Changing Seasons, Everything's Getting Colder

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Two years ago...


“Hey Unnie,” Soojung called out to her sister as they calmly walked around the rooftop of the jade pagoda. Below them, they could see all of Mahoutokoro spread out. To their right was the Eternal Cherry Blossom Forest. To their left was the off limits Bamboo Forest. The blue waters of the Lake of Youth that surrounded the entire island perfectly complimented the beautiful scenery that Mahoutokoro was known for.


Though it wasn’t quite winter yet, the two sisters were decked in their winter uniforms.  Sooyeon’s pink official robes contrasted against Soojung’s black Wakai ones.


“Which Clan are you going to choose?” Soojung asked innocently. Her sister had confidently and easily obtained the title of the First Meijin, beating Nana out in the Meijin Trials. With the Trials over, it was time for the Choosing Ceremony.


The Choosing ceremony was one of the biggest events at Mahoutokoro, right after the Seventh Year Exams and graduation. During the ceremony, first years chose the Clan they wanted to belong to for the rest of their time here at Mahoutokoro. The Clan then becomes their family. There were four Clans in total to choose from: Ka, the house of Fire; Mizu, the house of water; Tsuchi, the house of earth; and Kaze, the house of wind.


The Choosing had two parts to it. The wizard must choose the Clan and the Clan must choose the wizard. Though some might not get their first choice, their opinions were still considered when the clan is finally declared.


Before the ceremony the first years must first head into the sacred Room of the Elements, where they sat and meditated, hoping for the gods to speak to them about the Clan they belong to.


Soojung wanted to know which Clan Sooyeon was leaning towards. Soojung personally wanted to be in the Clan of Kaze. She’d wanted to join the clan ever since she joined the Wakai program two years ago. She hoped her Unnie was thinking the same. She wanted to be in the same Clan as her Unnie.


Sooyeon hummed quietly to herself in thought. She kept her gaze outwards. Her expression was pensive. Soojung waited in quiet anticipation. She was dying to know. She prayed the words Kaze would come out of her sister’s mouth. To her dismay, it didn’t.


Sooyeon shrugged slightly. “Not sure. Hopefully, I’ll know in three days.” That was when the visit to the Room of Elements was scheduled to be.


Soojung deflated slightly, a bit disappointed that her sister wasn’t as keen on Kaze as she was. It didn’t matter. If her sister wanted to join the Mizu Clan or whatever, she would follow her. After all, her Clan didn’t matter as much to her as her sister.


She crossed her arms and leaned against the railing on the edge of the pagoda. Sooyeon eyed her little sister in amusement. Soojung’s disappointment was visible. The younger girl was sporting an obvious little pout. Sooyeon chuckled to herself. Her little sister was adorable.


“What about you?” she asked. “What Clan are you thinking of?”


Soojung shrugged, pretending to be indifferent. “I’ll go wherever you go, Unnie.”


Sooyeon smiled at her sister’s words. She ruffled Soojung’s hair playfully. “Aigoo, do you plan to follow me your whole life?” she teased. Soojung’s reaction was not what she was expecting.


“Of course, Unnie,” Soojung perked up in all seriousness. “I’m going to be with you for the rest of your life.”


Sooyeon raised an eyebrow in amusement. Why was her dongsaeng so adorable? “Really?” she teased. “What about when I get married?”


To her surprise once more, Soojung didn’t react the way she expected. Soojung didn’t reply for a while. Sooyeon stood there waiting in silence, wondering why her sister went quiet. Did she say something wrong? Suddenly, she heard sniffling, causing her to straighten up in alarm. Was Soojung crying?


Soojung turned to her with teary eyes. “Unnie,” she sniffed. “You can’t get married,”


Sooyeon laughed. She pulled her sister into a hug. Soojung immediately hid her face in Sooyeon’s shoulder.


“Aigoo,” Sooyeon cooed, her hand through Soojung’s hair in that calming way she knew her sister loved. Soojung was just too cute. “Unnie won’t go anywhere,” Sooyeon promised. “I’m always yours, Soojung ah.”


Soojung sniffed before pulling away. She dabbed at her tears gingerly, a little frustrated at herself. Why was she crying? She always knew Sooyeon would get married someday. Who wouldn’t want to marry her Unnie? Sooyeon was perfect. She knew eventually, Sooyeon would get married, have her own life and maybe leave Soojung behind. So why was she crying? Why couldn’t she stop?


“Come on,” Sooyeon put a comforting arm around Soojung. “Let’s go back inside. It’s getting cold. I don’t want you to catch a cold.” She gently ushered Soojung indoors.


“You feeling okay?” Sooyeon asked once they were back inside.


Soojung nodded slowly. She was starting to calm down. The only sign that she cried was her slightly red eyes. “Unnie, I want you to be my Onee-chan,” she suddenly declared.


Sooyeon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “I am your Onee-chan.”


Soojung shook her head. “No, I want you to be my Onee-chan,” she emphasized. “Like how Sakurai Senpai is your Onee-chan.”


Sooyeon released a breath. “Oh.” She stared at her sister who looked back at her expectantly and full of hope. “Soojung, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


Soojung deflated like a balloon. Her expression fell and she looked downright gloomy. Sooyeon instantly felt bad.


“It’s not that I don’t want to teach you, Soojung-ah. You should learn from as many people as possible. There are many people in the school who are talented. Learn from them and then maybe one day, you may even surpass me,” she quickly explained.


Soojung nodded slowly in understanding. “Okay.”


“Besides,” Sooyeon added on seriously. “Even though I’m not your Onee-chan, I will always be your Unnie.”


Soojung sniffled. She looked up gratefully at her sister and smiled. “You’re right. Thank you, Unnie.”


Sooyeon smiled back. “Good. Now come on. Let’s go back to our rooms. You still have to do that Illusions essay, right? Let your Unnie help you. I know Ryusaki Sensei is super strict.”


“Thank you Unnie,” Soojung mumbled again quietly but gratefully as they walked side by side to their dorms, her heart warm with the reassurance that she would always have her sister no matter what.




Krystal woke up with a start. Her hand and cheek was numb from where she fell asleep on it. The top of her head was hot from where the sun was shining down on her through the window. The sleeves of her robes were also slightly wet from her drool. Soojung picked up her head groggily.


It was midday and though the sun was bright, Krystal knew it was getting colder outside. Winter was nearing, which meant winter break was getting closer. Krystal mindlessly stared out the window with her head rested atop her hands on the small desk she occupied in the library. This particular seat gave her a clear view of the Bamboo Forest.


Unlike the Eternal Cherry Blossom Forest, rarely anyone went into the Bamboo Forest. They were warned as Wakai’s not to wander too far into the Bamboos by their Senseis. Occasionally, some daring student would venture into the unmapped territory. Those who were lucky, made it out; those who were not, did not, at least not unharmed or scarred in some way, shape or form. However, after what happened last year, Soojung doubted anyone would willinging venture into the Bamboo forest for a while. She knew she wasn’t planning on going back anytime soon.   


Her eyes stared at the forest, trying to see what was hidden in the darkness beyond the thickness of the Bamboos. It feeled as if the forest almost seemed to away the sunlight, appearing much darker than its surroundings. Or maybe that was just her imagination. But she never had a good feeling when it came to the Bamboo Forest.


“And what is the First Meijin thinking about so intently, may I ask?”


Krystal snapped her head up, eyes wide as she recognized the voice. “Sakai Sepai! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Soojung greeted the Sixth Meijin, her sister’s (former) Onee-san, with wide eyes.


Sakai Reina merely smiled politely before pointing at the unoccupied seat across Krystal’s. “May I join you?”


Krystal nodded and hastily moved her books and papers away to make room for Reina. She was doing some light reading on the theory of spiritual magic for her class when she fell asleep.


Sakai Reina sat down gracefully and looked out the window for a second before returning her attention back to Krystal, taking in a good look at the younger Jung. Krystal swore she saw her glance at the Bamboo Forest she was staring at just earlier. Under Reina’s sharp eyes, Krystal tried her best not to appear nervous.

Sakai Reina, sixth year, and now the sole person in the legendary elite Sora Clan was her sister’s Onee-san back when Jessica was still a student here at Mahoutokoro. But that wasn’t how Krystal knew her. No, the girl was practically famous throughout not just Mahoutokoro but also the Japanese wizarding world at the age of 16.


Sakai Reina was not only the Sixth Meijin but also one of the few students who boasted the achievement of a golden robe, which she achieved half way through her fifth year, making her one of the seven people in the entire school with a golden robe. She was also the current captain of the Dueling club and president of the Student Council. Reina was practically perfect. Not to mention, she was the Keeper on the Japan National Junior Quidditch team with Jessica that had won the last two world championships and was on its way to their third win.


Krystal eyed the older girl. She didn’t know what the older girl wanted with her. They’d never interacted much despite her sister being Reina’s Kohai. She has however, seen her own Onee-san, Sakuragi Rin, talking to Reina on quite a few occasions.


Krystal stayed quiet, letting Reina dictate how she wanted this conversation to go.


“Soojung-chan how are you?” Reina asked softly, surprising Krystal.


“I’m good, Senpai. How are you?” she asked back politely albeit a bit warily. She wondered how long they were going to beat around the bush.


“Busy, but you know how it is,” Reina gave a vague answer, clearly understating how busy she actually was given all her engagements. Krystal wondered briefly how the girl juggled it all, but then remembered her sister and Reina were the same type of person and then everything made sense.


Krystal still wasn’t getting an answer as to why Reina was here sitting in front of her and trying to talk to her, so she decided to be a bit more straightforward. She was never one for small talk. Carefully making sure her face didn’t give any nervousness away, she asked, “Senpai, you’re not here to just ask how I am, right?”


If Reina was surprised, she didn’t show it. Instead, her smile grew and amusement twinkled in her eyes as she replied, “And what if I was?”


Krystal didn’t have an answer for her, so she opted to just staring at her upperclassman. “Well,” she mumbled after a few seconds of awkward silence when Reina didn’t continue. “Here I am.”


Reina chuckled lightly surprising Krystal. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen her laugh. Jessica used to complain to her about how unbreakable Reina’s facade was most of the time, controlled, practiced, and well executed.


“Sorry, it’s just, you’re the only thing left of her here, you know?” Reina’s voice came out softly, almost vulnerably.


Krystal stiffened. She swallowed painfully before nodding once. She definitely didn’t expect the girl to bring up her sister. The fact that she did, threw Krystal for a loop. One glance at Reina’s eyes and Krystal could tell the girl was hurting. Krystal didn’t know why she was surprised to find that Reina missed her sister, missed Sooyeon, but she was.


For a split second, Krystal felt the urge to tell Reina everything. She wanted to tell her that Jessica, no, Sooyeon, was alive and fine and reassure the girl that her beloved Kohai was not dead like everyone believed, just in hiding in Europe.


But no. She couldn’t expose her sister’s whereabouts. Krystal inhaled shakily. She couldn’t risk it. No one could know.


That night, one year ago in the spring, both Nana and Sooyeon died into the Bamboo Forest. She was the only one that made it out alive. That was how the story went. That was what the official report said.


“I’m sorry,” Krystal frowned, feeling depressed even though she knew her Unnie was safe, safe halfway across the world away from everything that haunted her here.


Reina chuckled bitterly and once again Krystal was surprised at the amount of emotion the Sixth was displaying. She’d always heard and assumed that Sakai Reina was a stoic person, someone who was too good for emotions. When Krystal saw her at her sister’s and Nana’s funeral, Reina’s eyes were dry. She remembered feeling anger then. Did her sister’s Onee-chan not care for her sister? Did she have no emotion? She’d thought Reina was heartless, emotionless, untouchable. She’d thought wrongly.


She couldn’t blame her. After all, the girl lost both of her Kohai’s all in the blink of an eye.


“Why are you apologizing?” Reina chuckled amused, but Krystal could see the sadness laced deep inside her eyes.


“I...don’t know,” Krystal shrugged helplessly. She didn’t what to say to make Reina feel better. She knew the truth would cheer her up, but the truth was the one thing she was not allowed to tell.


“Senpai, you’re not harassing my Kohai now, are you?”


Krystal nearly sighed in relief as she heard her own Onee-san interrupting them. Sakuragi Rin, fourth year, Tsuchi Clan, red robes, and Chaser for the Tsuchis, stood next to the desk eyeing the two of them with an amused smile and crossed arms.


“Of course not,” Reina responded evenly. “Soojung-chan and I were just chatting.”

“I didn’t know you guys knew each other,”  Rin stated, glancing between the two of them.


Krystal and Reina exchanged a knowing glance before Reina responded.


“I was her sister’s Onee-san.” Krystal noticed the way Reina clenched her jaw as she spoke.


“Ah. Right,” Krystal saw her Onee-san falter in realization. “My apologies for both of your losses,” Rin spoke hastily, eyes cast downward in sympathy. The topic was still sensitive to everyone at Mahoutokoro. After all, two of the best second years died overnight. No one talked about it out loud, yet everyone whispered about it in the hallways and in between classes.


Reina dismissed it with a lazy wave. “No worries. But in a sense, that makes Soojung my Kohai as well, doesn’t it?” she smirked at Krystal, clearly trying to get a dig at Rin. “Since Sooyeon is my Kohai and Soojung is Sooyeon’s little sister.”


Krystal noticed that Reina was still using the present tense. For some reason, her heart ached more at that.


“No way, Sakai-senpai! Get your own Kohai’s. Soojung-chan is mine,” Rin pouted ruffling Krystal’s hair for fun. Krystal just sat there letting the two upperclassmen have their fun, but she noticed the split second in which Reina’s mask seemed to slip.


Normally, an upperclassman was assigned one or two underclassmen as their Kohai’s until the upperclassman graduated. In Reina’s case, after both of her Kohai’s died, she was offered to take up new ones but from what Krystal heard, the girl had refused.


‘No one can replace Sooyeon and Nana for me,’ Reina had stated firmly to Headmistress Ueno.


And though Krystal didn’t know Sakai Reina too well, she did admire the upperclassman’s loyalty to her sister.


Reina turned to Rin. “Did you need something?” she asked the current fourth year student.


“Ah yes!” Rin straightened up, remembering why she came in the first place. She turned towards her Kohai. “Soojung, it’s time for your training.”


“Ah right,” Krystal recalled. She started to pack up her things. Reina watched with a curious expression.


“What training?” she asked.


“Dueling,” Rin answered. “Since she’s only a first year, she’s not allowed to join the Dueling club. So she asked me to give her private lessons.”


Reina nodded appreciatively. “As expected of the First Meijin. If you ever need help, feel free to ask me. I’ll be happy to duel you,” she offered with a friendly smile.


Krystal felt herself pale despite the kind offer. Dueling with Reina? She’d heard enough stories from Jessica to know that dueling with Reina was like asking for a death sentence. She gulped. “Uh, thanks Senpai! That’s kind of you. I’ll keep that in mind. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She and Rin bowed, excusing themselves. Reina dismissed them with a simple nod of her head.





Krystal gulped in the air hungrily, trying her best to calm her breathing and slow down her heartbeat. She slowly circled the dueling platform, wand aimed at her Onee-san, Sakuragi Rin.


The two stared their opponent down, each challenging the other to start the next the bout. Krystal decided she wasn’t going to be the one to charge first this time. She had to conserve her energy otherwise she wouldn’t last much longer. There was a slight change in her Onee-san’s stance, and Krystal immediately went on the defense, shifting to her toes, ready to jump out of the way or cast a shield.


Rin flicked her wand up and from the end of it, fire burst out taking the shape of a dragon as it flew towards Krystal at a startling speed.


Cursing to herself as the powerful spell hurtled towards her, Krystal jumped to avoid getting burned to a crisp.


“You favor your right too much. Eight out of ten times you dodge to you right. Your opponent will use that to their advantage,” Rin stated with a small smirk and Krystal realized too late that Rin had her right where she wanted her. Her eyes widened at the incoming stunning spell she knew she wouldn’t be able to dodge. Rin had played her perfectly. Rin had specifically used a spell that she knew couldn’t be blocked by a mere shield charm, forcing Krystal to have no choice but dodge. She knew that if Krystal was forced to dodge, Krystal would most likely dodge to the right and without even waiting for Krystal to move first, she’d already aimed a stun spell exactly where Krystal would end up.


Bringing her hands up as a last minute resort, Krystal took the spell head on and immediately felt her limbs freeze as she lost control of her body and fell to the ground completely paralyzed.


“Oof,” she grunted as her face made contact with the hard floor. A familiar coppery taste of blood seeped onto her tongue. She’d bashed her teeth into her lips.


She heard Rin walk closer to her and release her from the stun spell but she made no move to get up. She continued lying flat on her stomach, face on the ground.


“Tired?” Rin asked gazing down at the sprawled form of her Kohai. She approached the beaten first year.  


Krystal hummed before forcing herself to sit up, ignoring the aching protests of her body. She stared up defiantly at her Onee-san.


“One more time,” she huffed, picking up her discarded wand.


Rin eyed Krystal with concern, taking in her bruised and battered state. They’d dueled over twenty rounds at this point and each time, Krystal had ended up on the floor. “Why don’t you rest for today and we can continue tomorrow when you’re better rested. I think this is enough for one day.”


Krystal twitched in protest, but she knew the limits of her body. Nodding, Krystal relaxed and fell back to the ground. She groaned in pain. Her shoulder ached and her face still hurt from when she landed on it. But the frustration masked any pain she was feeling. She wanted to get better yet she couldn’t even disarm her Onee-chan, not even once. She wasn’t improving at all.


She closed her eyes as she felt Rin ruffle her hair playfully. The gesture reminded her of her sister, and she fought back a pang of sadness. She missed her sister.


“Don’t push yourself too hard.” Krystal opened her eyes and saw Rin smiling down softly at her.


She closed her eye and groaned again bringing her arm over her eyes. “I have to get better.” She thought of her sister, of what had happened last year, of how useless she was. She couldn’t do anything back then. She was helpless. She didn’t want to be helpless anymore.. “I need to get better.”


Rin pursed her lips. She was worried for Krystal. She didn’t want the girl to keep pushing herself to the brink of burning out.


“You’re already plenty good,” Rin commented, hoping it would cheer Krystal up. She ran a hand through Krystal’s hair. Krystal hummed in content at the soothing gesture.  


“I’m not good enough,” Krystal retorted quietly. “I didn’t beat you once today.”


Rin shrugged. “I’m a fourth year in the dueling club and pretty well ranked in my Clan. I have more experience than you. It’s natural. You may be a Meijin, but you’re only a first year student. I have four years on you.”


Krystal huffed. “It I can’t join the club until next year.”


“If it helps, you’re already much better than most of the second years and some of the third years in the club,” Rin offered. “You could probably beat some of the fourth years too.”


“But I can’t beat you,” Krystal mumbled into her arm.


Rin laughed. “Not yet no.”


Krystal perked up. “Yet. You said yet.”


Rin raised an eyebrow as she retracted her hand from Krystal’s hair. Instead, she laid it in her lap.


Krystal felt herself smiling. “You think I can beat you one day?”


Rin shrugged. “Maybe one day,” she confessed before smirking. “But that day’s still far away. Don’t forget you couldn’t even touch me today.”


Krystal groaned again. For a minute or so, they just sat there, each lost in their own thoughts, both exhausted from their training.


“Hey,” Krystal mumbled quietly, breaking the silence.


Rin hummed in acknowledgement as she mindlessly picked at the lint on her red robes.


“Tell me about the Clans.”


Rin looked over at her Kohai who looked lost in thought.


“What? Is someone anxious about the Choosing?” she teased, laughing as Krystal scowled in response. “Let’s see,” she pondered, turning to face the ceiling as she thought of her answer. “As you know Tsuchi means earth which represents stability, confidence, and loyalty. People in Tsuchi are hard workers. We never give up. We never back down from failure.”


“I can see that,” Krystal muttered. “I can see why you’re in Tsuchi.”


“Oh yeah?” Amusement twinkled in Rin’s eyes. “Why’s that?”


“You’re stubborn, Onee-san,” Krystal deadpanned. Rin burst out laughing.


“Can’t deny that,” Rin shrugged. “The Mizu Clan, or the Water Clan, are known for their adaptability, and flexibility.  The Kaze represent the wind and are known for their open mindedness, compassion, and carefreeness as well as elusiveness. The Ka, or Fire Clan, are motivated, outgoing, passionate people who are driven,” Rin explained.


Krystal just nodded. She already knew all that. Yet, she was having trouble picking one.


“Can I ask something else?” Krystal asked sounding more timid in contrast to her previous bold statement.


“What is it?” Rin smiled.


“How did you feel when Sakuragi Ran Senpai got chosen into the Mizu Clan?”


“Ahh,” Rin turned away as she got a faraway look in her eye. “Ran and I are different. We may be twins, but personality wise, we’re pretty much opposites. I’m stubborn. She’s not. I like to be present. She tends to be a little more absent minded. While I am like the rock, solid and stable, Ran is like the water, always moving, always changing. She’s carefree and flexible.”


Rin paused, taking a breath. “When we were chosen into different Clans, I was a little disappointed. I’m not going to lie. I was hoping we could be in the same Clan. It only made sense since I grew up with her always by my side. But,” Rin turned to look at Krystal. “It didn’t really matter what clans we were chosen into. We’re still sisters, twins. Nothing was going to change that.”


Krystal hummed, thinking back to the dream she’d had only a few hours ago, the memories of her sister and her where her sister had promised the same thing. Nothing was going to change between them. They would always be sisters. They would always be together.


“So, indulge your Onee-san and tell me which Clan you want to get sorted into,” Rin grinned.


Krystal snorted. “Does it matter what I want? It’s all already determined anyways.”


Rin regarded Krystal with an raised eyebrow.


“It matters Soojung-chan. What you want always matters.”


Krystal didn’t answer. She mulled over the last words of her Onee-san, repeating them to herself over and over again.


She knew however, that what she wanted, wouldn’t be granted.





Unnie, how are you? It’s getting colder now. Winter is coming. I bet it’s cold over there too, huh? I wish you could come back during winter break, but Umma and Appa said that wouldn’t be smart. I’m sure they already told you the same thing. I miss you so much. Mahoutokoro isn’t the same without you. Nothing really is.


Funnily enough, I ran into your Onee-chan, Sakai Reina Senpai, today. Well more like she found me. She misses you too. She offered to teach me how to duel but I’m a little hesitant. Haha. You used to tell me how much you struggled against her. I don’t think I can take her. At least not yet.


Speaking of dueling, I’m taking private classes with my Onee-chan now. You remember my Onee-chan right? Sakuragi Rin Senpai. She is a year above you. She has an identical twin sister named Ran. Anyways, she’s also really good at dueling. She’s ranked top ten in the Tsuchi Clan. We dueled over twenty times today. I didn’t beat her a single time. TT But don’t worry! I’ll beat her sometime in the future. I’m training hard.


The Choosing ceremony is coming up. I’m a little nervous. I hope I end up happy with whatever happens. Umma keeps telling me not to worry, but I can’t help it. Will you watch the ceremony? I might be a little less nervous if I knew you were watching my back like you always did.


Love, your beloved younger sister,

Krystal <3


Jessica reread the letter twice, thrice, four, five, six times. Again and again. Finally, she put the letter down. She knew her sister well. They were very similar. They both weren’t the type to say their feelings out loud very often and only really opened up to each other. That’s why she was worried. She knew Krystal was not dealing well with her absence. Her sister would always try to put on a brave front but Jessica could always see right through her.


She read the letter multiple times, making sure that she got everything that Krystal wanted to tell her, even the things that she couldn’t or didn’t write down. She would read the black and white, and then read the lines in between.


She felt herself turn nostalgic, which always happens everytime she got a letter from her sister. Past memories suddenly rushed back.

Sakai Reina, the Trials, the Choosing - there was never a boring moment in Mahoutokoro.




Next chapter  - a little more into Jessica's past

It should be updated in a couple of days





OC Guide

Sakai Reina

  • Year 6
  • Gold Robes
  • Sixth Meijin
  • Jessica's Onee-chan
  • Dueling Club President & Ace
  • Keeper of Japan's Junior National Quidditch Team (two time world champion)
  • Student Council President

Ibaraki Chiho

  • Year 6
  • Reina's friend
  • Jessica's and Nana's de-facto Onee-chan

Sakuragi Rin

  • Year 4
  • Red Robes
  • Tsuchi Clan
  • Dueling Club member
  • Krystal's Onee-chan

Sakuragi Ran

  • Year 4
  • Mizu Clan
  • Rin's twin sister

Kaga Sensei

  • Head of Dueling Club

Ryusaki Sensei

  • Illusions teacher at Mahoutokoro

Ueno Headmistress

  • Headmistress of Mahoutokoro


Robe Color Order

  1. pink
  2. orange
  3. green
  4. blue
  5. red
  6. silver
  7. purple
  8. gold


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭