Chapter 16: The Workaholics

The Orchard Dorm
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(Eight Years Ago)


"Heads up guys!" one boy was on the other end of the field ready to throw his football to his friends on the other side. He throws it and watches it spiral perfectly before one of his friends caught it. There were also a couple of girls on the swing set, some kids were even playing cops and robbers, while others were just hanging out on the playground. It was any normal day for the park to be quite busy, especially during the summer time.


It was also when the Kim's were at their summer estate which was right across the park. This estate was only used for business meetings so technically their 'vacation' . Most of the locals in town noticed the enormous mansion and whenever people pass by, they never fail to marvel at the heavily guarded estate. Everyone thought they would get a chance to see the family who owned this beautiful land but the only thing that came in or out were were a couple expensive looking cars.


It's too bad for the locals because the Kim's never even leave the mansion during their stay. Not even their only son, Kim Junmyeon (seven years old at the time). He loathed when summer came around, reason was he would spend most of his time in his dreaded room. All he mostly could do around here was study and study some more while the other kids down at the park would play whenever they wanted. Junmyeon envied them.


Since his father never allowed him to leave the mansion, he would watch the kids down at the park playing and sometimes imagine himself playing with them too. The first time he stayed at the summer mansion, he asked his butler Alfred why he couldn't go outside and play with the other kids at the park? And everytime he asked, Alfred looked at him with a sad smile giving him an unsure answer. 


When years passed, Junmyeon never bothered to ask anymore. Being the heir of one of the biggest companies in South Korea, Junmyeon felt he needed to mature faster than other kids his age. It worried most who were friends with Junmyeon. However, the boy was young and stubborn. He just wanted to gain approval from his father that's all. So he became less childish and more obedient, exceeding his parents expectations for his set future but a tiny part of him would still hope that he could come out of the mansion and go down to the park. Sometimes he even envisioned himself becoming friends with the kids at the park and they invite him over to their house for dinner. It was all normal stuff that a boy like him would never fit into.


He could always sneak out but people would notice him missing since the servants always checked up on him. The only reason they care about him is because it's their job and anything that happens to him would have to face his father's wrath and no one in their right mind wanted to live through that experience. 


As usual, Junmyeon walks out to his balcony and watches the group of boys in the park playing soccer. One of the boys kicked the ball into the goal and jumped up and down in excitement before he noticed Junmyeon watching him. Both of their eyes meet and Junmyeon panicked at being caught spying. 


Usually, he was never spotted before so he quickly pretended that he was minding his own business. Were they going to think that he was a weirdo for watching them? So much for being friends with them, he thought begrudgingly. He slowly looks back at him and was surprised the boy waved at him. Junmyeon meekly waves back, still embaressed, until the boy heard his friends calling him to come back for the game. 


Immediately, Junmyeon rushes back inside panting heavily. "Great, I'm officially a weirdo to some of the locals...."


Suddenly, he heard a knock. After a few seconds, his butler Alfred walks in. "Good evening master Junmyeon." he greets the young master with a ninety degree bow, "I've come to fetch you for your German lessons. Your tutor's waiting in the library." 


"Thank you Albert." the butler bows again and was about to leave when Junmyeon stops him.


"Albert?" Junmyeon was hesitant now that he's got Alfred's attention. "Have you ever gone to the summer festival here?" 


"No, I'm afraid not young Master. Why?" 


Junmyeon kept constantly fiddling with his fingers and nervously looking at the ground before he said what was on his mind. "Um wouldn't it be a lot of fun to go? They have game booths that have prizes you can win from, delicious food stalls that serve tteokbeoki, kabobs, takoyaki, and I heard there's even a fireworks display later on!"


He was so excited when he talked about it but resumed composure when he saw Alfred was a little lost with his point. "So um I was wondering, can you take me to the festival? I promise I won't tell my parents. They don't have to know." he persistently keeps persuading Albert hoping he would finally say yes. However, Alfred looked at him solemnly and the excitement in Junmyeon's eyes dulled. 


"Forgive me Master Junmyeon but I'm under strict orders from your father, that you're not allowed to leave the villa unless they permit it. Your parents just want what's best for you." 


The young boy quickly turned around so he could hide his disappointment while Alfred felt extremely guilty for turning him down. Then Junmyeon turned back around and smiled like everything was ok. "I understand Albert. Maybe next year hopefully...." It broke Albert's heart to see the young master look at him like that. It was bad enough the young master was trapped here all alone with no one his age to talk to. If only Junmyeon didn't have a man who only cares about work. 


"I must get going to my lessons. Sorry for asking such a silly request." Junmyeon started running down the hall feeling how unfair this life was. Who knew that being born with a golden spoon in your mouth came with a price? 



(Present Day @Cherry Cafe)


"Oh my god! My horoscope says that love is just around the corner. However, take caution with your workload this month. You will get distracted easily." Wendy loudly scoffs before drinking her milkshake as Nari was serving Chen and Luhan their orders.


"Unbelievable. Me? Distracted easily?!" 


"Pft I would believe it." Chen had sipped his cup of coffee, when he chokes on his drink from getting smacked upside the head by Wendy. 


"Ow!" Chen whined. "Hey! When they say the truth hurts they don't mean it literally!" he exclaimed as he wiped his mouth of the coffee stains.


"I wonder if in your horoscope, they wrote how irresponsible and stupid Virgos are?" Wendy sneered while Chen starts mocking her back.  


"It'll probably say, 'If you keep poking a sleeping Lion you get your head chopped off.' Oh and to also get a girlfriend or they'll forever be lonely," Luhan casually says while Chen gave him the middle finger but he doesn't notice since he was too busy texting a girl he was hooking up with. 


"Who is this kid fooling? It'll take a miracle for him to get a girlfriend. He'll probably just scare her away." Wendy implied as Chen guffawed at that statement. 


"Ha. Ha. Ha. I forgot how to laugh." he sassily replies before stabbing his fork into his tiramisu. "All of you laugh now but just you wait I'm going to date a smoking hot girl and you'll be sorry that you doubted my one of a kind face." Both Wendy and Luhan rolled their eyes this time and ignored him.  


Suddenly, Jaehee rushes in with her hair all over the place and bags hanging on her arms. Nari immediately helps Jaehee with the bags so she could sit down in one of the chairs. 


"Unnie you just made it on time for your shift." Nari sighed with relief as Jaehee finally settled down. 


"I got out of lecture late today and had to run straight from the bus stop to get her on time too. Can someone please give me a glass of water?" Jaehee was lightly wheezing from being so out of breath when Nari handed her a big cup of cold water that she gratefully gulps down in mere seconds.


Meanwhile, Sojin walks by and loudly scoffs obviously annoyed with Jaehee as usual. 


"I'm sorry did you say something Sojin?" Jaehee asked emitting a glare that looked like she was ready to kill someone today. 


Sojin just shrugs. "Oh nothing. I'm glad you made it on time. Although, do us a favor and spare us from your constant whining. It's such a drag." she haughtily walks away while Jaehee eyes turned into slits.


"Unnie please don't do anything that might get you fired," Nari begged her as Jaehee's focus was on her least favorite coworker. 


"Oh I won't do anything. No, no. I"m just imagining banging her pretty little airhead against the counter that's all." Nari sighs thinking the day these two get along is when the world is at an end.  


"Oi she's totally perfect for you," Chen whispered to Luhan who smirked in reply. 


"God I love when chicks get pissed at each other." Luhan said too excitedly. Wendy who heard that, scoffs at how stupid and weird guys were. This is why she doesn't want to date.


"Ok unnie I think it's best you clock in and cool off in the back." Nari reasoned while Jaehee kept giving Sojin a hard stare. 


"If my arms weren't so sore from carrying all those bags, I give her a little present to show how much I appreciated her comments." Jaehee gritted between her teeth before stomping towards the back. 


"Maybe she should meet the girls at our school. I would definitely want to watch that catfight go down." Chen muttered again, a little frightened with how women get angry. Meanwhile, Luhan was grinning at that scenario.


"Oh that would be so hot and entertaining. While they're at it, throw some jello on them. Now that's a fight."


"I don't even know why I talk with you." Chen deadpanned as Luhan shrugged sticking to what he said. 


Then Sojin walks by and gets Luhan's attention by swaying her little hips in front of Luhan on purpose. Luhan wasn't the only one who noticed her little flirtatious act. Chen and Wendy exaggeratedly rolled their eyes at how erted Luhan was. Before Luhan could get to see anything else, Chen blocked his prying eyes with one of the menu. "Yo Luhan her eyes aren't down there you know!" Chen interjected snapping Luhan out of it. 


"Luhan sshi it's not good to stare at girls like that. They may take it the wrong way." Nari came in and scolded the older as she took her break and sat next to Luhan. 


Now Luhan had shifted his attention to Nari and pouts cutely. "Aw is Chibi getting jealous that I'm looking at other girls?" but Nari wasn't looking at him and was more focused writing in her music journal. Luhan faltered and didn't want to admit it but felt a small tinge of irritation before he decides to go back texting that girl he was hooking up with. 


"So Nari, I heard that your next challenge is with our dear school president. When is it?" Chen brought up getting Nari's attention.


"Oh! He told me yesterday that he'll call me when he isn't busy." A second later, Luhan and Chen started bursting into fits of laughter.


"What's so funny?" Wendy asked suspiciously while Nari looked confused herself.  


They both kept laughing when Chen composed himself to point at Nari. "You! Saying Junmyeon will tell you when he isn't 'busy'." he airquoted before laughing uncontrollably but he stops shortly after when he gets kicked in the shins by Wendy. 


Luhan stops laughing too and put his arm around Nari. "Sorry Chibi. It's just impossible to think that our school president could ever not be busy. That man is a workaholic. There isn't one day where you don't see him having time to himself."  


"Seriously, I see him either with that stupid  laptop or skipping classes to go to his important meetings his dad has him attend." Chen added on. 


"What? That's impossible. No one can work 24/7. What about his sleep schedule or does he even have time to eat?"


"Ah that's where you are wrong chibi. Kim Junmyeon can survive a few days without food and sleep. Nari, let me explain this simply, when you're the heir to your families entire buiness empire, you have no other choice but to sacrifice your life and time to become eligible for the title." 


"Then why is he in highschool then?" 


"He convinced his old man that he wanted to graduate highschool before he took up the company." Luhan further explained. 


Nari's forehead scrunched at the dilemma  "So he's never taken a break? Not even a walk around the park? What does he do for fun then?" 


Chen scoffs at that particular question, "Please, Kim Junmyeon doesn't know the first thing about having fun. It's the only he isn't good at."


"So what about the challenge? You're saying he won't actually do it?" 


"Hm not if it's that important. He might get back to you but not 'soon' as you would think. My advice is to just leave him alone about the whole band thing chibi. He's already carrying a lot of workload on his back so how can he even have time to do the band?" 


Nari pursed her lips in thought before excusing herself to the bathroom. After a minute of washing her hands she didn't notice another person standing against the bathroom stall. "Penny for your thoughts?" Nari jumps back when she realized she wasn't alone.


"Oh my god Jeanie don't ever do that." 


She chuckles and quickly apologizes before getting to her point. "Nari, I couldn't help but listen in to your conversation and-" 


"Wait how did you even listen in to our conversation?" Nari immediately asked.  


Jeanie just shrugs. "I have my ways. Besides the point, I wanted to talk to you about your next challenge. It seems it's going to be a bit difficult to get his attention regarding the challenge."


"It must be so stressful being the heir of your family's fortune." Nari wondered out loud. "So many burdens to carry when you're only just sixteen." 


"Does it bring back some unpleasant memories?" Nari went stiff and looked down hiding her expression. Jeanie realizes that she didn't mean to say that out loud and quickly changed the subject. "Sorry sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up. I only know about that because it's in your files and I noticed that both of you are alike."


"Well that's far from the point but what should I do? Should I just wait for him to give me an update like he said he would or?"


"Why don't you approach him about it?" she advised. Nari was a bit taken aback while Jeanie was deadset on the idea. "Look I know you. You're very uncomfortable when it comes to facing the problem head on. But this challenge is between you and Junmyeon. This was an agreement he shook on. So don't let someone like him make you wait for this until next month." 


Suddenly, Wendy walks in and doesn't notice Jeanie before she disappeared into thin air. "Hey Nari, what's taking you so long? Come on we'll be late for the movies." 


"Oh sorry!" Wendy just drags her out of the bathroom as she continued explaining to Nari about the movie they were going to watch. But Nari just kept thinking about Jeanie's advice in the bathroom. Was she right? Does she not take enough action in her life? I mean she is a bit of a shy person when it comes to confrontation but it was also because a part of her when she saw Junmyeon sing that night she just knew he needed to be in the group and that's why she really did need to take matters into her own hands. 



"I believe thic can raise the company's financial status by focusing on

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Thanks to Leefatyn for spending probably hours making this!!


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750 streak #1
Chapter 30: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. It’s good to see Jongin and Yixing finally working together, it was a long time coming. Dongwoo’s statement summed up everything perfectly, but it’s not going to matter how much work they do.😏

It’s also good to see everyone getting along with Nari, with the exception of Baek. Hopefully, he will come around soon and kill it with his vocals in the process. Looking forward to what you have in store for us, this update was such a treat.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 30: Thank you for the update. I love this fic so much the wait is always worth a new chapter. I love the development of the story in this chapter. I’m so happy Jongin and Yixing made amends and I can’t wait to see how the other exos accomplish their parts. Baekhyun still seems so hostile towards Nari but hopefully he can change his attitude towards her as they work together for their debut.