Illusions Pt 3: A Special Family Connection

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

AN: I'd written the first half ages ago and then got writer's block. I finally forced myself to sit down and write the second half, so if it feels weird, that's why. I couldn't be bothered to triple check it.

 (The reason for my motivation is because I was hit with a new idea for a sequel of this story where we will follow OT9 post Hogwarts so now I'm determined to finish this series to get to the sequel lol). 

“When do you think Umma and Appa are coming?” Soojung asked her sister rather absentmindedly as they strided through the bustling halls of Mahoutokoro.


The island was going to be a lot busier and more packed than usual this weekend. The entire school staff was on full preparation mode. Everyone rushed about doing their part to get the school ready for its visitors. Parents and alumni were already coming in by the shipload; giant storm petrels flew over the volcano almost every hour.


It was finally the weekend of the Choosing.


Like the Trials, every magical person in Japan was going to be tuned into the event, either in person, or through magical broadcasting. It was the only event save for graduation in which the school opened its gates and invited the alumni back to its grounds.


Sooyeon made a noncommittal noise in the back of at her sister’s question. “Probably tomorrow. I couldn’t really tell through Umma’s ramblings.”


Soojung allowed her lips to quirk up into a sort of small smirk at that comment. “She’s really excited, huh? Appa couldn’t get a single word in yesterday when we called.”


“She’s missed us,” Sooyeon stated and the two girls fells silent. Their mother acted like such a mother sometimes.


Soojung pursed her lips slightly before looking up at her sister. “So, have you decided yet?” she asked, trying to make the question seem as offhanded as possible. The last time she’d asked her sister was three days ago and her sister hadn’t given her a clear answer.


Sooyeon’s eyes roamed the many decorations, statues, and paintings that adorned the hallways - not really actively seeing anything but it kept her eyes busy.


“You’re wondering if I’ve chosen a Clan?” she clarified, seeing no point in beating around the bush. Ever since the Trials, that’s all anyone’s been interested in. She was bombarded with the question everywhere she went be it the Sensei’s, students, portraits, or even the ghosts. Usually, the question was prefaced with a ‘Congrats on becoming the First Meijin!’


Soojung shrugged. “Can’t help if a girl is curious. And I’m your sister. I feel like I have the right to know before everyone else.” Soojung crinkled her nose cutely in annoyance. “All of my friends and classmates have been badgering me about it, wondering if I knew where you were going to be choose,” she confessed.


Sooyeon turned to look at her younger sister in concern. She didn’t know people had been bothering her little sister too. If it were only her, she would’ve be fine with it. She knew how to deal with people. But her sister?! Who would dare harass her little sister?


“Did anyone bother you?” Sooyeon asked hurriedly, unable to stop herself from overreacting.  Eyebrows furrowed in concern as she scanned Soojung from head to toe for any signs of distress.  


“No, no!” Soojung waved her hands in front of her frantically. Mentally she rolled her eyes. Sometimes, her sister was just like her mother.


“No one bothered me, per say. But a few of them are starting to get on my last nerve. They think I know and I just don’t want to tell, when in reality I really have no idea what you’re thinking.” Soojung looked up helplessly at her sister.


Sooyeon frowned, trying not to smile at how cute the pout looked on Soojung. “I’m sorry,” she apologized in a quiet manner, booping her sister on the nose like she used to do when they were younger. “I didn’t know people had been asking you too.” She looked away from her sister. “I haven’t exactly made a decision yet.”


Soojung whirled around in surprise. “Still?!”


She watched her sister give her a timid nod.


“But the Choosing ceremony is tomorrow!” Soojung gasped. “And you still haven’t decided?!” she waved her arms in exaggerated movements. At this point joining the same Clan as her sister was the least of her worries. At this rate, Sooyeon wasn’t about to be in a Clan. Was that even possible? Leave it to her sister to be the first Mahoutokoro student to ever be clanless.


“I know!” Sooyeon groaned in frustration. For the past week, she’d tortured herself over this decision. “It’s just,” she put an agitated finger to her forehead and let out a sigh before dropping it. “It’s been hard.” Her shoulders sagged. “I don’t know which Clan to pick.”


Soojung exhaled, watching Sooyeon with something akin to sympathy. “I get it - it can be a scary decision to make. Have you at least narrowed down your choices?” Soojung questioned leaning in, hoping to get some sort of privy inside knowledge at her sister’s thought process.


Sooyeon shot her sister a helpless look and Soojung snorted knowingly.


“Didn't think so. You know, Unnie, everyone here at school thinks you’re so put together because you’re the First Meijin and all that but honestly,” Soojung shot her sister a disdainful look. “You’re a mess.”


Sooyeon pouted a little at the betrayal and ruffled her sister’s hair, pulling her in for a hug.


“Hey now, don’t go spilling my secret,” Sooyeon grumbled fondly against the top of Soojung’s head as Soojung struggled to remove herself from Sooyeon’s grip.


“Yah, let go! Just because you’re the First Meijin now you think you can bully me?” Soojung cried from under Sooyeon’s arms.


“No,” Sooyeon deadpanned. “I can bully you because I’m your sister, not because I’m the First.”


The two sisters bickered like that all the way to the cafeteria.


“Go,” Sooyeon nudged her little sister once they reached the cafeteria. “Your friends are over there.”


Soojung looked over in their direction before turning back to her sister and giving her an annoyed look. “I don’t want to go. They’re just going to bother me about you.”


Sooyeon looked at her sister in concern. “Are they really bothering you a lot?” she asked. She knew Soojung brushed it off earlier but her sister tended to keep things to herself. It was something they both had in common. Sooyeon couldn’t help but be worried. The last thing she wanted to do was to bring trouble to her little sister.


“No,” Soojung sighed, looking dejectedly downwards. “I just wanted to eat with you,” she mumbled honestly.


Sooyeon felt herself biting back a grin though it was proving to be impossible. Why did she have the best little sister in the world?


Grabbing her sister by the elbow, she lead her towards a spot away from her friends.


“Come on then. You can keep your Unnie company today,” Sooyeon stated, trying hard to hold herself back from pinching Soojung’s cheeks. She knew that would just embarrass the girl.  


Soojung brightened up immediately and eagerly pulled Sooyeon to her seat.


“Okay,” said Soojung with a deadly serious expression on her face once both sisters were seated. “Tell me your thought process, Unnie. I’m going to help you choose a Clan.”


Sooyeon sighed but she knew full well she couldn’t escape this conversation.


“You can’t keep putting this off, Unnie!” Soojung scolded, feeling like the older sister instead. “You’re visiting the Room of Elements tomorrow! You have to have made a decision by then!”


“Okay, okay,” Sooyeon relented. She looked at Soojung, giving her full reign of the conversation.


“So let’s go through each Clan,” Soojung suggested. “First up, the House of Fire, the Ka Clan.”


“Members of the Fire Clan exhibit attributes such as motivation, desire, intention, an outgoing spirit, drive, and passion,” Sooyeon recited from memory. She’d read the description of each Clan so many times now they were all engraved into her head permanently.


She then looked at Soojung. “I’m too lazy for a Clan like that,” she shrugged before making a face. “They try too hard.”


Soojung rolled her eyes. ‘Says the girl who duels like her life depended on it. There’s no one with more passion than Unnie.’


“I’m more into sleeping,” Sooyeon said, giving her sister a blank look.


Soojung raised an eyebrow in response, but decided not to call her sister out on her blatant lie. She’d caught her sister many times at home practicing her spells in the dead of the night in order to best their mom in her next duel.


“You know Mom was in that Clan right?” Soojung brought up.


Sooyeon nodded. Their mother had been a proud member of the Ka Clan and even became the Clan leader in her seventh year.


“Her name’s engraved in that hallway of all the Clan Leaders ever in the Ka Tower. She was like their two thousandth something Clan leader,” Sooyeon remembered their mother telling them about it. She’d seen it too with her own eyes - her mother’s name among thousands of others.


“Meh,” Sooyeon shrugged. “Not feeling it.”


‘Sorry Mom.’


“Fine,” Soojung flipped her hand waywardly. “What about the House of Water? The Mizu Clan. Their strength lies in emotion, defensiveness, adaptability, and flexibility. I can see you with the Mizu.”


“Really?” Sooyeon picked at her octopus absentmindedly with her chopstick. “You see me being good with emotions?” she looked pointedly at Soojung. Both of them knew they were both terrible at expressing their emotions.


Soojung deflated. “Okay, yeah no. You’re also too stubborn. The Mizu would never choose you either.”


“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Sooyeon shot back dryly.


“Just being honest, Unnie,” Soojung grinned cheekily. “How about the House of Wind, the Kaze Clan?”


‘They’re my personal favorite,’ she added silently. ‘And Dad’s Clan when he was in school.’


“The Kaze Clan?” Sooyeon asked, lost in her thoughts as she pondered over the option. “Open-minded, attitude, carefree, will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom,” she said, listing all the words associated with the Clan. Like her sister, she too had read and re-read the descriptions of each of the clans.


“Why not?” Soojung shrugged. “You’re nice enough though you hide it beneath your scary exterior. You’re definitely elusive and lazy. Does that count as being carefree?” she joked, laughing as Sooyeon glared at her. “Plus, think of Dad’s reaction when he finds out you chose the Kaze Clan.”


“They’re too nice for my taste,” Sooyeon mumbled under her breath. ‘And Chiho-san is in that Clan. I can’t imagine sharing a dormitory with her. She would definitely bother me with her pranks.’


“Fine, the last one is the House of Earth, the Tsuchi Clan,” said Soojung looking exasperated at this point. “People in that clan are known for their confidence, stubbornness, and stability. No offense Unnie, but the only stable thing about you is your sleep schedule, though you are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”


Sooyeon grinned wryly at the veiled insult. Leave it to her sister to be so sharp tongued.


“You honestly do fit most of the qualities of Tsuchi,” Soojung admitted.


Sooyeon waited patiently as Soojung’s voice died out towards the end, suddenly lost in thought. It seemed there was more that the younger Jung had to say.


“But you don’t feel like the earth to me,” said Soojung, her voice small. “The earth is constant, always there. Unnie however…” Soojung’s eyes darted upwards at Sooyeon before the looked back down towards the table.


“I always feel like you’re about to leave Unnie,” Soojung admitted quietly. “Like you’re never satisfied. Like you’re constantly chasing after something.”


“You’re here now, but it doesn’t feel permanent. For some reason, I feel like any moment now you’ll leave and go somewhere out of my grasp where I can’t follow you, Unnie,” Soojung whispered.


Soojung looked up and Sooyeon was surprised to find tears in the younger girl’s eyes.


Shocked, Sooyeon was reminded of the conversation they had three days ago in which Soojung had similarly broken down.


“I’m not going anywhere,” Sooyeon stated alarmed, reaching out her hand to grab Soojung’s in an act of reassurance. “I have no idea where you’re getting this silly notion from, but I’m here to stay. And I’ll always be your sister. Besides, where would I even go? I have everything I need right here. You, Omma, Appa. And all the world’s knowledge on magic all right here,” Sooyeon smiled hoping to convey her sincerity.


Soojung merely sniffled and nodded, hiding her face into her arms. Sooyeon cooed and ruffled her little sister’s hair. Chuckling lightly at the groan she was rewarded with, Sooyeon had a small realization that it was the little moments like these that she treasured the most with Soojung. She relished in the feeling of just having her sister by her side.


“You trust me, don’t you Soojungie,” she asked, her tone light and warm.


“Yeah, yeah. Don’t mind me. It’s just that time of the month,” Soojung grumbled, still refusing to lift her teary face from her arms.


Laughing, Sooyeon picked up her chopsticks again, relieved that her sister seemed fine.


“You know,” Soojung stated suddenly after a minute of comfortable silence. “There technically is still one more clan left.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.


Sooyeon paused her chewing just to give her sister a dead stare before laughing. “Right. Not once in Mahoutokoro history has there ever been more than one student in that clan at school at the same time. The school is more than two thousand years old and there already is a student in that clan,” Sooyeon stated matter of factly.


“You never know Unnie,” Soojung shrugged. “Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to join your Onee-sama. I honestly wouldn’t be that surprised if it happened. I bet it’s going to happen. You heard it here first,” Soojung grinned cheekily.


“Aish, you’re unbelievable,” Sooyeon huffed playfully. “Honestly at this point, I’m just going to leave it to the gods and stop worrying. I’ll end up where I’ll end up”




The day of the Choosing, Sooyeon woke up with a tired mind and an indifferent attitude. She still hadn’t decided which Clan she was going to choose but it didn’t matter anymore. There were only a few more moments left before the start of the official ceremony. Her time had run out. She would just let the gods do their thing.


There were two parts to the Choosing ceremony. The first half of the ceremony was private and took place during the early mornings just minutes after the sun had peeked into the sky. Every first year student would take turns venturing into the Sacred Chambers alone.


Rumors had it that the bodies of the original five founders of Mahoutokoro were buried there, deep under the ground and that their energies could still be felt there. Inside the Sacred Chambers, also known as the Room of Elements, the first years burn incense, get down on their knees, and pray to the ancient gods.


Before the gods, you’re supposed to yield yourself completely and spiritually bare. There was no hiding. If you were lucky, or if the gods liked what they saw, they would lead you to the Clan best suited for you.


Sooyeon leaned over her bed and squinted out the window. She could just see the light rays of the rising sun in the distance. The ceremony had already started she supposed. Luckily for her, the students entered in reverse academic order. In other words, she would be the last to enter the Sacred Chambers so she didn’t need to show up until later.


Deciding that there was no point in antagonizing herself over a question that she hadn’t been able to answer for days, she hopped into the shower. Everyone else was already gone, probably all too nervous or eager for the Choosing.


Sooyeon made sure to put on her best robes. Everything had to be perfect for the gods. Taking a deep breath she headed downstairs. By this point, the sun had finished rising in the east. They were probably looking for her in the main tower now so she hurriedly made her way over.


“There you are,” Asano Sensei huffed as she finally spotted Sooyeon turning around the corner. “Off you go now,” she stated nodding toward the wooden raft that was going to take Sooyeon to the mini island where the Secret Chamber was located. “Everyone else is already there.”


“Do you know which person they’re on?” Sooyeon asked as she carefully boarded the boat. She learned the hard way once that these boats tipped over quite easily when Nana energetically and recklessly jumped aboard. The two took a refreshing swim in the lake that day.


“Kobayashi-san just came back two minutes ago so Renai-san should be in the Chambers right now,” informed Asano Sensei.


Sooyeon quickly searched her brain for the ranking. Renai-san was seventh ranked in their year if she recalled correctly. That meant she’d make it just in time and with some time to spare too. Perfect.


Bidding Asano Sensei farewell, Sooyeon willed the boat to move, not bothering to pull out her wand to perform such a menial task. The ride there was silent and peaceful and only took a total of two minutes. The water was calm as always though there seemed to be a heavy fog this morning. This was good, Sooyeon thought. Fog meant that the spirits were here. It was believed that the fog came in with the spirits to hide their presence from the living world.


As the raft came to a stop, gently bumping the edge of the island, Sooyeon looked up. With all this fog, she could barely make out the huge shrine that was the Secret Chambers. The Chambers was a dark red, embellished with golden dragons and phoenixes. This was the first time she’d ever been so close to the Chambers, but it wasn’t a new sight for her. The Chamber was usually very visible from the rooftops of the main tower of the Jade Pagoda.


Sooyeon started up the beaten down dirt path that lead uphill. As she got closer and closer to the Chamber, the fog grew thicker and thicker. It clung around her body almost in coils. She could feel the wetness in the air. Soon the fog got so thick it was difficult to see more than a few feet in front of her.


The spirits must really be present today, she thought.


She fought the urge to take her wand and cast a lighting spell. It would only disturb the greater forces at work here and the last she wanted to do was to anger the gods.


Because of the thick fog, she nearly walked right into Nana - the back of the girl’s head suddenly appearing a mere few inches from her face. Startled, Sooyeon stumbled two steps backwards as Nana turned around at the sound.


Her friend merely shot her a goofy smile at her. Sooyeon knew Nana was bursting to say something but kept silent out of respect for the dead and in hopes of not scaring away the spirits. Sooyeon in return shot a small smile back.


Satisfied, Nana turned back around, but not before grabbing Sooyeon’s hand, content to just hold it as they stood. The two waited for their turn in silence - Sooyeon just staring at the back of Nana’s head for forty minutes. Their classmates walked past them back downhill once they were done and Sooyeon wondered when it would be her turn. She tried to observe their faces as they walked past, wondering if any of them received any enlightenment from their visit or received a sign from the gods. Their faces told Sooyeon nothing.


Finally it was Nana’s turn. The blonde turned around, winked at Sooyeon, and then rushed into the Chambers, obviously eager. Sooyeon was then left alone. For nearly ten minutes, Sooyeon just stared at the giant metal red door in front of her. She wondered what was taking so long. Most of the students were only in there for five. Yet Nana had been inside for nearly double the time.


Sooyeon started to feel uneasy for some reason, shifting from foot to foot. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the doors opened again and Nana walked out. She grinned passingly at Sooyeon as she walked past. Sooyeon raised an eyebrow questionly at her friend, wondering what happened inside. Nana gave her no hints, merely squeezing her hand as she walked past, wishing her good luck. Turning back to the front, she took a deep breath. It was her turn to face the gods.





“So?” Soojung asked as soon as she was back on the main island. The younger girl’s excitement was palpable. “Did the gods give you any revelations?”


Sooyeon frowned as she slowly shook her head no. She’d been inside for nearly thirty minutes --  waiting. She’d done everything right. She’d lighted the incense, got down on her knees and prayed. And then she waited. For a sign, for revelation, for clarity. Nothing. She got nothing.


At first she thought it was a test. The gods wanted to test her patience. So she kneeled there until her knees bruised. Eventually she gave up. It seemed as if the gods were going to be silent to her. As she left the Chambers she couldn’t help but wonder what the others had experienced.


Some people said they suddenly felt a sense of intense relaxation during prayer. For others, it’s a moment of complete clarity. Sooyeon experienced neither. It seemed as if the gods communicated with everyone except for her.


It didn’t bother her that much. She’ll just go with whatever the gods chose for her.


‘But what if I become the only person in history without a clan? The Unchosen One, they will call me,’ she mused. Wouldn’t that be funny?


‘Whatever happens tonight, happens. Screw it all.’


“Oh,” Soojung frowned mirroring her sister’s expression before forcing herself to brighten up. “Well, that doesn’t matter too much because the important part is yet to come!”


Sooyeon bit back a sigh. “You’re right Soojungie.”


“Oh, there’s Umma and Appa! I finally found them,” Soojung announced trying desperately to change the mood and divert the topic. Soojung quickly waved at their parents who finally spotted them amongst the crowd and headed over, dragging Sooyeon with her.


“Ah! There are my darling baby girls. How are you two,” Umma Jung cooed as soon as they were within arms reach. She reached over to Soojung first, squeezing the girl in a tight hug and planting a big fat kiss on her cheek in greeting.


“Ummaaaaa,” Soojung complained, grimacing as she wiped her cheek. It was then Sooyeon’s turn to be entrapped in Soobin’s embrace.


“I’ve missed my baby girls. Do you kids need money?” she asked as she released them.


“No mom, we’re fine,” Soojung scowled in that pouty teenager way.


“That’s good. Remember, if you need money or anything else-”


“Yeah, yeah, we’ll send an origami,” Soojung interjected, clearly having heard this many times.


“Good,” Soobin nodded, satisfied that her daughters are doing fine. She then turned to her eldest. “How are you feeling? Excited for the Choosing? How did the morning session go?”


Sooyeon gave her mom a weak smile. “It went okay I guess.” She couldn’t burst her mother’s happiness by telling her that she didn’t get any sort of revelation from the morning part of the ceremony.


“Will everyone please take their seats. The Choosing will begin shortly in five minutes,” Asano Sensei’s projected voice sounded. Within seconds everyone was scrambling to get to their seats.


“We’ll be sitting over there,” Jaesun told his daughters amidst the noise as he pointed out to a section on the bleachers. “Make sure to come find us after the ceremony, okay? Good luck Sooyeon!”


“Will do, Appa,” said Sooyeon. The two daughters bid their parents goodbye for now as they went to sent in their respective seats.





“Im Jinah!”


Sooyeon clapped for her friend as her name was called.  She watched as Nana walked up the stairs to the raised platform where the three sticks of incense were burning. She watched as Nana sat down onto her knees, waiting for the reveal. She waited like everyone else in the room to see what would happened. Everything was still for five seconds.


Then suddenly, the smoke started to thicken from the incense. It rose and enveloped Nana, who sat there patiently waiting. The smoke finally revealed its color.




Headmistress Ueno’s voice projected through the room. “The Ka Clan!”


The school erupted into cheers. Sooyeon smiled. Nana had gotten the Clan she wanted. Nana got up from where she was kneeling, bowed to the incense once, and then bowed once more as she turned around to face everyone else. She then made her way to the Ka table where her new Clan members were waiting, welcoming the new member with open arms.


Then the cheering died down. It was Sooyeon’s turn now.


“First Meijin, Jung Sooyeon!”


Sooyeon took a deep breath and stood up. It somehow seemed more silent than usual. Still she didn’t let the silence affect her and walked up to the platform as elegantly as she could. She tried not to look at the floating magical particles of crystal that were filming and broadcasting her every move. She could feel from the tension in the air that everyone was wondering which Clan the newest and youngest Meijin would end up in.


Eyeing the three incense sticks, she kneeled. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and waited.




It had been more than twenty seconds of silence and still nothing had happened. As the seconds passed to

thirty, it was no longer silent. Sooyeon could hear everyone around her muttering.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s taking so long?”

“Why’s nothing happening?”

“Has this happened before?”


She opened her eyes. She still hadn’t been claimed yet. The auditorium was abuzz with chatter at this point. Sooyeon bit back a sob. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her and she didn’t like it. Were the gods really angry at her after all?


Then suddenly, smoke started rising furiously from the incense, quickly covering the platform and Sooyeon in seconds. Though her eyes stung from the smoke, she dared not close them.


It had become silent once more. Everyone watched as the smoke slowly turned from a pale gray to a dark, royal purple.


Sooyeon felt her heart stop.




She’d been Chosen. Her clan had been revealed.


‘Power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness. Those who hold the Sora energy can invoke the power of the Void to connect to the quintessential creative energy of the world. A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense their surroundings and act without thinking, and without using their "physical senses".’


The Clan of Sora was a clan of legends.


She was a Sora.


No one clapped. The auditorium had grown more silent than she’d thought possible. The only thing she could hear was the pounding of her own heart in her ears.


A slow clap seemed to break everyone’s trance. Sooyeon instinctively turned her head towards the sound. It was Reina. Her Onee-sama had stood up a from where she sat alone at a table and was slowly clapping for her. Soon, the clapping caught on and everyone was cheering.


“The gods have chosen!” Ueno headmistress announced, breaking through the deafening cheers and Sooyeon knew once more that she would never be able to have a normal life here at Mahoutokoro.


“Behold, Jung Sooyeon, the newest member of the Sora clan!” Ueno finished. Sooyeon’s legs felt like lead as she maneuvered her way over to the practically empty table.  


“Well, well Sooyeon-chan,” Reina smirked as she locked eyes with her imouto-chan and apparently newest member of the Sora clan. “Welcome to the family, my imouto-chan.” She bowed and Sooyeon scrambled to respond in a similar fashion.


As Sooyeon settled in next to Reina, the girl leaned over and whispered, “Looks like we’re going to be sisters in more ways than one.” And then, more whispers broke out.


Everyone, everyone  was talking about what just happened. About how it was the first time in Mahoutokoro history that they’ve had two Sora clan members attending school at the same time, about how usually there’s only one chosen in every ten years or so, about how all Sora clan members were destined for greatness. Sooyeon tried to block all of this out the best she can.


“Eat,” Reina said simply as if the talking didn’t bother her - it probably didn’t. Nothing bothered Reina. But that didn’t mean they didn’t bother Sooyeon. Still Sooyeon tried to be like her Onee-san and pretended she couldn’t hear everyone whispering her name and talking about her.


Reina dropped an egg roll into her plate and Sooyeon received the action gratefully, picking up her chopsticks with only slightly shaky fingers. She picked up the eggroll, plopped it into , and chewed Everything felt so mechanic and she couldn’t quite taste the food, but it helped. It helped and slowly, Sooyeon forgot about the whispers, if only for a while.




Meanwhile, all around the world...


“So we have a new member, huh?”


“Welcome to the family...little sis.”


"My, my, my. I see the Sora clan is always full of surprises."


AN: Well, I did it. I updated finally. And we are now done with the past! Next chapter we are going back to the present, back to Hogwarts, and back to OT9. 


Till next time, 

Sosh <3

p.s. do you think I should get a new cover pic? any volunteers?

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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭