Going On A Trip

My Star

Zack’s POV

Everyone was exhausted and dead tired because of the party. They were like robots that automatically turned off after its battery becomes empty. It shuts down and never moves until they’re finally recharged. All of them are sleeping while I’m still up.

I dragged all the girls quietly into their rooms by carrying them in bridal style, while the boys are carried by shoulders. Most of them are sleeping at the couches, chairs, and even on the floor so I must get them to somewhere more comfortable. I was almost done, and the last person I must carry is Victoria. While carrying her upstairs, I can’t fight the urge of looking at her face. Her sleeping image is very beautiful, simply beautiful.

After putting her to the bed, I heard her mumbled, “Thank you … for … everything.” I smiled and reached out to pat her head. “Goodnight Vic, you’re welcome.” I then go out the room and proceed on cleaning our mess. I looked at my watch and saw that it’s already 1:18am. “Guess I have to put all-nighters for these.” I started from picking up all the trash and cleaning the cups, plates, and utensils. I put back inside all the things we took out from the house, like the speakers and foldable tables.

It took my sleeping time to finish it all, and here I am now. Face is completely planted over the ground because of the intense fatigue I received from cleaning everything with low energy. I can’t even move a finger anymore. I just let myself completely slumped over the floor.

“I’ll just close my eyes for a bit.” Just when I was about to close my eyes, my phone ringed. I groaned as the sound of my alarm swallowed the quiet living room. “It’s ... 5:30am ... hmm ... nope.” I turned off the alarm and slump my face back at the cold ground. I also put a cover over my face just for hygiene purpose. I finally let myself to dreamland for good, with a cap over my head and handkerchief tide around my face.

Taeyeon’s POV

I got you babe. I call, I call it chocolate love~~~ *click*

“Is it morning … *yawn* … already?” I turn my alarm off and stretched my whole body when I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my head. I massaged it, and after a while, I started to finally remember what happened last night. “Friendship Party, one of the best parties I had ever since our group’s 5th anniversary. Having fun with my group and friends, and having quality time with Tiffany was very unforgettable.” I get off the bed and go to the wash room.

While washing, a sudden thought came in my mind. ‘How did I end up here anyway? Even my members are sleeping inside, though we all passed out at the living room.’ After doing my morning routine of stretching, washing, and a little exercise, I finally led myself to the living room. I go directly to the kitchen to get some water when I suddenly stepped on something or … someone? I look down and was shocked to see a dead person. “AAHHHH!!!”

I screamed very loud that I think that I woke up the others. “What happened?!”, “What’s going on?!”, “Taeyeon?!” Yuri, Hyoyeon, and Tiffany showed up from the stair case. Their faces were worried as hell. “A-a d-dead body.” I weakly stated as I looked back at the corpse and pointing my finger at it. The three walk closer to where I am and kneeled down. “W-who is h-he?” Yuri asked with a grimaced face.

“I don’t know. I was just walking to the kitchen to get some water when I suddenly step on this guy.” I answered. Amber, Sunny, and Sulli then also came down. “What’s going on in here, and what’s with the scared faces?” Sunny asked. “We found dead.” Hyoyeon simply yet horrified replied to them. They gasped except Amber. We stared at the corpse. No one is uttering a word, just complete silence.

The remaining house members then showed up and did the same, stared at the dead body in silence, but the silenced was broken by Amber’s laugh. “Hey, are you crazy?! Why are you laughing at a dead man?” I angrily said. I was about to grab his neck when Jessica, Krystal, Yuri, and Victoria also laughed. “Hey, what wrong with you people?” Yoona asked. Just then, Tiffany and Hyoyeon laughed. “Okay, I don’t get you guys anymore.”

“D-don’t you understand?! Haha, i-it’s not a dead person.” Hyoyeon said between his laughs. “Huh?” Me, and the remaining people who are not laughing and confused, asked. “Oh come on, guys! It’s not a corpse, it’s Zack-hyung! A dead tired Zack!” Amber finally said as he rolled over the said dead body. He took off the coverings, and I was far from embarrassment when I saw Zack with opened mouth. He’s snoring silently and some beads of saliva were flowing down from the side of his mouth.

“I’m so stupid.”, “No … WE’RE so stupid.” The stupid ones, including me, smack our own faces and sighed together while the others continued on laughing at the sleeping latter.

‘This is so embarrassing! My group and the others will surely make fun of me again later!’ I ruffled my hair in frustration.

Krystal’s POV

We all decided to have some fun outside the beach. We all agreed to go to Hollywood Boulevard for sightseeing, shopping, and some food trip. Victoria was the only one who’s left behind with Zack-oppa. “I don’t want to left Zack here all alone, especially now that he doesn’t feel well. Just go out without me. I’ll take care of everything so don’t worry.” She reasoned out. We can’t do anything but to go along. We all leaved with the cars, Leo-oppa left for us.

“I can’t wait to taste some American dishes!” Sulli, Luna, and the other shikshins yelled happily. I could hear the guys in the other car from Tiffany-unnie’s phone. ‘She really did keep her contact with Taeyeon-oppa, huh?’ The ride was long that it took us total of three hours to go to our destination.

“Yes! Finally, some ground to walk to!” The guys shouted in delight. I looked for Amber and I saw him talking happily on his phone. “Who’s he talking to?” I was frowning while the other girls were already walking in excitement that even Jessica-unnie is being all over enthusiast right now. I just walk together with them, still frowning at Amber. While walking, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I look behind and saw Luna grinning at me.

“What’s bothering you?” He asked. I immediately turned away and said, “Nothing!” I then heard him laughing so I looked back to give him a piece of my glare. He just shrugged though like he’s not scared. “You can’t lie to me, Krystal. And if you’re really not, then why are you looking at Amber like you want to tie him up and torture him just to tell you everything? Come on, Jung. I know you have some feelings towards that dino-llama.”

He stopped for a moment and smiled while I am blushing unconsciously. “If you’re thinking about who’s on the phone then you don’t have to worry. It’s just his and Zack’s sister, Jackie. Let me remind you though. That llama is pretty dense and has zero experience when it comes to over so don’t hope too much if you think he’s a romantic guy.” He patted my head, and go to Sulli’s side.

“Thanks, Lun.” He just waved his hand at me and turned his attention to the giant baby. I momentarily looked at Amber and shook my head before going to his side. ‘Maybe I should not let everything affects me when it comes to Amber. After all, I don’t want to be like my sensitive, super possessive sister.’

“Amber!” He looked up at me and smiled. “Princess!” I’m close to him now that I can hear him and his sister’s conversation on the phone. “Princess?! You mean the girl you’ve been talking about? The one you’re in l--“, “Hey Jack, I think I should go now. I’ll just call you back later, okay? My friends are already far from where I am so bye!” The person on the phone didn’t seem to finish its sentence because Amber quickly said goodbye and put back his phone into his pocket.

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ill try working on this once i have the time. work and study is gonna kill me


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23 streak #1
Chapter 29: It's okay author... We will just wait for you..
While my laptop is still on a deep sleep making me go on a long hiatus, I thought why not just make something for a while for my come back. So right now my crazy brain had a new story idea. Its a TWICE story where Park Jihyo is the leading lady.

I want your guys help and answer my question SERIOUSLY. What pairing do you prefer? JiTzu or Jihyo x You??? Pls answer this quickly so I can start it up. Thank you, Zekken out!!
me try my best to~~!!!
Chapter 25: Update author-nim pwease....
You're a Filipino Me too!!
Popcorn01 #6
Chapter 25: Wowwwww..... Ppali ppali make an uodate again!!
Chapter 24: a very long chapter to cover my long absence, teaser for chapter 25

“I guess it will rain down soon.”
“I know you can’t resist me.”
“Hey, isn’t that Krystal? Who is she talking to?”
“Yeah and that guy … if I am not wrong, he’s Kai from EXO.”
“Should I go and interfere?”
“No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let’s just keep our selves low and watch. Only make an action if something bad happens.”
“Oh no, this is bad!”
“Stop it, Am! He’s already down and had enough!”
‘I know it’s you. God, for the third time, you scared the out of me, Yiyun. Seriously!’
Tnks. I decided to dig out more on kryber first bfore the others . Really appreciate you guys