HyoNic's Past, LunSul's Moment & YoonHyun's Gogumas. 'Wait What?!'

My Star

Hyoyeon’s POV

“N-Nic, w-what are you doing here?” I nervously asked. “H-Hyoyeon.” She lowly said as if she’s whispering. ‘Nicole … what is she doing here?’ My heart raced very fast.

Let me explain to you all. Nicole was my first girlfriend, well my only girlfriend actually, but we decided to break up because we both have busy schedules and our carrier was already taking over every time and moment that we could give to each other. It was a stupid thing to do, but the pressure and stress we receive both in our job and our relationship was tearing everything apart.

Everything was a hindrance that it forced us to just leave each other. Our youth and young mind also gets in the way so we just go over the problem with a hasty decision. It really shattered my heart when we broke up. To be honest I’m not completely over her. I still love her, though I don’t know if she does the same.

“I’m on a vacation with my group. H-how about you, what are you doing here in LA?” I was thankful that she’s not being cold towards me, to be honest, her way of talking is still sweet, like how she used to. “My group is on vacation too, anyway Luna, let’s get going. Amber and Jackie might kill us, especially Sooyoung.” I tried my best to divert my attention to another direction and go away from her. If I stay here anymore longer, I might lose myself and hug her.

We’re almost away from them when Luna yelled, “Its Luna! Nice meeting you, Sulli! Goodbye!” He waved at the tall girl as we walk farther. Half away from Liu’s house, Luna suddenly asked me, “Who is she, Hyung, a girl from your past? You better tell me everything, or much better, tell it to our group. We promise that no hiding of secrets. May it be, personal and private topic or past relationship, right?”

I only nodded. My mind was thinking about other things, both negative and positive. ‘She’s here at LA which means there’s a possibility that I could see her. But if ever I try to approach her, she might only go away.’ Different thoughts kept on popping inside my mind.

I tried to cover my complicated mind with a smile. ‘I should tell my members about this, but for now, let’s not worry about it and have fun.’

Nicole’s POV

“Nic-unnie, is that the guy you‘re talking about? The person you could never forget no matter how much you tried? He’s cute and looks like a happy-go-lucky, energetic type of person. Also, you seemed like you’re still in love with him, Unnie.” Sulli was both complimenting Hyoyeon and cheering me up.

She’s right. I’m still not over with Hyoyeon. No one can ever take Hyoyeon away from my heart and mind. I love him so much, though I wish that he does the same too. A small tear came out from my eye. “You’re correct! I’m still not over him, but that doesn’t mean I’ll push myself to him. I still got you guys, so I’m fine, Sul. Let’s just hurry up, Juno might be whining and pleading for ice cream already.”

I pulled her hand, and dragged her as I ran fast. ‘If there’s a chance, I wish Hyoyeon will be my boyfriend again. I missed him so much.’

Luna’s POV

We finally finished eating, bickering, laughing, and playing. We all arrange ourselves and get ready to sleep. Before I closed my eyes, my mind suddenly remembered someone, and it’s Sulli, the girl I met in the convenient store earlier. I wish I could meet her again. She’s cute, and even if she’s much taller than me, I still somehow … like her. Especially, her baby face.

Yes, it’s LIKE. Though it was a little too fast, but there’s no way I would think of some stranger if I don’t acknowledge or like him or her. ’Yup, I like that cute giant baby! And there’s no doubt about it.’

As the morning comes, we all get ourselves ready, for we will go to the beach house we rented. Even though we insisted not to, Jackie still wanted to drive us there. She threatened us so in the end, we just let her be. Halfway the road trip, Jackie-unnie said that Mr. Liu also gave her some errands to buy some foods so she really does need to go out.

We stopped at a small market to buy it. Yoong asked if he could come in the store with Jackie because there’s something he also wanted to buy. “Just don’t buy too much, okay?” I , making myself earn a playful punch from him.

Yoona’s POV

“What are the things you’re going to buy, Noona? I’ll help to find them quickly for you.” I said as we get inside the market. “Hmm, if that’s the case then … go find the fruits and vegetables while I take the meat and other beverages. Here’s the list of what we need to buy.” Jackie-noona handed me a piece of paper. We parted and go took everything that’s in our lists.

“So let’s see … lettuce and cabbages, tomatoes, apples, orange and grapes, and sweet potatoes.” I take everything that’s written in the list one by one. As I take the last one, which is the sweet potatoes, someone grabbed the one I hold at the same time. The person immediately took away its hand and apologized which made me go into panic-mode.

“I-it’s ok, you can take it.” I gave the sweet potatoes to the person while I bow down as apologize. I heard no reply so I raise my head. When I looked at the person, I was stunned. It’s a girl, a beautiful girl. “No, it’s fine. You can take it, really. I’ll just look for more.” She kindly said as she pushed back the potatoes I’m holding. ‘What an angelic voice.’

“O-ok.” Oh man, I’m blushing! I don’t know why but I want to talk a little more with her so I said, “So, you like sweet potatoes?” She looked at me first before saying, “No. I love gogumas!” She chirped and smiled at me, but she seemed to regret bursting out suddenly, because she immediately covered her face from embarrassment. ‘Maybe she really does love gogumas.’

“Haha, no need to be embarrassed, everyone has something they like or love so it’s normal. Me? I love all kinds of food and I’m totally proud to be called a shikshin!” I gave her my biggest smile as I tell her something about me. “Anyway, are there any more things you’re supposed to get? I can help you if you want.” Hey, it’s not what you’re thinking! I’m not flirting, okay?! I just want to spend a little more time with her, and also help her.

“Hmm … ok! Oh, I’m Junghyun by the way, though I’m much preferred to be called as Seohyun.” I’m beyond happiness when she agreed. And what’s more is she gave me her name!

“I’m Yoona, but if you’re confused then just call me Yoong.” I, again, gave her my biggest smile, a dorky one. We shook hands and laughed at our silliness. We walk through every stall and get the things we need. Some of the things I need are the same with her.

We chit-chat a little, giving some information about ourselves, I told her about my favorites, and my alligator smile while she told me about her affections when it comes to books, gogumas, and Sergeant Keroro. She also told me that her friends sometimes calls her Seororo, while I said that my friends called me ‘doe-eyed-alligator-shik-choding’. Well it’s pretty long nickname, but it’s true though.

We’re both done at taking foods and snacks. We didn’t parted nor stop talking to each other until two noonas, that I think I’ve seen before, showed up with worried expressions. “Seohyun, what took you so long? And why are you smiling at this guy? Who is he?” The tallest noona asked kindly yet sternly like how a mother asked her daughter whenever she came home late.

“Ah, sorry Vic-unnie, I was unaware about the time. By the way, this is Yoona.” I bowed at them. “And Yoong, this is Victoria-unnie and Tiffany-unnie.” After introducing ourselves to each other, Jackie finally appeared, while pushing a cart full of different cuts and varieties of meat and fish, and there’s also some sea foods and shellfish.

“Junghyun, I’m sorry but I must go now, bye-bye! See you next time! You too, Noonas, it’s nice meeting you two. I’ll be going now, thanks for the company.” I respectfully excused myself and waved my hand at them as I go back to Jackie’s side. “Bye, Yoong. I hope I can see you again!” Seohyun said with a genuine smile. With that, we go to the cashier and pay for the things we bought.

“Ok, they’re here. Let’s roll!” Once we came out the store, I heard Taeyeon shout inside the car. Before I could open the car door, Jackie whispered at me, “I saw you with that girl. She’s cute and looks nice. You’re good at picking chicks, Alligator-shi.” She smirked at me, and I just blushed. ‘Well, Jackie-noona is right. She does look cute and nice, though it’s TOO cute and TOO nice.’

“I wish I could see her again soon.” I muttered silently as I get into the car.

Seohyun’s POV

We took a short stop to buy some food stocks. Leo-oppa forgot to fill the fridge of the beach house because of his busy schedule and other hectic works.

Tiffany-unnie goes out first while Vic-unnie and I are checking all the things we bought, just to be sure there’s nothing missing. When we finished checking everything, we walked back to the car. While walking, I was somehow thinking of the guy, Yoona. ‘He’s so cute, especially, his smile. It does looks like an alligator, a cute one though. He’s also friendly and is nice to talk to.’ I was still complimenting inside my mind while Victoria-unnie and I were going back to our car.

“That guy with the doe-eyed face … you looked interested at him. Do you like him?” I was surprised at what Unnie’s said, that I almost tripped at nothing. “N-n-no, Unnie, I-I’m n-no!” Oh my gogumas, why did I stutter too much!

I looked at Vic-unnie and I really don’t like the facial expression she’s using. ‘Oh, please don’t tease me, please don’t!’, “Stuttered much? Hmm … okay, if you say so.” The way she said her sentence looks like it’s nothing, but the truth is she’s secretly teasing me. She then whistle and acted like a love-struck high school girl. “UNNIE!” I ran fast to catch her on our way back to the car. When we’re near the car, we heard Tiff-unnie and Jess-unnie both yelled, “Yah, you two hurry up! We all want to go to the beach already!”

“Oh, Leo-oppa said that he know a short cut to the resort so hurry up!” Sunny followed up while waving at us. “OK!!!” Vic-unnie and I both shouted. ‘Maybe I do am interested at him. After all, I never really liked talking to strangers, and he is the first one to break it.’

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys