Nine is the Sacred Number

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]


“Have you heard from your dad yet?” Yoona asked as she took a seat between Jessica and Seohyun. Ever since that day they all ran into the Forbidden Forest to save Sooyoung, Yoona had taken it upon herself to befriend the transfer girl and consequently sat next to her and Seohyun during every Ancient Runes class, much to the dismay of all of Yoona’s fans in the class.


“Are you asking me or her?” Seohyun asked as she perked up from where she was reading the textbook. They had both written to their fathers recently.


Yoona chuckled as she pulled out her quill and some parchment to take notes. “Both.”


“Not yet,” Jessica murmured, her mind occupied with worries wondering why it was taking so long for her father to respond. Origamis usually took around two or three days at most to travel back and forth from Hogwarts to Mahoutokoro. It’d been three days.


“Mine did,” Seohyun replied, her eyes back to scanning the book in front of her. “He said things were the usual in Japan. He has daily meetings with the Japanese Ministry of Magic about a few of their international trade policies but nothing unusual. Though even if there was something wrong I doubt he would be able to tell me.”


Yoona hummed in understanding. “Does your dad know Taeyeon’s?” she asked, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that both Seohyun and Taeyeon were practically wizarding royalty. For someone who was muggle born, it was a concept that was difficult to grasp. They’d both been brought up in the prime magical environment whereas she didn’t even know magic existed until she was eleven.


Seohyun nodded. “All of the heads of the pureblood wizarding families know each other in Europe. There’s so few of us,” She paused. “I think. If not personally, then at least by name.”


“So did you know Taeyeon before you came?” Yoona asked curiously. By the way they acted around one another they didn’t seem to know each other.


“I knew of her,” Seohyun responded, pausing as she tried to figure out how to continue. “I knew of her family, of the Kim’s. But I didn’t know Taeyeon personally.” Seohyun frowned. “Though apparently we were in the same wizarding children’s choir when we were kids. I was too young to remember though.”


Yoona bit back a laugh. “Really? What a coincidence. To think you guys would meet again after all these years.”


“It was bound to happen,” Seohyun pointed out. “We were both going to end up at Hogwarts.”


Yoona shrugged. “Still. I’d like to believe it was fate.”




Hyoyeon frowned into her teacup as Tiffany watched curiously.


“So?” Tiffany urged. “What do you see? What is my fate?”


“Uhhh,” Hyoyeon mentally grabbed for words. “You’ll get attacked by...a blob of leaves?”


Tiffany deflated in her seat. “You at this,” she said, grabbing her teacup back and examining it herself.


“Hey!” Hyoyeon protested. “It’s not my fault I can’t make out your entire life from just a couple of tea leaves. It’s all arbitrary anyway.”


Next to her Sooyoung snorted. “I’m surprised you know what the word arbitrary means.”


Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. “Please. I bet I’m smarter than you. I could’ve been in Ravenclaw if I wanted to.”


This time Tiffany, Sooyoung, and Yuri all snorted. Hyoyeon glared at them, challenging them to say otherwise.


“Says the one who once mistaken a campfire for campfighter,” Yuri bit back a laugh, trying hard to be quiet. Sooyoung was not as withholding.


“That was one time!” Hyoyeon complained.


“Okay, okay,” Tiffany stepped in before a fight broke out in the middle of divination class, though the wide smile on her face gave away the fact that she was enjoying the bantering. “Hyo, give me your cup. Let me see if I can read your future.”


Hyoyeon grumbled but handed the red head her cup.


Tiffany hummed and her chin in thought as she examined the tea leaves, turning the cup to look at it from all angles.


“Well?” Hyoyeon asked unimpressed. “Tell me my fate oh divine one.”


Tiffany shot Hyoyeon a look before focusing back on the tea cup in her hand.


“Well, if you look at it from this way, it kind of looks like a club of sorts. If I were you, I would watch out for the beaters in your match this weekend,” Tiffany responded seriously.


Hyoyeon scoffed and was about to comment about how she was a beater herself so maybe it was good luck and that the Hufflepuff were no match for them when Trelawny came out of nowhere and peered into the teacup in Tiffany’s hand.


“Very good, Ms. Hwang, very good. You have the gift of the Inner Eye my child. You are blessed with Sight.” Her wide eyes appraised Tiffany up and down who merely blushed at the compliment and beamed at her teacher.


“Thank you professor.”


Hyoyeon rolled her eyes behind Trelawny’s back. As Trelawny left, Tiffany turned to Hyoyeon, proud smile adorning her face.

“She said I have the Inner Eye,” Tiffany boasted as Hyoyeon scoffed.


“She’s crazy, is what she is,” Hyoyeon responded dryly.


“That’s no way to talk about your professors,” Tiffany admonished her friend. Suddenly, there was a sound of porcelain breaking. They both turned to see Yuri and Sooyoung staring at the broken teacup between them in shock.


Trelawny was on them immediately. “What happened here?”


“She did it!” they both shouted before pointing at each other.


Trelawny stepped forward, ready to lecture them about the fine art of tea leaves reading and treating their teacups with care when she glanced down and saw the tea leaves on the ground. The gasp that came out of her tiny body was so loud, Tiffany nearly fell off her chair in surprise.


Trelawny lurched towards the leaves, pushing Sooyoung out of the way who grunted indignantly.


“Who’s leaves are these?” The urgency in her voice caused every student to look their way.


Yuri raised an eyebrow as she muttered a confused “Mine.”


Trelawny whirled towards the girl before gingerly reaching for Yuri’s face before grabbing it. Yuri tried her best not to flinch and lean away.


“You, my child, must beware of death’s descent. Avoid the garden where the flowers bloom until time’s end. Nine is the sacred number and the fox is not a foe, but a friend.”


Yuri grimaced as the grip on her face grew stronger. She watched in horror and fear as Trelawny’s eyes nearly retreated to the back of her head, showing only white. She looked terribly possessed.


Yuri feared the professor was going into a seizure when suddenly everything stopped. The hands released Yuri and Trelawny retreated. Yuri felt like she could breathe again.


The bell rang signaling the end of class. Traumatized, Yuri grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom, ignoring the way Trelawny shouted “Your death is upon you, my child!” after her.





Jessica laughed until her stomach hurt when Yuri told her what happened.

“It’s not that funny,” Yuri scowled, having watched Jessica laugh non stop for the past three minutes. “Ow. And stop hitting me. You know you’re violent when you laugh right?”


Jessica couldn’t help herself and slapped Yuri once more in good humor.




Yuri immediately covered as she was shushed by the librarian. She glared at Jessica who was still chuckling.


“Evil,” Yuri whispered to the brunette.


“Don’t take it personally,” Tiffany told the raven haired Slytherin. “I heard she predicts a student’s death every year. They never come true though.”


Tiffany had been looking for a place to do her Potions homework when she spotted Yuri and Jessica sitting at a table in the library. Having heard that the brunette was pretty good at Potions from Sunny, Tiffany decided to sit and study with them. The fact that she got to spend more time with Jessica (and Yuri) was also a bonus.


“My jaw still hurts from where she grabbed me,” Yuri complained, rubbing her chin. Jessica raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously.


“Aww, want me to kiss it for you?” she puckered her lips.


Yuri feigned disgust. “Please Jung. Spare my lunch.”


Tiffany watched the interaction with a raised eyebrow, suddenly feeling like a third wheel. She had never seen Jessica act so...carefree. There was an unpleasant bitterness settling in her stomach as they continued but she ignored it, not one to dwell on her emotions.


Suddenly, Yuri stood up. “I have to go turn in my History of Magic homework. Catch you guys later.” Yuri bid them farewell with a small sigh before grabbing her stuff and heading towards the exit.


Jessica turned towards Tiffany after Yuri left. Tiffany noticed with a slight pang that Jessica’s playfulness was also gone. The familiar guarded look in her eyes were back.


“How’s your potion’s essay going?” Jessica nodded towards the parchment in front of Tiffany.


Tiffany shrugged as she glanced down. “Okay I guess.”


“Need any help?” Jessica offered. “I already finished mine.”


“Of course you did,” Tiffany grinned a little while shaking her head.


At those words, Jessica raised an eyebrow as a slight frown adorned her features. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


Tiffany blanched as she realized she’d accidentally offended the girl and quickly grasped for the right words to explain. “Nothing! It’s just that Sunny told me you were really good at Potions so I’d expected you to already have finished it.”


Jessica seemed to accept her explanation as she nodded and Tiffany sighed in relief when she noticed the sharpness in Jessica’s eyes died down.


“My mother is a healer and apothecarist,” Jessica revealed. “She used to work at Fujisawa Hospital before she quit and opened her own clinic. She was the one who taught me how to brew potions since I was young.”


Tiffany stared at Jessica, awed by the fact that the brunette was opening up to her. This was new. This was good.


“That’s so cool,” she breathed out. Her features softened as she thought about her own mother. “I wish my mom had taught me stuff like this.”


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. “Did your mom not teach you?”


Tiffany shook her head. Her eyes were focused on the tabletop, unable to make any eye contact as she fought the tears springing up in her eyes. “She,” her voice caught. “She passed away when I was young.”


Jessica looked at the girl with sympathy, suddenly feeling very sorry for asking. “I’m sorry.” She paused. “Did your dad not teach you?”


Tiffany shook her head again. “My dad was not a wizard. He had no magic.”  Her voice weakened as she continued. “He didn’t even know mom was a wizard. Not until…” She couldn’t finish the sentence.


Jessica didn’t push the subject any further and merely nodded in understanding.


“I’ve lost a loved one too,” Jessica suddenly stated quietly as if talking to the air. This time, it was her turn to avoid eye contact as Tiffany lifted her head to stare at Jessica in surprise. Jessica herself was surprised. She hadn’t opened up about this to anyone, not even her parents. “Last year,” she forced herself to add, hoping that her voice came out even.


“I’m sorry.” Tiffany’s voice was soft and raw, and hearing it sent a strike of pain to Jessica’s chest.


Jessica shook her head as she fought for control over her emotions. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”


Tiffany didn’t say anything. She only gazed at Jessica with those sad puppy eyes, and something told Jessica that Tiffany knew exactly what the words “I’m fine” truly meant, had lived through it.


Jessica cleared and went back to her Astronomy homework. Tiffany took that as her cue to continue her Potions essay. They worked in silence after that.





“What are you going to do about it Death Eater?”

Yuri could only roll her eyes at the insult. It’d been twenty years. You think they would’ve come up with something better by now, but no.


She stepped forward, intending to just walk away but the three Gryffindor kids pulled out their wands.


“I wouldn’t take another step if I were you?” the ringleader said half threatening, half joking “Do you remember us?”


Yuri raised her hands. “Really now?” She was unamused.


She did in fact recognize the three fourth year boys. She had got into a fight with them during her first year when she was still going through her rebellious phase and humiliated them thoroughly. A first year with only one month of formal magic education had beaten three second year boys all by herself. It was the start of the terrible reputation that Kwon Yuri would come to carry.


It was funny how the situation’s changed. And part of her felt that she deserved this. She deserved to be punished. What she did was absolutely unforgivable and there were no excuses.


“I heard you turned tame this year,” one boy mocked. And before Yuri could retort, he fired a hex at her.


Jumping to her left, Yuri thanked her fast reflexes. She did not want bat-bogies. That was just unattractive.


“Look, I really-”


Another spell was fired at her, this time a curse.


Rolling just in time, Yuri barely dodged it. Her fingers itched to reach for the wand inside her robe pocket, but she stopped herself. She’d promised. No more useless brawls. She’d said goodbye to them at the end of second year. She growled in frustration. “Would you-”


“Stupefy!” Red light flashed dangerously towards her. Yuri knew she wouldn’t be able to dodge this one in time.



The spell bounced back and immediately hit the boy in the middle, paralyzing him completely.


Yuri looked to her left in surprise. “Im.”


Her saviour smiled back. “Kwon.”


Yuri took in the image of Im Yoona standing before her, strong, beautiful, kind, and just perfect in every way. , Yuri was more screwed than she thought.


Oh, how the situation’s changed.


Yoona turned to glare at the three boys. “Don’t touch my friend, understand?” she growled with the most menacing face Yuri has ever seen her adorn. The two boys scoffed, but knew better than to mess with Yoona. Her fanclub was notorious for roughing up whoever mistreated their idol.


“Good, now scram,” Yoona hissed.


They didn’t need to be told twice. The two boys quickly hoisted their friend over their shoulders and dragged him away.


Yoona watched them leave, glaring until they were out of sight.


“Thank you,” Yuri breathed out, still trying to wrap her mind around the situation.


Yoona smirked back. “No worries,” she replied back. Their eyes met and Yuri was suddenly thrown back into the day they were in the forest and Yoona and Sunny had looked at her with so much compassion, so much forgiveness. Her heart constricted in warmth.


Yoona must have noticed because her smirk dropped, softening the slightest before she turned around. “See you around, Kwon,” was all she said before heading back from where she came.


Yuri stood trying to remember how to breathe.


‘I’m so ed.’ She realized as she watched Yoona’s figure disappear down the hallway, and couldn’t keep her eyes from dropping to those hypnotizing hips much to her own horror.


‘So, so ed.’





“Of course you guys would be here,” Hyoyeon groaned as she opened the door to the Room of Requirement to find Sunny and Jessica already occupying the space. The two sat across each other on a long wooden table with books and parchment spreaded across. Behind them a fire danced in the fireplace.


“Come on, let’s go somewhere-” Hyoyeon grabbed onto Taeyeon’s arm and was ready to leave when Tiffany interrupted her.


“Mind if we join?” Tiffany asked. Her eyes went straight to Jessica whom she hasn’t seen since their last little awkward study session where both of them ended up saying too much. She saw Jessica give her a slight nod, and Tiffany felt herself release a breath she didn’t even know she was holding as relief spread through her chest. She’d hated it if things became awkward between them.

Tiffany bounced into the room first as Hyoyeon and Taeyeon followed grudgingly. The three Gryffindors settled themselves down on the table. Tiffany claimed the seat next to Jessica while Taeyeon sat next to Sunny and across from Tiffany. Hyoyeon sat herself down next to Sunny.


“Blueberry muffins?” Sunny asked as she whipped out a bag of freshly made muffins.


“Merlin’s yes!” Hyoyeon exclaimed as she made a lunge for the bag. She wasted no time in grabbing one and taking a huge bite, from her satisfied taste buds. “Where did you get these?”


“The kitchen,” Sunny answered as she passed out the muffins to Taeyeon and Tiffany. Jessica shook her head when offered some. She’d already had two before the Gryffindors came. “Perks of being a Hufflepuff. Our dormitories are close to the kitchen.”


“I love you Lee Sunny,” Hyoyeon stated seriously, before taking another bite of her muffin and .

Sunny didn’t respond to the exclamation of love, but Jessica noted with amusement that Sunny’s previously pink hair seemed to turn a darker shade of red. She made a note to herself to bring it up with the Hufflepuff some day.


“What are you guys working on?” Tiffany asked, peering over Jessica’s arm to glance at her work. She frowned in distaste at the weird symbols that littered the girl’s papers before lighting up like a light bulb as she found one she liked. “Is that a unicorn?!” she squealed. “I love unicorns! They’re so pink and pretty. I really want to see a real one someday. What’s it mean Jessi?” The nickname slipped out naturally, and Tiffany bit her tongue afterwards, embarrassed for her slip of tongue. She only hoped Jessica wouldn’t be too against it.


Jessica flinched at the sudden attack on her ear drums, as did the other girls. The volume of the outburst was almost enough to distract her from the nickname that Tiffany used. Almost.


She glanced down at what Tiffany was so excited about and smiled. “That’s the ancient rune for the number one.”


“Ah that’s boring,” Tiffany huffed. She pointed at another rune, mindfully aware of the fact that she was in Jessica’s personal space. “What does this one mean?”




“This one?”




“What about this one?”




“And this one?”




“What about-”


Tiffany didn’t get to finish her question as Hyoyeon interrupted her, clearly fed up with the questions.


“What do you think it means, Fany?” Hyoyeon growled, nearly pulling at her hair. Tiffany blinked at her.


“Six! I bet you all my money it means Six!” Hyoyeon stated with conviction, slamming her hand onto the table for emphasis.


Tiffany turned to Jessica looking unimpressed. “What does it mean Jessi?”


Jessica smirked. “Defense.”


Across from them, Taeyeon and Sunny snickered into their notes, clearly trying to hide their laughter.


“You’re kidding,” Hyoyeon deadpanned in disbelief.


Taeyeon laughed. “Pay up Hyo.” Tiffany held her hand out jokingly as she gestured for the money.


Hyoyeon merely scoffed.


Suddenly the door opened. “Sorry, I’m late,” Yoona stated as she walked in. She wasn’t expecting the Gryffindors however and paused as she noticed more than two people sitting at the table. “Ah, it’s nice to see everyone studying together.”


The five girls greeted the Hufflepuff as she approached the table.


“Sica Unnie, have you finished Runes?” Tiffany raised an eyebrow at the way Yoona had addressed Jessica. She watched for Jessica’s reaction but to her surprise the brunette didn’t show any reaction.


Jessica shook her head and showed Yoona what she was working on.


“Yay, we can work together,” Yoona grinned, taking the other seat next to Jessica and shedding her Hufflepuff scarf. The two continued to talk Runes and Tiffany pouted as she realized Yoona was taking all of Jessica’s attention.


“Wait!” Hyoyeon shouted before pointing at the rune Tiffany was talking about earlier. “Yoona, what does this rune mean?”


Yoona glanced at the rune Hyoyeon was pointing to and furrowed her eyebrows. “Six, why?”


Jessica and Tiffany bit their lips in amusement as they realized they were caught in their prank.


“YAHHHHHHH!” Hyoyeon screamed in fury and jumped onto the table in anger. “I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WAS ING SIX!”


Taeyeon and Sunny both looked up to Jessica and Tiffany in confusion. “Wait. So it wasn’t defense?” Sunny asked.


Yoona stared at everyone in confusion as Jessica and Tiffany laughed and high fived each other for their brilliant spontaneous prank. Taeyeon grinned and scoffed as she finally caught on to what had happened. Jessica and Tiffany had fooled all of them.


“Pay up!” Hyoyeon demanded Tiffany who chuckled and shook her head.


“No way! You were the one who bet money. I didn’t say I would pay you if you were right,” Tiffany noted and Hyoyeon deflated in her seat. “That’s what you get for being mean.”


“Well, poop,” Hyoyeon sulked.


Sunny rolled her eyes before handing the girl another blueberry muffin in an attempt to cheer her up. “Here, you big baby.”


Hyoyeon grinned happily before taking a bite.


Yoona gasped. “Where did you get that muffin? I want one.”


“I ran out,” Sunny smiled apologetically. “Hyoyeon ate them all.”

Yoona turned to face Hyoyeon with a face of pure anguish. She looked like someone had just slaughtered her entire family.


“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Yoona cried and sobbed into her hands dramatically.


“Have you ever considered going to the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts?” Sunny commented as she watched the scene play out in front of her. “You’d make a good drama queen.”


The rest of the girls ignored Yoona and her little meltdown, opting to focus on their seemingly never ending pile of homework. Soon enough, the only sounds were of quills scratching against parchment and paper turning.


“This is weird,” Hyoyeon eventually said after a few moments of silence.


“What is?” Sunny inquired, not bothering to look up from her work.


“This,” Hyoyeon gestured to all of them. “Us. Sitting here. Studying.”


Taeyeon hummed, a small smile adorning her features. “It is weird,” she agreed.


“It’s nice though,” Yoona murmured quietly, and everyone suddenly felt immensely at peace, as if nothing else mattered. Never in a million years would anyone of them had predicted this.


“It is,” Tiffany agreed and by the small smile Jessica shot her, Tiffany knew she agreed as well.


This was nice.





“Umm...Yuri? What are you doing?”

Jessica had just walked out of class and was heading back to the Slytherin common room when she spotted Yuri, crouched behind a statue spying on someone.


“Who are you looking at?” Jessica tried to peer in the general direction Yuri was looking at but was pulled back by a flustered Yuri. Jessica shot Yuri a glare, not happy about being manhandled.


Yuri merely shushed the girl and then proceeded to spy on her target. Jessica, now crouching behind Yuri, peeked over Yuri’s shoulder. She blinked as she realized what Yuri was looking at. “Are you spying on Yoona?”

“No,” Yuri instantly denied.


“Uh huh.” Like Jessica was dumb enough to believe that. Curious, Jessica decided to hide with Yuri and observe the Hufflepuff.


“Wait, is she getting harassed?” Jessica asked incredulously as she watched a boy make moves on Yoona. She was about to step out to go help the girl when Yuri stopped her.


“I’m not about to let them touch my cinnamon bun,” Yuri growled before reaching into her pocket.


“Your what?” Jessica asked bewildered before spotting the wand in Yuri’s hand. Jessica’s heart skipped a beat. Yuri was going to curse the poor boy. This was not going to end well.


“Um, maybe it would be better if you actually went up to her and helped her as opposed to-” Jessica never finished her sentence. The boy had forcefully tugged Yoona closer and leaned in, about to kiss her when all of a sudden--stupify!-- he was paralyzed.


The boy fell to the floor and Yoona jumped back reflexively, massaging her wrist where the boy had held her in a death grip.


Yoona eyed the boy worriedly for a second before lifting her head and scanning the corridors.


“Go before she sees us!” Yuri whispered hurriedly, pushing Jessica who shot a hand out to support herself, again, not too happy about being pushed and pulled around.


“Hey!” Yoona called out and Yuri winced. It was too late.She slowly turned around as Yoona walked closer and took in the sight in front of her.


“So...were you the one that saved me from that boy just now?” Yoona asked grinning down at them. Jessica rolled her eyes. It was obvious Yoona was just teasing them. She turned to glance at Yuri and nearly choked on her spit trying not to laugh at the obvious red tinted cheeks her friend was sporting.


Someone had it bad.


“Thank you, but I don’t need your help, you know?” Yoona raised an eyebrow, though her tone was not accusing. “I can handle myself.  Might I remind you who saved you a few days ago?”


Yuri scoffed and rolled her eyes, trying her best to seem as cool as possible while being caught squatting behind a statue. “That’s because I promised I wouldn’t get into stupid brawls,” she mumbled incoherently, eyes looking anywhere but at Im Yoona.


Much to Yuri’s chagrin, Yoona’s smile widened.


“What was that?” Yoona asked teasingly, leaning closer to the still squatting Yuri. At this point, Jessica wondered why she was still squatting too. She felt too much like a third wheel and it was beginning to become uncomfortable. She knew she never should’ve approached Yuri when she spotted her hiding not so inconspicuously.


“I said, I could’ve taken care of myself too,” Yuri mumbled though a bit clearer this time. “I’m the second best duelist in Slytherin, you know.”


Yoona hummed, clearly enjoying teasing Yuri way too much and for the first time ever, Jessica felt that Yoona was kind of scary. She would hate to see the girl pissed off. It must be a Hufflepuff thing, Jessica thought, thinking back to the rare times she’d seen Sunny angry.


“I bet I could beat you in a duel,” Yoona provoked, speaking with a light lilt in her voice, though her tone was challenging.


Yuri scowled. She stood up so she was face to face with Yoona. “Yeah right,” she retorted. “You don’t even duel.”


Yoona raised a single eyebrow at the half insult  and even Jessica knew that that was the wrong thing to say. She quietly prayed for Yuri’s safety.


“Wanna bet?” Yoona smirked confidently.


“Oh, you’re on, Im!’


“Prepare to lose, Kwon.”




“IT’S THE FIRST QUIDDITCH MATCH OF THE YEAR! ARE YOU PUMPED?” Tiffany hollered as soon as she woke up. She looked down from where she was standing atop her bed to the unmoving lump on the bed next to hers and jumped towards it.


“Wake up Taetae! You have a match to winnnnn!” Tiffany hopped around the bed, forcing Taeyeon to sit up as her body bounced up and down to Tiffany’s weight.


“I’m up, I’m up!” she cried helplessly, her voice heavy from sleep. Her hands flailed about trying to regain a sense of balance.

Tiffany stopped and jumped over to Hyoyeon’s bed next, waking up the blonde who started throwing every cuss word she knew at the redhead from being woken up in such a rough manner. As soon as Tiffany left, Taeyeon plopped back down to bed.


“Oh come on,” Tiffany pouted as her friends ignored her. “You have a match to play soon! Aren’t you guys excited?”

“You aren’t even playing in the match. Why are you so excited? It’s not like you’ve never seen us play before either,” Hyoyeon complained before getting up reluctantly. It was unlikely she was going to get anymore sleep with this loud head screaming anyways.


“So? It’s exciting to watch! And every match is different!” Tiffany beamed back, before pulling a groaning Taeyeon out of bed. “Come on, go get dressed.” She pushed her friend towards the bathroom with a little pat of the . Taeyeon grunted in response but complied.  





Tiffany was headed towards the spectator stands after leaving her friends at the locker rooms. She tightened the Gryffindor scarf around her neck as she walked outside, exposing herself to the cold air.


Her eyes scanned the stands. She was early so there weren’t a lot of people yet. Not seeing the person she was looking for, Tiffany decided to wait by the stairs.


After a few minutes, she saw a familiar head of brown hair and beamed as she realized it was the person she was looking for.


“Jessi!” Tiffany rushed towards the girl who to her surprise was not accompanied by her fellow Slytherin friend.


Jessica stopped and smiled a small smile at Tiffany in greeting.


“So?” Tiffany grinned, her cheeks pink from the cold (‘and just the cold, nothing else’ she told herself). “Who are you rooting for in today’s game?”


Jessica shrugged, her eyes surveying the field. Her thoughts went to a certain seeker that had challenged her the last time she was here.


“What do you mean you don’t know?” Tiffany pouted. “You have to root for Gryffindor! We’re going to win the Quidditch Cup this year.”


“Confident, aren’t we?” Jessica teased as Tiffany puffed out her chest with pride.


“You know it. Anyways,” Tiffany paused to wet her suddenly dry lips. Jessica tried her best not to stare. “Want to sit with me?” she asked, suddenly looking very shy and hopeful.


Jessica raised an eyebrow at the proposition. She glanced down at her robes which were green and silver before looking back into Tiffany’s hopeful eyes. “You mean in the Gryffindor section?” she asked unsurely.


Tiffany rolled her eyes. “No, I meant in the Hufflepuff section. Yes, the Gryffindor section!”

“Well, I promised Yuri I would-”


“She can sit with us too!” Tiffany beamed so brightly Jessica didn’t have the heart to remind her about the rivalry between their Houses added on to the fact that the Gryffindors seemed to hold a special grudge for Yuri. Still, she hesitated, so Tiffany decided to beg.


“Please? I’ll return the favor and root for Slytherin when you guys play?” Tiffany used her puppy eyes.


Jessica raised an eyebrow. “Really? Would you really root for Ravenclaw though? Besides, I’m not even playing, so why would I care who you root for?”


“PLEASE JESSI!” Oh, now Tiffany was pouting too. It was really too hard to say no. Plus, Jessica would never admit it out loud, but she had come to like the nickname the redhead had given her.


Jessica sighed and relented. “Okay.”


“Yay! Let’s go. I know where the best seats are!” Tiffany stated as she started to drag Jessica with her.

“W-wait. What about Yuri?” Jessica asked as she resisted slightly.


Tiffany stopped for a second before resuming. “Don’t worry. She’ll catch up later,” she responded, leaving Jessica no choice but to follow.


As they walked up to the Gryffindor stands, Jessica noticed everyone staring at them. Or at her to be more specific. Under all the stares, Jessica quickly felt her ice princess mask slipping back on.


“Excuse me, excuse me, coming through,” Tiffany pushed through the crowd mercilessly and Jessica was one hundred percent sure she would’ve gotten lost if it weren’t for Tiffany’s iron grip on her arm. Eventually, they came to the first row and Tiffany plopped down on the bench, patting the space next to her giddily. Jessica sat down and tried to make herself as small as possible. She didn’t have to look to know that every Gryffindor within vicinity was staring at them.


“Why is she sitting here?”


“What do you think she wants?”

“Is she out of her mind?”


“You don’t think they’re dating do you?”


“That’s the only plausible reason for a Slytherin to be here honestly.”


“Maybe she’s dating someone on the Quidditch team?”


“I’ve seen her and Taeyeon together before. They would make a cute couple.”


“I think it’s cute she’s showing support for her girlfriend. That’s so brave of her.”


“My Slytherin boyfriend would never do that for me.”




“Y’all need to date a Hufflepuff then.”


“Not no.”


Jessica felt the back of her neck and tips of her ears burning at the whispers happening around them. She chanced a glance to her right at Tiffany. If Tiffany had also overheard, she didn’t seem to be reacting.


“Jessi. Do you feel out of place here?” Tiffany suddenly asked, turning to face her with a small concerned frown. Jessica gulped. So she had noticed.


“Here,” Tiffany reached for Jessica’s scarf and slipped it off before Jessica could even move. Then, Tiffany took off her own Gryffindor scarf and wrapped it around Jessica’s now bare neck.


“There,” Tiffany grinned at her work. “Now you fit right in.”


‘Not really,’ Jessica thought to herself dryly. Now she stood out even more. A Slytherin wearing a Gryffindor scarf sitting in the Gryffindor stands? She was practically a traitor to her own house. The scarf however, was warm from Tiffany’s body heat and Jessica hated to admit that she hid a small smile behind its fluffy material. The scarf smelled like Tiffany too.


There was a small breeze and Jessica noticed Tiffany shivering a bit from her now exposed neck. Without even thinking, she picked up her discarded Slytherin scarf and wrapped it warmly around Tiffany’s neck. Tiffany blushed as she turned to look her, causing Jessica to freeze.


Her hands were behind Tiffany’s head as she was in the middle of wrapping the scarf. Their faces were precariously close. If she leaned forward even a bit, their noses would touch. If she leaned forward even more…


“Ah Yuri! Over here!” Tiffany turned and waved, having spotted the Slytherin girl looking  for Jessica.


Jessica snapped out of whatever trance she was just in and leaned back, putting much needed space between her and Tiffany. ‘What was that?’  Her mind reeled at what just happened. If she wasn’t red before, she sure was now. What she didn’t notice however, was Tiffany looking just as flustered as she was.


Luckily, they were spared from any awkward exchanges as Yuri squeezed through to them to the empty spot next to Jessica.

“Nice choice of seats,” Yuri stated dryly as she sat down, eyeing Jessica. “When I told you to save me a seat, I assumed it was going to be in the Slytherin section, not the Gryffindor section.”


Jessica grinned guiltily at Yuri. “Tiffany asked us to sit with her.” Tiffany grinned at Yuri from next to Jessica.


“I see that,” Yuri raised a knowing eyebrow. “Nice scarf by the way.” Yuri took much pleasure in the way Jessica’s face colored at her statement.


Jessica huffed. “I could say the same to you,” Jessica stated, jutting her chin out to point at the yellow and black scarf around Yuri’s neck.


“Hufflepuff? Really Yuri?” Tiffany pouted.


“I lost a bet,” Yuri deadpanned.

“Oh, I’m aware,” Jessica grinned knowingly. Yuri shot her a glare telling her she’d better keep shut or else. Jessica smirked before winking back.


Yuri and Yoona had dueled. The winner, clearly, was Yoona. Jessica watched the whole thing happen, and let’s just say, she’d never seen Yuri so distracted after a poorly aimed spell causing Yoona’s shirt to rip and expose milky white skin. Jessica swore the bloody nose after Yoona hit Yuri with a stunning spell was not from the impact of the spell but from...other factors.


“Is that Yoona’s scarf?” Jessica asked. Perhaps, Yuri had not completely lost after all.


The slight tensing of Yuri’s jaw was all Jessica needed to confirm that she was right. She laughed silently and Yuri joined in later. Tiffany just stared at them as she was out of the loop.


“My goodness. What are we doing?” Yuri exhaled, wiping a tear out of her eye. “We should not be sitting here.”


“No we shouldn’t,” Jessica agreed. Nearly everyone was staring at them. “At least I’m not the one in Slytherin robes and a Hufflepuff scarf. You got guts, Kwon Yuri.”


“No, I have a bad friend who apparently wants me dead because when I told her to save me a seat she decided she wanted to sit with the Gryffindors,” Yuri retorted lightheartedly. “God, I almost hope they win because I don’t think I’m leaving this stand alive if the Hufflepuffs win.”


“Don’t let Yoona hear you say that,” Jessica huffed lightly, knowing how much effect the Hufflepuff girl had on her friend.


“Has Sunny, your childhood best friend, seen you in this get up yet?” Yuri joked back. “She’s going to be so heartbroken.”


“Sunkyu is the type to hold grudges too,” Jessica sighed. They looked out towards the commentary box and caught Sunny’s eyes who was eyeing them with a bewildered expression and mouthed “what the bloody ?” upon noticing their attire.


Tiffany, Yuri, and Jessica all laughed.


Suddenly the whistle blew and the crowd erupted into cheers. The match was finally starting.


Sunny’s voice echoed through the stadium. “Ladies and Gentleman and magical creatures of all ages and sizes, let us put our hands together to welcome our two teams for the first Quidditch match of the season! On the left, we have the brave, the reckless, the GRYFFINDORS!”


Jessica winced as her stands exploded into cheers, the loudest cheerer sitting right next to her. “GO TAEYEON! GO HYOYEON! YOU GOT THIS! YAS GRYFFINDORS!”


The Slytherin stand, which was right next to the Gryffindor one, booed their displeasure.


After the cheering died down, Sunny continued her commentary. “And on the right, they are unrelenting, they never give up, they are the HUFFLEPUFFS!”


The stand across from theirs erupted. Yuri awkwardly clapped her hands together twice before Jessica glared at her.


‘Do you have a death wish?’ she seemed to ask, so Yuri awkwardly folded her hands on her lap.


Madam Hooch came out to explain the rules and the captains from both teams shook hands. Jessica saw Yoona look up at them and smile widely, probably from seeing Yuri holding up her end of the bet. Yuri flushed red in response of course.


Jessica also noticed Taeyeon scanning the Gryffindor stands before stopping right at...her. Jessica gulped before managing a small, hopefully encouraging smile. Taeyeon looked at her confused before focusing back on Madam Hooch.


Jessica was starting to regret sitting here.


The whistle sounded and the players kicked up into air. The match was on.


“Im has possession of the Quaffle first. She is swiftly avoiding the Gryffindors on her tail. Will the first point of the match go to the Hufflepuffs?” Sunny commented excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat. She may be an ‘impartial’ commentator, but she was a Hufflepuff after all.


There was a ding as Yoona threw the quaffle and it went through the hoop.


“And it does! A clean goal by Im! That’s ten points to Hufflepuff! Woo! Go badgers! ” Sunny cheered. “Gryffindor’s Captain Choi has the quaffle now. The only thing keeping him from scoring is Hufflepuff’s Keeper, fifth year, Lee. Can he do it?”


Jessica rolled her eyes. It was clear from the hopefulness in Sunny’s voice that she wanted Lee to save the ball. Her friend was so obvious she wondered how she even got the job.


Siwon suddenly swerved left to avoid a bludger before drawing his arm back and throwing the Quaffle. Onew rushed to save it but it was too late. The Quaffle flew cleanly through the left hoop.


“10 points to Gryffindor! The match is now tied,” Sunny stated as she flipped the score card.


“Hufflepuff Kang has the Quaffle but oh!” Sunny winced. “That was a nicely aimed bludger by Kim. Gryffindor has possession. Gong has the quaffle and is going for the win. And it just bypasses Lee! 10 points to Gryffindor! The lions are in the lead!” Despite her disappointment, Sunny managed to regain her professionalism.


“YESSS! NICE ONE HYO!” Tiffany screamed, jumping to her feet, pulling Jessica with her. “Did you see that Jessi? Did you?” she asked, shaking the girl.


“I did, I did,” Jessica muttered as best as she could while also being shaken. Tiffany seemed satisfied enough and let her go. Jessica dropped back down to her seat, clutching her head with one hand. She grabbed onto Yuri’s knee with the other. “I’m dizzy.”


“Your girlfriend’s a rather enthusiastic one, ain’t she?” Yuri grinned down at the brunette.


“What did you say?” Jessica asked frowning, not sure if she had heard Yuri correctly amidst the cheering crowd. She swore she’d heard her say the word ‘girlfriend.’


“That’s a nice save by Gryffindor Keeper Bae Irene. The second year is their newest recruit and so far it’s been paying off,” Sunny announced.


Suddenly, the crowd drew in a collective gasp as Sunny began commenting. “That was a nasty collision with the bludger for Kim Hyoyeon! Oh no! She’s falling! Someone do something! Catch her!”


Jessica looked up to see Hyoyeon falling through the air. Jessica quickly readied a slowing spell when out of nowhere, Taeyeon zoomed in and grabbed her friend by her unbroken arm.


“Thank goodness,” Sunny sighed, sitting back down into her seat as did everyone else. “Nice catch by Kim Taeyeon. Kim Hyoyeon looks relatively fine besides her arm. I reckon it’s broken,” Sunny winced, watching with bated breath. “And there goes the whistle. Gryffindor calls time out. It looks like Kim might have to sit the rest of the match out.”


Tiffany cursed. “I told her to watch out for bludgers,” she muttered under her breath. She stood up. “I have to-”


“Go,” Jessica nodded up at her. “We know. We’ll come with,” she stated, standing up as well.

“We will?” Yuri muttered to herself, before being yanked to her feet by Jessica. “I guess we will.”


Tiffany beamed at them. “Thank you so much. I’m sure Hyoyeon would appreciate it too. Let’s go.”


The three of them quickly rushed down the stands towards the locker room. Tiffany burst in first, while Jessica and Yuri lingered outside. It was the Gryffindor locker room after all.


“Hyoyeon, oh my goodness, are you okay?” Tiffany rambled.


“Woah, woah. Only players are allowed in here,” Siwon started to say when Tiffany turned to him and snapped.


“Shut it. My friend is hurt and you aren’t going to stop me from seeing her. Now move.”


Siwon gulped and moved away. Yuri and Jessica watched the scene with surprise and if Jessica’s jaw dropped a bit at Tiffany’s assertiveness, she didn’t notice.


“Hyo, are you okay?” Tiffany immediately crouched down to her friend.


Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. “Stop acting like a mother hen. I’m fine.”

“Your arm,” Tiffany frowned.


“It’s fine. It’s just broken. Madam Pomfrey already healed it. It’s just sore,” Hyoyeon stated nonchalantly as if completely unphased from breaking her arm.


“Are you-”


Taeyeon rested a hand on Tiffany’s shoulder to calm her down. “Hyoyeon is fine,” Taeyeon reassured the girl. “Madam Pomfrey is a good healer.”


Tiffany eventually nodded and backed off a bit before suddenly getting angry. “I told you to be ing careful of the bludgers and look at you now! This is what you get for not listening to me,” Tiffany huffed.


Hyoyeon furrowed her eyebrows. “When did you tell me to be careful of bludgers?”

“In divination class,” Tiffany replied dryly, crossing her arms for emphasis.


Hyoyeon groaned. “You can’t be serious.” Tiffany shot her a look that said yes, she was completely serious, causing Hyoyeon to roll her eyes. “Tiffany, you didn’t predict this. This was just a coincidence.”

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. “No it wasn’t. It was clearly in your tea leaves.”


“There is nothing clear about tea leaves!” Hyoyeon retorted exasperatedly.


“Okay,” Taeyeon stepped in after seeing Hyoyeon getting agitated. “Let’s not move around too much. If you still want to play-”


“You’re still playing?!” Tiffany nearly screeched. Taeyeon recoiled at the volume.


“Of course I am,” Hyoyeon scoffed. “I’m all healed now. Why wouldn’t I?”




“You can’t stop me from playing, Tiffany,” Hyoyeon stated with finality. “I’m playing.”


Tiffany sighed in frustration. “Fine. But I warned you! Be careful of bludgers,” she stated as she stormed out of the locker room.


“I’m not gonna get hit by a bludger! I’m a beater for Merlin’s sake,” Hyoyeon shouted after her retreating form.


“We’ll see about that,” Tiffany muttered darkly before turning to glance sharply at Jessica and Yuri. “Let’s go.”


Jessica and Yuri could only gulp and nod as they followed the angry Gryffindor back to the stands.


Gryffindor ended up winning the match 320 - 140 thanks to Taeyeon catching the snitch. However, Hyoyeon managed to get hit by the bludger a total of twenty three times, creating a new school record.


And yes, Tiffany kept count.




I did it!  Three updates in three days! Whoo! Now excuse me as I disappear for a month. 

Anyways, lot a fluff. Not much plot tbh because I thought we could take a break. 

The two YoonYul scenes were written wayyyyy before this story started so if it didn't flow well, whoops but I'm lazy.

There's quite a bit of Jeti. A bit of Yuri's past. A bit of Tiffany's past. Some SunHyo? Taengsic if you squint (and I mean squiiiint). Some SooYul. Some YulSic. Some SeoTae if you really want it (yes leader/maknae). And Yoonsic <3 (my guilty pleasure). 

Basically, lots of OT9 goodness. 





Bonus: Guess who the players are by just their last names

Note: Only 2nd gen kpop groups were used except for one




Chasers: Im Yoona, Kang ______


Keeper: Lee Onew,




Chasers: Choi Siwon, Gong _____

Beaters: Kim hyoyeon

Keeper: Bae _____

Seeker: Kim taeyeon


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭