The Pride of a Seeker

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Woah, two updates in a week? What is going on?

Not proofread yet so excuse any errors. 



Jessica was in the middle of adding the spines of lionfishes into her Wiggenweld potion when a giant origami eagle flew inside the Potions classroom from under the door. There was a collective gasp as everyone watched the paper bird fly elegantly towards the unsuspecting blonde. It wasn’t until she realized everyone else had stopped moving that Jessica looked up and noticed the eagle perched atop her textbook peering expectantly at her.


She glanced around at the rest of the classroom before quickly tapping the messenger origami bird with her wand. It instantly unfolded itself into a flat piece of bamboo parchment covered in Korean calligraphy. Before she could read its contents, Professor Slughorn spoke up from the front of the classroom.


“The appropriate time for mail and packages is in the morning during breakfast,” said Professor Slughorn eyeing previously bird shaped paper. “Though your methods of delivery may be less than conventional, see to it that you follow the rules, Ms. Jung.”


“Sorry Professor. It won’t happen again,” Jessica bowed her head slightly, trying to look every bit the remorseful student but in reality she was quickly scanning the contents of the letter using her hair as a barrier.


Satisfied, Professor Slughorn nodded at her and then turned back to the class, waving his sleeve. “Proceed with your potion brewing.” Instantly, the students snapped back to work.


Jessica looked up and quickly shoved the letter into the inside pocket of her robes. She then continued adding lionfish spines into her cauldron like nothing had happened. Yuri slid in closer next to her.


“Did your dad finally reply?” Yuri asked, keeping her voice low in case she got caught by the Professor. Jessica nodded at the question, her hands now busy with handling flobberworm mucus.


“And?” Yuri prodded, forgetting her potion entirely in her curiosity.


“He sent over the list of everyone’s who’s visited Japan in the last three months,” Jessica answered. “We can cross check the two lists later on.” Her eyes flickered over to the raven haired girl’s cauldron which was starting to bubble.


“Yah! Turn down the heat. You’re going to overheat the salamander blood,” Jessica instructed as Yuri scrambled to reduce the heat on her cauldron but the bubbling wouldn’t stop.


“It’s too late! Take cover!” Yuri screamed as she tried to find something, anything, to cover her cauldron. “It’s going to blow!” she yelled as she gave up. Instead, she dramatically fell to the ground and ducked for cover.


“Aish!” Jessica swore under her breath as she quickly conjured up a shield charm around her and her cauldron. She wasn’t about to fail Potions just because her deskmate was an absolute clutz.




There was a moment of silence until an angry shout ripped through the silence of the dungeon. “YURI KWON!!! Twenty points from Slytherin!”


Yuri could only smile sheepishly at Slughorn as Jessica shook her head. Three desks in front of them, Sooyoung was trying her best not to laugh while Seohyun shot a very displeased frown at the troublemaker. The other Slytherins were also glaring at the girl. Yuri had been costing them a lot of house points.


“Detention tomorrow Ms. Kwon,” Slughorn declared sternly. “You will be re-making the Wiggenweld potion until you have mastered it. This is the third time you’ve blown up your cauldron and we’re barely two months into the school year. This cannot keep happening.”


“But tomorrow is Saturday!” Yuri protested with dread.


Slughorn leveled his gaze expectantly on Yuri. “And?”


“And the Quidditch match against Gryffindor is tomorrow!” Yuri whined with teary eyes. “I can’t miss that!”


“Well then looks like Slytherin will have to find another Seeker then, won’t they?” Slughorn responded firmly despite being the head of the Slytherin House. “I will see you early morning, Ms. Kwon. Make sure to bring a new cauldron.” He then addressed the rest of the class. “Clean up your materials. Those of you who got splattered with the potion go to the Infirmary. Everyone else, class dismissed.”





“I can’t believe he’s making me miss the game!” Yuri wailed as soon as they left Potions. She had to stay behind to clean up the mess she made. Jessica -  and surprisingly Seohyun, and Sooyoung as well - all stayed behind to help the poor girl out.


“I would’ve just failed you on the spot and put you back in class with the second years,” Seohyun remarked in that characteristically blunt way of hers causing Sooyoung to snort into laughter. Yuri shot the youngest girl a betrayed look.


“I’m not THAT bad! I was distracted!” Yuri insisted with a pout. She turned to Jessica. “Which reminds me, should we cross check the list now?” she asked, still teary eyed.


“Oh, did your father finally respond?” Seohyun asked the blonde, connecting the dots between the blue origami eagle that interrupted class and the implication of Yuri’s words.


Jessica nodded. “We should get everyone together.”

“We can meet in the Room of Requirements after lunch. Sooyoung and I have History of Magic with the Gryffindors now so we can update them,” said Seohyun.


“Yeah, I’m probably not going to go to class so you can just tell them,” Sooyoung shrugged as Seohyun shot her a disapproving glare at her lax behaviour. “What? History is soooo boring. I’d rather watch water currents than go to lecture.”


Ignoring Sooyoung Jessica addressed Seohyun. “Yuri and I have a free period right now so I can send mini origami messenger birds to the rest of the group telling them to meet up, but we should really have a more efficient way of communicating in case something happens.”


“I don’t have a free period anymore,” Yuri sulked to herself. “I have to find a replacement Seeker and fast.”

“Oh! I can think of something that might work actually,” Sooyoung responded to Jessica causing Seohyun to stare at her in disbelief.


“I can!” Sooyoung insisted indignantly. “Just give me a week or two.”


“We’ll leave it to you then,” Jessica concluded and dragged the still despairing Yuri with her as they went their separate ways.





Two hours later, the two Slytherins made their way up to the Room of Requirement.


“You have to help me,” Yuri begged the blonde.


“No,” Jessica denied immediately.


“Please! Jaejoong will kill me! Not to mention our entire House already hate me for losing them so many points. If I cost them the Quidditch Cup too…”


“Just find somebody else,” Jessica mumbled, her eyes wandering randomly as they climbed up the numerous flights of stairs.


“There is no one else!” Yuri protested as she grabbed the blonde’s hand.


“You haven’t even looked,” Jessica snatched her hand back and sent Yuri a glare. As she did so she noticed a quick movement in the corner of her eye. Was that a cat she just saw?


“I have!” Yuri insisted. “But they’re all terrible. We’d be better off playing without a Seeker.”


“Then just do that,” Jessica responded, not giving a single ounce of care.


“But that’s an automatic forfeit!” Yuri cried in despair.


By the time Yuri and Jessica made their way to the designated meeting spot, they were not the first ones to arrive. The three Gryffindors looked up as the door to the Room of Requirements opened. Jessica immediately felt Taeyeon’s gaze on her as soon as she entered and tried her best not to look back. Meanwhile, Hyoyeon immediately smirked after seeing the new arrivals.


“Heard you’re sitting out the match this weekend,” she taunted. “Did you finally realize you were no match for us so you got detention to save yourself from a humiliating defeat?”


“Bugger off,” Yuri growled, already pouty that she wasn’t going to be able to play. She plopped herself into the nearest chair and crossed her arms sulking. Jessica patted her head sympathetically.


“Looks like we’re going to win the Cup for the fourth year in a row after all,” Hyoyeon bluffed. “And here I was hoping for a challenge at least. It’s not as fun when they’re just basically handing us the Cup.”


“Hyo, stop it,” Tiffany chided her friend lightly. She could tell Yuri was feeling really down and she knew that Hyoyeon sometimes could really be tactless.

“Don’t be so sure of that,” Yuri growled in response, ticked off by Hyoyeon’s teasing. “Slytherin is still going to crush you guys this weekend. I’ll make sure of it,” she declared confidently.


Her piercing eyes flew to Taeyeon who met the glare with a calm expression. “I’ll find a replacement Seeker who even you can’t beat.” Taeyeon merely raised her eyebrow as a challenge.


Before anyone could say anything else the door opened again.


“The Puffs are here!” Tiffany beamed brightly, grateful for the interruption.


“What’s with this weird atmosphere?” Sunny asked as soon as she stepped in. She surveyed the faces in the room. “Did something happen?”


Tiffany increased the intensity of her smile. “No, of course not. We were just discussing our weekend plans, right guys?” she asked with a hint of forcefulness hidden under her tone. Everyone received the message loud and clear. Drop the petty argument or face the wrath of Hellfany. To her credit, Hyoyeon kept shut, too fearful of HellFany to say another word.


“Okay then,” Sunny drawled, still not believing that nothing happened but deciding to move on anyways. “Where are Seohyun and Sooyoung? It’s unusual for Seohyun to be late. I expected her to be the first one here.”


“We’re here,” Seohyun announced as the door opened once more. Sooyoung trailed in behind her. “My apologies for being late, Unnies. I was trying to wake this one up.”


Sooyoung merely grunted sleepily in response as she took a seat ungracefully on the sofa next to Tiffany.


“Okay, now that we’re all here,” Tiffany clapped her hands together as she looked towards Jessica. “I have the original list we found here,” she said, pulling it out of her bag and placing it on the table so everyone could see.

Jessica walked towards the table and pulled out the folded bamboo sheet from within robes. She quickly unfolded it and placed it next original list so that they were side by side. The nine girls all quietly crowded around the table to get a closer look. After a few seconds Tiffany spoke up.


“All of the names match,” she stated, slightly horrified.


“Then it’s definitely not a coincidence,” Yoona concluded equally as spooked. Sooyoung fought back a shiver that ran down her spine.


“But why?” Taeyeon asked frowning. “Why would McGonagall have a copy of this list in her office?”


“Speaking of which, do you think she ever realized it was missing?” Sunny asked.


“I hope not,” Seohyun frowned. “Otherwise she’d know someone broke into her office.”


“Well even if she did know, there’s no way she’d be able to tell it was us,” Hyoyeon stated confidently. “Otherwise she’d already have called us out on it, right?”


‘Oh she definitely knows,’ Jessica thought back to the black cat she saw on the stairways coming here. But if she told anyone about it, they’ll probably all want to stop, especially Seohyun. Besides, it’s not like McGonagall confronted them either despite having the knowledge to do so. She briefly wondered how the Headmistress found out. It was most likely that a portrait tattled on them.


“Jessi,” Tiffany called.  Jessica looked up at the redhead.


“What do you think this means?” she asked, nodding to the two lists.


Jessica hummed, lost in thought as she looked back down at the table. What did it mean? Did it have any relation to the other message McGonagall received? Did the Japanese Ministry of Magic have any role in this? Was this even related to what happened to her back at Mahoutokoro?


Jessica shook her head. Everything was too complicated.


“I have no idea,” she admitted. “Do you think we should try to contact some of these people? Maybe they’ll have a clue?”


Taeyeon crossed her arms as she critically thought through the suggestion. “What would we even ask them though? Isn’t it a little weird? Besides, would they even respond? If a random Hogwarts student you’ve never even knew of sent you a letter, would you respond?”


Jessica looked up and for the first time upon entering this room, brown eyes clashed with brown eyes. There was a moment of silence as the two stared at each other and the others waited awkwardly sensing some sort of tension.


“You’re right,” Jessica finally spoke, breaking eye contact as she looked back down at the table. “Instead of contacting them directly, let’s just see what we can find out about these people through research. How old are they, what do they do for a living, are they married, do they have kids, are they pureblood, half blood or muggle born? Let’s see if we can find a pattern somehow.”


“That’s going to take a lot effort and a lot of the information’s going to be useless,” Taeyeon reminded. “We don’t even know what we’re looking for.”

Jessica raised her head back up again. “Exactly why we have to find everything we can.” There was another slight moment of silence. This time it was interrupted by Seohyun.


“I agree. Researching everything we can is our best course of action in this case. It’s the best approach when solving a problem a blindly,” Seohyun stated. “I can look into the library archives for old newspapers and see if any of them mention any of these people.”


Jessica turned to Seohyun and gave the girl a small grateful smile. “I can help.”


“We’ll all help,” Yoona chimed in. Tiffany nodded in agreement.


“Ugh, I hate reading,” Sooyoung grumbled into her arms.


“No you don’t,” Seohyun smirked. She’d seen Sooyoung plow through books when she thought no one was looking. The girl may be terrible at everything coursework related, but Seohyun knew that deep inside Sooyoung carried Ravenclaw qualities.


“Okay, correction. I hate reading boring things,” said Sooyoung stubbornly.


“If you help out, I’ll make sure to sneak in some of your favorite chocolate pastries from the kitchen the next time we meet,” Sunny offered.


Sooyoung turned to the girl with shining eyes before settling into a reluctant pout.

“Fine. You have yourself a deal. But they better be warm and fresh from the oven!”


“Please,” Sunny flicked her short hair. “Of course they’re going to be freshly made. Who do you think I am?”


“Well, looks like we’re done here. I’m out then. Still gotta practice for the match tomorrow. See you on the field Kwon!” Hyoyeon yelled over her shoulder as she sauntered to the exit. “Oh wait. I meant see you in the stands, hah!” she snickered, leaving the room.


Taeyeon followed her out silently while Tiffany bid everyone farewell first before hurrying after her friends.


“Why that little-” Yuri seethed. She whipped around to Jessica. “You have to help me beat them,” she demanded.


Jessica could only sigh as she saw the fire in her friend’s eyes.





“UP AND AT ‘EM!” Hyoyeon shouted as she mercilessly stole the covers from Tiffany and Taeyeon. Tiffany instantly recoiled into a ball at the sudden rush cold air hitting her skin.


“What the heck?” she mumbled sleepily, squinting through half shut eyes.


“Give me back my covers,” Taeyeon mumbled grumpily as her left arm wildly searched for her missing sheets.


“No can do. Y’all need to get up and get out of bed!” said Hyoyeon with way too much joy and excitement in her voice to be tolerable at the moment.


Deciding there was no fighting the inevitable, Tiffany sat up and put on her glasses. Running a hand through her tousled hair, she squinted at her way too hyper friend.


“Am I seeing things or did Hyoyeon voluntarily wake up early?” she commented in disbelief.


“Whyyy?” moaned Taeyeon, still unable to fight the sleep off her body.


“Wake up!” Hyoyeon snatched a pillow from her own bed and smacked Taeyeon’s still body. “We have a game to play today! We’re going to crush the snakes.”


“Yahhhhh. Stop it,” Taeyeon protested weakly, still having no energy in her body.


Hyoyeon huffed, throwing her pillow down and turning to Tiffany in half frustration. “I’m going down to breakfast. Make sure she wakes up before nine.” With that, she skipped out of their room.


Tiffany took one deep breath, looked at her best friend who was already back in dreamland, and laid back down on her bed, pulling the covers to her chin.


“Five more minutes,” she mumbled to no one and dozed off.





Hyoyeon made her merry way down to the Great Hall. She peeked inside and to her joy, found her target already there and enjoying her breakfast at the Slytherin table. Feeling more mischievous than usual, she made her way over.


“Well, well, well,” she smirked as she approached the raven haired Slytherin.


Yuri looked up from where she was seated next to Jessica. Instantly, a smirk donned her face.


Though Hyoyeon was quite a bit shaken to see Yuri so confident and not bawling, she tried her best not to show it.


“You look mighty cheerful for someone who has to serve detention today and has to miss out on the biggest Quidditch match of the year,” Hyoyeon taunted. She waited for Yuri’s face to fall. To her surprise and great confusion, it didn’t.


“And you look awfully happy for someone who’s about to lose the biggest Quidditch match of the year,” Yuri shot back, not backing down at all like what Hyoyeon expected.


Hyoyeon forced herself not to frown. “You talk big words for someone who can’t even play in the game.”


“And you talk big for someone who hasn’t even won yet,” Yuri countered, not faltering for even a second.


Meanwhile as the two bickered on, Jessica was sitting quietly in content, eating her english muffin and buttered eggs.


Finally, Hyoyeon stomped away in frustration that her taunts had no effect. Yuri turned to Jessica, grinning proudly.


“Hah! Shows her what’s right. I can’t believe she still thinks she can win,” Yuri commented, puffing out her chest in pride. “She has no idea what’s in store for her.”


“Just eat your bacon,” Jessica responded. “And don’t forget to bring your boom berry juice later on when you go to detention,” she reminded.


“Hmph, you’re no fun,” Yuri pouted as she heartedly took a big bite of bacon. “Still, I’m sad that I won’t be able to watch your first game.”





“Kwon! There you are!” Jaejoong exclaimed as the raven haired girl entered the Slytherin dressing rooms with Jessica in tow. The sixth year was nervously pacing back and forth between the lockers before their arrival. “Please tell me you found someone.”


Yuri grinned up at her captain. “I did.” She pulled Jessica forward by the robes.


Jaejoong eyed the girl. “Ah, I remember you. You’re the transfer student. You showed up at trials and sat in the stands,” he recalled before frowning. He looked over to Yuri in concern.


“She’s your replacement?” he asked worriedly. He quickly threw a glance at Jessica and hastily added, “No offense.”


“Yup,” Yuri grinned proudly, ignoring Jessica’s indignant raised eyebrow. “You can thank me later for finding such an awesome replacement after we win the game.”


“But,” Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrows. He refused to look the blonde in the eyes as he whispered to Yuri, “Isn’t she more of a Chaser material?”


Jessica rolled her eyes having heard enough. Seriously all this misidentification as a Chaser was starting to hurt her pride as a Seeker. She was a two time Junior Quidditch Champion for crying out loud.


“Trust me,” Yuri winked, patting her friend on the back. “She’s Seeker material.” Yuri had to try hard not to laugh at the miffed look on Jessica’s face as Jaejoong didn’t stop looking worried.


Though Jaejoong didn’t look convinced he had no other choice. “Alright. You know what to do right?” he asked Jessica anxiously, looking like he was ready to give a long rant about what a Seeker was, what their duty was, what strategies were good etc.


“Catch the snitch,” Jessica responded confidently as she strided into the locker room and began putting on a spare uniform.


Jaejoong watched her with nervous eyes. “Right. Yes. I mean that’s essentially it but-”


“Hey,” Yuri placed a comforting hand on his shoulder cutting him off. “Trust me. She’s good. Great even. You’ll see.”





“It’s super unfortunate that Yuri can’t play,” Tiffany pouted as she watched her two Quidditch friends warm up on the fields. The Gryffindor team was busy passing the Quaffle and doing exercises while the Slytherin team was nowhere to be seen.


She turned to the Hufflepuff sitting next to her. They’d never sat together at Quidditch games until now.


“I also can’t believe you’re wearing Slytherin colors,” she pouted. “Yuri’s not even playing.”


Yoona laughed at the adorable sight. “Isn’t that even more reason to root for them? I also felt bad. I saw her wearing Hufflepuff colors during the last match while sitting in the Gryffindor stands. Your housemates looked ready to eat her alive. Besides, Sunny was the one who wanted me to wear Slytherin colors. She wanted to root for them herself since her childhood friend is playing but she can’t since she has to be impartial as commentator so she asked me to do it instead.”


“Sunny has a childhood friend on the Slytherin team?” Tiffany questioned, wrinkling her eyebrows in response. “How come I’ve never heard of that? Who is it?”


Instead of giving a direct answer, Yoona just smiled mysteriously towards the field. “You’ll see.”





“Where is the Slytherin team?” Hyoyeon wondered out loud as she flew up next to Taeyeon in the air. “Do you think they couldn’t find a replacement Seeker in time and are forfeiting? That’ll be so boring.”


Taeyeon shrugged as her eyes scanned the field where the Slytherins were supposed to emerge from.


“Somehow I have a bad feeling about this game,” she muttered under her breath. Ever since she woke up this morning, something had felt off and she didn’t know what it was.


“What are you talking about?” Hyoyeon glanced at the brunette next to her. She’d never seen Taeyeon nervous for a Quidditch match before. “Who in this school could out fly you as a Seeker? You don’t have to worry about anything. Whoever they choose, you’re still going to be the one catching the snitch,” Hyoyeon stated confidently.


Taeyeon shook her head. “It’s probably nothing.”


Hyoyeon frowned. Whatever was bothering Taeyeon was quite serious it seemed. However, before she could get any more encouraging words in, Madam Hooch sounded the whistle.


Five minutes until game time.


“You got this. Just do what you usually do,” said Hyoyeon as she flew towards the ground where the rest of the Gryffindor team was meeting up.


Taeyeon watched her fly away with a slight frown before following. The Slytherin team still hadn’t shown up yet and that only caused her stomach to churn more.





The Gryffindor team dawdled around for three more minutes until finally, figures started to emerge from the Slytherin end of the pitch. Immediately, half the school erupted into cheers.


Still apprehensive, Taeyeon craned her neck to see the players. Her eyes scanned from one familiar player to next. Had they really not found a replacement Seeker in time? Were they going to forfeit after all? All these questions ran through her mind until finally, her eyes landed on an unfamiliar yet familiar figure.


Taeyeon sighed.


Of course it was her.


It seemed her gut instinct was right after all.


She watched the Slytherin team walk up to meet them on the field. As they neared, she walked to take her position across the replacement Slytherin Seeker.


“I see you’re the new Slytherin seeker,” Taeyeon nodded coolly to the blonde in front of her, trying to appear unaffected.


Jessica regarded Taeyeon for a moment before giving a curt response. “Just for today.”


There was another prolonged stretch of silence and intense eye contact as Madam Hooch went over the rules. When she was done, she blew her whistle as a sign for players to mount their brooms.


“Good luck,” Jessica’s clear voice cut over the space between them causing Taeyeon to look up. She squinted slightly at the blonde, but Jessica didn’t seem to hold any malicious intent at all.


Taeyeon could nod in response, not able to find it within herself to return those words. Almost as if by habit, she turned her head to the Gryffindor stands where she knew a mushroom would be watching and cheering. And indeed, on the third row stood a Tiffany Hwang waving her arms excitedly and cheering at the top of lungs, probably to the expense of everyone that sat near her.


Taeyeon turned her head back to her opponent and was surprised to see Jessica looking in the same direction as she was before turning back so their gazes met once again.


Taeyeon shoved the bitterness down .


Madam Hooch blew her whistle and Taeyeon stomped the ground hard, shooting up into the air.


She would win this game. She would show this Japanese witch who was the better seeker.





“And we are off!” Sunny announced excitedly into the microphone. “It’s the annual Slytherin versus Gryffindor match and as we all know about the rivalry between these two houses, I’m sure we can expect a great match today!”


“Unfortunately, Slytherin Seeker Kwon Yuri is unable to play today but no worries. My very good childhood friend and amazing Quidditch player Jessica Jung will be replacing her today so the Slytherin team is in good hands!” Sunny commented cheerfully.


“She really is terrible at being impartial,” Tiffany remarked with a chuckle.


“She hasn’t even started,” Yoona grinned. “But Madam Hooch has a soft spot for her so she’s safe. Otherwise she would’ve lost the job years ago.”


“Captain of the Gryffindor team, Seventh Year Choi Siwon gets first possession of the Quaffle. He passes to Gong who quickly passes it back to Choi. Wow look at this seamless teamwork. Choi has possession of the Quaffle and is nearing the goals. Will Kim Yesung be able to block his shot?” Sunny commentated, building up the anticipation for those watching. “Choi shoots! And it’s just outside of Kim’s reach! The Gryffindors draw first blood. 10 points to Gryffindor.”


“WOOOOO!” Tiffany cheered, pumping her fist into the air.


“Slytherin Captain, Kim Jaejoong responds by taking possession of the Quaffle and singlehandedly zooming down the pitch towards Keeper Bae. And he scores! That’s 10 points to Slytherin. The game is evenly matched!”


“Gryffindor Chaser Lee Eunhyuk has the Quaffle. But ooh! A well aimed shot from Beater Kim makes him drop the Quaffle right into Chaser Minho’s hands. Minho is going for the goal but the three Gryffindor Chasers trap him in a pincer move executing a textbook example of the Parkin’s Pincer!” Sunny gasped into the microphone. “Gong gets the Quaffle and it soars right past the Slytherin Keeper! That’s another 10 points for Gryffindor!”


The Gryffindor stand exploded in cheers as they started singing “Four time champions. Four time champions.”


Way up above the field and the rest of the players, Jessica idly hovered in the air, her eyes searching for any sign of the golden snitch. Across the pitch from her Taeyeon was doing the exact same thing.


Twenty minutes passed and the score was now 50 - 20 with the Gryffindors in lead. It'd been a long time since Jessica last played Quidditch. Feeling the breeze through her hair, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of content even if her team was losing. She watched the game progress for a few minutes more before she got bored. Since this was her first game in a year and her only game ever at Hogwarts, she deserved to have a little fun, right? Adrenaline pumping and feeling a little playful, Jessica dived into the midst of the game. From across the pitch, her opponent Seeker watched with confusion before hurriedly diving after her.


“Jung is taking a dive!” Sunny caught on to the movement quickly. “Has she seen the snitch?  Kim is following behind her but there’s too much of a distance. Is this the end of the match?”


Everyone watched with bated breath as they waited for blonde’s next moves.


Jessica however couldn’t help but smirk. She was about to show everyone how exactly she lead her team to the championships twice in a row, why she was called the golden Seeker back in the day.


The Gryffindor beaters quickly hit the bludger toward her hoping to get her off her path however she dodged them easily. Meanwhile, her distraction was enough for the Slytherins to score a point.


“10 points to Slytherin! Jung is still flying. It doesn’t seem like the snitch is out? What is she doing?” Sunny commentated, just as confused as everyone else. They were all trying to guess what the blonde was after. 


Jessica glanced behind her and was not surprised to see Taeyeon’s determined face tailing her.


‘First rule in being a Seeker is to never be the tailer. You’ll never catch anything that way,’ she thought to herself.


“Gryffindor’s Lee has the Quaffle but he passes it to Choi. Kim tries to block his path. Choi passes to Gong. But OH! What is this!? Just as Gong was going to catch the Quaffle, Jung flew by, causing her to miss the Quaffle. Slytherin Chaser Shim catches it instead and the Slytherins advance in a Hawkshed Attacking Formation. Shim raises his arm to shoot, wait no! He performs a reverse pass to his best friend and fellow classmate Kim and Kim scores! The score is now 50 - 40.”

It was the Slytherin’s turn to erupt into cheers.


‘What in Merlin’s beard is she doing?!’ Taeyeon cursed in her head as she continued following Jessica around on the pitch. ‘This way of playing is completely unheard of! I have never met a more annoying Quidditch player in my life!’


“Choi is about to score for the Gryffindor team but wait! Jung brushed the end of his broomstick with her own, throwing him off balance! The Quaffle lands safely inside Keeper Kim’s hands. He passes to Lee Minho who passes to Shim Changmin who passes it back to Minho. Meanwhile, Jung is continuing to cause disarray within the Gryffindor formation with her unconventional style of playing.”


The whistle blew, signaling that the Slytherins had scored another ten points.


“Unconventional maybe, but completely effective!” Sunny stated in shock. “In less than five minutes, Jung was able to even up the match once more with both teams at fifty!”


"Jessi is amazing," Tiffany breathed out in shock. Yoona turned to look at her and was struck by the look on Tiffany's face. The girl looked completely awe-struck as if Jessica was the color pink itself. "Oh bloody hell, she's perfect."


'Sounds like someone has a little crush,' Yoona smirked as Tiffany continued to utter phrases of wonder under her breath unaware that Yoona could hear everything. 


"I had no idea she could play like that," Tiffany mumbled to herself, still in shock of how amazing Jessica was at Quidditch. "I mean I knew she was good, but I didn't know she was that good."


Though Yoona didn't quite share the same 'I think in love' fangirl feelings as Tiffany felt, she couldn't help but agree with the redhead's words. 


"I've never seen anyone take control of a game like that," Yoona noted. "Her charisma, skill, talent, and strategy are all on a whole different level than everyone else." As a Quidditch player herself, she couldn't help but feel drawn into the commanding presence that Jessica seemed to ooze out of her tiny body. She was equally excited and terrified to play against the blonde in a match until she realized that the girl was just a replacement. 


'What a bummer,' Yoona thought. She would've liked to experience going against that force of nature. 


The rest of the match continued on like this with Jessica causing the Gryffindors much confusion and the Slytherins scoring endlessly one after the other.


After another hour of playing the score was a sad 170 - 80 with Slytherin in the lead.


‘It’s around time for the snitch to come out now,’ Jessica thought as she took a breather in messing with the Gryffindor ranks. She quickly scanned the pitch and immediately noticed a golden glint near the ground.


She smirked. ‘Gotcha.’


Without another thought, Jessica dived and was slightly surprised that Taeyeon didn’t even bother following her this time.


“Jung dives again. What is she up to now?” Sunny commented with relaxed humor before her eyes caught a flash of gold where Jessica was headed. “Wait a minute!” She stood up excitedly. “It’s the snitch! Jung has seen the snitch and is diving for it! Where on earth is Kim?”


By the time Taeyeon realized Jessica had seen the snitch for real this time, it was far too late. Jessica easily chased down the snitch and scooped it up as she pulled out of a literal ninety degree dive seconds before she hit the the ground like it was nothing.  


"JESSICA JUNG CATCHES THE SNITCH! THE MATCH IS OVER! SLYTHERINS WIN BY A BLOODY HELL LOT! THE GRYFFIDNORS DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE! THAT'S MY CHILDHOOD BESTIE! GO JUNG! GO JUNG! GO JUNG!" Sunny chanted unabashedly into the microphone as she jumped up and down inside the commentator's booth. 


The cheers from the Slytherin stands were so loud, they drowned out the sound of Madam Hooch’s whistle signaling the end of the game.


The Slytherins won.


320 - 80.


It was an overwhelming victory and an entirely humiliating defeat. 


AN:  A little bit of plot development, and a little bit of fluff. What do people think of this chapter? I don't know why but something felt off writing it. Lemme know if you sense it too. Maybe it's just me. 

Please leave a comment or upvote! <3 


A few notes regarding Quidditch:

I've searched and I've searched but no where on the internet or in the books does it say a Seeker cannot touch a Quaffle or score. And logically speaking, Quidditch games are known to go on for hours with the longest ones being 2 days I think. Does it really make sense for the Seekers to do basically nothing until the snitch comes out? Originally, I was going to have Jessica score some points despite being Seeker but that was too radical. LOL So instead I just made her mess with the Gryffindor team. I also used a few Quidditch terms which I will define for you here:


Parkin's Pincer
So named for the original members of the Wigtown Wanderers, who are reputed to have invented this move. Two Chasers, close in on an opposing Chaser and either side, while the third flies headlong towards him or her.


Hawkshead Attacking Formation
Chasers form an arrowhead pattern and fly together towards the gaol posts. Highly intimidating to opposing teams and effective in forcing the other players aside.


Reverse Pass 

One Chaser throws the Quaffle over his/her shoulder to another player, although maintaining accuracy is difficult.

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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭