To Fly, To Seek, To Win

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

“Wake up! We have charms in like ten minutes! And I actually like charms, so we are not skipping.”


Jessica felt Yuri shaking her shoulders and sleepily sat up.


“I can’t believe you slept through breakfast,” Yuri watched as Jessica groggily got out of bed, moving at a snail’s pace.


“Sleep before food,” was all Jessica mumbled before plopping back onto the bed, pulling her covers up to cover her chin, and going back to sleep.


“Oh no you don’t.” Yuri pulled out her wand. “Aguamenti.


Jessica spluttered indignantly as she was doused head to toe in water. “I’m up, I’m up!” She glared at Yuri. “That was so uncalled for.”


“Great,” Yuri grinned. "You're up." She dried the girl off with a spell. “Now hurry.”




Yuri and Jessica were the last ones to enter the classroom. As all eyes turned to them, Yuri muttered under her breath. “I didn’t know we were taking charms with the Gryffindors. So much for liking Charms.”


The layout of the desks in the classroom was split into two, with both halves facing each other. Gryffindors sat on the right side while Slytherin sat the left. The two houses stared each other down.


Jessica recognized the three girls from last night sitting at the front of the Gryffindor side. Only Tiffany seemed to acknowledge her, giving her a shy eye smile.


The two late students quickly took their seats in the first row so they sat across the room from the Gryffindor trio. Hyoyeon gave them both a nasty glare as they settled in. Yuri raised an eyebrow challengingly in response while Jessica didn't react.


“Today, we’ll be learning the seize and pull charm,” Professor Flitwick announced once the class was quiet. “It is a charm that creates a magical rope that can be used to either pull the castor towards an object or pull an object towards the castor. The incantation is like so: Carpe Retractum. Repeat after me, everyone. Carpe Retractum.”


The class repeated the incantation, making Flitwick beam. “Good, good. Now here’s the wand movement. It’s very simple. Yes, just like that. Good. Now try to grab the stationary in front of you and bring it to your desk using the spell.”


Instead of jumping directly into the task at hand, Jessica took a minute to just observe the students in the room. Yuri was having no trouble with the charm and like the prankster she was, was soon having fun stealing the stationary from the Gryffindor students just as they reached for it, putting her at the end of several angry glares. Jessica rolled her eyes. Leave it to Yuri to be so childish. 


Taeyeon also had no problem with the trouble. It was like child’s play to her. Tiffany and Hyoyeon seemed to have a harder time, both struggling to conjure up the magical rope.


Tiffany frowned at the feather pen in front of her that had not moved even a centimeter. “Carpe Retractum! Carpe Retractum!” she repeated and swung her wand around but could not get the feather to her.


Taeyeon looked over to the frustrated girl next to her. “Try making your wand movements a little sharper. There should be three distinct movements.” She demonstrated the movements slowly for Tiffany to mimic.


Tiffany, furrowed her brow and decided to give her best friend’s advice a try. “Carpe Retractum!


She beamed excitedly as a rope of light shot from her wand only to watch it miss the feather and grab the table across from her. The horror had just registered on her face when she suddenly got pulled towards the table and launched over her own table where she crash landed right into the Slytherin student, knocking them both onto the ground.


“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” Tiffany looked up, only to find herself mere centimeters away from the face of a very (pretty) familiar Slytherin. She froze.


Jessica glanced down at the flushed girl in her lap. “Um.”


“I’m so sorry!” Tiffany hurriedly tried to push herself off of the girl’s (soft) body only to hit her head on the table. “Owww~” She clutched her head in pain only to stop when she thought she heard a ghost of a giggle.


Jessica had covered with one hand, but Tiffany could tell from her eyes she was amused. Jessica was laughing at her.


Blushing profusely, Tiffany stood up (careful to avoid the table this time). She offered a hand to Jessica once she was steady on her feet and smiled when the girl accepted it.


“Sorry,” Tiffany mumbled again, her eyes refusing to look at the girl. ‘Gosh. That was so embarrassing! And it had to be her of all people, the girl who saved me last night from the wolves. Smooth, Stephanie, real smooth.’


“It’s okay.” Jessica bent down to pick up her chair before facing Tiffany. “Your aim was quite off though.”

Tiffany felt herself blushing even more. ‘Really though. The feather was like ten centimeters in front of me. How did I miss so badly?’


Tiffany felt a warm, gentle hand envelop her own and felt her cheeks go hot once more as she realized whose hand it was.


“You jerked your wand tip up at the end. Keep it aimed at the object, like this.” Jessica guided Tiffany’s hand through the movements. “Just like that. Now you try.”


Tiffany faced the feather dumbly. Truth be told, she was too busy thinking about Jessica’s hand on hers to focus on the movements. “U-uh. Can you show me one more time? I was a little distracted.” She gave her cutest and most flustered looking smile hoping Jessica would fall for her innocent girl act.


Jessica looked at Tiffany with slight amusement and wordlessly held her hand once more. She leaned in close and lowered her voice. “Don’t get distracted this time,” she said as she ran through the movements once more. 


Tiffany tried. Merlin’s did Tiffany try. But the sound of Jessica’s voice in her ear and the feeling of her breath on her neck definitely did not help her concentrate better.


Jessica pulled away. “I’m not showing you a third time,” the Slytherin remarked. Jessica wasn’t smiling, but Tiffany could tell from her eyes, she was teasing.


Tiffany faced the feather once more, more determined than ever to get the stupid thing to move.


“Carpe Retractum!”


The feather flew from the table into Tiffany’s hand. She turned to Jessica in amazement. “I did it!” Without thinking, she jumped onto the girl and latched her arms around the girl’s neck. “Thank you so much! You’re such a good teacher!”


After realizing what she was doing, Tiffany quickly separated them before Jessica could even react to the hug. With an endearing blush, she spoke a “Thanks Jessi,” grinned, and turned around to walk back to the Gryffindor section.


Jessica watched Tiffany leave only to meet Taeyeon’s eyes, which seemed like they were glaring straight at her.


“Oh boy.”


Jessica turned to see Yuri watching her with a pensive expression. “You caused quite a scene.”


Jessica frowned at what Yuri said. “What do you mean?” she asked only to realize everyone, Gryffindors, Slytherins, even Professor Flitwick, was watching her. A simple raised eyebrow from her and they all went back to practicing their spells.


Yuri regarded her friend once more before turning her attention back to the feather in front of her. “I doubt I need to tell you this and I know this may be hypocritical coming from me, but be careful who you hang out with.”


Jessica stayed silent, instead choosing to wonder why Taeyeon wouldn’t stop staring at her.




“Oh by the way,” Yuri started as they ate lunch. “What model was your broom yesterday?”


“Why?” Jessica answered absentmindedly, not even looking up from her food.


Last night, after the encounter with the Kodama, the girls were too tired to walk back to the castle. Instead, Taeyeon and Jessica helped summon their brooms and they flew back to the castle.


On their way back, the two groups didn’t say much. Jessica wanted to ask them what they knew about the Kodama and what they were doing in the forest, but the three girls kept their mouths shut. Likewise, Jessica and Yuri had kept their mouths shut as well.


If they weren’t willing to give information, then Jessica wasn’t going to give any away either.


Tiffany did however, frantically apologize for running away instead of helping out against the wolves but Jessica could’ve cared less. Nonetheless, Tiffany wouldn’t stop apologizing until Jessica forgave her, which Jessica reluctantly accepted.


Once they arrived back at the castle, they went their separate ways. Jessica was surprised to have run into them again so soon in the morning at Charms. 


“Was it a Nimbus?” Yuri asked curiously. “ was too smooth to be a Nimbus. Was it a Firebolt? It didn’t look like a Firebolt. I should know. I ride a Firebolt Supreme,” she muttered more to herself than Jessica.


Yuri frowned, thinking hard. “Aha! You’re from Mahoukotoro, so a Japanese brand then. Is it a Yajirushi? Like the ones the Japanese team rode at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup?”


Jessica turned to grin amusedly at her friend. “A fan of Quidditch, eh?”


Yuri smirked. “The biggest. So? Am I right?”


Jessica turned back to her food. “Nope. Nice guess though.”


Yuri ran her fingers through her hair. “Then what is it?” she asked utterly lost. 


Jessica smirked. “It’s a new model. The Chidori. It means ‘a thousand birds.’'


Yuri stared at Jessica. “That’s a stupid name," she remarked skeptically. 


Jessica grinned knowingly. “Wait ‘til you see it in action.”


Yuri gaped at the blonde. “You play?”


Jessica merely smirked in lieu of an answer.


“That’s it!” Yuri quickly gobbled down her food and chugged down the rest of her pumpkin juice. “We’re going to the pitch.”


“Wait, what-?”


Jessica struggled to keep the chicken from dropping from her fork as Yuri suddenly hauled her up to her feet.


"W-wait. My chicken!" Jessica struggled against Yuri's grip.


“Forget the chicken. Get your broom. We’re going to fly”





Yuri bounded excitedly towards the pitch only for her face to fall, her previously good mood completely ruined. “Of course the Gryffindors would have practice at this time. Damn. How did I forget?”


Seven maroon robed figures whizzed above them on their brooms. Jessica wanted to laugh when she saw Kim Taeyeon glaring at her from the skies.


Of course, she would be here.


In the past three days Jessica had been at school she’d already run into Taeyeon four times now. A girl suddenly flew up next to Taeyeon and whispered something to her before glaring down at Yuri and Jessica. It was Hyoyeon.


Jessica then spotted Tiffany on the ground around thirty meters away. The girl had apparently been watching her friends practice.


Hyoyeon descended from the air until she was hovering right above Yuri and Jessica. Tiffany, seeing that her friend was probably up to no good again, instantly started running over.


“What are you doing here, Kwon? Here to spy on us?” Hyoyeon taunted.


Yuri rolled her eyes disdainfully as her grip on her broom tightened. “As if we need to spy on the likes of you.”


Hyoyeon was not one to back down so easily. “Oh really? And which house was it that won three straight Quidditch Cups in a row and are on their way to a fourth?” Hyoyeon gibed. “Oh that’s right. The Gryffindors! You guys haven’t won a single match against us in five years.”


“Hyoyeon, watch it,” Tiffany shot the girl a disapproving look as she arrived just in time to hear that jab.


Yuri glared at the arrogant Gryffindor and almost took off on her broom, ready to give Hyoyeon a thrashing in the air if it weren’t for Jessica’s hand on her shoulder, stopping her from doing anything too rash.


“You’re an inferior seeker. You have no chance against Taeyeon. Give up,” Hyoyeon scoffed as she flew back to Taeyeon. Jessica let her eyes wander up to Taeyeon who seemed to have not once taken her eyes off of her since they stepped foot in the pitch. Her expression was the same as usual, distant and emotionless.


Yuri fumed next to Jessica. “This year for sure…” she muttered under her breath. And suddenly, she was in the air. Jessica didn’t even have to time to register when Yuri mounted her broom. The girl was already flying towards the Gryffindor team.


‘Oh no. Yuri has lost it.’


To Jessica, Yuri was usually very calm and collected and took in all the glares she received from her so called classmates with ease and indifference. That’s what she had initially liked about Yuri, the fact that she didn’t care about others. ‘Because I used to care a little too much.’


Jessica had to make sure Yuri doesn’t do something stupid. She mounted her broom.


“Please don’t do anything rash.”


Jessica turned to look at Tiffany who had just spoken with a small frown on her face. Jessica shook her head. “Only if those idiots cooperate.” She quickly took off.


Jessica watched as Yuri disrupted the Gryffindor’s practice, challenging them to a showdown.


“I challenge you, to a match, right now,” Yuri stated with all her seriousness as she stared at the captain of Gryffindor’s team, Choi Siwon.


“You’re kidding, right?” Siwon looked amused, which only made Yuri angrier.


“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Yuri growled.


“It’s seven against one,” Siwon tried to reason out.




Jessica raised an eyebrow. ‘Two? She isn’t about to drag me into this, is she?’  She looked around. There was no one else here. ‘Ugh, she’s dragging me into it.’


“Two?” Siwon repeated, growing more amused by the second.


“Yeah,” Yuri affirmed defiantly. She flew next to Jessica and raised the girl’s hand. “Jessica and I will take all of you on.”


“What are you doing?” Jessica hissed under her breath to the other Slytherin girl. She was not amused at how things were playing out. 


“You said you played, didn’t you?” Yuri hissed back.


“Yeah, but-”


Yuri cut her off. “Then we’ll be fine.”


‘No, we won’t!’  Jessica wanted to protest.


Siwon smirked. Maybe he could play things to his advantage. “How about we play a little two on two game then?”


“First to catch the snitch or score ten goals, wins,” Siwon elaborated. “No bludgers. Just the quaffle and the snitch. Both players may score using the quaffle and both players may catch the snitch. Both players may also block their respective hoops. We will only be using the middle hoop.”


Yuri narrowed her eyes at the weird rules but eventually relented. She was a good flier. This could be used to her advantage. She could help Jessica score and catch the snitch. “Fine.”


Siwon smiled widely. “Great. Let’s see, who shall play then?” He looked around at the team. “Kim Taeyeon. It’s only fair considering you are also a seeker.”


Taeyeon gave no acknowledgement except a small nod of the head.


“I’ll play.” Hyoyeon raised her hand. Siwon shrugged. Normally he wouldn’t have allowed it, considering Hyoyeon was a beater and not a chaser, but there was the transfer girl on Yuri’s side. Siwon had no idea what position she played, let alone if she even played.


‘Besides, these girls really need to sort their grudges out.’


“I don’t see why not," Siwon voiced his approval. 


Yuri smirked. ‘Not only do I get a chance to show Hyoyeon up but…’ Her eyes wandered to her rival since they both became seekers in their first year. ‘Kim Taeyeon. I will not let you catch the snitch this time.’


Yuri flew up next to Jessica. “Don’t worry about the snitch. I’m a seeker, I can take care of that. Let’s try to get as many goals in as we can.”

Jessica looked hesitant. ”But-”


Siwon blew the whistle and the match started.

Taeyeon gained possession of the quaffle first. Yuri immediately flew to block her path, but Taeyeon deftly passed the ball to Hyoyeon.


Seeing that the goal was wide open, Hyoyeon grinned and threw the quaffle. Her smile was wiped off as Jessica suddenly appeared and hit the quaffle with the end of her broom. The rebound was caught by Yuri who quickly flew towards their opponent’s goal.


Unguarded, Yuri easily let the ball fly through the hoop.


“Ten points, Slytherin,” Tiffany, who was acting as referee, called out.


Yuri smirked at Hyoyeon. “Easy.”


“Don’t get too cocky, Kwon.” Hyoyeon dived straight for the hoop which was blocked by Jessica and feinted at the last moment, pretending to shoot but instead passed the ball to Taeyeon who shot the quaffle past Jessica and into the hoop.


"Ten points, Gryffindor," Tiffany announced. 


It was Hyoyeon’s turn to be smug. “Ready to lose?”


Yuri ignored her, grabbing the quaffle only to be flanked by both Hyoyeon and Taeyeon on either side. In her haste, she dropped the quaffle, which Jessica easily scooped up from below. Taeyeon and Hyoyeon quickly surrounded Jessica, expecting her to try to get through them. Instead, Jessica dove. Taeyeon followed.


Yuri watched with her jaws dropped as Jessica pulled herself up from the ground at literally the last possible second, only for Taeyeon to do the exact same maneuver.


‘She’s good.’ Jessica thought as Taeyeon was still hot on her tail.


Suddenly, Hyoyeon appeared in front of her, stopping her from reaching the hoops. Thinking fast, Jessica spun to a sudden halt, feinted and then threw the quaffle despite the huge distance between the hoop and her.


All three watched helplessly as it flew through the hoops easily.


“Dang! Nice shot! Were you a chaser?” Yuri asked excitedly as she flew towards the blonde.


“No,” Jessica flew past her to guard their hoop as the Gryffindors had next possession.


“You weren't? Then what were you?” Yuri asked to herself in confusion, spacing out in the middle of the match, and letting Taeyeon and Hyoyeon gang up on Jessica, scoring another point.


“It’s now twenty points each!” Tiffany announced.


The four girls went back and forth, flying across the fields at top speeds. Taeyeon and Jessica especially were too amazing to not watch. The two of them pulled off maneuver after maneuver, most of which should have been nearly impossible for third years.


“It’s now eighty to sixty. Gryffindors are ahead,” Tiffany announced.


Yuri gripped her handle. ‘Where was the damn snitch? If only the snitch would appear. I would’ve won this ages ago.’


Suddenly a glint of gold caught her attention. She pressed towards it. Unfortunately, Taeyeon had also spotted the snitch. The two were neck at neck chasing for the little ball as Jessica was left behind to keep Hyoyeon in check.


Yuri pressed up against Taeyeon, neither budging an inch. The snitch was right in front of them now, just meters away. Yuri had slightly longer arms and had a slight advantage. For once, she would be the victor.


Suddenly, the snitch changed directions. Yuri lost her balance trying to keep up, while Taeyeon was unaffected as she calmly made a sharp turn. Her hand was now mere centimeters from catching the snitch.


Yuri closed her eyes in resignation. ‘It’s over.’


Just as Taeyeon’s hand was about to close in on the snitch, the quaffle came out of nowhere, hitting the snitch out of its original path and blocking Taeyeon from catching it.


“What the?” Taeyeon looked up to see Jessica, who had deliberately thrown the quaffle, come speeding towards her. 


No, not towards her.


Towards the snitch.


Taeyeon tried to follow but was too far behind at this point as Jessica sped right past her. Hyoyeon was also in pursuit, but she was even more helpless. Before either could do anything, small hands closed around both the snitch and the quaffle.


Taeyeon could only stare at the blonde. Ever since Taeyeon became a seeker, there were only one or two times, where she failed to catch the snitch in a match. 


Tiffany gaped at the result. “J-jessica catches the snitch. The Slytherins win.”


Yuri flew up to her friend, still in shock. “Nice play,” she muttered stupidly, her mind still replaying the brilliant win.


“That was some nice flying out there. This couldn’t have been your first time playing. You were amazing. Did you play at Mahoukotoro?” Siwon asked as he flew towards them. He and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were all impressed and slightly wary with the skills of the transfer girl. They all regarded her with interest.


Jessica smiled politely at Siwon. “I did.”


Siwon returned the smile. “Wow, with a Chaser like you, Slytherin might be a bit more of a challenge this year than we thought.”


Jessica raised an eyebrow. “I’m not a Chaser though.”


“Oh.” Siwon was taken back.


“You told me that on the pitch too,” Yuri spoke up. “What position did you play then?”


Jessica turned and gave her friend a dry glare. “I tried to tell you before the match started. I thought you were a Quidditch fan?"


Yuri was confused. "What do you mean? I am a fan."


Jessica hummed unimpressed. "Well, do you follow the World Cup?"


"Of course I do! What kind of fan would I be if I didn't watch the Quidditch Cup?" Yuri asked indignantly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I even collect the figurines!" she declared proudly. 


Jessica chuckled. "Okay, well do you watch the Junior World Cup then?"


Yuri paused. ""


Jessica smirked. "Thought so." She turned around and started to descend. "I was seeker for Japan’s Junior National Quidditch Team.”




Yuri was dumbfounded. She hadn't watched the Junior Cup, but even then she knew about the famous seeker from Japan's Junior Team. The one who helped her country win the Junior Quidditch Cup two times in a row. The one who even had a maneuver named after her. The one who had never not caught the golden snitch.


The one and only athlete number 22, Jung Jessica.


'And yet I was the one telling her not to worry about the snitch.'

AN: Next chapter: 

do you want quidditch trials 


dueling club

Till Next Time


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭