The Chase: Chasing after a Chaser?

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

“You have to try out.”


“No, I already told you I don't want to.”


“Why?!?! You're so good!”




“So?! You can't just not try out!!! With you, we can finally win the cup and beat those cocky Gryffindors.”


“I don't really care about that.”


“You're a Junior World Champion for Merlin’s sake! The youngest seeker, ever, to get onto a national team and youngest player to ever win a championship, let alone two times in a row. You have to play.”


“No, I don't.”


“Whyyyyy? Do you hate Quidditch?”


Jessica finally stopped trying to escape from Yuri’s annoying questions and turned around, eyes b with annoyance.


“I don’t hate Quidditch.”


“Then whyyyyyy?” Yuri whined. She knew she was being childish, but she couldn't help it. 


“Look, I am not going to try out. I am not going to play as seeker. And I am not going to lead the Slytherins to win the Quidditch cup. Okay?” Jessica huffed, more than done with this conversation.


Yuri pouted at her friend, all the gusto from earlier gone. “Why?”


Jessica narrowed her eyes. “I have my reasons.”


Yuri seemed to accept that reluctantly. Her eyes turned forlorn for a second and maybe even guilty. “Okay, fine. It's just… it's such a waste not to have you play.” She suddenly perked up. “Will you at least come watch tryouts?.”


“No,” came the immediate refusal. 


“What?! Why?!” Yuri demanded.


“It’s too early in the morning,” Jessica calmly reasoned.


Yuri shot her a dry glare. “Don’t give me that, sleeping beauty. You’re coming. It’s the least you can do for not trying out.” Hers eyes softened by a fraction. “Please?”


Jessica stared at the desperate girl in front of her and felt her resolve weakening. 


“...Fine,” Jessica huffed. She couldn't really resist her only friend's pleading, but at the same time she was dreading the loss of her precious sleeping time. Yet a part of her couldn't deny the fact that she was just a little bit curious to see the skill level of her European counterparts. 


“Great!” Yuri beamed. “Tryouts are at 6am tomorrow morning,” she shouted as she left. “See you there!”


“Yeah yeah...wait! 6am!?!?!”





“Taeyeon, why are you awake?” Hyoyeon groaned as she heard rustling from the bed next to her. Taeyeon ignored the girl and continued getting dressed.


Hyoyeon squinted at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed. “It’s bloody six in the morning. Go back to sleep,” she grunted. She saw Tiffany also stir awake from the noise. Hyoyeon groaned and closed her eyes, fully intending to follow her own advice.


“Taetae. Where are you going?” Tiffany mumbled sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.


“The field,” Taeyeon answered curtly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep Fany-ah.”


This made Hyoyeon open one eye. “You’re flying now?”


‘Leave it to Taeyeon and her crazy practice schedules. I’m just glad she doesn’t bring me along with her. Time to go back to sleep ah….wait a minute’


Hyoyeon shot up from her bed, not caring that half her covers just flew onto the floor. She looked accusingly at the brunette girl. “Slytherin has tryouts this morning.”


Taeyeon stayed silent and stared back. 


“You knew!” Hyoyeon exclaimed indignantly, pointing a finger at the girl. “You’re going to spy on them!”


Taeyeon merely scoffed. “So? You coming or what?”


Hyoyeon jumped out of bed, reinvigorated at the thought of going incognito. “I can’t believe you were planning to go spy on them by yourself, you little twit.”


“I’m coming too!” Tiffany beamed from her bed.


“Eh, why?” Hyoyeon asked. “You don’t even play quidditch.”


Tiffany stuck her tongue out. “So? If you guys are going, then I’m going too.” She quickly jumped out of bed and put on her robe over her pajamas, before latching herself onto Taeyeon.


If Hyoyeon noticed the faint blush on Taeyeon’s cheeks, she didn’t say anything.


“Plus, I want to see Jessica fly again!” Tiffany beamed as she pulled Taeyeon ahead through the silent corridors of the Gryffindor common room.


“Hey! Wait for me!” Hyoyeon screamed before tripping over her robe and scrambling after them.

If Hyoyeon noticed the slight fall in Taeyeon’s mood, she also didn’t say anything.





“Looking for someone?” Jaejoong, sixth year, Chaser, and captain of the Slytherin quidditch team, asked his Seeker.


Yuri shook her head as she scanned the bleachers once more. They were empty save for a few friends of those who were trying out. All of them were wearing the signature green robes of Slytherin. “No. A friend said she was coming but…”


Jaejoong perked up at the word ‘friend’ and decided to tease the girl. “Oooh. Making friends now, I see? When do I get to meet this ‘friend’ of yours?”


“Shut up,” Yuri mumbled as she lightly pushed him away. (Okay, so she shoved pretty hard, but Jaejoong was hard to push around. All those muscles made him pretty heavy, ya know?)


The two of them scanned the crowd of people lined up on the field who were all here to try out. Everyone who was previously on the team also had to try out, which included Yuri. This way, it would ensure that Slytherin had the best team possible. Jaejoong was exempt only because he was the captain.


“Looks like you’re Seeker again this year. There are no takers except you,” Jaejoong told the girl, reading the names of the candidates off his clipboard. "Only a few amateurs who probably wouldn't last a second against Kim Taeyeon."


Yuri scoffed. Just hearing the name of her rival was enough to put in her a grumpy mood. “That’s because no one wants to go against that hell of a lion.”


Jaejoong looked amused. “I’m not sure if you were trying to insult or compliment your rival just now.”


“I can take Kim,” Yuri muttered under her breath.


Jaejoong eyed the girl for a second before putting his hand on her shoulder. “Good, because we’re counting on you.”


Yuri sighed and Jaejoong looked on in sympathy. The girl really did have a lot on her shoulders. The team could play perfectly, but if they couldn't catch the snitch…


“If only we had another really good Chaser, we could do some real damage and we wouldn’t have to rely on you so much,” Jaejoong murmured thoughtfully as he scanned the possible Chaser candidates. Unfortunately, none stood out as super promising. 


“Yeah, well, most of them are here to try out as a Chaser. Maybe you’ll find one,” Yuri spoke up before turning into the dressing rooms to change into her flying gear.


Jaejoong watched the girl leave. “Maybe…”





Jessica walked up to the pitch, fighting the harsh winds on the way up the stairs, and sat down on one of the bleachers. There were only a few other students in the bleachers, probably also here to support their friends who were trying out today. Yuri saw her from the sky and waved. She waved back halfheartedly, before turning her attention to the group of three students who were trying out for the Chaser position. It only took a couple of seconds for Jessica to deduce their skill level.


‘They .’


Jessica was starting to regret waking up so early just to watch tryouts. 


Yuri, sensing her friend's mood, decided to leave the field for a moment and flew up next to Jessica. It's not like she was going to be needed that much during tryouts anyways. Jae's got everything under control. 


“You came!”


“I did promise,” Jessica grumbled, before yawning. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on your tryouts?”


Yuri shook her head. “I already got the Seeker spot. Barely anyone tried out.”


Jessica furrowed her sleepy eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light of daytime. “Why? Does no one think they have a chance against you?”


Yuri scoffed bitterly. "They're not worried about me. They just don’t want to face Taeyeon.”


“Ah,” Jessica hummed as she watched a boy throw the quaffle only to completely miss and hit another student. Suddenly, three approaching figures from across the field caught her attention.  “Speaking of Taeyeon…”


Yuri looked to where Jessica was gesturing and lo and behold, there stood Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Hyoyeon.


“Why are they here? They’re not supposed to be here right now,” Yuri frowned, before coming to a realization. “They’re here to spy on us.” She scoffed. “I guess they got scared after our little match two days ago.”


Jessica eyed Taeyeon who was giving her the very familiar by now cold stare again.


‘They don’t look scared to me.’


Hyoyeon was not even looking in their direction, instead choosing to watch the tryouts like a hawk. Tiffany however, beamed a great big smile in their direction as soon they met eyes.


‘Yep. Definitely not scared.’


“Watch out!” Jaejoong suddenly screamed from the field.


Jessica and Yuri looked up to see the quaffle flying their way. Yuri, who had her back to the field, couldn’t turn around to catch it in time. Instead, Jessica just extended her right arm out and caught it easily with one hand.


She then threw the ball to the nearest player, who Yuri noticed, was quite the distance away, at least twenty to thirty meters away. The player caught it with ease, nodded at the two of them in gratitude and tryouts resumed.


Jaejoong flew by to assess the situation. He eyed Jessica curiously. “Nice throw.”


Jessica shrugged, eyeing the chiseled man with disinterest. “Thanks.”


Jaejoong looked to Yuri. “This the friend you told me about?”


Yuri nodded and introduced the two. “This is Jessica Jung, third year.  Jessica, meet Kim Jaejoong, sixth year, and captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team.”


Jaejoong stared at Jessica with interest. “Have you ever played Quidditch?” 


Jessica and Yuri shared knowing glances. Jessica did not miss his hopeful tone.


“I used to play a little back at my old school,” Jessica answered simply, preferring not to delve into her extensive and showy Quidditch career. Yuri got the hint and stayed mum about her friend's bragworthy accomplishments. She still couldn't believe she'd played a mini match with the Junior World Champion. 


“Old school?” Jaejoong asked. “Ah, you're the transfer from Mahoukotoro. I thought you looked familiar. Your face is hard to forget.”


Yuri paused before glaring suspiciously at her captain. “Jae...are you hitting on my friend?”


Jaejoong waved his hands in mock surrender with an easy smile. “No, no. Don’t get me wrong. I didn't mean it in that way. Anyways, why don't you try out? We could always use more players with experience.”


Yuri interrupted the boy. “Sorry buddy, you're barking up the wrong tree. I already asked her and she turned me down.” Yuri deadpanned. 


“Aw, that’s a shame though. We really could’ve used another Chaser,” Jaejoong commented disappointedly. "Anyways, it was nice meeting you, Jessica. I'm afraid I must get back to tryouts now." He bid them farewell and flew back to the pitch.


Jessica frowned adorably after he left and turned to look to Yuri. “Why does everyone think I’m a Chaser?”


Yuri laughed before Jaejoong called her to come back to the field as well.


Left alone on the bleachers once again, Jessica observed the players in the field. It was easy to tell who was experienced and who wasn’t. It didn't hurt that Yuri had also informed her about the previous team.


There was Heechul, the sassy beater, Yesung, the quiet keeper, Minho, the charismatic and overly competitive chaser-


“Hello! Mind if we sit here?”


Jessica looked to her right and noticed the three familiar figures approaching.


‘Guess they decided to be upfront about their spying.’ Jessica mused wryly. ‘They really are brave, aren't they?'


Tiffany quickly took a seat next to Jessica on the right, Taeyeon sat on her left, while Hyoyeon chose to sit right behind her.


Jessica stared straight at the field, suddenly feeling extremely pressured. She felt as if she was being breathed on from all sides. Hyoyeon was definitely doing some major glaring behind her; Jessica could feel it in her neck. 


‘Why do I feel like I’m being ganged up on?’


Yuri looked over in concern but she couldn’t leave the field. She obviously happy though at the sight of the three troublesome Gryffindors bothering her friend. 


Jessica normally didn't get scared easily (a lie only when it came to jump scares), but being squished between an aura so cold it could match hers, a glare so hateful she felt the heat on the back of her head, and a cheerful airheadedness so bright it was hard to look at, she really didn’t know what to do. For the first time in a long time, she felt like a fish trapped in a tiny bowl. 


‘What do they want with me?’ Jessica cried internally. More than anything else in the world, she just wanted to be in bed at that moment, safe and sound all curled up in her comfy sheets. 


It also didn’t help that all the Slytherins on the field were looking at her like she'd betrayed them.


‘Guess that’s what happens when you’re sitting with the star player of the biggest rival team.’


“How come you’re not trying out, Jessica?” Tiffany smiled, breaking the silence, and the sight caused Jessica to relax, only if a little.


“Ah…” Jessica didn’t know how to respond.


“You were really good during that mock match two days ago. I also heard from Yuri that you were an amazing seeker back in Japan,” Tiffany continued obliviously. “I always thought Taeyeon was the best seeker of our age until I saw you fly.”


“Er...thanks?” Jessica was always bad with taking compliments and this one was pretty high up on the list of the most burdensome compliments she'd ever recieved. 


If Jessica noticed that Taeyeon was suddenly tense, she didn’t say anything.


Hyoyeon sighed to herself quietly. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her friend’s expense. ‘Poor Taeyeon. Fany is really brutal.’


To Jessica’s surprise, it was Taeyeon who spoke to her next. Jessica swore she’d never really heard the girl talk except for the time they fought the wolves together.


“Are you not going to become Slytherin’s seeker?” Taeyeon asked as eyes so cold and bright once again stared straight into Jessica’s eyes.


“” Jessica answered hesitantly. Something about Taeyeon unnerved her and she always seemed a little more alert and on edge when the girl was around.


There was a pause before Taeyeon asked a follow up question. This time, her eyes were averted and directed toward the field. “Why? Do you think you’re too good for us?” Taeyeon questioned, voice steady and calm, much like the rest of the girl.


Jessica raised an eyebrow. There was nothing accusatory about the way the girl said it but she couldn’t help but feel offended. Luckily, Tiffany jumped in just as she was about to respond.


“Taetae, that’s not very nice. Jessica may have her reasons for not trying out,” Tiffany frowned disapprovingly at her friend. “It’s not nice to pry.”


‘This girl should’ve been in Hufflepuff,’ Jessica thought as she saw Taeyeon’s eyes soften in apology. It was different from the usual cold eyes that Jessica always got.


‘Guess someone’s got a soft spot for Ms. Eyesmile over here, huh?’ Jessica mused to herself as she observed the subtle interaction between the two Gryffindors. 


Taeyeon, still looking away from Jessica, spoke up again. “That’s a shame.”


Jessica, not knowing what the girl meant, stayed quiet.


“It’s a shame you aren’t playing,” Taeyeon continued, before finally facing Jessica again, letting brown eyes meet brown eyes. “I don’t get to crush you in an official match.” Taeyeon didn't smirk, but the slight arrogant tilt of the head served the same purporse. Taeyeon was taunting her.


Jessica, sensing the unspoken challenge, hardened her stare. Her eyebrow rose into her signature look. “Too bad for you,” she commented nonchalantly before looking away and standing up so her back was to Taeyeon. “You wouldn’t have stood a chance either way.”


She climbed over the bleachers, and jumped down, causing Tiffany to jump up from her seat in alarm. However, Jessica cushioned her fall at the last second and stalked off.





After Jessica's dramatic exit, Tiffany pouted at her best friend. “I thought we promised we weren’t going to get into any conflicts anymore. Even Hyoyeon behaved herself.”


Hyoyeon gave a lazy groan in acknowledgement from behind them. She had indeed been a good girl. Merlin's knows how many biting comments she wanted to say only to hold herself back.


“But, she was so full of herself, Fany-ah,” Taeyeon pouted back, causing Tiffany to laugh and pull her in for a tight hug. “You’re so cute, Taetae.” Taeyeon tried to fight back the blush on her increasingly warm cheeks, while Hyoyeon scoffed at the sight.


Tiffany suddenly paused, with Taeyeon still in her embrace. “Though I would have liked to see Jessica play again. She really was so good.” She looked down at a now pouting Taeyeon in her arms. “You’re really good too Taeyeon. It would’ve been fun to see you two chasing after the snitch.”


Hyoyeon snorted behind the two of them as she watched the lovey dovey scene.


‘Oh, it won’t just be the snitch they’re chasing after,’ Hyoyeon thought as she eyed the oblivious Tiffany.





~After Slytherin Tryouts~


“Hey Cousin!”


Taeyeon grunted as she felt an annoying weight around her shoulders.


“What do you want Heechul?” she growled.


Heechul beamed an (annoying) all knowing smile at his younger cousin. “I saw you at Slytherin’s tryouts today.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.


Taeyeon pushed her cousin away in disgust. “So?”


“Well,” Heechul mused. “It’s rare to see you interested in us.”


Taeyeon glared at the boy. “What do you want?”


Heechul merely shrugged playfully. “Oh I was just wondering if you suddenly thought of us as a threat to your winning streak or…”


Taeyeon raised an eyebrow waiting for him to finish.


Heechul’s smile widened to become impossibly annoying. Taeyeon fought the urge to punch him in the face.


“...Or someone has a crush on Yuri’s new friend,” Heechul teased, poking at Taeyeon’s cheek.


Taeyeon felt her face go red at such an outrageous assumption. “W-what? Are you kidding me?”


Heechul laughed. “Yeah. And all this time I thought you only had eyes for that mushroom.”


“I don’t have a crush on Jessica Jung!” Taeyeon shouted indignantly.


"You didn't deny the crush on Tiffany," Heechul pointed out cheekily.


Taeyeon flushed red. Heechul laughed.


“See ya cous!” Heechul left, smiling in satisfaction after accomplishing his mission of annoying his cousin.







Note: This is just a fun little scene and has little to do with the fic itself. Characters may appear slightly OC.


Gryffindors vs Slytherin Quidditch Game

Tiffany and Jessica were sitting together in the Slytherin section (yeah Tiffany’s brave like that)


“KIM AND KWON ARE BOTH HOT ON THE GOLDEN SNITCH’S TRAIL!...They are also both just hot,” Sunny grinned, causing the school to cheer in agreement.


“LEE SUNNY!” Madam Hooch admonished the announcer.


Taeyeon and Yuri glared at each other out of their peripheral as they soared at top speeds through the air. Neither was going to budge an inch. Whoever caught this snitch would not only win the game but also win the Quidditch Cup for her respective house.


It was do or die.


“This one’s mine,” Yuri taunted.


“In your dreams, Kwon.”


The golden snitch dived down and swooped over the audience in an attempt to lose its pursuers. However, Taeyeon and Yuri didn’t falter. They dove down after the snitch, causing the audience to scream and duck, protecting their heads, but still keeping an eye on the game. They didn’t want to miss anything.  


A mere meter above the audience, the snitch continued flying deeper into the audience’s section, with both Kwon and Kim on its tail.


“The Snitch is putting up quite the fight, but neither Kim nor Kwon are letting it go that easy!” Sunny announced. “Who will end up victorious? Will Kwon finally catch the snitch against Kim or will Kim emerge victorious yet again for the third time in a row?”


“Jessi! Look! The snitch is coming this way! Taeyeon!!! You can do this!” Tiffany cheered as she waved her hands toward Taeyeon and Yuri who were coming straight at them. “C’mon Jessi. You have to cheer for Yuri!”


Jessica shot Tiffany a look that was a mix between “You have got to be kidding me” and “I’m sleepy.”


But of course no one could refuse Tiffany Hwang, so reluctantly, Jessica raised her hands to cheer for her best friend.

“Woo….go Yul,” she said dryly, only to feel something hard hit her palm. Fingers instinctively wrapped around the object.


There was absolute silence, until Madam Hooch’s whistle broke it.


“A-and the golden snitch has been caught!” Sunny stammered. The effect was immediate. The students all erupted into groans, disappointed that such an intense moment of the match got interrupted.


Jessica stared blankly at the fluttering golden ball in her hand. “Eh?”


“Jessi!” Tiffany slapped the girl on the shoulder. “What the heck?”


Jessica could only reply dumbly. “I didn’t mean to catch it. It just flew into my hand.”


Meters away, Yuri facepalmed. “Of course. Even when she’s not in the match, she still catches the snitch.” She flew away dejectedly, laughing to herself in dry humor. “Why did I know this was going to happen?”


Nearby, Hyoyeon was trying to appease an angry looking Taeyeon. “How dare she catch the golden snitch!? She’s not even in the match! First she refuses to become the seeker, then she goes and catches the snitch anyways!”


“Taeyeon, calm down,” Hyoyeon flinched as the deadly aura around Taeyeon only seemed to grow.


“She crushed me without even trying! Damn you Jung!”


Comments: lmao this was just something that popped into my head right before I was about to fall asleep. Chibi versions of the girls appeared in my almost-dream and this is what happened. An intense quidditch moment between the two older rivals, a jokester Sunny, an energetic Tiffany, a sleepy lost Jessica, an exasperated Yuri, and an enraged Taeyeon.  I do feel slightly bad that Sunny’s first appearance was in a spin off.

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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭