thanks for the milkshakes. Goodbye Nari!"


He starts getting up when his elbow knocks over one of the milkshakes. It immediately splatters all over the floor garnering some stares from customers around them. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He said in mock surprise. "Guess I'm a klutz too." 


Nari immediately crouches down to clean up the mess and doesn't notice that nasty smirk on Baekhyun's face. "It's alright. Accidents happen." she said reassuredly. 


"Baek we should go." Kris spoke up making Baekhyun agree.


"Lets go then." he notions for his other friends to leave too. As everyone left, Kris paid the bill and gave one last look at Nari before joining the rest outside. 


When Nari finished cleaning the mess, she watches Baekhyun drive off in his luxurious Mercedes Benz down the street. As soon as he was gone it was like she could finally breath again.


Then Jaehee comes walking out from the kitchen after watching that fiasco, "What was that all about?" Jaehee asked Nari as she went to clean up Baekhyun's table for the next customers to come take it.


"It's probably nothing. But it just felt...odd." her tone seemed so unsure why she got a bad feeling from that guy.


Suddenly she feels Jaehee ruffle her hair. "Just don't get mixed into trouble Nari. I swear if he tries anything, I'll uppercut him and I mean it. I'm taking boxing classes so I can do it." she starts pretending to beat someone up while producing funny sound effects that made Nari chuckle but she was still deeply bothered that this won't be the last time she'll see that guy again. But it was a big school and he might never come back here to the cafe. Is what she deeply hoped. 


If there was one thing that was true was trouble always found Nari and she really didn't want to be caught up in it again. 


Finally it was closing time and Nari was the only one cleaning up the cafe and the one to close up the store. She had just finished wiping the tables when her phone rings in her pocket.


(Yiruma: River flows in you ringtone)


"Hello?" immediately she hears cheering on the other end and looked at the caller id to see it was Wendy that was calling her.


"Nari!" she exclaimed."Our team won first place overall!! You should've seen me I was neck and neck with our rival team and just when we were a short distance away from the finish line, I won the race! "


"Wendy I'm so happy for you! See I knew you could do it. Congratulations!" even though Wendy couldn't see Nari's expression she probably imagined the big grin on her face. 


"Oh! tomorrow the team is going to celebrate at Cherry Cafe. Are you going to be working there tomorrow?"


"There's never a day I'm not" Nari teased.


"Figures." Nari could basically hear her rolling her eyes. "But I just wanted to know so you can treat me to whatever's on the menu." Wendy sounded so hopeful that Nari couldn't help but laugh. 


"Ehh so that's why you called me." Nari said with a pout. 


"Well my wallet is going to be bleeding dry if I treated myself." Wendy replied back.


The girl just scoffs. "Yah and you think mine won't? I'm trying to earn money not spend it." Then Nari just kept listening to Wendy's race stories and how she almost thought she wasn't going to do well when in the end it was all in her head. 


"So how was work today?" Wendy finally asked Nari changing the subject.


"Hmm a little slow." she answered in a neutral tone.


"Did anything interesting happen today?" 


She stopped wipping the tables and thought back to her encounter with Byun Baekhyun, the football guy. "Not really." She lied in the end.


"Well don't stress yourself too much you still have school tomorrow." Wendy said thoughfully.


Nari giggled at Wendy acting like such a mother towards her. "Ok Mom. I'll see you later alright?"


She hangs up and after she had finished cleaning and counting the money in the register, she heads to the locker rooms to change back into her regular clothes.


"What a day." Nari says out loud before turning off the lights and locking up for the night. 


"I'm home Mom! Dad!" She steps into her apartment and bows towards her parents picture when someone from around the corner jumps out and scares her. 




All she could do was scream bloody murder and cry on the floor while the attacker just died of laughter. 


Immediately Nari looked up and saw it was Mark that almost gave her a heart attack. He started laughing so hard mentally replaying that horrified scream over and over in his head. "Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack are you crazy!" Nari yells and tries to hit Mark while he tried to stop laughing.


"Hey on the bright side I didn't give you a heart attack right?" Nari just glares at him before heading into the kitchen.


"Oh come on kid it was just a joke." Mark reasoned so she could forgive him but she was more focused on getting food into her stomach. 


"Hey were those bruises on your legs there before." suddenly Nari looked down at where Mark had mentioned the bruises and realized that she must've gotten them from when she had tripped in the cafe.


"Oh I just tripped." thankfully he believes her and just ruffles her hair like a little kid. 


"So clumsy as usual."


"Wait don't you have school tomorrow?" Nari asked bluntly


"Ouch you don't want me here?" Mark asked with a pout while Nari gave him a bottle of water from her fridge.


"No but your mom is going to kill me if she finds out you're over here." He just pouts at the thought of his mother going berserk if she finds that he's not in bed so he goes out the window.


"Fine but you better sleep when I go back to my room."


"No promises."


Before he goes back into his room he lowly whispers with a fist raised high.


"Nari Hwaighting!"


Suddenly the lights turn on in Mark's room and not long after she hears Mrs.Tuan angrily lecture Mark. "Mark Tuan?! Why are you not in bed?! Seriously what am I going to do with you!"


By then it was just constant bickering between the two and it never ended unless one of them usually ends with Mark saying sorry in the end. 


Meanwhile, Nari walks outside her window to look up at all the beautiful stars. One shoots across the sky and she hesitantly cloeses her eyes before thinking about her wish. 


'Please let me fulfill my parents promise.'


She knew it was silly to be talking to a bunch of stars about a wish but little did she know that all the stars twinkled in the night sky.





"Aish what's taking him so long?" Baekhyun complained as he impatiently was waiting for Kris to come outside. He was going to honk again when the gates of the house opened and Kris walked out looking like he had a cloud over his head.


"Hey" Kris bluntly said once he got into the passenger seat.


"Hey yourself" Baekhyun mocked. "Yah what have you been doing for the past 45 minutes? I was waiting."


"Just drive will you. We'll be late." Baekhyun noticed he wasn't in the mood to bicker so he just drove while Kris looked like a sour lemon it really bothered Baekhyun's mood. "Did something bad happen at home?"


Kris just kept his eyes on the window not answering Baekhyun's lingering question.


"Well on the bright side. At least you don't have to worry about coming home now. I mean once you move into the dorms."


"Thank the Lord for that." Kris muttered. "On a different note. Yesterday what was that all about? You know between you and that waitress we had? She looked like she honestly didn't know you but you did."


"What? Can't I make friends?" He asked in the most nonchalant way. 


"Not unless there's a catch. You don't just make friends with people who work at cafes. That's not the Byun Baekhyun I know."


Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling making Kris even more scared to even ask. "Baekhyun don't do anything stupid." Kris warned.


"Would you relax? It's not like I'm actually going to be her friend and like you said there's always a motive to everything I do. Plus you got one thing right, I would never be around a person like her."


"Ok exactly how is this going to help you get back into the football team?"


Baekhyun smirks and looks at the road up ahead. "You'll see."



Nari thought she was getting better at running to school. At least today she had more time to spare before classes started but she wouldn't have thought it would be this crowded at school.


She tried to maneuver her way through when she accidentally bumps into someone. "Yah do you have eyes?" A girl spitefully said back.


Before Nari could apologize the girls friend just growls at her. "Ignore her. You can't expect any proper etiquette from girls like her."


"Right." The first girl agreed as she pushes Nari hard enough for her to fall on the floor causing the wounds on her knees to open.


She winces in pain when someone apporaches her.


"Hey you ok?" she was about to thank the person for asking when suddenly she felt the tips of her hair tingling at the sight of him. 


It was a sight to see amongst students. The Byun Baekhyun helping one of the lower social standing students like Nari. That certainly caught some students attention as they watched this sight unfold. 


"Ooh that looks serious." Baekhyun remarked at the wounds on her knees. "Let's take you to the nurses office." He drags her into the main building while Nari was absolutely confused with the situation but she wasn't the only one. 


Everyone they had passed by either had their jaws slacked in awe but not at Nari. It was the act of kindness Baekhyun was administering for someone like her. Why? Because one of the most popular guys in the school was associating himself with someone like her when they know what he did to someone like her last year. 


As more and more students kept gawking, some teachers had walked passed by too and seemed curious as to what Mr. Byun was doing. Ms. Liu was one of the teachers who curiously observed the two before heading to her class. 


(@ The Nurse's Office)


"Dammit where is the first aid kit?" Baekhyun mutters frsutratingly after not finding it for the past ten minutes rummaging through the nurse's office since there was no one in there to help them.  


Meanwhile, Nari sat on one of the beds awkwardly staring at Baekhyun's back until she finally she had to ask what was on her mind. 


"Why are you helping me?"


Baekhyun started chuckling making Nari even more confused at why that was so amusing. "Why can't I just be nice and help you?" Nari was about to  reply w

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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750 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.