Creatures of the Forest

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

“Soojung! Soojung!”


Sooyeon shook her sister desperately.


“Soojung stay with me!” she cried as she clutched the lifeless body of her sister in her hands.


“Iyashi Jinsei! Iyashi Jinsei!” Jessica waved her wand helplessly, but the cuts weren’t closing fast enough.


Sooyeon couldn’t think properly. There was too much blood. Everything was too red. It was splattered everywhere; her hands, her face, her golden robe, and most importantly all over Soojung.




There was too much red on Soojung.


Too much red.





“Wakey, wakey!”


Jessica woke up with a start. Yuri stood smirking and fully dressed at the foot of her bed.


“Come on, get dressed or you’ll be late for breakfast,” Yuri announced quickly. Not one to wait, she headed straight towards the exit. Still disoriented, Jessica took a second to register what was happening. Shaking off her nightmare, Jessica quickly grabbed her wand which she kept underneath her pillow and with a flick of her wrist, changed into her robes and made her bed.


“Interesting,” Yuri smirked at the quick use of magic. “Now follow me.”


Jessica followed Yuri to the dining hall. Upon their entrance, most heads looked up and the chatter dimmed. Most of the eyes were on them. And they weren't kind eyes either. Jessica could have sworn someone even whispered ‘Death Eater’ under their breath. Ignoring all the stares, Yuri lead Jessica to the Slytherin table and sat down.



Jessica noticed that even the Slytherins stayed a careful distance away from them.


“Eat up. Did you get a good night’s rest?” Yuri asked, as she filled up her plate with pancakes and syrup.


Jessica answered honestly. “Not really.”


“First day jitters? Don’t worry it gets better.”


Jessica did nothing to acknowledge Yuri’s comment and started eating.


“Anyways, can I ask you a question?” Yuri asked as she propped her chin on her elbow.


Jessica shrugged midchew and Yuri took it as a yes.  


“Are you scared of me?” she asked, staring straight into Jessica’s eyes.


Jessica raised an eyebrow at the question. She'd noticed the stares they've gotten from the others. At first, she thought it was just because she was the new girl, and hey look! She’s from Japan! But then she realized their wonderment was definitely mixed with fear. Fear of Kwon Yuri. There was also what the girl Hyoyeon said yesterday on the train.


“Don’t go looking for trouble Fany-ah. If she’s friends with that Kwon Yuri…”


And the girl from last night, Choi Sooyoung. They did not seem to be on friendly terms to say the least. Needless to say, Yuri seemed to have quite the reputation here.


But to Jessica, Yuri seemed...decent, and Jessica was usually good at judging people. Usually. Yuri didn't seem like a bad person, which made Jessica confused. In fact, ever since she's met Yuri, Yuri had been quite nice. Nice and friendly. Of course, she could easily figure out the reason why everyone’s afraid of Yuri...but no. It’s none of her business anyway.


“No,” Jessica finally answered. “Should I be?”


Yuri studied the girl’s face for a minute before deciding that Jessica was being genuine. Yuri shook her head, trying hard to fight the smile growing on her face.  “No, you don't have to be."



Her voice was quiet and Jessica raised an eyebrow at the tone. Yuri sounded relieved, and in a way, Jessica understood why. Maybe she wasn't the only one getting a friend through this relationship.



"Anyways, why don’t I get you caught up on everything since you’re new here?” Yuri proposed, eager to change the topic.


Jessica almost wanted to laugh. And here was yet another example of Yuri being nice to her. Really, how anyone could hate the girl was beyond her.


“First off, be very wary of who you hang out with. In case you couldn’t tell, Slytherin is not the most popular house. And unfortunately for you, I am not the best person to be friends with,” Yuri stated with a flat expression as she eyed all the glares they were getting.


“I figured,” Jessica answered cheekily, making Yuri smirk.


“Smart girl. Hufflepuffs are generally fine, as are Ravenclaws. They aren’t particularly fond of us, but they don’t bother us. Gryffindors are a whole ‘nother story. Don’t be surprised if you’re challenged by a group of foolhardy Gryffindor boys.”


“You’re kidding,” Jessica raised an eyebrow. 'Were Hogwarts students always this rowdy and undisciplined? This would never happen at Mahoutokoro, where discipline stood as the highest value of all wizards and witches.'


“I wish,” Yuri deadpanned. “Ooh. Mail’s here.”


Just as she finished talking, a huge wave of owls invaded the dining halls. Yuri caught a copy of the newspaper that her owl dropped as it flew by.


“Hm, nothing interesting,” Yuri murmured as she quickly flipped through the pages.


“Is this only local news or do they also include things happening outside of Britain?” Jessica asked suddenly, peering curiously over her breakfast at the black and white moving pictures and words.


Yuri paused midway through flipping a page and peered at Jessica curiously. “You want to know what’s happening in Japan?” she guessed.


Jessica stayed mum, a sign that Yuri was right. She could tell that Jessica was uncomfortable about the topic, but she wasn’t about to let her go that easily.


“Does it have anything to do with you transferring schools?” Yuri pushed further. To her surprise, instead of losing her calmness, Jessica seemed to become even more composed.


“Is it bad to be curious of one’s old home?” Jessica stated with a face so blank that Yuri had trouble deciphering what it meant.


“Fair enough, Jung.” There was a slight pause as Yuri contemplated whether or not it was safe to continue. “So, why did you transfer?”




Seeing she was not going to get an answer, Yuri was prepared to give up when Jessica spoke. “Why is everyone afraid of you?”


Yuri let out a breathy laugh. “Touche.”


Silence hung between the two of them before Jessica picked up the now discarded newspaper. “May I?”


Yuro hesitated in surprise. “Uh sure, go ahead.”


Jessica promptly pulled out her wand and waved it twice.  Yuri watched with wonder as the newspaper started folding itself.


“Origami,” she hummed to herself appreciatively in realization as the newspaper started to take the form of a crane. “Nice.” However, the crane started flapping its wings, surprising Yuri.


“Bloody brilliant,” she murmured. Yuri glanced at Jessica who was playing with the animated crane. “That's neat. What charm is that?”


Jessica shrugged. “Not sure. My mom taught it to me.”


“Huh.” Yuri regarded the new girl with interest. “Interesting.”




Sooyoung yawned widely, trying to fight the morning fatigue. The grogginess from sleeping late and waking up early was clouding her mind from thinking too clearly. The only thing she had on her mind right now, was breakfast. She dragged herself through to dining hall and plopped down next to a girl who was quietly reading a book.


“Where were you last night?” the girl asked Sooyoung the second her came in contact with the bench, her eyes never leaving the book.


Sooyoung, too tired and too lazy to answer, stayed mum and instead dug into her breakfast. The girl closed her book slightly and turned to face Sooyoung.


“You were at the library again weren’t you?” she questioned under her breath, afraid of being overheard. Sooyoung merely shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to gulp down some much needed pumpkin juice.


Sighing at the ambiguous answer, the girl returned to her book. “The year’s just started for pete’s sake. I have no idea what you’re up to, but at least try not to break the rules while you’re at it.”


Gulping down her food, Sooyoung finally spoke up. “You’re always such a stickler for rules, Seohyun-ah. You don't need to worry. I won’t get caught.”


Seohyun turned to glare at her friend. “You know that’s not what I meant.”


Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders lazily, brushing off the glare. “Anyways, you wouldn’t believe who I ran into last night,” she said.


Seohyun took a few seconds before answering making Sooyoung think she was being ignored. “You ran into the new student,” Seohyun deduced, eyes still on her book.


Sooyoung stopped mid chew and looked at Seohyun in bewilderment. “How’d you - nevermind. Typical Ravenclaw.” She paused. “I also ran into Yuri.”


This made Seohyun pause in her reading. “Kwon Yuri?”


“Who else?” Sooyoung sarcastically replied.


“What did you do?” Seohyun asked warily. “Did you jinx her?”


“Didn’t have time,” Sooyoung shrugged nonchalantly. “Had to run from the prefects. I told you, I don’t get caught breaking rules.”


Seohyun sighed and returned back to reading. “Why was she there?”


“Apparently she’s friends with the new girl,” Sooyoung frowned. “I didn’t know Kwon Yuri could make friends. I thought she hated everyone.”



'The new girl must be pretty unique...or fearless...or dumb,' Sooyoung thought.


“Seohyun, what do you think of the new girl?” Sooyoung asked.


Seohyun peered at Sooyoung suspiciously over the pages of her book. “Why do you ask?”


Sooyoung looked away, pretending to act nonchalant. “I don't know, just curious.”


“I don’t like judging people,” Seohyun stated seriously, as she once more returned to her book.


“I know, I know. I’m not asking you to judge her.” Sooyoung waved her hand defensively. Seohyun's statement only reminded her of how she terribly underestimated the new girl last night and ended up stunned on the library floor. “I’m just asking for your observations of her and you’re very observant. I just want to know what you think.”


Seohyun sighed and placed her book gently on the table. It was clear that she wasn't about to get any more reading done anyways. Sooyoung peeked at the title and noticed it was a book about potions. Leave it to Seohyun to read up in advance for class.


“What do you want to know?” Seohyun asked wearily.


“Why’d you think she left Japan? Don’t you think it’s kind of suspicious? Plus she’s in Slytherin. I don’t trust her,” Sooyoung muttered quickly.


Seohyun frowned at her friend. “I don’t know of her past but you can’t judge people based on what house they’re in.”




“That was nearly twenty years ago,” Seohyun interrupted exasperatedly. “Voldemort is dead and the Death Eaters are gone.”


Sooyoung gasped and looked at Seohyun in shock. “You said his name.”


Seohyun rolled her eyes. “He’s dead. And he’s not coming back. Look, I can’t tell you anything about her character, but I don’t think it’s smart to just assume. You’ll make too many enemies that way,” she explained.


Sooyoung huffed. “Fine. But just so you know, I do think she's pretty smart.” She paused. “Maybe even Ravenclaw smart,” she added, thinking about what happened the night before.


This caught the attention of the smartest student in Ravenclaw, making Sooyoung smile discreetly. Sure, Sooyoung may had been exaggerating a little bit, but Seohyun didn't have to know that. In fact, she was starting to feel smug about seeing the genius witch so flustered.


“What makes you say that?” Seohyun asked, eyes narrowed on Sooyoung’s playful ones.


“Who knows? She may even be smarter than you.”


The only response Sooyoung got was the cold shoulder as Seohyun read her book and ignored her throughout the rest of breakfast.





Taeyeon and Tiffany sat nervously in the back of their transfigurations class. There were only two more minutes until class started and there was still no sign of Hyoyeon.


“Where the heck is she?” Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany, making sure she was quiet enough not to get caught.


“I don’t know. She wasn’t at breakfast either. I wonder where could she be,” Tiffany mumbled back, pretending to be scanning the transfigurations textbook in front of her.


Taeyeon glanced at the clock. “And….she’s late. I swear, if she-” Taeyeon was caught off guard as a figure suddenly plopped down into the seat next to her, rather loudly too.


The professor glared at the late newcomer. “You’re in your third year now, Kim. I trust you know your way around Hogwarts not to get lost?”


Hyoyeon smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Professor. Had a bit too much to eat last night. I was in a food coma. You’re lucky I didn’t sleep through this class,” she answered back cheekily. The professor merely narrowed her eyes at Hyoyeon before continuing with her lesson.


“Where were you?” Taeyeon hissed under her breath as soon as the coast was clear.


Hyoyeon grinned back. “Well, remember that thing we found out about last year?”


There was a slight pause. “No,” Taeyeon whispered in disbelief, already dreading where this conversation was heading.


“I had to go check to see if it was true,” Hyoyeon insisted.


Taeyeon narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t.”


Hyoyeon raised her eyebrow, puffed her chest out, and smiled in the affirmative.


Taeyeon lost it. “You went to the Forbidden Forest?! By yourself?! Are you crazy? You-”


“What’d you find? Did you see them?” Tiffany suddenly cut in, leaning over to hear what Hyoyeon had to say.


“Yah! Don’t encourage her!” Taeyeon hissed at Tiffany.


Hyoyeon shook her head in response to Tiffany’s question. “I didn’t have time to go in deep enough. I’m not that dumb. I only walked around the edge. But we need to go back together to make sure. Tonight.”


“No,” Taeyeon deadpanned immediately.


“We have to!” Tiffany protested.


“No.” Taeyeon was firm.






The three of them looked up to see their professor glaring at them mid-lecture. They smiled sheepishly in response. As soon as the professor looked away, they ducked their heads under the table.


“We’ll talk about this later,” Taeyeon stated with finality, giving Hyoyeon one last glare.





Although Yuri had warned her about it earlier during breakfast, Jessica still thought it was too ridiculous to happen. Yet here she was, surrounded by three fourth year Gryffindor boys.


“You’re the new girl right? You’re looking smashing today,” the one in the middle spoke. Jessica immediately decided she hated his greasy smile, british accent be damned.


‘Ugh. Another wizard who thinks he’s all that. I bet he plays quidditch too.’


“You up for some?” he asked cheekily as he approached her.


“Sorry, not interested,” Jessica called behind her as she briskly walked past him. Another second longer and who knows what she would’ve done to the boy. She may be younger, but she knew she had the advantage. After all, she wasn’t the youngest dueling master in Japan for nothing.


“Hey! Come back here! I’m talking to you! You hear me?” he called after her. Jessica stopped in her tracks as instinct told her that he and his friends had pulled out their wands and were currently pointing them at her.


‘Don’t stand out,’ said Mum. Easier said than done.


She turned around slowly, her wand hidden in her right sleeve.


“I’m giving you one last chance,” the boy smirked. Jessica rolled her eyes.


“Still no.”


The boy frowned, clearly not happy to be embarrassed in front of his friends. “Then you asked for it. Levicorpus!”


However, Jessica was faster and immediately waved her wand, causing one of the boy’s friends to fly in front of her and get hit by the curse instead.




The boy stared at his now upside down friend in terror before turning to face Jessica.


“You-you,” he stammered pointing at Jessica. “You moved him against his will! You used an Unforgivable! I’m telling the professors!” he screamed before scampering to his feet and running away. “Evil witch!”


“Wait! Let me down! Alton, help!”


Jessica quickly murmured the countercurse to Levicorpus and dropped the poor boy on his head, before he too ran after his friends.


This isn’t good.


Jessica looked around and noticed everyone was staring at her with fear.


“Did she just…?”


“She controlled that boy, right? I didn’t see wrong, right?”


“Was that? That couldn’t be...”




“I didn’t hear an incantation either. She must be really skilled…”


“Miss Jung.”


Jessica looked up and saw Professor McGonagall staring at her grimly.


“Follow me. Now.”


Jessica didn’t need to be told twice.



Boy, did she have a lot of explaining to do.




“Care to explain, Miss Jung?” Mcgonagall stared down at Jessica. “I get a report from Mr. Alton saying that you Unforgivable on his friend. Is that true?” she questioned. “I’ll have you know, this is a very serious matter, and will result in more than just your expulsion.”


Jessica sighed. “I didn’t use an Unforgivable, Professor.”


McGonagall raised an eyebrow. “Eyewitnesses say that you moved the boy against his will.”


Jessica stayed mum.


“Well, is it true?” McGonagall insisted.




“Yet you claim you didn’t use the spell, Imperio?” McGonagall asked exasperatedly. “Tell me then, how did you move the boy?”


Ido Karada.” Jessica muttered before looking up. “Ido Karada. I think the Western equivalent is Mobilicorpus, the spell that moves bodies.”


McGonagall peered at Jessica curiously. “I’ve never heard of it,” she spoke lowly.


“As I said, it’s not a Western spell. It’s an Asian spell,” Jessica confessed. “Asian magic has been around much longer than European magic. Yet all the spells taught at Hogwarts have European roots.” She paused.


“Did you perhaps not once, stop and think, of what type of magic the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean have been using since two thousand years ago, even before the beginning of the Western world?”


Jessica took a moment to let it all sink in as she eyed the wariness and alert apparent in McGonagall’s eyes. “Why do you think there is such little interaction between Western and Eastern wizards and witches? Our magics are fundamentally different,” she revealed.





By lunchtime, word of Jessica’s use of an Unforgivable had spread everywhere. Everyone was avoiding her, staring at her in fear and murmuring under their breaths.


Jessica fled to the one place where she knew she could be alone, the library. However, her peace and quiet was interrupted when a short girl with long dark black hair appeared. They stared at each other for a second, before the girl moved past Jessica, reaching for a book. Grabbing the book, she left without a second glance or a word. Before she left however, Jessica was able to peek at the book.


‘Langley's Magical Book of Ancient Creatures from the Forest’


Only a few minutes later, another, more familiar girl, appeared.


“So,” Yuri said as she popped her head between into aisle startling Jessica. “I heard what happened.”


Jessica closed the book she was scanning and looked up. “What did you hear exactly?”


Yuri shrugged as she leaned against the bookshelf nonchalantly. “Oh nothing much. Just that some stupid kid was trying to hit on you and then you used Imperio on him.”


Jessica studied Yuri’s relaxed posture. “You don’t believe it, do you?” she asked.


Yuri smiled. “Well, if you did use an Unforgivable, you wouldn’t be here right now, would you?”


Jessica hummed at the thought. “Unfortunately, the rest of the school isn’t as smart as you.”


Yuri laughed. “Anyways, did you get in trouble? I don’t think McGonagall would have let you go without at least detention.”


Jessica shook her head. “I have to go to the Forbidden forest and help her find something.”


Yuri raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? Alone?”


Jessica nodded, a look of mild concern crossing her face.


“Great,” Yuri smiled. “I’m coming too then.”





“This is not a good idea,” Taeyeon deadpanned. “In fact, this is your worst idea yet.”


“Don’t be such a worrywart,” Hyoyeon mocked.


“Taetae please?” Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon’s hand and swung it about as she blasted her full pout at said girl. Needless to say, this tactic was much more effective than Hyoyeon’s.


“I’ll feel safer with you around,” Tiffany continued, making sure her lips were in full duck mode.


“You can just not go,” Taeyeon said, not budging, or at least, trying not to budge.


“But I’m curious. Aren’t you?” Tiffany asked, blinking her eyes innocently.




Tiffany pouted even more at the short answer. “Would you be able to sleep tonight knowing your best friend could be in mortal danger?”


“You can just not go,” Taeyeon repeated.


“I’m going,” Tiffany stayed firm.


“Fine,” Taeyeon relented. How could she say no to that face?


“Yay!” Tiffany cheered, while Taeyeon berated herself in her mind. She really needed to learn how to say no to Tiffany.


“You should seriously stop feeding her with these ridiculous ideas, Hyoyeon,” Taeyeon chided. “Going to the Forbidden Forest at night? You’re absolutely crazy!”


“Hey, you’re coming too,” Hyoyeon pointed out.


“Only to keep you two from getting killed Merlin knows what’s in there,” Taeyeon scream whispered.


“Shhh. Now let’s go. Fudge is usually by the Hufflepuff dorms now. If we don’t leave now, we won’t be able to get out unnoticed,” Hyoyeon said, heading towards the Fat Lady portrait. Taeyeon didn't bother asking her how she knew Fudge's schedule when it was only the second day of school. Hyoyeon always had her ways.


“Gryffindors and their so called bravery,” Taeyeon muttered under her breath, cursing her own house. “We’re so going to get killed. It’s not forbidden for no reason. There are deadly things in there! Did you not listen to McGonagall yesterday? Or last year? Or last, last year? The forest is forbidden!”


“Oh come on Taetae, it’s going to be fun,” Tiffany said, popping up at her side.


“Fun? If your idea of fun is getting killed, then yes, this is terribly fun,” Taeyeon deadpanned.


“Hm, look at it as more of an adventure. Plus, you’re here, so I know we will be safe,” Tiffany smiled up at her friend. “I need to go see if they’re there.”


“You overestimate me,” Taeyeon muttered under her breath, looking away.


“No, I believe in you, Taeyeon-ah. It’s different,” Tiffany insisted, smiling brightly.


Taeyeon stared into those brown earnest eyes.


“Guys, are you coming or not? I’ve waited three years for this. I've always wanted to sneak into the Forest at night.” Hyoyeon stood next to the Gryffindor common room exit. The portrait of the fat lady was swung open. The fat lady openly glared at the three of them but stayed mum, long used to mischevious Gryffindors who had trouble following curfew.


Taeyeon took one last look into Tiffany’s eyes and felt her resolve crumble.


She was the first to climb through.





Somehow, they made it out of the castle unnoticed, and that in itself, was a miracle.


As they neared the forest, Taeyeon felt her skin crawl and it had nothing to do with the cold night air.


They stopped right at the edge of the forest. Taeyeon gulped.


‘Please, please have them chicken out,’ Taeyeon prayed.


“You ready?” Tiffany asked eagerly.


Hyoyeon nodded, grinning widely. “Let’s go.”


Taeyeon’s shoulders dropped in disappointment. Her prayers did not go answered and she trudged in unwillingly behind them.


“Bloody Gryffindors,” she cursed under her breath. She sometimes just hated the Gryffindor bravery-recklessness, she calls it- that her friends possessed. This was stupid, not brave.


“Do you guys even know where you’re going?” she called out.






“Are you sure the coast is clear?” Jessica asked, as she rounded another corner with hurried steps, trying her best not to make any noise.


“Yup,” Yuri confirmed.


“How do you know?” Jessica questioned, still a bit unsure.


“Trust me,” Yuri said as she patted her pocket. “I know.” She winked. The two of them made their way outside the castle and to the forest edge without running into a single soul.


“This,” Yuri gestured for dramatic effect once they'd arrived, “is the Forbidden Forest.”


Jessica took a moment to peer into the darkness and into the forest.


“What did you say McGonagall wanted you to do again?” Yuri asked the blonde next to her.


“She told me to find the lake,” Jessica stated, shrugging her shoulder slightly. “She didn’t tell me anymore than that.”


“Huh.” Yuri faced the forest. “Well, how do we find the lake?”


Jessica took two steps closer and glanced down at the ground. “We follow the spiders.”


Yuri gave Jessica a disgusted look. “You’re kidding.”


“Nope,” Jessica grimaced back. Bugs were not her favorite either. Though she didn't admit it, she was grateful that Yuri decided to tag along. “Wands out,” she instructed. Pulling out her own wand, Jessica quickly lit the tip up with lumos and entered the Forbidden Forest.


“But I hate spiders,” Yuri complained from behind her, before following.




It’d been ten minutes, and Taeyeon was glad to say they had not run into anything deadly. Yet.


But alas, she spoke too soon.


Something rustled in the area to their left, causing alarms to go off in Taeyeon’s head. Her mind was screaming ‘Danger! Danger! Danger!’ Taeyeon could feel the goosebumps rising on her arms. She instinctively tightened the grip on her wand.


‘Okay, so maybe this was a bad idea,’ Tiffany thought, feeling apprehensive all of a sudden. Slowly, they turned around, wands up, ready for whatever may pop out. Tiffany couldn’t see anything past two feet in front of them. ‘Maybe they’re just friendly pigs or something. Does the forest in have pigs? I have no idea.’


Suddenly, a howl ripped through the silent night.


‘Nope! Not pigs!’


“Wolves!” Hyoyeon screamed before doubling back and sprinting off. Taeyeon and Tiffany didn’t hesitate to follow.


“Wolves? Or Werewolves?” Tiffany screamed back as they raced past trees, their legs pumping furiously at the forest floor.


“Does it matter? RUN!” Hyoyeon yelled back.



Tiffany could hear them gaining on them. Heck, she could practically feel their breaths on her. How many were there? She wasn’t sure and she sure didn’t want to find out.


“Taeyeon! Do something!” Hyoyeon cried out as she felt the creatures get even closer.


“What! What do you want me to do!?” Taeyeon screamed back helplessly. For now they could only run. Werewolves or wolves, they were totally out of their league. Taeyeon did not want to bet their chances if they stood their ground and tried to fight.


There was a loud growl and Taeyeon found herself forced to skid to a stop. They have officially been outrun and were surrounded. Taeyeon counted five of them; big, grey, and very, very angry. Their teeth glistened under the little moonlight that invaded the darkness of the forest. Seeing the redness in their eyes, Taeyeon figured they were just normal wolves, and not Werewolves.


Tiffany gulped. Maybe she should’ve listened to Taeyeon. ‘I wish I was sleeping soundly in my bed and not about to get eaten.’


The wolves started circling and closing in on them. They didn’t have much time left before the wolves struck and they were dead meat.


“Aim for the smallest one,” Taeyeon announced quietly as they were pushed to be back to back. “When I count to three, we make an opening and run.”


Taeyeon held out her wand. “Ready? 1….2……...3!”






And off they were, sprinting through the dark.


“Which way did we come from!?” Hyoyeon screamed as they continued running blindly through the woods.


“I don’t know!” Tiffany shouted back. “Just keep running!” Tiffany could tell the wolves were gaining on them quicker than before. And they were very, very angry.


“Fany! Behind you!” Taeyeon screamed.


Tiffany felt claws closing in on her back. 'This is it. This is the end.'




Tiffany felt herself get pushed forward by a force. She stumbled but was surprised to find herself unharmed otherwise.


The three girls turned their heads as two figures popped out from the blackness of the forest and joined them in running as the rest of the wolves closed in again.


“Yuri???” Hyoyeon exclaimed, nearly out of breath and bewildered at the sight of the infamous Slytherin rebel. “And Jessica???”


“Keep running!” Yuri shouted. They didn’t need to be told twice.


Tiffany made quick eye contact with Jessica out of the corner of her eye as they sprinted through the dark. Jessica caught the glance and nodded very slightly. Tiffany immediately felt reassured. There was just something about those brown eyes that restored her confidence. They were going to be okay.


“Do you know how to get out?” Hyoyeon asked urgently to Yuri.


“No, but Jessica does. She remembers the way,” Yuri noted, nodding towards the brunette.


“We’re not going to make it,” Jessica announced, frowning slightly. “We can’t outrun them. We have to fight.”


“You’re kidding!” Hyoyeon screamed.


Jessica glared at the girl. “Aren’t you a Gryffindor?” Without even waiting for an answer, she stopped abruptly, surprising the other four girls.


“Jessica!” Tiffany screamed in alarm, preparing to stop, but Yuri yanked her arm, pulling her forward.


“Just keep running!” Yuri shouted. “She’s got it!”


Tiffany hesitated. “But-”


“Run or you’ll get killed!”


Bombarda Maxima!”


Tiffany watched as Jessica took on the wolves by herself. With a heavy heart, Tiffany took one last look at Jessica before running after Yuri. She couldn’t help but replay Jessica’s last words.


‘Aren’t you a Gryffindor?’


Pathetic. She was pathetic.





Tiffany gasped as they stopped at a clearing. Leaning against her knees for support, she looked around.


“Where’s Taeyeon?” she asked suddenly, tight with worry. Her friend was nowhere in sight.


Yuri and Hyoyeon looked around urgently. Taeyeon was not with them.


“Do you think she went back to help Jessica?” Tiffany asked. She couldn’t help but feel worse. She should’ve stayed and helped out too.





Jessica felt herself losing her breath quickly. She cursed her anemia under her breath. It’s been awhile since her last duel. Her stamina had depleted far more than she would’ve liked.




She shot another wolf down. But it was no use. They kept getting back up. Amidst battle, she quickly glanced behind her. At least the others had made it out of here safely.




The spell hit another wolf squarely in the face. That would take some time to recover from. For now, she only had four more wolves to deal with.


‘Wait...I only count three. Where’s the fourth?’


Sensing something was wrong, she whirled around, just in time to see fangs launching towards her face.


Alarte Ascendare!”


Jessica took a step back as the wolf shot straight up into the air and howled in pain. She looked to the left and saw of the third girl who was with Tiffany and Hyoyeon. Jessica noticed she looked quite familiar.


‘The girl from the library,’ she thought to herself in realization.


The two made eye contact before nodding briefly. In unison, they pointed their wands at the four wolves.


Brachiabrindo!” Taeyeon shouted as she binded the limbs of the wolves together, effectively stopping them in their place.


Bombarda Maxima!” Jessica immediately followed up. Together, they shot spell after spell.












“What if she gets killed?” Tiffany sobbed into her hands. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed Taeyeon to come. She didn't want to come in the first place. I should've listened to her. We shouldn’t have come.”


“Hey,” Yuri said as she patted Tiffany’s back awkardly. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. Taeyeon’s the best wizard in our year and Jessica...Jessica’s Jessica. You saw her. They’re more than capable.”


“Yeah,” Hyoyeon jumped in. “Didn’t you say you believed in Taeyeon? She’s going to be alright.”


Tiffany sniffed. Hyoyeon was right. She recalled the words she said to Taeyeon just before they entered the forest.


‘I believe in you, Taeyeon-ah.’



"Still, I can't believe we just ditched two of friends at the first sign of danger," Tiffany shook her head, immensely disappointed in herself.




“Well, with a girl like Jessica who isn’t afraid to use an Unforgivable, there’s no way they can lose,” Hyoyeon added scornfully.


“Hey!” Yuri protested defensively, shooting Hyoyeon a glare. “She did not use an Unforgivable. Jessica is not that type of person!”


“And I’m supposed to trust you?” Hyoyeon glared back just as fiercely. “Kwon Yuri? Don’t forget what you did two years ago.”


“Stop it!” Tiffany cut in. “Yuri saved our lives. So did Jessica. If it weren’t for Jessica, I would be dead right now, Hyoyeon,” she emphasized coldly.


Hyoyeon huffed, but before she could protest some more, red flames shot up into the sky, surprising her.


“That must be Taeyeon and Jessica!” Tiffany gasped happily. She quickly jumped to her feet and and shot some sparks into the sky, giving away their location. A few moments later, Jessica and Taeyeon appeared looking tired and bedraggled, but otherwise, perfectly fine.


“Are you guys okay?” Tiffany asked, immediately rushing up to them. She double checked them both for any open wounds.


“We’re fine, Pany-ah,” Taeyeon waved her off, but welcomed the warm hug that Tiffany gave. Tiffany then faced Jessica bashfully.


“Thank you for back there…You saved my life. All of our lives, really.”


Jessica nodded shyly. “You’re welcome.” She then frowned. “If you don’t mind me asking, what were you guys doing in the forest at night?”


Tiffany gulped. “Uh, that’s a long story.” Jessica waited, but it seemed Tiffany wasn’t going to say anymore. Both Taeyeon and Hyoyeon kept their mouths shut too. Neither was really keen on sharing information with the Slytherins despite everything that happened tonight.


“What are you guys doing here?” Hyoyeon asked instead.


“Ah, that reminds me,” Yuri spoke up, ignoring the distrustful glare Hyoyeon was shooting at her. “I think I found the lake,” she announced.


“Where?” Jessica questioned.


Yuri pointed to the ground a few feet from where Tiffany was standing. Tiffany looked down and received the scare of her life.


“BUG! BUG! BUG!” she screamed, clutching onto Taeyeon for dear life.



“They’re just spiders,” Taeyeon said soothingly, trying to reassure the panicking girl.


Ignoring Tiffany’s scream, Jessica followed the spiders deeper into the clearing to see that the forest opened up even wider to reveal a lake. The lake.


“I wonder why McGonagall wanted to me come here,” Jessica murmured under her breath as she looked around. There was nothing out of the ordinary. She carefully approached the lake. She peered down and noticed that she couldn’t see anything under the surface of the lake. Hesitantly, she reached out and dipped a finger carefully into the surface, causing ripples to erupt across the water.



Yuri watched her with apprehension. 'What if something popped out of the water and ate her finger?'


But nothing happened.


Frowning, Jessica looked up. That was when something caught her eye.


It was tiny. A creature. It looked like a small human. It was white and it seemed to glow. Jessica gasped, recognizing the creature. But never in a million years would she have thought to see it here at Hogwarts of all places.


“It’s a Kodama,” she breathed out.

“We found them!” Tiffany whispered excitedly from behind her.



AN: Happy New Years Sones and Jetidal Surfers!

This was a really long update. >.< Over 20 pages in google docs. Hope your eyes don't hurt too much.

What are you thoughts so far? Are you liking the story? Please let me know >.< Im curious <3


p.s. yay to Jessica's new mini album. Wonderland is so awesome! The MV is soooo pretty <3 The english version is really nice too! What's your favorite song on her album? Mine's 'Beautiful.'

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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭