
The Orchard Dorm
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"Where the hell are those idiots?! They were supposed to be dressed and propped with mics twenty minutes ago!" 


Ailee was the backstage manager for today's performance and she looked like she was about to explode. Luckily the audience was drowning out her screams and profanities. It was just Nari's luck that she had to be the one to witness her meltdowns because they were always scary.


"Now now unnie calm down. I'm sure they'll be here any minute." it wasn't good enough to persuade Ailee to calm down. 


"They better come by the time I count to ten because I don't think they will be too happy when they get a broken thing or too when they're dancing on stage."


Before Nari could speak, the headmaster of Sawatomi makes his grand entrance; it thankfully stopped Ailee from destroying any more props that were needed for the performance.


"Miss. Jeong~" he said very excitedly whilst twisting the said girl in his arms. 


"Headmaster, what are you doing here?" Nari asked in an antsy tone. 


"I just wanted to check how everything was going on back here. So are the boys ready yet? I wanted to give them the best of luck for tonight's performance."


Nari quickly glanced at the door behind her before nervously smiling at the headmaster. "Uh about that they-"


"They're doing last-minute rehearsals! You know how those boys are!" It was a good thing Ailee knew how to lie on the spot before the headmaster would catch on that his main stars weren't actually present.  


"Oh those boys are working so hard! I love them! Alright, I'll just be heading back to my seat now. I have to join Mr. Rise before he causes any trouble with my guests." but before he exits, he turns around and smiles directly at Nari. "Oh and Miss. Jeong hwaighting~" he brings his fists up in a fighting motion which Nari mimicks before he spins away causing Nari to sigh in relief but panic once again when she realizes that they're still not here. 


All of a sudden, the crowd starts chanting for their group name. The more they chanted the more Nari kept looking behind her hoping they would come walking through that door any second.


"Where are they?" She sits down and out of habit starts twirling her hair and tapping her foot when a hand stopped her and another pair of hands took her glasses off. Nari was as blind as a bat without her glasses and kept squinting around to see who it was. 


"Geez, how many times have I told you that your hair will get ruined if you keep twirling it like that?" she recognized the male's voice and knew Kyungsoo had stopped her from twirling her hair. 


"Oh sorry, Kyung I didn't know-"


"Wow, you really need some new glasses shorty." Kris jumped into the conversation and put back her glasses onto her face. When she got back her glass, she saw how close Kris really was. He was literally inches away from her it looked like he was about to kiss her. Of course Kris noticed how close his face really way and before he could react, someone pushed his whole body out of Nari's peripheral view. 


"Hey! Move your big face away from Nari's. You're too close!" Of course, Chanyeol was always a bit territorial when it came to the guys getting too close to Nari.


When Chanyeol had pushed Kris away he instantly hugged Nari so that the others wouldn't bother her even though he was being more invasive of her space than Kris was. The poor girl was getting squeezed to death she couldn't breathe. "Cha-Chanyeol I c-can't breath." she uttered out loud.


"Yo , stop being so possessive over . It's not like she wants to even be near you." Baekhyun had walked in with his usual scowl watching the stupid giant back hugging Nari; it was disgusting to him. 


"You're just jealous I get to hug her and you can't." Chanyeol taunted while Baekhyun rolled his eyes at that ridiculous statement. 


"Oh god, I'm so hurt that I'm not getting one hug from a girl. It's not like I thrive on those."


Nari finally got out of Chanyeol's hold when Chanyeol decided to bicker with Baekhyun. Somethings still never change between these two. So she went back to sitting down by herself when someone else decided to bother her and lay down on her lap. 




"Ssh stop talking princess. It's been a long day and I would like to get some sleep." Jongin starts cuddling himself on her lap while Nari was as red as a tomato at how intimate he was being. Why of all places does he want to sleep on her lap when it's almost time to get on stage?


She looked around hoping someone would help her and was relieved when Luhan came next to her but instead of helping her he puts his arm around her shoulder and playfully winks at her. "Ah, Kai, you're making chibi flustered. Look she's starting to turn super red now." he jabs a finger at her red cheeks even pinching them before he decides to have some fun of his own. "Or maybe it's because I'm right next to you? You're getting nervous because of me?" He was already an inch away from her lips when someone threw a shoe at the back of Luhan's head.


"Ow!" all that charming facade went away and Luhan turned around ready to murder the person who threw that but he wasn't surprised when he looked at the little brat's cocky smirk. "You're being a bit too possessive and agressive Sehun." Luhan taunts. 


However, Sehun scoffed and went to retrieve his shoe. "A little bit too desperate Luhan?" Luhan just rolls his eyes at the comment before he gets up to go get ready.


One after the other they all walked in. Chen sprinted by with Minseok hot on his trail not looking too happy with Chen. "Yah! You greedy son of a gun! I know you have my wallet give it back!!" Minseok exclaimed looking mighty pissed off. 


"Oh, hell nah. Not until you apologize for all the mean things you said to me this morning." There in Chen's hand was Minseok's wallet and he taunted the older by waving it in front of Minseok like a dog.


"Excuse me who was the poor soul who had to hear your god awful vocal warmups in the morning? Be grateful that I haven't strangled you with your own vocal cords yet. Now give me back my w

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.