Dinner at the Kim's

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Dinner, to say the least, was an interesting affair. 


After being led into the dining room - which consisted of a long mahogany table and several massive chandeliers overhead - the nine girls randomly shuffled to their seats, making sure to leave the two seats at the head of the table for Taeyeon’s parents. 


As soon as everyone was comfortable in their seats, Dongwan spoke up, addressing his daughter. “How is school going, Taeyeon? I trust you are keeping your grades up?” 


Though he kept his tone fairly light, Taeyeon knew her father well enough to detect the grave undertone of the question. Studies were considered to be of utmost importance in the Kim household and her father had strictly enforced this mindset all throughout her childhood. 


At her father’s question, all eight girls glanced at their friend discreetly out of the corner of their eyes, sensing the potential tension between the two Kims, but Taeyeon was not phased in the least. 


“School’s fine,” Taeyeon answered clearly, making sure to meet her father’s gaze head on. Even with how hectic this year had turned out, she’d still managed to keep her grades at the top of class. It helped that a lot of the material they were learning, Taeyeon had already covered in her younger years thanks to her father’s private tutoring. 


“Really?” Dongwan pressed, pinning Taeyeon down with stern eyes and forgoing his previous nonchalant facade. “McGonagall mentioned that you were in the infirmary recently due to an ‘accident’ in class.” His eyebrow rose up his forehead as his tone turned a touch more condescending - just enough to make his displeasure known. “Surely, we’ve taught you better than to mess up simple grade three spells that badly that you’d injure yourself.”


A flash of surprise crossed Taeyeon’s facade at the mention of that particular incident, though she quickly masked it. It seemed her father was as well informed as ever. 


‘Nothing gets past the Head Auror, huh?’ Taeyeon thought to herself bitterly.


Leave it to her father to keep such close tabs on her even while she was hundreds of miles away at Hogwarts. She wondered who her father’s informant was. Was it McGonagall? Another professor? A pang of fear suddenly shot up Taeyeon’s spine. What else did her father know? Did he know about the detentions? About her sneaking into the Forbidden Forest? Or was his information solely restricted to education-related issues?


Taeyeon eyed her father closely. Dongwan gave nothing away of course, wearing the perfect poker face. Only the slight downward tugging of his lips and the sharp look in his eyes gave away his dissatisfaction at Taeyeon’s academics. 


Either way, Taeyeon knew she had to tread carefully lest she accidentally gave herself and her not so rule-adhering behavior at school away. 


Taeyeon, long used to her father’s impossibly high expectations, straightened up under his disappointed gaze, and refused to look as affected as she felt by his rebuke.


“My apologies, father.” A small glance downwards at the table made her look like the perfect picture of a child repenting. “I assure you it was a one time thing. A small relapse of judgement.” 


Taeyeon ignored the fact that it wasn’t a one time thing though, not with the bloody blonde around at least. Ever since she came into the picture, Taeyeon’s whole perfectly planned school life had gone straight down the drain with no hope of retrieval. Taeyeon fought the urge to look in Jessica’s direction as she kept her gaze on her father. 


Dongwan’s jaw hardened and Taeyeon awaited the verdict with bated breath. She could feel her friends stiffening in anticipation as the tension in the room rose. 


“I see,” Dongwan stated stiffly. “Perhaps after dinner before your meeting with Clarke, we can go through any spells that are…  troubling you.” He threw a quick glance around the table and - with a sickening faux polite tone that would’ve been hard to detect if Taeyeon hadn’t known him all her life -  insisted, “You girls must join too. I would love to see how well Hogwarts is educating its students these days.”


Taeyeon could spot the trap from miles away. Unfortunately for her, there was no escape route in sight. She forced a smile to her face. “Of course, father.”


Her father seemed pleased at that and Taeyeon shot her friends an apologetic look. She was sure the last thing they wanted was to be tested on their magical prowess by her overly strict father. They threw back sympathetic glances in support. 


Her father opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could get any words out, the sound of feet running soon captured everyone’s attention. Before they knew what was happening, a blurred blob flew by and pounced atop Taeyeon who immediately wrapped her arms around the figure. 




“Unnie! You’re back!” A little girl with round doe eyes and an adorable smile, charmingly boosted by a couple of missing teeth, beamed up at Taeyeon as she straddled her older sister. 


Taeyeon gasped excitedly before ruffling her sister’s hair lovingly. “Hayeon-ah! Have you been behaving yourself?”


Haeyeon huffed cutely, puffing out her chest indignantly. “Of course, Unnie! Mother says I’ve been the perfect little pumpkin.” 


“Unnie?” Yoona whispered to the other girls as Taeyeon tried not to stiffen. She was a relatively private person regarding her personal life and avoided the topic of her family as much as possible. With such an overbearing father, it was no wonder she didn’t like to share. She knew she could trust these girls though, and forced herself to relax. 


“Yeah,” Tiffany whispered back. “Taeyeon has a younger sister and an older brother who graduated from Hogwarts two years ago.” She frowned before adding, “She doesn’t talk about them too often though.”


“An older brother?” Sooyoung asked incredulously. “How come I don’t remember him at all? We would’ve been first years.”


Seohyun made a face. “I was also unaware she had any older siblings.” Which was weird because first borns within pureblood families were kind of a big deal. She went through any memories she had of her first year but couldn’t recall any of Taeyeon and an older brother figure. It was quite weird that her own father had never mentioned Taeyeon’s older brother when he spoke of the Kims while Seohyun had heard quite a bit about Taeyeon. 


“Hayeon, get off your sister,” Dongwan scolded lightly as he poured himself a cup of red wine. 


“Aww okay,” Hayeon pouted before getting off her sister. She took a glance around at all of Taeyeons’s friends and walked over to the end of the table, taking a seat next to Jessica. “I want to sit next to pretty Unnie then. Hi, Unnie,” Hayeon greeted Jessica with a cute dimpled grin. “I’m Hayeon and I’m nine years old.”


Jessica grinned softly at the younger girl. Hayeon reminded her of a young Soojung. 


“Hi,” Jessica beamed as she spoke in a cute tone to match Hayeon’s. “I’m Jessica. It’s really nice to meet you, Hayeon. I go to school with your sister.”


Next to Jessica, Yuri’s face took on a bewildered look as she eyed the blonde. “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” She’d never seen the blonde so, so...ugh Yuri didn’t even know how to describe it. The other girls also had a hard time believing their eyes. 


Her outburst however was ignored by both Jessica and the little girl whom she was now deeply engaged in conversation with. 


“Jessi Unnie!” Hayeon called out, scanning Jessica up and down before nodding with approval. “You’re really pretty! I like your hair,” she declared. To prove her point, she grabbed a fistful of blonde hair and brought it closer to her eyes to take a better look. “Woah, it’s so soft. What sort of conditioner do you use? Father only lets us use these rose-scented ones with natural oils. They’re supposed to moisturize our hair with natural vitamins but my hair’s still pretty rough at times.” 


“Hayeon, stop bothering her,” Taeyeon lightly scolded her sister, mortified that Hayeon found Jessica of all people, pretty. 


“No, no, it’s really okay,” Jessica chuckled, brushing off Taeyeon’s concern, which only deepened the scowl on the Gryffindor’s face. 


Elated that her new friend took her side, Hayeon stuck her tongue out at Taeyeon who rolled her eyes.


Clearly, her little sister had bad taste. 


Jessica turned to address Hayeon. “Thank you. You’re really pretty too, Hayeon.” Jessica leaned in as if to let the girl in on a secret. “Much prettier than your Unnie,” she whispered scandalously, shooting Taeyeon a mischievous smirk. Taeyeon scowled back, not appreciating the fact that her sister and Jessica were clearly talking about her. 


“And just for reference, I use the school provided shampoo at Hogwarts.” 


“I see!” Hayeon leaned over the table to address her sister. “How come your hair isn’t as shiny as pretty Unnie’s then? Do you not shower?”


“I shower!” Taeyeon scowled as everyone else tried to hold in their laughter. 


Though Taeyeon was clearly suffering, Tiffany found the whole situation adorable and didn’t hold back from telling Taeyeon so, which only led to the Gryffindor falling into a blushing mess. 


“She is adorable,” Tiffany agreed with a wide smile.  


Hayeon beamed at the compliment and Jessica bit back a fond smile as she caught sight of Hayeon’s missing teeth. Hayeon’s childlike innocence reminded her of Soojung and Jessica was hit with a sudden pang of loneliness. It’d been nearly three months now, since she’d seen Soojung - the longest they’d ever been apart. 


Hayeon opened , about to go off on another unrelated ramble, when Dongwan spoke up. 


“Hayeon, where is your mother?” Dongwan asked. “It is not polite to keep the guests waiting for so long.”


“I’m right here darling.” 


Everyone whipped their heads around at the new voice. The sound of high heels clicking against marble heralded the woman’s entrance.  


Now, Tiffany had seen many beautiful witches in her life - she was subscribed to a monthly Witches Fashion catalogue - but she found herself almost stunned to her seat like she’d been stupefied by the beauty of the woman approaching them. 


The woman wore a dark maroon colored pantsuit (typical Gryffindor family) and walked into the dining room  with all the elegance and grace of a proper woman. Tiffany’s eyes gleamed at the absolutely gorgeous looking pair of five inch heels that adorned her feet. One look at her face and her identity was clear. The resemblance was uncanny. And if Tiffany didn’t know that Taeyeon only had one sister who was younger, she would’ve assumed this was her older sister. 


“Mother,” Taeyeon smiled warmly at her entrance. “Just in time.” 


“Taengoo, my baby daughter,” Taeyeon’s mother approached her daughter with a coo, immediately grabbing Taeyeon’s cheeks fondly. “You look like you’ve lost weight. Have you been eating or sleeping enough?” 


Sooyoung, Yuri, and Hyoyeon had a hard time holding back their laughter as Mrs. Kim continued to play with Taeyeon’s cheeks. 


Taeyeon removed herself from her mother’s hold with a grimace but smiled fondly at her mother’s nurturing. “I’m fine. You know how the third year is,” Taeyeon deflected, not wanting to divulge the fact that her sleep had been riddled with nightmares lately and accidentally worry her parents over nothing. “Anyways, mum, meet my friends.”


“Ah yes,” Taeyeon’s mum greeted them with a warm smile that had everyone easing up automatically. The woman’s teeth were impeccably white and straight, perfect in appearance just like the rest of her. There was not a hair out of place on her tight bun or a single wrinkle in her dress. 


Tiffany strived to be like that when she was older. 


“I apologize for my late arrival. I got caught up with a few trivial matters regarding the Wizengamot,” she said like dealing with the prestigious European Wizarding Court was no big deal. “Welcome to our home. I am Kim Taeyi. Feel free to call me Madame Kim or Auntie Kim. I’m glad to finally meet so many of Taengoo’s friends.”


“Muuuum,” Taeyeon groaned at the embarrassing nickname. 


“Oh, let me enjoy myself. You never bring friends home,” Taeyi grinned, clearly enjoying teasing her daughter. 


“Nice to meet you,” the eight girls greeted Taeyeon’s mother, secretly enjoying seeing Taeyeon so flustered. It was a new side to the girl that they rarely saw.  


“Mum!” Hayeon shouted from the end of the table. Taeyi looked up in surprise, not having seen her youngest daughter at first. 


“Yes, honey?” Taeyi inquired. 


“I made a new friend! This is pretty Jessi Unnie!” Hayeon exclaimed. Jessica smiled sheepishly as Taeyeon’s mother gave her an appraising look. This was somehow mortifyingly embarrassing. 


“Yes she is very pretty,” Taeyi agreed, causing Jessica to blush and Taeyeon to fight back yet another eyeroll. 


“Shouldn’t we serve the food now?” Taeyeon asked, knowing Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were probably starving, but too intimidated by her family to say anything. Plus, if she had to hear one more conversation about how her family found Jessica pretty, she would set herself on fire. She would. 


“Actually, we’re still waiting for one more,” her mother stated as she took her seat next to her husband.


“Who?” Taeyeon asked, watching the way her father’s face hardened slightly at the mention of this other person. 


“Don’t tell me you already forgot I existed, Jelly Face,” a manly voice spoke up. 


Taeyeon’s head whipped around, a wide smile already on her face. “Jiwoong Oppa!”


“What’s up squirt?” her brother beamed back and the eight girls all did a double take at his appearance. He was the spitting image of Taeyeon except in male form. 


What was it with the Kim family and their perfect genes? 


At the sight of his familiar lopsided grin, Taeyeon felt a burst of emotions erupt from her chest. She’d missed him terribly over this past year and receiving the occasional letter by owl was a bleak replacement to the real thing. Unable to sit still, she rushed out of her seat and jumped into his open arms. 


“I didn’t know you were coming back,” Taeyeon stated breathlessly, pulling back from the hug to stare at her brother in wonder.


He still looked the same from when she last saw him but something about him felt different - more mature. The last time she saw him was a week after his graduation from Hogwarts which was a whole year and a few months ago. Instead of taking up a job at the Ministry like their father wanted him too, he decided he wanted to learn more about the muggle world and enrolled himself into a muggle college, much to father’s dismay. 


“Yeah well, it just so happens that I’m on fall break,” said Jiwoong with an easy going shrug. “I got back yesterday.”


Taeyeon looked to her father. “You didn’t mention Jiwoong was back in your letter.”


“I mentioned the important things,” said Dongwan simply, keeping his gaze distant.


Though he didn’t say much, it became quickly clear to the guests that there was some underlying tension between the head of house and the oldest son. 


However, the tension was quickly broken when Taeyi clapped her hands. “Jiwoong honey, why don’t you and Taeyeon take a seat and join us at the table? Then we can get started with dinner. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m starving.” 


Sooyoung’s stomach chose that exact moment to growl loudly. 


Taeyi chuckled as Sooyoung blushed a bright red. “I see I’m not the only one,” Taeyi joked and Jiwoong took his mother’s advice, taking up the seat next to Yoona. 


“Taffy!” Taeyi called out once everyone was seated. 


There was a loud cracking sound as a house elf appeared in the corner of the dining room. 


“You called, madam?” the elf questioned, bowing to show his respect before straightening up and turning to Taeyeon. “I see the young master is back too. Welcome back.”


“Thank you Taffy,” Taeyeon greeted him warmly. She’d known Taffy for as long as she was alive. The elf had been a part of the Kim household longer than her or her brother. 


“I feel like it’s about time we began dinner. What do you think?” Taeyi said to Taffy. 


“I believe the madam is correct,” Taffy responded excitedly with another slight bow. 


“Very well, then bring the dishes in then,” Taeyi ordered. 


Taffy bowed again and with a simple snap of his fingers, the mahogany table was filled with dishes of all sorts. “If you need anything else, just call,” said Taffy, always eager to please, before disappearing away with another loud crack. 


“Wow,” Sooyoung’s eyes sparkled at the feast spread out in front of her. “This looks delicious.” was already salivating. 


“Oh my goodness,” Tiffany beamed similarly. “I didn’t realize how much I missed Asian food until now.” She often lamented over the lack of Asian dishes at Hogwarts. She could only eat so many Scotch pies and baked beans before she craved the taste of homemade kimchi. 


“Yes, Taffy is a lovely cook,” Jiwoong stated with a charming grin. Iit was clear how he and Taeyeon were related in the way they smiled. “It’s nice to meet you all by the way. I’m Kim Jiwoong, that one’s older brother.”


He was a lot more open and extroverted compared to Taeyeon which was interesting to see. Though Hayeon clearly had them both beat in the outgoing department as she chatted away with Jessica and whoever else would listen to her about whatever it was that interested nine year olds these days. 


“I heard you’ve been living among the muggle community,” Seohyun brought up, not noticing the way Jiwoong’s smile stiffened or the way Dongwan’s lips curled slightly with displeasure. “How is it?” she asked, genuinely curious. After all, she was born and raised a pureblood and no matter how advanced the curriculum for Muggle Studies became at Hogwarts, it could never compare with the real thing. 


Jiwoong opened his mouth to answer, only to get cut off by his father. 


“Yes, tell us. How is playing muggle going?” Dongwan drawled, his sharp eyes coming to rest disapprovingly on his son. “Have you wasted enough of your talents yet or is playtime still not over?”


If there was any prior doubt of bad blood existing between Dongwan and Jiwoong, it had all been erased. The girls tried their best not to act too awkward, but they were having a hard time chewing their food as Jiwoong threw a contemptuous glare at his father. 

“It’s been quite enlightening actually,” Jiwoong responded stubbornly, flexing his jaw as he stared his father down. “Those muggles are brilliant. Even without magic. You would know, if you bothered to open your mind a bit.”


Dongwan sighed, ignoring the displeased frown his wife threw his way. “Stop wasting your time, Jiwoong. Come work for the Ministry. With your grades, I’m sure they would accept you-”


“Father,” Jiwoong stated roughly, bringing his fork down with a bit of force. “You know I don’t want to work for the Ministry.”


“Then work for Gringotts,” Dongwan retorted calmly but it only fueled Jiwoong’s frustration. “Or become a curse-breaker. A wand maker. Whatever you want, but I will not have my first born frolicking around pretending like he doesn’t have magic.” 


“I’m not pretending! - You know what, I’m not even going to try to explain it to you. You obviously wouldn’t get it,” Jiwoong fumed. 


“Yes, I’m the one that’s confused, not the wizard that refuses to do magic,” Dongwan drawled. Tiffany had to fight back a sudden shiver at his cold fury. 


“I don’t refuse to do magic. I still do it,” Jiwoong protested. 


“Alright, that’s enough,” Taeyi cut in calmly with a dangerous smile and a pointed stare directed at both of them. “We have guests. Behave.” Her tone made it clear that there were going to be severe consequences if the men did anything other than behave. 


Both men took one look at her smile and immediately backed down. They knew better than to get on her bad side. 


Taeyi nodded with approval, glad to see that she still held the most power in this household. She then faced the girls. 


“Sorry about that,” she said, shooting them an appeasing smile. “Please, forgive my husband and my son. They clearly have some things they need to work out but now is hardly the appropriate time,” she said, shooting them another disapproving look before plastering another smile on her face. “Please continue eating. I recommend the bulgogi. It used to be my grandmother’s recipe but Taffy has really perfected it over the years.” 


And just like that, the atmosphere was slowly restored, though Seohyun still felt slightly guilty for asking that question and breaking the peace in the first place. 


Tiffany coughed into her fist, hoping to alleviate some of the tension. “Your house is lovely, Madame.”


Taeyi beamed at the girl. “Yes it is, isn’t it?” Taeyi suddenly paused, eyeing Tiffany with a curious gaze. “You’re Tiffany, am I right dear?”


“Uh, yes ‘mam.” Tiffany was surprised that Taeyeon’s mum knew who she was. They hadn’t introduced themselves yet ot her, which now that Tiffany thought about it, was rather rude of them. 


“Taeyeon talks a lot about you,” Taeyi revealed with a gentle smile, showing she meant no harm. “Tell me about yourself. I can only pry so much out of this one,” she said, shooting Taeyeon a knowing look. 


“Does she?” Tiffany grinned, obviously pleased about the fact that Taeyeon talked to her parents about her. “Well, we’re best friends, so it makes sense. As for me, there’s really not much to tell.”


“Nonsense darling,” Taeyi smiled, raising her wine glass slightly at Tiffany. Her smile was so motherly, so warm and reassuring...it brought back a pain from Tiffany’s past.  She hadn’t thought about her own mother for a while now, having pushed most of the feelings associated with her mother as deep inside her as she could. Shoved away into tiny little boxes and banished into the depths of her soul. 


“Taeyeon tells me you’re from the States. What made you decide to come all the way over here for your education?” Taeyi asked curiously, taking a dainty bite of food. 


“Oh, uh well,” Tiffany chuckled nervously, looking down at her plate as if it had the answer. It was a simple innocent little question. Yet, it was one she couldn’t answer without opening the boxes she’d sealed away long ago?


It didn’t help that she could feel the others looking at her. She hadn’t had the courage to bring up her past with them yet and she knew they would be curious. She could feel herself starting to panic as she scoured her mind for an appropriate answer when Taeyeon came to her rescue. 


“Why wouldn’t she?” Taeyeon butted in with a forced lightness. “Hogwarts is the best wizarding school after all. Right?” 


Tiffany shot Taeyeon a discreet grateful look. “Right,” she grinned back weakly. She was lucky to have a friend like Taeyeon who could read her so well and help her even though she didn’t know the full reasoning behind Tiffany’s choice to attend Hogwarts either. 


“I see,” said Taeyi, eyeing her daughter and Tiffany after having noticed their little interaction. She let her gaze linger between the two girls for a second longer before moving on. Whatever she deduced from watching them, she didn’t divulge but kept to herself for later analysis. 


“So how do you girls all know each other?” Taeyi asked, changing the topic. 


The girls glanced awkwardly at each other waiting for someone to answer the question. Another simple innocent question. Another loaded answer. 


The silence, once again, did not go unnoticed by Taeyi or Dongwan. 


‘What could they possibly be so nervous about?’ Taeyi wondered as she sipped her wine. A thought hit her. ‘Are they actually friends? They don’t seem that close…’ 


“Well, mum, as you know, Tiffany and Hyoyeon are in the same house as me and we’ve been friends since we met in our first year,” Taeyeon spoke up finally.


“Right, and us three are in Charms together with Yuri and Jessica. Professor Flitwick made us pair up in Gryffindor Slytherin teams so that’s how we became friends,” Tiffany answered. 


Technically she was telling the truth, or at least part of it. She left out the details about how they broke school rules by wandering into the Forbidden forest and were saved from wolves by the Slytherin pair. Probably not a good thing to tell Taeyeon’s parents. 


Taeyeon watched as both of her parents’ eyes flashed with recognition at Yuri’s name and she fought back a wince. She doubted the things they’d heard about the Slytherin were good things. 


“Kwon Yuri,” Dongwan stated, his eyes turning cold. Even her mother looked a bit on guard, which was not a good sign. “Weren’t you the student who was almost suspended for misconduct last year?” 


Merlin, her father certainly didn’t pull any punches. Taeyeon glanced sympathetically at Yuri. Despite their rocky past, Taeyeon would never wish for anyone to be interrogated by her father. 


Yuri swallowed, forcing the food down. It was a rather weird feeling - being intimidated by someone else’s parents whom she just met - but she couldn’t blame them. She was very aware of her past actions and how they must’ve reflected on her character. 


“U-uh, yes sir,” she stammered, her eyes darting around the table for help. “But I’ve changed. I promise. I was an immature kid and I lashed out in, er, inappropriate ways.” 


Taeyi’s face seemed to soften into something like understanding and sympathy. The frown on Dongwan’s face however, did not budge.  


“She really has, father” Taeyeon insisted, surprising everyone in the group, but most of all Yuri. She stared at the Taeyeon as if she’d grown a second head, beyond touched that Taeyeon would vouch for her in front of her parents nonetheless. 


‘Interesting,’ Taeyi thought to herself, hiding her smile behind her goblet. ‘Perhaps I was wrong earlier about them not being friends.’ 


Dongwan looked like he wanted to say more about his daughter befriending a delinquent but Taeyi beat him to it. 


“We believe you dear,” Taeyi beamed warmly at Yuri before turning back to her daughter. “And your other friends? How did the rest of you meet?”


“Jessica’s my childhood friend,” Sunny quipped in. “And I knew Hyoyeon from our time together in History of Magic during our first year.”


“Childhood friends?” Taeyi marveled at the coincidence. “How wonderful.”


“Yeah, we knew each other from when I lived next to her in Japan,” Sunny explained.


Once more, Taeyeon watched as her parents quirked up at the mention of Japan. 


“You’re the transfer from Mahoutokoro,” Dongwan realized, pinning Jessica down with a calculative stare. “The ancestors...” Dongwan trailed off. “They mentioned someone born from the Jung and Kang family line. I thought they were just spewing their usual nonsense - spending eternity as mere a portrait on a wall would drive any sane person crazy - but,” he smirked, looking pleased for the first time since dinner started, “you’re Jae and Soobin’s daughter. I thought your features looked familiar somehow.”


Jessica could only stare at Dongwan in numbing shock. 




Dongwan had called her father Jae, meaning that they were close.


Jessica could feel herself starting to panic but she forced it down. 


‘Keep calm. You don’t know what they know yet. Just because they know my parents doesn’t mean they know...everything.’ 


“Oh!” Taeyi exclaimed, her eyes lighting up, not noticing the way Jessica was having a mini panic attack in her seat. “You’re Sooyeon! Your mother has told me so much about you. I even have pictures of you from when you were just a wee baby that your mother sent me.”


Jessica tried not to look too shocked at that, but her mind was reeling.


“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you right away! How are Soobin and Jaesun by the way? We haven’t heard from them in a few months. I hope they’re doing well.” 


Without waiting for an answer, she gave Jessica a curious look and hurried on. “I hope you don’t mind me asking dear, but what made you transfer from Mahoutokoro? Hogwarts is so far from home for you, so there must’ve been a good reason.”


All Jessica could offer was a forced chuckle. This dinner had taken an unexpected turn. Though to be fair, this whole event had been quite the wild ride from start until now. There were so many questions whirling through her mind. How did they know her parents? What have they heard about her? 


Jessica suddenly felt a lot more sympathy for Tiffany who was put on the spot earlier. Somehow Taeyeon’s mother was asking all the wrong questions. Then Jessica remembered that Taeyeon’s mother was part of the Wizengamot, the highest wizarding court in the United Kingdom, and everything made sense. 


Taeyi was a lawyer through and through. Even if she didn’t know it. 


“I wanted to branch out in my magic,” Jessica stated, the rehearsed answer spilling past her lips easily. “As you know, magic is done very differently in Japan, or in Asian in general, and I wanted to see how magic was done in the rest of the world, so I came here. My parents let me because they wanted me to explore the world. They said it would do me some good.”


“You know,” Jiwoong cut in, shooting his father a quick glare. “That philosophy is not that different to mine with-” A sharp look from his mother and he wisely dropped it. Taeyi did not need Jiwoong and Dongwan to get into another dispute. 


Instead, she focused on Jessica. “I see. That is very admirable of you. And how are you finding Hogwarts?”


“It’s been interesting, that’s for sure,” Jessica answered diplomatically, shooting her new friends a smile. And wasn’t that the truth? There was never a dull moment with these girls. 


“I see. I’m glad you’re liking it here. How are your parents though? They are healthy, I hope?” Taeyi prodded and once again, Jessica was left wondering just how close they were and why her parents never mentioned the Kims or the fact that the Kims had a daughter in the same grade as her at Hogwarts. 


“Oops. Must’ve slipped my mind. Sorry honey.” Jessica could hear her mom’s excuse clear as day. 


Jessica nodded weakly in response. “Yup, last I heard at least.” 


Taeyi smiled. “I’m glad. Well, will you let them know to write to us every now and then? Your mother and I, we used to trade recipes - potion recipes,” she clarified. “Absolutely brilliant of a brewer, that woman is. Did you know the first time Dongwan here met your mum was during a potions competition?”


Jessica raised an eyebrow. “No, I did not.” Again, she did not even know that they knew each other at all. This was all very weird to her! 


“Well, why don’t you tell her how you two met,” Taeyi prompted her husband. 


Dongwan swirled his cup, staring absentmindedly at the red wine inside as he recalled his first encounter with Soobin. 


“In my seventh year, I earned the right to represent Hogwarts at the Wizarding Schools Potions Championships. I made it all the way to finals, only to lose to a fourth year student from Mahoutokoro.” 


Dongwan smiled grimly. “Her name was Kang Soobin.”


“Poor Dongwan here sulked for days after his loss,” Taeyi teased. 


“I did not,” Dongwan denied gruffly.


“Whatever you say honey,” Taeyi grinned at Dongwan before looking back at Jessica. “I met your father through work. The Wizengamot once helped the Japanese Ministry of Magic with a certain delicate matter and we had worked together on that case.”


“I see,” Jessica hummed, feeling her pounding heart relax for the first time since her parents were brought up. It didn’t seem like they knew about the circumstances of what happened last year. Her parents had kept that under wraps like they said they would. 


“Actually when we visited Japan this summer, we met up with your parents,” Taeyi suddenly revealed, causing another spike of panic to shoot through Jessica. “It was brief. They seemed busy, but we didn’t get to see you,” Taeyi frowned as if she couldn’t remember the reason why. 


(It was because Jessica was busy hiding in China like a fugitive. Away from the Japanese Ministry of Magic.)


“We did get to see your sister though. Taeyeon, you remember Soojung, right?” asked Taeyi with an excited grin. 


Taeyeon shot Jessica a wide eyed look, realization finally hitting her. “Soojung’s your sister???


Jessica however was just as shocked. “You know my sister?” she retaliated, her voice a couple pitches higher than normal. 


“I remember Soojung Unnie!” Hayeon piped up, completely ignorant of whatever was brewing between Taeyeon and Jessica. “I liked Soojung Unnie! She was pretty! And nice! She taught me how to do the Origami Charm!”  


Taeyeon groaned in realization. “You’re Auntie Jung’s daughter. That makes so much sense.” 


Jessica shot her an indignant look. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked defensively. 


“Nothing!” Taeyeon raised her hands up, showing she meant no harm. It was just...


During the entire trip to Japan, her mother had gone on and on about her good friend whom she referred to as Auntie Jung, and would not stop telling Taeyeon about how Auntie Jung had a daughter that was Taeyeon’s age and that said daughter was extremely talented and that they would totally get along. 


(Newsflash, they don’t.) 


Sooyeon hadn’t been there when they visited, so Taeyeon had thought they would never meet and she completely wiped the supposedly prodigious genius teenage witch from her mind. 


She shot Jessica a dry look from across the table. 


Yet here they were. It looked like they’d met after all. 


“Wow...what a small world,” Yuri remarked, sounding a little overwhelmed. And Jessica thought that summed it up quite nicely. 


“Well isn’t it wonderful?” Taeyi exclaimed. “I’m so glad you two finally met. And I was right. Look at you two! Best friends! Oh I wonder if Soobin knows. She’d be ecstatic too, I’m sure.”


“Oh yes,” Hyoyeon grinned knowingly at Taeyeon and Jessica’s matching frowns. “Best friends. They get along just swimmingly.”


Both girls turned to glare at her, but it only goaded her even more. 


“They spend almost all of their free time together too, studying and what not.” 


The sarcasm seemed to go right over Taeyi’s head. “That’s wonderful, isn’t it Dongwan?”


Dongwan made a noise of agreement and to Taeyeon’s surprise and utter disgust, he actually looked quite pleased that Taeyeon was friends with the blonde Slytherin. Taeyeon fought back another groan as she watched her mother fuss over Jessica as if she’d just adopted the girl as one of her own. Even Hayeon started to pout with jealousy. 


And just like that, time passed and dinner was soon over. 


As Taffy began clearing away the table, Taeyi casted a simple spell that announced the time. 


“Well, it seems you still have quite a bit of time to kill before Mr. Clarke arrives, Taeyeon,” Taeyi informed the girls. “He won’t be here for another hour or so.”


“Taeyeon has agreed to accompany me in some extra training before she met with Clarke,” Dongwan told his wife. Taeyeon fought the urge to groan. She’d hoped that her father had forgotten about that little fact. 


“Unnie’s joining in training today?” Hayeon piped up, eyes glistening with excitement and Taeyeon knew then that any chances she had of declining were futile. 


“To the Dueling Chamber then.” 



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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭