The Truth Is

My Star

Hyoyeon’s POV

I was watching ‘Descendants of the Sun’ when Nic suddenly suggested me something, “Hyo, let’s go out for a date.” I shot her a look, and she just gave me a big smile, waiting for my answer. “Ok, but why say it out of the blue?” I didn’t receive any reply except a shrugged shoulders and rolling eyes.

I just sighed and stood up to go to my room so I can change my clothes. “Fine, wait for me, ok?” I patted her head. “Take your time, Fiona.” I playfully rolled my eyes at her while chuckling. “Will happily do, Shrek.”

As I got into the second floor, I saw Sulli and Victoria were standing in front of Lucky A’s room. ‘Yup. Tiffany, Sunny, Jessica, and Seohyun’s room are called Lucky A while Krystal, Sulli, Nicole, and Victoria’s were Lucky B.’

“What are you girls standing there for?” They turned to me with a surprised expression and quickly shushed me up. I nodded my head furiously and silently go beside them. “What’s happening?” I whispered. “Listen carefully so you can hear it, Oppa.” I was confused on what Sulli said but I still did what she told me to. I focused myself over the sound that might come out inside the door.

After a few seconds of concentration, I heard a loud yell from someone inside which surprised me. “Since when are you hiding this from me, huh?! I am your sister, Soojung, yet why didn’t you tell me anything about it?! I woke up clueless on what’s happening around me then all of a sudden, I’ll just hear from someone that you actually have a boyfriend while I had no idea about it, and that was because my own sister is keeping it from me!” Jessica’s voice was booming so loud that it made me flinched a bit.

It’s faint but I can hear Krystal’s whimpering. “Are they fighting? And I thought Krystal was single yet Jessica yelled she isn’t. Seriously, what is really going on? Can someone please explain it to me, even just a little bit so I can understand?” I was pretty ignorant right now but they’re also my friends so I want to know. I heard a heavy sigh and it came from Victoria-noona.

“Come with me. I’ll explain it to you.” I saw the uneasiness over Victoria’s face. “Ok.” I looked back at the closed door one more time before following Vic-noona on the balcony.

Once we’re out, I saw a glance of Seohyun and Yoona riding a bike away from the house. ‘Are they also going on a date or something? But the sky is pretty dark today. Well, they can carry their selves and we’re about to do the same anyway so I got no place to talk.’

“Hyoyeon-shi, you’re a close friend of Amber, right?” Victoria asked away. “Yes. Why did you asked?” She inhaled deeply before starting, “Did Amber ever had a girlfriend or any past relationship, or to be more clearly, did Amber told you guys that he’s in love right now but is struggling over a big conflict?” Her question was really drowning me into a deep sea of confusion.

‘I’m asking about Krystal and Jessica yet, Victoria kept on mentioning Amber. I’m so damn confused now, really!’ I ruffled my hair and answered, “Amber never had a girlfriend or even a fling. He also never had any romantic feelings towards anyone except … Krystal.” She stared at me blankly for good five seconds and it hit me.

“S-so you’re saying that … Amber and Krystal are already together for a long time?!” I shouted in disbelief. Vic-noona ran her palms over her forehead and exhaled loudly. “NO! Amber is in love with Krystal while Krys is on a relationship with this Kai, a member of the group EXO, and Jessica doesn’t have any idea about it. That’s why she’s angrily yelling nonstop at Krystal!” I flinched over her terrifying tone.

“S-sorry, Noona! I get it, I get it! Please, don’t be angry at me.” I quickly bend down while shivering like a scare puppy. For I don’t how many times she did it already, but once again, Vic-noona sighed heavily.

“What’s the deal now? Shouldn’t we be doing something to help them?” I asked worriedly. “No. We can’t do anything but wait for now. We need to let them decide and arrange things for themselves.” She gloomily answered. Now it’s my turn to sigh heavily. ‘Poor Am and Krys, you must be going into something heavy.’ I mentally pitied them.

“I’ll be going now. Nic asked for me to take her out. Please, update me if anything happens, Noona.” I kindly said. “Be careful, ok? Don’t stay out too late.” Vic-noona reminded me like a true mother. “Yes, Umma, we’ll be good. I promise.” I smiled and excused myself to get my clothes change. When I got in the hallway, Sulli was already gone.

Before I could turn the doorknob of our room, Lucky A’s door swung widely open and banged over the wall very hard. I then saw Jessica storming out the room. Her face was really furiously because of anger. Since the door bounced back, it slowly turned to close again. In a very fast glimpse, I say Krystal sobbing with her body completely curve into ball.

“I know you two can pass through this. You both have my trust and support.” I sighed before going inside my room.

Krystal’s POV

“Since when are you hiding this from me, huh?! I am your sister, Soojung, yet why didn’t you tell me anything about it?! I woke up clueless on what’s happening around me then all of a sudden, I’ll just hear from someone that you actually have a boyfriend while I had no idea about it, because my own sister was keeping it from me!” Jessica was shouting furiously at me.

She found me at the garden and all of a sudden, pulled me harshly back inside the house. I flinched but didn’t react because I already know what’s going to happen next. We passed by some of our housemates yet no reactions or even one word was given to them. Once we got inside her room, she locked the door and glared at me with her arms crossed under her chest.

“I-I’m sorry, Unnie. I didn’t mean to hide it from you or from anyone in our g-group and company.” I was trembling so much because of sobbing but I continued, “I was ashamed for myself. I hide things to you and the others even though we promised to never conceal anything to one another. It was stupid and childish, I know. But there’s something I want to confess to you and I promise that this time, it’s true.”

I was hoping for any respond but she just looked straight at me with her fiery eyes. “I-I’m also falling in love with A-Amber, and because of that, I want to ask for your permission to let me talk to Kai for one last time because I want to let him go. I don’t want to cheat over him and lie over my feelings. I know that I still have no rights to ask for a request from you. But please … I’ll do anything. Just give me a chance, Unnie.”

Since she’s still not talking, my hopes was draining fast, and it made me cry louder with my head already hitting the ground. I was completely disheartened when suddenly I felt arms slowly encircling my shoulders. “Shh, stop crying now, my stupid sister.” Jessica’s voice was very calm and her hands gave warmth on my back. “Raise your head, Soojung.” I did what she said and surely, I saw a hint of glee and mockery in her eyes.

“I know that the way I scolded you was pretty harsh and I am sorry for that. As your sister, it hurts me to know that you’re hiding things from me. Remember, we promised to each other to never keep any secret between the two of us no matter how embarrassing or ridiculous it is, right? I understand that I’m a little strict sometimes, but I also know how to back down when you really mean it. All you have to do is to say it to me first, because whatever happens, I’ll be the one who’ll help and support you in the end.”

My sister said sincerely. She kissed my forehead lightly and wiped away my tears with her thumbs. “I am allowing you to go and meet your future ex-boyfriend. And also for my perspectives, I’m also giving you a chance to be in a relationship as long as it’s Amber. I found him suitable to you. Well, I already do anyway even when we’re still kids.” I was really happy right now because my sister forgave me, but then before I could even celebrate, her last sentence stopped me.

“Wait, what do you mean, Unnie?” She looked back at me with a confused expression. “Don’t tell me you don’t remember anything, Soojung?”

‘What do you mean I don’t remember anything, Unnie? Are you saying that I already know Amber from the past?’ I stared at her as if I am waiting for her explanation. “Ok, I’ll tell you everything if you promise to me that we won’t let anyone know that we’re already fine.” I raised a brow at her but agreed anyway.

‘I want to know you more deeply, Amber. Whatever Unnie is going to tell me right now, it won’t ever change this new feeling I have for you. I love you, Am. I know it’s true. And I’m ready let other things go just to let you into my heart.’

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys